A Nw Cnnea!Sensible
New Course Goes Into Effect Next Twenty Lectures and Entertain-I
September. eis..
tho Announnemtent of the aw de- tUnity~ Club has ben at work for the z The society or organization
gartment for net. year; which will pas ttuoth onil ts prgramt for neoxt a t which has its
be issued in a tow dys,; will be re- Year. It will aaln oer a coure ofc
ceheed It especial inters cue nts, Tihe attractions w'il be astwn letr su ohrn ta- PR G A S
f the Inception of tit three yar good as any offeed In the pat, p rs m MEASNU CAR D)'S,
ours. next fall. Tberoqurements ent probabilities are that the course
for admission have boen chlanged will Include lectures by Rev. M . J xwET .
somewhat and in 187 additional t- Savage, f Boston, D. E. L. Reford, Printed at the
ciirements will go into effet which Of Beston, Rev John 'Snyder, of St. r f e t
will raise the Standard appreciably. Louis, Jamea Itay Appbete, of Bo--
iThere will be live classsof-sudnt ton (hree new Shakespeare etorts) THE HA.WKEYE, JR.,
In he aw epatmet nxt ear ac Co. L $,Brockway, of Elmira, N. Y R
cording to the new arrangemnent. They (sperinteudent of tie Reformiatoy will accommodate dim foe.lex tOliloaded WE CAN SUIT YOU
will be known as first year students, irision), MroHeen H. Gadener, tit. riunuloadedioroaddayiieht. Gls Plate __________________
second year students, third year st- <einent novelst 1Rev. SYW , Fenn, en be used witout any extra attehments. _V
clont, graduateo and special students. of Chicago, Prof. J. AW. Langley, o I E $
Applicants fo entrance to the first Cleveland, Rev. Red Stuart, of D-
year class must ho at least egitaen troit, at finely illustrated letre iby Icludng Suliht Film for 12 exposures. -G ES
wtr,- of age, speial students and Rev. L. S. MCollester, ot Detroit, Sed foe Catloue sesribig sit kinds ol
tend year tmrn musuthe at leaul lectures by several leading university Cameras and Accessories. 1
bin teen, and graduate studets musitprofessos, a Grmal Heine Eveinug, The Blair Camera Co.,
he ait least tweny years at age upon an Irish 'Tom Moore Evening, perhapsg. 1
admission. a Soch Sir 'Walter Scott Evening;, a 41 Teomnt St., Boston, Mass.
The applicants if candidates for a Grand Armty Evetinug, at Dranait Is the LEDIN SCOOL OF BiINE55edSOR
degree, lutst take exanminaton in the Evening, and two Musial Eveniig,,. HAAND15. Magificet buildisg; tee teachers irf
floigbranches, unless exempt as COMMUNICATION. UILU Wa I jjtj srendrradieruoom; diy lectesrns; Saturdat
heetfoe ~ rauae fa *** umw .ssuorecoptios;opnadsietheetire spriwyear. Ecep
hrtfeby being:ag'a E' fa 'ocl facilitie fer plcig studets is "pssssa
university, college or Ilttgit school, or Editors of the LT. of M. Dily: T 3 oard and rooms So to i2.75 pe week te pivate
having been a matriculate Of iatnut- In behalf, nt only of miy sef, 'ut t , . sdu. Pr Caaloge address
versity- or college: Arthbmetic ge- lany othes, I rosetfully ask stace Solid trough troius between Toledo, Oo -r° . CLARY. Pr...
and Cbarlsto, . Va. va Columbus, the
grapby, gramnmoat, spelling, tie art of for a wort of regret and protest re- sort and only direct route. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
coutpsition, Uinitett States and Eug- arding the introductioni of stmoking BEWEN
lish history. at the oterwise successful 'anid ad- Toledo, . OF ANN ARBOR.
In Septentho'r, 1897, the entrance e- nmirale alumni banquet of yesterday. Findlay, . Organzd 150.
aminatius will be made more severe, The cigars were certainly a surprise; Kenton, . Capital, 1100,00D. Srpusesd roits, 140,000
embracing the following subjects: to many, and turned what would Columbus, . Pue6g exchanges ought adand. Furuiuh
English literature, algebra and plaue otherwise have bon a most delight- Athens, .letr of credit.
geometry, United Stoles and English fill occasion to all, into otto of un- Middleport, O P. BACH re. S. W. CLARcSON. Canhier.
history, civil -government, and English necessary discoumfort to not a fnrw met r.PesnW a Pomery, O. THE ANN ARBOR AINGS ANK1
language compolisition fand rhetoric, n tl oewniu.T esr.An Arbor, Blo. Caital Stock, $50,000
Th'aopia o h ite eas eor h so n bgn(btnt Richmond, Va. Surplosc$, S~Ot.
Tilse exadopionof iloureewiyears'before theiogasiktiw ean btts ot PtrsugV.Organied undrte Geserl Baking Law.
couseitatfal f ousewil ut efreth ccas er pssd rondil Old Point Comfort, Va. of Iis State, Recoloes deposaits. byand
allfect he members of teclass of the Presideit half apoloized, atd ells eshge on the priepal cities of the
'1), ho il bt gadute net unesad tatif ll )rset, b-Williamsburg, V. Uited Sae. Drft cased uopun proper
1iwowl egautdnetJn adta fayldiii ei h es a detifiato. Safety deposit baes to rot.
as te lose class under the two ears' jeted to smoking tey wold please NortolksVa. ROrrICES Chis~tia Cak s.; Dk
system. Thte conditions as 'to "one rise and let it be known. But did Cofokoo.Himran11, J rto ;xChasut:anIrsD
thishel l aulrs? id e fr amo- Ad alt southeastern ponts. Elegant
year men'" will remain as heretofore, hshl atrt i u o u-draw iu oom cus on altthroutrains,.
as rgard enhnce extfall. In 18900m01t1 suppose that umdr suchu crclmo-For furter iormtioncall on your lcisi at n t e
areadenrneuotTicket Agent, r write P Lat n o ty p e
attoineys at law anid students who tances any lady would make hrslf MULTON HOtK, Gent TPass. o 0. _________________
have -attended another lauw shlool for enspicious by rising, io mater how W. A. PETERS, Mihifan Pass. Aefet, O
one year will be adnmitted to the se- disagreeable or sickening tobacco Detroi Micu. The latest thing Ie PfOTORAHIY
end year class witha examination.soke night be o her. Thin' thett
Students whlo have coumpleted two ladies presett, as well as, the non ANN ARBOR B Si R R Y M~I A N 'S.
yeamrs work in any approved law snmokintg ien, 'svre simply compelled STEAM DYE WORKS. 6 E. turon t. Seciat Rates to Sniors.
school, whether or not they have re- either to endure the sumoking or leave Lade' ad Get' Clothig Clened MERCHANT. TAILORING6
ceived a degree for their work, wlii the room. 'Was this courteotms or or Dyed. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairig
be admitted to the third year class. proper treatment in a metillg wit re S W. HURON ST.. ANN ARBOR. doe neatly by
After next fall the gradnate course all have qual rights,? - UG. SCHOENEWALD. 26 E. Washington
will be open only to applicants who Is it said that smoking is customary p V1TM. Rol F5TTpm (! EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!I
huves comipleted .the work of a three at such banquets? Thes writer of this FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING 15 EAST HURON STEET.
years course. was present not long ago at Cle alum- Corner of State ad William st.. Good Woes Guarateed. Good caled for
Prof. Harty B. Hutchins, who as- nli banque t of one of the largestuti- William St. era-ne. and delivered. A. F. COVET, Prp.
sumes the duies of dean of the law versities of the country, and cetain-
schol next fall is in the city attend- ly smoking woe not introduced thire. Ds you want boarder? If so, ad-UA flTrn n CATERER,
lu ertiso yyur board in the Daily. H N S E F R 2 :o kig
,gthe eomencement 'xecie, te- d nt elev t s usomryatto us
guest of President Angell, alumni banquets generally, at lea- TSTO D Vt iOUthe waertrr ITblr Feed-thperf.OtM
wvhere ladies are present. But i itTS HARDTO D WIH U cotie
JUST A iILOMENT, PLEASE. t, then ss much the worse for the CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
Tho progressive and aggressive rail- custom. A practice which so violates mm
ways been the leadr. t now pub- troduced where 'it does not exist.
lishes (7 distinct systems of transper- Les"falde t eu npaea
as isdone y man, it aa 12 earsn ours. l MsitseRm OFlcaRt Thsk ea er 'A nc
lotion. Separated into divisional lines a grat co-edicationat -university like T e F 'k T a h r .A e c
asI oeb ay ths13 rn- us MSE FAT.--prtation lisnes represented.- A full_________
list will be mailed upon application to COMMENCEMENT CALENDAR. EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.,
any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. Thurs., June 27-Fiftyfirst annual
MCOULTON HOU. G. P. A., commencement; 9 a. in., procession 355 Wabash Ave., - - Chiago, Illinois.
Toledo, Ohio. forms at law building. 10 a. m., com-
The D. al C. new steamers are now mencemnent exercises, University Hall. Asburto Place, 0 Fifth Avenue, 801 Twelfth Street, WA abash Avenue
running four trips per week btween Oration by Jamnes H. Canfeld, LL. D. BOSTON, MAOS. NEW TORY N. Y. WAS~HINGTON, . C. CHICAO, ILL
foledo, Detroit and Mackinaw. Send For Sale Chop-English Setter Pup-32 Church Street,-42 Century Sldg, OLYMPIA, 2O/S. Splng Street
for their illustrated pamplets, Mid- pies. Standard bred. By Duke Of TORIONTO, CAN. 'MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WASHINGTON. LOS ANELES, CAt
sumner Vyages to Makinaw- Ad- York BBW)Q and Scato Girl 17746.