TH V . O0 M* DAILY. A Nw Cnnea!Sensible New Course Goes Into Effect Next Twenty Lectures and Entertain-I September. eis.. tho Announnemtent of the aw de- tUnity~ Club has ben at work for the z The society or organization gartment for net. year; which will pas ttuoth onil ts prgramt for neoxt a t which has its be issued in a tow dys,; will be re- Year. It will aaln oer a coure ofc ceheed It especial inters cue nts, Tihe attractions w'il be astwn letr su ohrn ta- PR G A S f the Inception of tit three yar good as any offeed In the pat, p rs m MEASNU CAR D)'S, ours. next fall. Tberoqurements ent probabilities are that the course for admission have boen chlanged will Include lectures by Rev. M . J xwET . somewhat and in 187 additional t- Savage, f Boston, D. E. L. Reford, Printed at the ciirements will go into effet which Of Beston, Rev John 'Snyder, of St. r f e t will raise the Standard appreciably. Louis, Jamea Itay Appbete, of Bo-- iThere will be live classsof-sudnt ton (hree new Shakespeare etorts) THE HA.WKEYE, JR., In he aw epatmet nxt ear ac Co. L $,Brockway, of Elmira, N. Y R cording to the new arrangemnent. They (sperinteudent of tie Reformiatoy will accommodate dim foe.lex tOliloaded WE CAN SUIT YOU will be known as first year students, irision), MroHeen H. Gadener, tit. riunuloadedioroaddayiieht. Gls Plate __________________ second year students, third year st-