. L LLLJ43
1" C *' Will Be the Leading Feature of To-
day's Program.
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) durnsg
the College yesr, at The board of regenits mleet at, 10
THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGkN. o'clack tisemnorning. Iri theoafter'-
Oraxus: Times building N. Mlain st., opposite noon the '95 class day exercises 1% 1ll
post office. tb' held under Tappan O~ak, feliited
J. A. LEuqx. 's, Manging Ed.titor.
A. W. SITH, Special, Assistat.
WI. A. SILL, '90 L, Assistant.
E. tR. SussniuAls, '9, Assitant.
H, O Esus.'i, Athletic Editor.
G. B. Hwnnsu, *'6iL, Bsiess Maager.
L. R. HAMBEN.'96 L. Assistat.
Associate Editors.
H. A. Dacer, '5. E. L. Evas, '55t.
L. A. Pratt, 't. Carrie V. Smith, '6.
C. A. Houghton, '50D. G. A. leath'96 P.-
Minnie Thompson, '7 1. It. Gammon '8 M.
C. H. arel, '5. S. E. Knappe, '5.
J.T.S. Fisay, '98.
Throutgh the generosity of the sate
iegisature the trs'es of the Univer
siy of Illinois hve lately been en
abled to increase largely the force of
the natural history d partmnin. Dr.
C. A. Kfoid, who ihas been profesr
of vertebrate morphology ter, uriig
t he past year, has beei apploited
stietieitdett of tileIlliinois iver
bioogicali stition. t is evidnt that
the tliniois legisattre tils more re-
gard for its state university than thas
tile. legisattre of Miciga.
Tb2 Harvard Daily News tas coi-
pillicitalist of ti . tiiiibers lsted by
each college daily dtrig te yar
19945. Tic' list shows that the Har-
vardt Daily News isstes 213 numube r;
Htarvard Crimson 212, Yale News 202.
1. of M. Daily i180, Browit Daily ier.
aid 10, Cornell Sun Dill, Wisclsili
Cardinal i06, Pritic'tonian W0,0 Peni-
sylvania 15. 'The greater ntuber is,
sued by ti' tHarvard and Yale dailies
IS tde to the' fact that iiise tnive-
sities open1 two or tir: e weeks earler
than does ichigan. Net year te'
U,. of N. Dailyxiii iste abot 25
iuii<its, begiiiing Septeiibi' 2 ad
closing probatbly' Julie 2(, te day
after Commtencementf.
Sexton's Work at Boston.
The Botcn Herald has the folowing
io say o' Sxton ill te'fist goe
xvhich letitchied there, against Brook.
lyn last week:
'The occasion was conspicuous for
the debut of Pitcher Sexton as a ful-
dledged prfessiona, and the debut
was a complete success. Only in the
eighth was lie btted for consecutive
hits; then three were iade off hilt.
Hie is every Inchla bali player, and no
Boston pitcher, or for tat matter ay
pitcher, caii watch the bases with hiimi.
He is quick ts a flash aid very accu-]
rats in his thrvowing. lte is vey quicki
tin his feet aiid backs up superbly.
Oniy two hits were made of him the
firs' f'e Innins. He received much
applause w'len lie wve'nt in te box ad
first tobk hs place at the bat. It was
evident that man' of the Si ttos at.
tended e' cus wb iasth tration."S
'h ecls of '85 holsItsreunion 1
ly"r the presiltation of tae httst of
President Angedl. At 9 p). in. the sen-
ior reception in the gynieasitslii sill
epen with t#he grand 'marchi. 'To'
p'rograini of dances is as f=oiioxvs:
1. Wate-Love's Dreamland.----Roed.
2Tao Step-Honeymoon---. B--- osey
3. Two Step-dean Ideal-___..__Sos~sa
d. 'Wate-lNeParis --------vahauka
5. Two Step-Loyal Legion ------------ Sousa
0. Watz-Andalucia.-------La Thiere
7. Wate-Robin Hlood.-------DeKoven
8. Two.Step-lastus on Parade.---t ills
5. Two Step-Ltiberty Hell.-------Sousa
10. Waltz-Passing 5how.--------urst
11. Tao Step-Mamie, Come Kits Your
Honey Boy. . ..---- --------Mills
11. Tao Step-Manhattan Beach.---Sousa
13, Wtalz-iRob IRoy. ..---------t-feoves
14. Two Step-Corcoran Cadets-.---Sousa
15. WIatz-FencincMaster ---------IteKoven
i. Tao tep-Krtnotiie.--------Norrts
2. waiez-Santiag------. . .----Corbin
,3 Waltz-Laxspagnole._______Metra
4. Two Step-American Cavalry -- ne-Fust
5Two Step-Directorate ------- oosa
6. Waltz-DreamsofgChildhood .xvaldteucei
7. Tao Step-Gladiator..--------Sousa
s. 'Watz-Rleverie-------- v- aidteafei
s. waltt-Fantasie. ..----------Coote
i1. Waltz-Auf wiedersehen.-----Batley
chereinser's Orctle tea, of lDetroit,
will play the( regtular nituibters aiid
the C quaiegous the intermissions.
'Tie' decorations, to wvicih eisp'ciasl it-
tenitioni has h.-isl paidl this yoarlie,
by Stabler, who thll added son"i'' nw
feattures.fiaiigsterfer xwiii eater.
The receptionl coliliitt'' e;annoumic.,
thtilirxslela a cotuple come 0on a. class
ticket, otie of thlen)inust be i serdor.
'Tickets mlust be' iiad ' otut in the name
of till' p'rson xw'ho presen1ts tlh'em.
Gallery tickits for sp~ectator's ar('oil
saile at St0('('nts eacti tnt may tI)'oh
twinel'd of '1'leasttre'r Buselin iii te)'-
xx'. ci's office frolln 8:40t to 9:15 a. in.
aiii 4 to 4:30 p. in. todlay.t
1.N. Gleatonl, '9t2, of Cleveland, 0..
has Lienti xisitit,41in ti oxvln.
Miss Ag nes Atwxood, fornierly wili
was behind, xwas sxvamped by the, ref.
eree's boat.
Six hundred and ninety-one- seniors
in the variou'a departments xviii be
recommecndeit to thio regents for de-
tgrees today.
Ti'Ann Arbor High Schiool Alammni
association has a plan for establish-.
lurg dyve schiolarships of $20 cacti in
th' University for studetnts of that
higth schiool.
This morning's Detroit Free, Press
contains a cut aind sketch of Miiss
Mlarian Parker, '95 C. E., tile first
xvolltn to geltdtat froinasnty of tile
engineering coutrses of the U'niversity.
Vat' xxwouild likle to arrange a tboait
racerxxithi Oxford next year- ox'sitig
to the agreement Harxvard has madle
xxithi Cornll, xwhiche msC11to umtke an
Am~ericanl race imipossible.
(Continued from First Page.)
intentfiots xithithe fiue presene xwhicth
lie pass Qss.
Saitford ft. Baler, ini his class poem,1
1111161 a good iipress 5ioni upon floe.
till rieir of tie hall,. howxexer, his veice
'The x'aI dietory fby f'liio (G. ittri'-
thaln xx'as soniexx'at nilox1iin chalr-
'f,-teat thleidelivery xx'as geood. S,',v
'titi selec'tionisby the Cllequatnegolls
xxe'e, illteeslrsced ini the, lifeiary pro-l
grain aiid serx'ed to Enliveniti.
"Six Love Songs,"
By FrashkE. Sawyer. Translatioss of Sis
of (iscn's Sfiest lyrcint exq uisite musical
settisgs. Heavy Paper, 75 cents.
The stIadard collectton of Coltege Songs.
Over 300,000 sold. Heavy. Paper, 50
cents; Cloth, Gilt, $1.00.
Only hock of 'rhohe iss:publtsthed. The
sonsx of tile leadisgecolleges for aomen.
Heavy Paper. $1.00.
Arc superior to any others. The
Victor League Ball and the Victor
Tentis Ball show the finest con-
atruction and the greatest dura-
bility. There is but one best-
our trade-mark garantees it.
Makers of Victor Bicycles.
Boston. New Yorh. Detroit. Denver.
San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland.
B. S'CAOILE1I, Agest, 11 W. tashingionsSt.
Visit this Bintorical Island, whirls is the
grandest summer resort on the Great
'thes. It only costs shout $13 from
Detroit:; $19 from Toledo ; $18 from
Cleveland, for the round trip, includhing
tiealsand berths. Avoid the heat and
last by triaveling on the D. & C. floaing
sotlaces. The attrnctions of a .trip te thie
tlschitisc region are unsurpassed. Them
a.lajol itself is n grand romantic spot, its
'lullate msost invigorating. Two new
,tttel passenger steamers hanve just been
lilitt for the upper lake route, conting
M0t0,000 each. Thley are equipped wills
.'ver~v modern convenience, annunciators,
olati rootms, etc., illuminated thsrotughout
,y electricity, and sre guaranteed to ho
''.ic gratidcst, largest and safest steamers
.r f reesvwter. These steamers favorably
ounpare with itie great ocean liners in con-
traction antd speed. Four trips per week
etaren Toledo, Detroit, .Alpena, Machi-
lic. St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago. "Soo,,"
'locrqletle aiid Duluth. Daily between
')c'velu',d and Detroit, and Cleveland andi
lPm-io-ly~. The palatial equipment
:aistraveling on these sieamers thor-
ughhly enjoyable'. Send for illustrated
'sertPtivo pamfphlet. Addrens A A.
- l'sTI 0,G.P. A.,D. &C.Detroit, Alict.
'9,is a guest of Mtis.itini iehelt'es.
lred Britteti. of the Detroit Evening
Next's staff, is here to xvr'detp thl"
Cotntenemiient exercises.
Harry Rtandall, 'J3t, is hmotme froml
Bamy City, where ill' has beeii teaich-.
ing duttiing the past year.
F. H. Chamberlain, '"9t L, of Mitans-
t('e, xsas tuarried here ,yestierday to.
Mtiss Sophia.tHartmian, of t hiscity.
Atiss Mlarjorie Paine, '05, hiss se-
cured the position of principal in tile
Big fRapids, schools for the coiniing
Dr. D. A. StacLachian, of the homIe-
opaillic faculty, has been elected vice(
president of the Atncrican tustilullitof
In the triangular boat race between
Columbia, Cornell and Pennsylvania.
yesterdayet Poughkeepsie, Columbia
beat the Cornell second rw by five
Eighty-tws pieces for tile gsitar from the
beat sources. A splendid collection. Htand-
omle Cover. 50 cents.
Any boot sent postpaid on receipt of price
463-463 Wesbingtn N t.. Boston.
C. B . Dtns&sCo. N Y.
VIA " C. & B. LINE."
Mlagnificent side-wheel afoot steamers
State of Ohio and State. of New York
Lv. Cleveland. . ..------- - 600'p. ms
Ar. Buffalo. . . . .t----------- :30 a. m.
Lv. Buffalo,.-... . . .8-:30 p. m.
Ar. Ceveland -----------------...,-7t30 a. a.
Central Standard Time.
Figures is illustration read 1395-it miles.
10,000 MILES. PRICE $3.00.
Rpeatnsermaybe'scn acrls
10.128 and .0 iechl. Interchangeable to any
sloe by geetingc extra piece at 25 eenta.
B eads plinty from saddhe.
Least liable to injury. Clamps on fork out