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October 18, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-18

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~Ijc U.of

A 4&
I , in

VOL. V. No. 17.



BEGINS AUSPICIOUSLY. Nations, like individuals, have their THE INLANDER
monments of entlinsiasnm, and when aNNOG DSTD T
A Large Audience Assembles totra ia (t5alollrweciin Will Be Out Tomorrow.--It is a MosttolsiwthltI
Greet the Man Franm Maine in Creditable Number.-But Little Trys t er ihu
the S. L. A. Course.-A Most ltI~ttil ltt'o e lolel Change in Appearances. Silmlit petopleo toug try1
,Enjoyable Lecture. Ihi eieti a rs es ____ niUsiCal instro1Tnlens with
lator, the police of hulnanitv. RBut The first numnlew of the Ilnider'r 01no1)tonei.
Tfie llronlill(nct' of Mr. iHeedl in nIl- when a 1nia11ilven~ts a 111w thotught hie will lie out tomlor'row, insteadl of aolay
tinlafir evdt bigota invasriabhly ontrilees pilicisentiment. Wl~Ol-(l. lig lily i e Say Buy 1Ijhose Which Have
tiona alfirs ers antoouncedliniwig 11o a dlyi
large intdiencie 1asftInight to heal' till'Pill reason 001 adi'aIneelellt 11110bcell i, -s wr. ilglei lhlil Y elta iil
Ilistinuishlel ex-spelaker of the 110u01. slw is herause we oust; ill 1h011'to- 111(1 h'leInlandehr feslaillsthe same., '
His large' acltlailtane w5t111 lstor'v, 01e1h(r. But11tiell' 11is 1 ' O neverit101 be1eln05' 111 Iil aii)
couplledl withl his aceneess of intllect 1a1,nvra er~aeIl"Ih lllints ov1e' ao1e 51 South Me
wellfitls hiiltlto sift tihe (da1lta of istory StI 1m- 111II'11 ll- y 111 il- isll ll0111 IltII 'I 1,11vTT D ~ ~ I~
Alnni. llies inl 111'eImaking lof civilizatioln11s bel," ecrw ca
p111 ro~grss. 1Illhs ligllte moods1, seitli ,great eertainty for the fl tur5 Welsly Itarris. lllstvl lnil
11111c th kern111 II-isalrcalsmlth11t1his Sa l i~ iiF{W
"k tllrtllnl;y1' (f Ness Pt'" In All
debalite'. '11'he gyllllalil " l l pbi1lb l l e
Mr.Red bga hi lctue il he o el he ater ar ofatx. , f, it a tic gl . H frielarlil'is, o sZEl E L S S O T
d11ov11111 a1 new, soul t l . I I 11 I i )11 1110 lllc, 1111"I
laRel'a il t iofL'der to g grs, 11110111Is"lby 11'1ullit.h atlle111111 111h11 1 l a" 111 ________Dally_____________
tavillo ll a - eofIansitnll-Il s or'e.is lolxtl 1111.e (111-0it is 111'' 111bo- Lnow osrkstek
l~l~l'55 10 111' llistllell s to ~le 111- ~lls II til' llt~l' AlloI'itlltiimtillin fis11poemI',I'rl 111111 IilIIII Il Ill ll i
aget wlt. I01n1of11111pr1111t1111. s 0111t1e1arenaG a 1E,1Y, 33d .eHuronon
11111' of Il~lgelO. viitltrs oflllry.b'1111T11111r1icleIisiwells eA o SSleI 1tmHis s tieW al
Daid'dflaredlt mll o benllad litt'55 il l ~leyr(If exa inersiol l and tll' ffice,- 01-lk(f
"Aritter andrwillgp 11a5 'il t11re1- Op. CuEUBEN ueH.I'KESt
1110e1r0t ra l 11 0 tngelsi, a d a o g a a e ~t ah 110111o10t1110: 'loso1setsUlah st e ri t to s e t h s op n n bo ng nd f c ig 11r 1111.'l hoar en, 11g T OII 1 II 111 O U 1111G eA 11
D ~tav id will b1111nwis Ietled a ora ect.1- ilil150 harkeet. -Overit llis l', thel 1i111i1- OlIIOi II111 11(, 11teI1.
I3 al t, arefully consider d. there re 11i'letcorseIlI'eI'riliiil4g3 fee1111101rn lt1liallll.-Nvlllll Teacoeru 1of Piano, b Organ n andu
certi hell so aoru t' testatry enisnces froatthle ra24, 0110 If ~botlt1Co pston2lo h r
turlne eof f isfllviesitotr'y s 11 g115 alry4.11The0 f vre lol lls 1111 re sureI andot II 1' take thl 1511 2 . lii i snoewt.,AsAh y
The founda'lt ind we 111111 oitly in1thII'aylalltofapliance111111thell'lllly frllll111'Aks.01111oa 11 REtI B EHNTH.TKELORI
st of prle bas 1 Aos. rOlWarningeesbyg led IellaIt.
'111110 roaals leIStn ta ir xed051as5. if 1llll 111Ill~t'rlg.111 l 111 ~iel ti~~l,;'1:5111 AUGo IIoni e RVailConservator1
ti ean i oh isfar e pll ed l 50 a l d qre r 1110 aclkll 4 rowll'i 111111'inerl' elog , l itrey111-1011 oop111 si tel-al 11 in ha-O t u ta , en u
, 111111, desclribi 0111aImost 1 ii111 l Teache 111f0011o,.1rgan and

to usc
sin st.
a lteth.

lw-ed hb' tistance as to look Iellile 1rloeni 792 lockers. At thll' west 1111

article is short, but has a "touch of

and111kind. Many a 111n11basks in1 the
sunsnle of till'jut wh4o wvhile ile' osas
alivewsa 11epulchler fullI lit dead(
011ut t complex individsuality callus
progress. Leaders tdo 101t11make' 111-
tionis, hut naltionsO Imake'leaders. If
we depenldedl 011leatders ve 0wo111(
eithler he 11n 1 toil or Hladess. A
mal~n's inluene can1111101be jtudgedllby
his succeess. Kosciusoko, 0111 of tile
greatest soldiers of Europe, died aii
exile; D~emosthlenets' eloqulenlce coldll
n1o)1sass' (reece. Cromwloell 0wa15a
;great headler, yet it is folly tlo assert
that thlt Puritanl revolultionl wo0ul11
111.1er lhave taken la~e'wOithlout 11111.
ELincoln passedl fouroery years 1111-
unlderstood and undlterestimlatetd, yet
tile centulry after is death iliit.1-
1ne0s 1115tran~sfigou-ation I il e learts
of the peole. HBut not at Springhield,
Il., hut ilt Arlingtonl heihts stansds
till mlonutmlent to til e oHry of ourl
'achliev-ements. IFromlltile mov-eent of
the tea kettle to tile roaring enlgineIs,
thlonsands of inlventors hlave toiletd and
111ed1 unknlownOtolfame.


111115' 1s0111111'foll 11 oillllillg 11011.11a1t1re"' lNlili remllinds one1of1so' le of1111 st j10JIIIE'' COHOCOLATES
wohichl osill problhy not 1111 11 plellih'tedh Dickens' ortl~erl'stories0. 1JUST 11111101AT
bis l'lr )1 111 111-11.1, 111)1 Dfr. ,zoe, 01h111h1as011o11ribultedbt10 f TUTTLE'S,
f~~ll' ilo-i l Inll- andilter eie sine' bsffoundlation % 48 S. STATE ST.
frb wigalit-ys. I ll' 11111h111111
hniishillges a shortIIIarticlegiote lDr.
ho' 1242: f'I't 0 Oft-ull ll1Il'olieletile 10111 thltogegthihrtal' oh ldsall
Tuimoigse (' iedig o-llb1'e IilighteSd lyby A . l'lrlml l1htl(li 1111 Altkse Oetsllie li peolll Il
el ra olld.s teci lIl e 11111m 110 0-se.N
r~l~l~ cast' 1111 oeflllle silit' ''ti sIifo 111111" Cssaes now111 open1 . ui~ls1 eeimmeI ta y1
by 12,:11 fet of team ppes.lim, thxlilm tllr, i Shayswite d atfl. ms
sthelietia rinso- ilheefolI med l ilisy1uctionilof;M".hilt' Irs.llMossif ranger.iiNo
-______ IlohewiNAIbe fureu.
Practice Court. -e"aer lasnacotcb A HS B O S O EI
_________ l' rank JaIni-il'r. 11111"Oetober" b1
Prof. Hoglm' hils assigiled1h410 ca1s e;,nuett A. Ilol es et 111'1111lit We offer discounlt on all
to till'eor law1105. 1111'st11lo1115 s'ecloses Woilh the ?110.1111oom111114 'vi'. University Text-Books,
requ~iredltl tetO ae1(f11rsht te111 liflill Aitogl'tllsr itle lust illimbelr ol th111' Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
1.0 dbayos so thnt'orlk is ii suhla ssht'eInlande~r is s very credhitale one.111'.Ill',and Scientific Books.
thlat a5 large' numb~er of till'csestOoilhigh standard oflllst ls ea 'r15islmaini- We huy and sell second-hand hooks.
be rad fo tral n ashot tme.Mathemnatical lnstrumenlts and
he~ ~ ~~~~~~~tlc 1011anetid li1 hr ill'biisi 11 titeot illddedl 117111e Drafting Supplies mat special
Alihen camels tiemeo11sftlpopullar lphase' l numb~el of5111111storels. 011sal' tel- rates. We offer
lit the ovork w0011(11 115thut15dnosill ldly imorningilign 111111aulihidmll tbook- Best Linen paper at 20c Per Lb.
silil' onei~ly11111 il lii ltt-lllllh bl~lO.BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
maneriol'ft'elarguml~entbs u111 10 lic l'ie l'____________
deptendtlllhs 1 c1111 a~se. Suh lpel- Ae.rasfrtIi so ~ '~hlg' SOLE AGENTS FOil
lice ou~ght to he iproducltives of greautLiiltSanod'los'51-otil' ++ WATERMANOS IOIM. FOCOTAIO PE, +
restilts in givinig every' ad~vocalte 111- lilillO its pressent size b he liaddllition ___________
ditional pow1erin Ilp~resenltinlg pinci-(If lillw builings, lnewl .apparatus, inow50 'U'VO sroR+S.
pes. irofessorsslid newv hooks. Uiveroily IBoaktosre, lPaise Tlin,
elin Stile St. Opp. Csou1tIlsase.

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