THE U. OF M. DAILY. +THE SENIOR RECEPTION . L LLLJ43 1" C *' Will Be the Leading Feature of To- day's Program. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) durnsg the College yesr, at The board of regenits mleet at, 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGkN. o'clack tisemnorning. Iri theoafter'- Oraxus: Times building N. Mlain st., opposite noon the '95 class day exercises 1% 1ll post office. tb' held under Tappan O~ak, feliited EDITORS. J. A. LEuqx. 's, Manging Ed.titor. A. W. SITH, Special, Assistat. WI. A. SILL, '90 L, Assistant. E. tR. SussniuAls, '9, Assitant. H, O Esus.'i, Athletic Editor. G. B. Hwnnsu, *'6iL, Bsiess Maager. L. R. HAMBEN.'96 L. Assistat. Associate Editors. H. A. Dacer, '5. E. L. Evas, '55t. L. A. Pratt, 't. Carrie V. Smith, '6. C. A. Houghton, '50D. G. A. leath'96 P.- Minnie Thompson, '7 1. It. Gammon '8 M. C. H. arel, '5. S. E. Knappe, '5. J.T.S. Fisay, '98. Throutgh the generosity of the sate iegisature the trs'es of the Univer siy of Illinois hve lately been en abled to increase largely the force of the natural history d partmnin. Dr. C. A. Kfoid, who ihas been profesr of vertebrate morphology ter, uriig t he past year, has beei apploited stietieitdett of tileIlliinois iver bioogicali stition. t is evidnt that the tliniois legisattre tils more re- gard for its state university than thas tile. legisattre of Miciga. Tb2 Harvard Daily News tas coi- pillicitalist of ti . tiiiibers lsted by each college daily dtrig te yar 19945. Tic' list shows that the Har- vardt Daily News isstes 213 numube r; Htarvard Crimson 212, Yale News 202. 1. of M. Daily i180, Browit Daily ier. aid 10, Cornell Sun Dill, Wisclsili Cardinal i06, Pritic'tonian W0,0 Peni- sylvania 15. 'The greater ntuber is, sued by ti' tHarvard and Yale dailies IS tde to the' fact that iiise tnive- sities open1 two or tir: e weeks earler than does ichigan. Net year te' U,. of N. Dailyxiii iste abot 25 iuii