I Yesterdaq's Football Practice. Masonic Meeting. Gmnaium Work.
All of the football men reported Last Saturday evening the Uni- This year for the first time gymna-
for practice yesterday except Caley, versity Masonic Club held the first of sium work will be compulsory But
whose shoulder is bothering him a a series of entertainments to be given as ahost everybody knows, it is re-
T T little and will keep him out of prac. by the club to its student nmembers, quired only ot the treshmnen in the
FALLSUITINGS ice for day or two. None of the the members of the faculty and the Literary and Engineering depart-
FINE FALL SUITINGS. r other players appeared to be any the local Masonic brethren. The follow- meets. For them the work will be-
worse for wear on account of Satur. ing program was exceptionally well gin next Tuesday, Nov. 1st, when
E E day's game. The practice did not rendered and an enjoyable time was the first classes will meet. Eight
continue long, but was hard while it had by all present: classes will be formed and the stu-
lasted. Hannon was put at full on Selections-Piano. Mr. Riolsky dent may have his choice of entering
TES T the 'Varsity, but is not yet in good Vocal Solo..............................Mr. rasany one
S WE CARRY THE LARGEST T condition and did not stay long in selections-Violin...............Mr. Levison part of the work in one class and the
STOCK A the game. Oversith lined up for calSol............................Mr. Hayes remaider in another, but must elect
gRecitations.............................Mr. Bush his full time from one class. The
CITY. the first time siice his accident and
" " played center on the Scrubs. Remarks then followed by ex- boys classes will meet as follows:
Avery scored a touchdown for the Pres. Cole, of the club, Prof. Taylor Monday and Thursday: No. 1, at
LL Scrubs near the beginning of the and Dr. Hinsdale. The address of 11:15; No. 2, 4:15; No. 3, at 5:15;
npractice. Both sides succeeded in the evening, however, was by a guest No. 4, at 8:00. Tuesday and Fri
getting off several punts each, but of the club, Rev. M. F. Carey, of day: No. 5, at 11:15; No. 6, at 4:15;
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Teetzel's try at place kick froii 3J Ireland, who spoke o the history of o. 7, iat 5:15; No. , at 8:00. Nos.
R H yard line was blocked by the Scrubs, Masonry, on which subject Mr. 4 and 8 of the girls classes will meet
Allen breaking through the 'Varsity's Carey has published a book. at 3:15 istead of 8:00. It will be
line Prior to the musical program an noticed that there are no classes oi
Below is the line up: informal banquet was served. A Wednesday and Saturday.
large number of new members were Those required to take this work
- Ars ..iersmt dded to tie clib's membership and must report at the Gymnasium office
++++++++++++++++++++++n+. O les te club promises to have an ex- some time before night. Beginning
You May Have e ..1-.----. .. --.- . - --.-. . ...Kramer ceedingly successful year. 'There today the registration blanks will be
+ Larson, Steckle...rtM...o.....Me onald was a very large attendance. in the Directors office and each stu-
Forgotten White........1.t... "Mag" Snow, ident must go and register for the
YOUR TOOTH BRUSH, Snow, reehHel. r H.. s Troubles of Wisconsin. class in which he wishes to take the
YOUR BLACKING BRUSH, -Hicks.... .....1.e.... e.. .Richardson The threatened action of the Uni. work. He iii them le ssigmed m
or YOUR WHsK-BROOI2, 4Talcott............q.. ......... Street versity of Wisconsin, in regard to m her wichs mi be time same as
-eny myb- e at Wiman. is. . very rescinding the degrees of Maymbury ome em t gymnsism Ilomr. He
aonyuealimo., 'nN o 1ale $ Hannon,Weks...f.... Weeus, Malonef and Cochems is attracting wide at- must be over tis floor number at
lave them lal i iup-to-date stlie tention. We clip the following from every meeting of the class, otherwise
oplete ggi s ai "Grads" Hale Strong Eleen thee will be marked absent, the same
.n~,5ta. Grads Ba. Ston E.e. tie's W rld"clm fl ar-ms if Isis seat were vacant 1mm a reel-
WILDER'S PHARMACY + Graduate Director Baird is quite per's Weekly: .tatio.Those ofthe Literary and
s3 south state street g enthusiastic over the prospects for a "Report comes from the Univer-
+++ +4+ ++44+4++4 successful game next Saturday with sity of Wisconsin of a complicated Engieer freshmen whs fail to take
-- the alumni. The old players who case of college discipline, in which t.is merk, except such as are x-
DON'T FORGET have already promised to be here and politics, athletics, and rival powers in cused from it by the President, will
the OLD) RELIABLE to play are the following: the university are badly mixed up. not receive credit at the end of the
House. Hot and cold lunches "Duke" Denby will play center The Athletic Council of the univer- semester for other work which they
at all hours. Chocolates and tee s have done. Therefore it is necessary
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and rush. "Buck" Hal,orpresent sity has cobmpassedtJ Ma u r for all who do not vast to get into
Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- coach, and Steveso, '97 L., of professionasm, of ames yu serious trouble to register this week
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Rockport, Ind., will be the guards. sprinter, and Henry Cochems, captain o . to . .
308S o. State Street The latter never played here at Mich- of the football team. The faculty A physical examination is not re-
---- __ -_- - igan, but played on Pardue and Chi- sustains the council and proposes to quired before entering the classes.
cago Athletic Association, and was rescind degrees already given to these But all freshmen must take one be-
u I~piiuU U the only western player ever placed men. The Board of Regentsis op- fore the end of the semester. So far
w pon an All-Aumerican team. posed to expulsion, and frantic at this year, about three hundred have
Tooth BrUs SPa ienniger, Mag Som and thiea-of rscining egumes. Tue been exami"ed amd give their charts.
Malley will play tackle. It is not students of the university side with For the benefit of those unacquaimted
TheTooths Brushesthat certain as yet that Villa will be here. the regents. Maybury and Cochems with the gymnasium rules, it uight
god br2u5es anrdae,re 'Gill" Price, '95 L., and Farnham have both been active in1 politics be said that this exanmation is free
well made. If you should have both promised to play end. F el- especially Cocsems, who wrote "The to all wis-ish it.
get one that sheds its ver will play quarter. ''Jimmie" Truth About Money," used in Wis- Adelphi Winners.
bristles Baird can not yet tell whether he consin in the last Presidential elec-
I WILL will be here or not. Dyer and Per. tion, and spent nine weeks on the At time preimiunary debate of the
REPLACE IT. bert will play the halves and ''Nate" stump, so the Republican State Cen- Adelphi Society, Saturday night,
Duffy full. tral Committee has interested itself Lafayette Young won first place,
E. E. CALKINS. The followng have not yet prom in the case, and proposes to have the .on . Ho eonadH
ised absolutely that they will be here, expulsion quashed. What the up- Reed third. The judges were Dr.
but it is very probable that most of shot will be has not yet transpired, Effinger, Dr. Geston and Paul
them vwil: Carr, Hiadden, Hutchin. but it seems a fine fight in a gosd Moody.
son, Larry Grosh, Leonard and Roger cause, and no one can say any longer hle final preliminary of the society
GYM. SUIS AND Sherman have all signified their in- that the Western universitieslhave will be hel next Saturday nght.
tention of playing if they can possi. not waked up to the importance of lhe affirmative speakers will be:
SWEATERS. bly arrange to be here, clean methods in sport." Messrs. Harrison, Hurrey and French.
Those on the negative will be: Messrs.
Freshman Toastmaster.. - Young, Van Hook, and Reed. The
Os~e teuk i t~m mostI chatting with oe of te Notre
Our Stock is the most' Incttgwthneo hNtr judges have not yet been announced.
complete in the city, and We Can At a meeting of representatives of Damns football men after the gamejnn
Save Yua Iaidse-man'Pofit the freshman literary class at the Saturday, te DAiY was informed y secretary
as we buy iu~eui from the manuinn. ltrr ',,. By direction of theserty of
turers as ihave them made to ouar Chi Psi House, Sunday afternoon, that Michigan had no "snap' in war, Maj. Victor C. Vaughan, divis-
pem-alsorde. Mr. Standart of the Sigma Phi fra- Illinois, that while Notre Dame de ion surgeon of the board of medical
ternity was chosen toastmaster, every feated the suckers, yet the Champamgn officers appointed to investigate ty-
fraternity except Delta Tau Delta was team contained some very strong phoid fever in camps, is assigned to
represented, so it is thought, there material and probably would have duty in Washington for two months
TWO STORES will be no further contest whatever made a better fight had they not ex- to complete his report.
Up Town Down Down for the position. Mr. Standart's perimented on Notre Dame with new
State St. Opp. Court Hou brother was freshman toastmaster of plays, thinking the latter team would Cornell has an increase of tweni-
sain Street the '98 class. be no formidable opponent. five per cent in freshman Greek.