yy THE U. 01? M. DAILY.
(f f i. vanryue, li, wdtco s a Ne
(( f I , (Vl01 . ijia iicycto'tour lo~gb C .uy N +i'. ai-ietra! sen sible
Se CC CJJ -itzeilanis, Fran 'ci.! Stou. PI____H,____________
PbihdDatiy(Sunday excepted) during RThe societyhi or organization;urn' -
the College yar, t ppr.' -Tesceyo raiain-
OFrICE: Times building N. Mitst, opposite ..6PR GR MS
Pst office. a~;P ® R I S
J. A. Lettei,M'0aItnaginig Editor ,.
A. W. SMITH, Special, Assitat. rr jC.-1--h,
W. A. PiL., '10 L Assistnt#r'ZPitdath
E. R.t. SUoNELAi, '96, A'oisant ' TP JPI, 3AI. Ba z ritedatth
H. Cornus, '7, Athetic Editor c ' D-
. B. ItAisisso, 'SOL, Business Manager r O f c .
L. R. ItASLEN, '6L. Assistant. , 0 Y
Ansoiate Editors. THE HAWK-B YIL YE, J .
H. A. Dnce, '9. E L.Evan,'9 L.WE CAN SUIT YOU.
L. A. Patt9. C'rie V. Smt, 'Oi. + Willccommodtfilminfo 5e xand ilodd
C. A. IHoghton 960D. G. A. Heath, '9(6 P. T'e T can bessusoedsnitotoiddanyii.,t. t.1.ssPna.its________________
M~innie Tihompson, '97. H. B. Gamsmon '9£, M. r! .... fico v caii be used sitlout sy extra attarebmerte
C. H. Forrel, '8. S. E, tiouppe,'00 8Bal PRICE, $9
I. Filoy, '8. Tennis B l
- is superior to any other None but te 4I ncluding. Sunlight Filmi fo 1 exp(osres.E ,
Chltiftiica i('iihalengicfr a tiird gis' inet atrilsare uedin its construe- Sed foe Ctatlogue discribiisg ll k1nsd'.o
to ee~ te cllge ancosi coabot ~lion, and players who use it re toain- Corers..oni ccssi
i~ally testiying to its speririy. nd41dssre.jA ~
mi the say. Not it word wsas,(ad of than any other. 41-
SVictor Athletic oods aswys gee 4 7 11 Tremiont Srt, Boston Msr
Suhl ttins b.for'e tih e tislsls'of saisacion. ___________________________
t~ Makers of Victor Bicycles. 41aendae; ood disiplie; suerior worok; el
graint proposing5E aiothecr gOam 11e101 was o. or Vnbottri. eoeeI4NIKN supplied rering room; dailyleterues; Satrda
Bostoo. Fe o rk. s tro. eeilad.eeniniircepetion; open ho entieyar. Emcer
nago sri.ti ttre l eI ta bith asaBooeSdand room ¢ato ta t.5 per weet i sers
'lgsoetli'Ifassi iOaT. & 0.0C. Ry. K. & X.. tausiaine. There ester redoed ta 'rsin b self
bthigiiii('s utallyagreed i lloii MS'AeB1sr.ea, Aet, it35.Wshsiiigtoin St Solid therogi tais betee Toledo, Ohio h ds FeCaalgR. ddress res
in case of a tiii' it is sranlge (litio oatlfhrest'.oW(V.V, vis Coumbus, the
yTS N7Msiiitindoly diret route. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
suggestitons for such a aiiie were DaS C old WENot
maeby tiiiiiaftr C'hic'igo's, ekflt xY t7v 1USIC- Toledo, 0. OF ANN ARBOR,
il('________-Findlay, . Organized 1801.
hero, Satturday. Isteadshl Ss" edKenton, . Capital, $100,t00. Surplus and Preofit,0
utii, as te kiiew, four oi' ive of our "Six LoTeS ong," Columbus, . Transcts a geeal basing business.
Foreigs eschnes boaght and sold. Furnish
trai, includ~inig Sexton, hit left the yIraik E. Sawyre.Taslattios of Si Athens . letters of credit.
ofBel 's finest lyrics in esiuisit* sical
University alid couild not to' ieat'd settins Heavy Paper. 70 cents. Middlepot, . . BACHP rs. S. W. CLARSON Cashier..
COLG n oeyU.tlrird g:iiii is eraluly 'asci: siiribte CLEESNS 1Pt. Peasant, W. Va. Adsaicedilcluss tiiiauciig for ludieand
to Micthigan as to C'hisgo, as 5sur- ThstdudcleioofClgeSn. Richmond, Va. uulueoiteairsAadny
days antec;;ow;'d]thts, wiei both Over 30O,000 sold. Heavy Paper. 0 Petersburg, Va.SAU D Y IIM fl r
centsu Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. Old Point Comfort, Va. .i LLU IU
ttsis re tou good condition, Michliiun
hiss iottiiu to fear,.iffeCiag'omets "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Williamsburg, Va. to Juanel2d. Crds of adeuisiiu coontbe
Newport News, Va. pocureuh fo each eeigor serue. te-
iy consoatoin out.of lher il to i Only book of the id". published. Te vrth, a a.pe lsonyonhwalGrond "iio-Setf' y
ysongs of the eding colleges foe women. Noflua prad x.OfieGrudlo,6 1y
defeat of uitst he ('ld of our Vfest ill nHeavy Paper. $1.00. Adil otneerii(ios l0rut s
woutt :~OYL IIIROMEHRL Clhld MSAdalloguonhoeasoltur oitrEant
trip, shitowelcomeicto it. elSit ldi'OYL OLLCTION NTUMNL UAdUSCdofubrm fmaonclmyilclf,
TiketAgeitdormwrte, al n or clMRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTERS'S
do well to br in sminid at the ;aloeuighEety-two peces for the gitr from the 31OOLTON HOR, en' Fss. At. School of Dancing and Delarte.
tie oeeta a'i 1lihbest souces. A splendid collection.iiad- Toledo, .
hulhwvr lewy in o mtlluoe Coer. 50 cents. ai. A. PETERS. Mlichigan Pass. Aent, Saturday, h0 a. i., Gentleman beginnes cass
Wisconlsin's inferior teams dispoed of. Any bosh sent postpaid on recit of price De___roit_____Mich______ Satu_ rtday, 7:4 p. in., advabginesclass.(ade
'q-t er CO., d Gentlemen).
11r, 16 to 5unoder excly similaru OLIVER DITSON C . ANN ARBOR Tuesday,7:00p. ni. Beginners Class (Ladies
and Gentleme)
cotiditions. icthign ha~d 01raselted a eWslntrnt.Moen SEAhLD E OR . Private lessons by appointment.
for eight daysanid puayd1 sx gan.C. ll. Ditson &0 Co. N Y. ais n 'CltigCend SCHOOL 6 S. STATE ST
when ter fagged out condtingv or tDyed.
Chicago (ai easy victory, whres Ci-U S. CYCLOMETER. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. P l'atiniotypes
eghaud traiveled but thrse-days .usd 'wmo', TT' .5.;
playeid bisut bvogamssiic wie rVWiscon- J,//t* -5A L.4.FO'0DThe latest thig in HOTGRAPY
snb defeated hirscd Chicago's Isleal / '' FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORINGBERR at AN.s
ij/ Corner of State and William at., BERR'Y V
was thue exaisuted condition of hest' ' ~J.Wiiam st. etrance. 6 E. 5non st Seiah Raes to Seniors
men. If Chicago vussaxious for a /Iti Do you want boarders? If so, ad- E ~lTfFf CATER ER
third gasunescd expected to play off y, 8 ti v >, s your board in the Daily HA GS EIII.) 2 hE asing-
the tie, it is sruange thalt ho mrtion i//// 7 ' t ' tn
r !' _ T'S HARD TO O W TOUTthe es inr ul Tblr Feed-the pereeetlyu
was nicae of it While they were hre. i' 'IT'S H R OD I U otie
Instend,their, newly eleh captain /~ CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
left that cight for Mamsachitsetts, lnd Figures n ilustaton red 235-t0 mils.
theCir men broke Iraintling. Prof. Sagg, 10000 MILES. PRICE $3.00. yor dlri ieteo haethm, itiuhea't,ius anmd welend you the inornaioyousnt ne'
has evidently forottn cliat he said Repeatsor may bee ent bak. HEA &COExlsvAgnsfrnnrb.
its repy o Msai..r Wcks(s1ir-tionl ONE OUNCE. ONE INCH LONG.SHEA &COExlseAgnsfrnnrb.
2 6,108 and 15 inh. Interhngeabe ony
just before the close of te g' iiisias by getting etra piece ata5 ens. T e F s e c e s ./ g n y
Saturday: 'Yes, thitl is our halameso.? NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVE
The team disband today." Resnpintly from saddle.
Least liable to injury. Camps on forh out FIS
________ of the way sod afe from accident. EVERETT O.F S "O
Case is solid German slver. Atl other parts f*& IJ.
CHATTANOOGA AND lRTURtN.1 nonorrosive. Pst and water cannot injure
i.Eeymeter tested at 00 mie per hour
For meeting of pworth Lague, asd guaranteed aceurate. 355 Wabash Ave., - - Chicago Illinois.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Jue 27 to 30. Eetrotypeo furrnihed on appicatin
AntofOiCetrL ine Sell i BEN&L , MFG (RS. Ahburton Place 70 Fifth Avenue, 803 Twelfth Street 355 Wabsh Avenue
ticketa at OneFrare for to round 917-711ian fi. FOND DU LAC. WIS BOSTON, MASS NEW YORY, N. Y. WASINGTON P.C CHICAGO, ILL
rip, seting June 25, 2G and 27, limit.
15dy.S ho8e2 gn- F OW R ,F O E S5 Chureh Street 425 Century Bldg OLYMPIA 10165 Spr ng Street
For Rent-Suite of rooms at 4U S For Everything and Everybody. TRNO A INAOIMS.WSItTN LSAGLSG~
2th at C9SINS& ~ i hdhT~ekoa11 Send for Agency Manual and Registration Blanks.