1 ~Ijc U.of A 4& I , in VOL. V. No. 17. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,. THURSDAY, OCTOBR+R K18,.894. PRICE.-THIREE ,CENTS. BEGINS AUSPICIOUSLY. Nations, like individuals, have their THE INLANDER monments of entlinsiasnm, and when aNNOG DSTD T A Large Audience Assembles totra ia (t5alollrweciin Will Be Out Tomorrow.--It is a MosttolsiwthltI Greet the Man Franm Maine in Creditable Number.-But Little Trys t er ihu the S. L. A. Course.-A Most ltI~ttil ltt'o e lolel Change in Appearances. Silmlit petopleo toug try1 ,Enjoyable Lecture. Ihi eieti a rs es ____ niUsiCal instro1Tnlens with lator, the police of hulnanitv. RBut The first numnlew of the Ilnider'r 01no1)tonei. Tfie llronlill(nct' of Mr. iHeedl in nIl- when a 1nia11ilven~ts a 111w thotught hie will lie out tomlor'row, insteadl of aolay tinlafir evdt bigota invasriabhly ontrilees pilicisentiment. Wl~Ol-(l. lig lily i e Say Buy 1Ijhose Which Have tiona alfirs ers antoouncedliniwig 11o a dlyi large intdiencie 1asftInight to heal' till'Pill reason 001 adi'aIneelellt 11110bcell i, -s wr. ilglei lhlil Y elta iil Ilistinuishlel ex-spelaker of the 110u01. slw is herause we oust; ill 1h011'to- 111(1 h'leInlandehr feslaillsthe same., ' His large' acltlailtane w5t111 lstor'v, 01e1h(r. But11tiell' 11is 1 ' O neverit101 be1eln05' 111 Iil aii) couplledl withl his aceneess of intllect 1a1,nvra er~aeIl"Ih lllints ov1e' ao1e 51 South Me wellfitls hiiltlto sift tihe (da1lta of istory StI 1m- 111II'11 ll- y 111 il- isll ll0111 IltII 'I 1,11vTT D ~ ~ I~ Alnni. llies inl 111'eImaking lof civilizatioln11s bel," ecrw ca p111 ro~grss. 1Illhs ligllte moods1, seitli ,great eertainty for the fl tur5 Welsly Itarris. lllstvl lnil 11111c th kern111 II-isalrcalsmlth11t1his Sa l i~ iiF{W "k tllrtllnl;y1' (f Ness Pt'" In All debalite'. '11'he gyllllalil " l l pbi1lb l l e Mr.Red bga hi lctue il he o el he ater ar ofatx. , f, it a tic gl . H frielarlil'is, o sZEl E L S S O T d11ov11111 a1 new, soul t l . I I 11 I i )11 1110 lllc, 1111"I laRel'a il t iofL'der to g grs, 11110111Is"lby 11'1ullit.h atlle111111 111h11 1 l a" 111 ________Dally_____________ tavillo ll a - eofIansitnll-Il s or'e.is lolxtl 1111.e (111-0it is 111'' 111bo- Lnow osrkstek l~l~l'55 10 111' llistllell s to ~le 111- ~lls II til' llt~l' AlloI'itlltiimtillin fis11poemI',I'rl 111111 IilIIII Il Ill ll i aget wlt. I01n1of11111pr1111t1111. s 0111t1e1arenaG a 1E,1Y, 33d .eHuronon 11111' of Il~lgelO. viitltrs oflllry.b'1111T11111r1icleIisiwells eA o SSleI 1tmHis s tieW al Daid'dflaredlt mll o benllad litt'55 il l ~leyr(If exa inersiol l and tll' ffice,- 01-lk(f "Aritter andrwillgp 11a5 'il t11re1- Op. CuEUBEN ueH.I'KESt 1110e1r0t ra l 11 0 tngelsi, a d a o g a a e ~t ah 110111o10t1110: 'loso1setsUlah st e ri t to s e t h s op n n bo ng nd f c ig 11r 1111.'l hoar en, 11g T OII 1 II 111 O U 1111G eA 11 D ~tav id will b1111nwis Ietled a ora ect.1- ilil150 harkeet. -Overit llis l', thel 1i111i1- OlIIOi II111 11(, 11teI1. I3 al t, arefully consider d. there re 11i'letcorseIlI'eI'riliiil4g3 fee1111101rn lt1liallll.-Nvlllll Teacoeru 1of Piano, b Organ n andu certi hell so aoru t' testatry enisnces froatthle ra24, 0110 If ~botlt1Co pston2lo h r turlne eof f isfllviesitotr'y s 11 g115 alry4.11The0 f vre lol lls 1111 re sureI andot II 1' take thl 1511 2 . lii i snoewt.,AsAh y The founda'lt ind we 111111 oitly in1thII'aylalltofapliance111111thell'lllly frllll111'Aks.01111oa 11 REtI B EHNTH.TKELORI st of prle bas 1 Aos. rOlWarningeesbyg led IellaIt. '111110 roaals leIStn ta ir xed051as5. if 1llll 111Ill~t'rlg.111 l 111 ~iel ti~~l,;'1:5111 AUGo IIoni e RVailConservator1 ti ean i oh isfar e pll ed l 50 a l d qre r 1110 aclkll 4 rowll'i 111111'inerl' elog , l itrey111-1011 oop111 si tel-al 11 in ha-O t u ta , en u , 111111, desclribi 0111aImost 1 ii111 l Teache 111f0011o,.1rgan and books. to usc 1little lone, sin st. )RE Street. IPF, Musical of a lteth. [NGh hingtou~ lw-ed hb' tistance as to look Iellile 1rloeni 792 lockers. At thll' west 1111 article is short, but has a "touch of I rRrsFi LINE OF and111kind. Many a 111n11basks in1 the sunsnle of till'jut wh4o wvhile ile' osas alivewsa 11epulchler fullI lit dead( mlen'slohlnes. 011ut t complex individsuality callus progress. Leaders tdo 101t11make' 111- tionis, hut naltionsO Imake'leaders. If we depenldedl 011leatders ve 0wo111( eithler he 11n 1 toil or Hladess. A mal~n's inluene can1111101be jtudgedllby his succeess. Kosciusoko, 0111 of tile greatest soldiers of Europe, died aii exile; D~emosthlenets' eloqulenlce coldll n1o)1sass' (reece. Cromwloell 0wa15a ;great headler, yet it is folly tlo assert that thlt Puritanl revolultionl wo0ul11 111.1er lhave taken la~e'wOithlout 11111. ELincoln passedl fouroery years 1111- unlderstood and undlterestimlatetd, yet tile centulry after is death iliit.1- 1ne0s 1115tran~sfigou-ation I il e learts of the peole. HBut not at Springhield, Il., hut ilt Arlingtonl heihts stansds till mlonutmlent to til e oHry of ourl 'achliev-ements. IFromlltile mov-eent of the tea kettle to tile roaring enlgineIs, thlonsands of inlventors hlave toiletd and 111ed1 unknlownOtolfame. I I 111115' 1s0111111'foll 11 oillllillg 11011.11a1t1re"' lNlili remllinds one1of1so' le of1111 st j10JIIIE'' COHOCOLATES wohichl osill problhy not 1111 11 plellih'tedh Dickens' ortl~erl'stories0. 1JUST 11111101AT bis l'lr )1 111 111-11.1, 111)1 Dfr. ,zoe, 01h111h1as011o11ribultedbt10 f TUTTLE'S, f~~ll' ilo-i l Inll- andilter eie sine' bsffoundlation % 48 S. STATE ST. frb wigalit-ys. I ll' 11111h111111 hniishillges a shortIIIarticlegiote lDr. ho' 1242: f'I't 0 Oft-ull ll1Il'olieletile 10111 thltogegthihrtal' oh ldsall Tuimoigse (' iedig o-llb1'e IilighteSd lyby A . l'lrlml l1htl(li 1111 Altkse Oetsllie li peolll Il el ra olld.s teci lIl e 11111m 110 0-se.N r~l~l~ cast' 1111 oeflllle silit' ''ti sIifo 111111" Cssaes now111 open1 . ui~ls1 eeimmeI ta y1 by 12,:11 fet of team ppes.lim, thxlilm tllr, i Shayswite d atfl. ms sthelietia rinso- ilheefolI med l ilisy1uctionilof;M".hilt' Irs.llMossif ranger.iiNo -______ IlohewiNAIbe fureu. Practice Court. -e"aer lasnacotcb A HS B O S O EI _________ l' rank JaIni-il'r. 11111"Oetober" b1 Prof. Hoglm' hils assigiled1h410 ca1s e;,nuett A. Ilol es et 111'1111lit We offer discounlt on all to till'eor law1105. 1111'st11lo1115 s'ecloses Woilh the ?110.1111oom111114 'vi'. University Text-Books, requ~iredltl tetO ae1(f11rsht te111 liflill Aitogl'tllsr itle lust illimbelr ol th111' Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical 1.0 dbayos so thnt'orlk is ii suhla ssht'eInlande~r is s very credhitale one.111'.Ill',and Scientific Books. thlat a5 large' numb~er of till'csestOoilhigh standard oflllst ls ea 'r15islmaini- We huy and sell second-hand hooks. be rad fo tral n ashot tme.Mathemnatical lnstrumenlts and he~ ~ ~~~~~~~tlc 1011anetid li1 hr ill'biisi 11 titeot illddedl 117111e Drafting Supplies mat special Alihen camels tiemeo11sftlpopullar lphase' l numb~el of5111111storels. 011sal' tel- rates. We offer lit the ovork w0011(11 115thut15dnosill ldly imorningilign 111111aulihidmll tbook- Best Linen paper at 20c Per Lb. silil' onei~ly11111 il lii ltt-lllllh bl~lO.BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. maneriol'ft'elarguml~entbs u111 10 lic l'ie l'____________ deptendtlllhs 1 c1111 a~se. Suh lpel- Ae.rasfrtIi so ~ '~hlg' SOLE AGENTS FOil lice ou~ght to he iproducltives of greautLiiltSanod'los'51-otil' ++ WATERMANOS IOIM. FOCOTAIO PE, + restilts in givinig every' ad~vocalte 111- lilillO its pressent size b he liaddllition ___________ ditional pow1erin Ilp~resenltinlg pinci-(If lillw builings, lnewl .apparatus, inow50 'U'VO sroR+S. pes. irofessorsslid newv hooks. Uiveroily IBoaktosre, lPaise Tlin, elin Stile St. Opp. Csou1tIlsase.