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June 18, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-06-18

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:Lost to Chicago A. A. by a Score of
48 to 36 Poits - Californians
Worn Out-Crum Ties the World's
Record in the 100-Yards Dash.
The California -track team met de-
feat at the hands of the Chicago Ath-
letic association Saturday y a score
of 48 to 36 -poins. Chicagos score
would have een higher, but thl C.
A. A. refused to count the, seven
pistnts 'von in thue icycle race, as
Dozier, the Californian, did not tart.
Tihe California men were worn ct
with their long travel and many com-
petitions, and Woosey, In the road
jump, was the only one who equalled
iis previous record. The events and
winneirs were:
100 yards dash-Crum, C. A. A.,
J 4-5 s~; Skilinger, C. A, A., 2d.
220 yards dbas-Samne winners. 22
2-5 sa
440 yards run-incyseon, C. A. A.,
522-5 s.; Skillinger, C."A. A., 2d.
S80 yards'run-Kioc, Cal., 2 mn. 5 1-5
s; itossiter, C. A. A., 2d.
Mile" run-Rtossiter, C. A. A., 5 m.
318-5 s.; Jackson, C. A. A., 2.
Mile walk-Mlervin, Cal., 7m. 493-;
a.; Hassel,,C. A. A., 2.
120 hurdles-Torrey, Ca, 11-5 a.;
*Clark, C. A. A., 2d.
220 hurdles-Torrey, Cal, 1t; Dyer,
Cal., 2d.
Runnfing road jump-Woolsey, Cal.,
22 ft. 2 in.; Dozier, .Cal., 2d.
Running high jumtp-Iies, C. A. A.,
5 ft. 8 in.; Clark, C. A. A., 2d.
Shot put-Riddell, C. A. A., 40 ft
3 in.; Koch, Ca., 2.
Hammer throw--Edgren, Cal, 125 ft.
tt/'in.; Perry, C. A. A., 2d.
About Two Michig-an Men.
Ti* current nutaer of tie Aneri
can University Magazine ontais ;the
following mention of two Michigan
"A very recent graduate at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, E. IRandall John-
*son, a Ienbr of the class of '9 htm
in his few years of atve practice
achieved a reputation that is raidly
placing hm among the forelost aut.
oritis, in the siene of, dntal ;str
gery. Dl-. Randall =Iholds the degree
of D. D. S. from, the Univrsity o1
Michigan and i,.s onnecied with the
University of Buffalo as Demontatlor
of Operative Dentistry in thm en lstat
"Ho lisa written several orgnaa
papers that display careful investiga-
tion, espcially oeO on the tempering
of aluminum tn entsry.. A. member
of the lading social and scentil
organizations of Buffalo, Dr. Johnson
stands in the front of the younger
men of that place."{.
"William H. Hawkes, Michigan '87.
was at olleg'(e, president of the Adel-
phi Literary Soiety and wn' the ora-
torical contest medal. After gradual-
tion Mr. Hawizes assumd the siper-
luntendency of psblic sclooltf at ud-
son, Mich., where e baa ben- s9inu-
laarly successful in ipsovig and
stimulating te work."
Excurson rate'to the VIrginas an
the Sotheast re In effect upon t 4e.
Ohio Central hes; itirough trains
daily ewea t Toled ad Careston.

Two at Ath ris Offered _to Bach-
elors of Arts.
.'he Archeological Institute iof..Am-'
erica and, the managing committee of
the American School of .Classical
Studies at -Athens offer for thet year"
1895-106 two Fellowships in Classical
Archeology, each of the v alue: of .$600.
These fellowships are, open to. all
hachelors of arts of universities and
colleges in the Uttited States.
The holders .of these fellowships will
ho, enrolled as regulaer memhers of
the American School. of Classical
Studtes at Athena. They will he re-
quired to prosecute, under the sul:3m-
vision of the director of the s-ciool,
the study of. Classical Archaeology in
Greek lands, for a period of lets
mouths, ft-om Oct. 1, 1895; hut, with
his consent, they tony he In residence
for two tmonths of this time at the
Ametican School of Clas-teal Studies
in htome, under the charge of ths di-
rector of that school.
Each holder. of a fellowship will he
required to pm-sue, in addition- to his
general studies, sotme definite sub-
ject of research, and to present at
the end of tls school year a paper
embhodying: the results of his Investi-
These fellowships will. e wardeld
by a. special committee, on the' basis
of such written evidemice of fIllness as
candidates may he ablef to furnishb.


You ee tem ;erywmere -~ The society or organization
1895 : hichhasits
um~ * 3icycs: PROGRAMS.
TEESa whole zermon inET.
* the above. It preaches the ",
* economy of buying the het-a Printed at the
" wise economy that every one "
can practice with Columbias "Are'nlQ ti4ncea
at $100. The new Colutmbiasare " mreso tent;lgtes
: symmetry, beauty and speed. : WE CAN SUIT - YOU.'
POPE JIFO. CO., Hartford, Cenn.
Boston, New York, Chnago,
As Act Catalgu fCotubsabead
free at anyCotsunhta"
agescy or it willbe,
stams. Tso, of " This space. is reserved
_____ for the Grand Opera
T. &O.OC. Ry. K..&M. Ry.
Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio
and Charleston, W. Va., via Columbus, the £RTB&x
short ad only direct moute. FR -NATIONAL x.
Toledo, 0. anT-weEs OF ANN ARBOR.
5'indrla. O. nOrganized 1803.

In 1896-917 aldthereafter -such relloiw- r*11L1MYI-.
ships a the nmnnaging committee Reznton, O. Cptl 5501 upuadPois ~t
ColumbusO."Transacts a general banhing busness.
miay have. within* its gift will be ' Forefgu rxchanges bought andod .. mroah
Awarded by competitive exaalinatiomn. Athens, 0. letters of credit.
Application; for the coming year miust Middleport,,0. P. BACH Pres.. S. W. CLARKSON.fCashier,
he made oi the blank form furtisahed* Poer,0
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Advanceddelass In dancing for ladles-and
by the comnitttee on fellowships, ard Richmond, Va. gentlemen at 4ranger s Aeisdemy
inust ho in its hando hefore July 15, Petersburg, V.R A 85 heaadwl emd s OdPitCmt Va. SAT U : V N Is
'sen thereafter as practicable, most the Williamsburg, Va. , .to June 226. Cards of. admission can-be
sue sful' candIdates will be advised Newport News, Va. procured foreachevenming ar series. Pra-
to send he rmaider f th sumer ate i~sous on waits and Two-Ste - "a
tosedtereiane f h uiorNorfolk, Va.. upeialty. Office: Ground ftoor, 15 MioSte -
istmudy in the Museums of Northern hard at.
Eurpe *And alt southeasotern paints. Eegan't.
Y e.drawing n-out carson oil throumb trains.ANI
For special lnfoirmation about the FTtfcther normaioncall: on your local p WARDu FOsE!'
sechool address Professor T. D. Sey- MOULTON SiOUL,-Ceni Paso. Agt. School off Dancing and' Delsarte.
Toledo, 0.
mour, chairmoan of the mangng coma- W. APETERS, Michitan Pasos. Agent, Saturday, 10a. m.,CGentlemanhbeginners class
mill, Nw HaenCon.; fr te tetroit Mich. Saturday, 4 p. in., Lady beginsers. lasP.
initee Ne" Hve, (g~l.; or heMonday, %itP. s.,. Advaned Class (Ladies'
last report' of the managitig comomit- and cteneen).
drs rf o aie 1 ANN ARBOR Tuesday l,5 p.m., Beginuers-Claes Ladles
Wheeler, * ecrttiry, Burington, or-ST 1EAM DYEt"WORKS. Private lessons by appointment..
mnont; for blank forms of mpplicaton Ladies' and Ctents' Clothisg .laned .SO"H©OTb 46 S. S'TA'I'B ST
or Dyed.
for a fellipwaltip, addtess Profesor -
John Williams White, Chairmamn of ___________________
the Comnmht tt nFiellos ships, Ca-nt- SW esHURNS., NAROR P at it ty e
bridge, Mas. FRTTel, stln nPO~fAH
Then--Alunmnus for June. Corner of Smte and William sos., BE R R 'V M .N S
- - William st. entrance.
kMr. A. A. Pearson will Issue -aspe'- __________________ E. Baron st. special-Rates to Seniorsi.
al number. of The Alumnus for Jun2e. Do you want boarders? If so, ad- CA~ltTDr ATERER,
Beside the, gular Alumnius matter. vertise your hoard in the Daily. [IAlU)IL1R 1 10 E. Wa shIng.
it will include all the material bele- to151.
toforo published in the Commence- IT'S HRDTO DO ITHOT thewodrflTsuIsrwsAaSsm~e+
ment Anni al, making. a numnher of o. .PA KR OU TI PE
some 175 pages. The illusations willCE .S PA K R FO N INPEN
Include cuts of President Angel, thle
class officeiis, the various departmtenft "r daeilklthvte;ih au',rie aa eI dWh itrntoiyuwn
buildings, etc. It will be out inlmed- sac handsoe Ilustrated natalugue free. 1ARiKE~X A'EN (2MP N, Js.ri~e, Iw
lately after tlb liters y class day ex -SHEEHAN A CO. Exclusive Agents for.-AimArfor.
ereises. Mfr. Pearson. is encouraged
by the past-auccess, of. The Alumtnusto naetfrnetyrad.h The. Fisk Teachers' Agency
wvill rankeevery .effort to increase Its
in ;eest to Michigan alumni. TheE E E T 0 X K & C .
June nomber will be 16l for 25 cents.,
hIAVE YOUR HEAD BXAMINED. 355 WiaashAve., -. - ChiCago,:Illioi:
By Prof. Ernest V. Howe, Phrenolo-
gist, at 4 N. Fifthl ave. Evenings 6 'Ashburton Place, 75 Flfth Avenue, 803 Twelfth Street;, 3115 Wabash Avenue
t10; Charges, 5c for oral , des'a'lp BOSTON, BASS.. NEW YOBY. N.-Y. WASBINGTON,. D. C. ' C14 A GO, ILL.
lion, 75 wvitlhart.. Here a short B2 Church Qtreet, 42N Century BlId'g. OLYMPIA, 120% 5. Sprng Street,
For Rent,-'Suite of." rooms at 40 S.
12th at. Send for .Agency-Maual and&Registration Blanks,.


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