Time Table (Revised) Macy 1, 1894. .. ucssoHhepoucino AND QUICK SHIPMENTS +++
EAST. WS. . M. . Pinafore" last year by the -ACIA IE.
PM.AM Home Opera Co. of Annl Arbor, s a IVA iNC LE THE
MaladE-.. o mail.._______8 431HI
N. Y. Special ..,5a0i N. Y.LSpecil---- 7 ;3 Sutieient guarance, that the "li-
iat.r Exres1M. Pac iied.-:.925 kdo" wich iv$b reetd hsSTEAMERS e 95 SUBPMA LE
Atlantic ExA-M a7 47 iicl M7* evening and itoiorrow evening, willSo
D. NExpress... 5 40 Western Es..2' Os
GitExrs_.11i 05 ChIt. Et. Es. 1028s le well deserving of te libe ral pa- Tourists Rout.G .O .RIOE, HWH-- oaeo vrbd.I suclsst
. P.&T. Ag..Ciicag. At.,Ass Arbor. dwol upon the xelleunls of the SEIW KLFRMIC Y L S
T . A .A & N. . Y opera itself, for the reason thai its CLEVELAND TOLEDO AND DETROIT " """."
" uivrsal success bolhinil Ameriea and
Taksg effect Sunday, April 7, l8s4. England speaks for tha. I is rol- _
Trans eae An AboACnKIN&Getad ISLAND, CHEBOYAN We are even onordrs for Gents'
ard time. flng ver w11ith witty dialogue, comicie CIA }S1
situtios hd at sogswhie l ST GNAE, LPEA 'Special, 21 lbs., Aluminum Finish,
8:07 a.m. -:15a. m.
'12:25 p.m. 11:30 a. m. 11111uie Is perhiaps themnost popular And Il Ports os the WVes Sore o Lake ad can pronmptly ship thema, but
d:15 p~m :00 p~m. ev r compoed by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Huron.dotasfrLde'Whlsr
Goisg No tis at 9:5aa m. Yie pits rt- welt talen by t1he'b sO Racers to0e "shipped same day.
Going Soth at 8:10 p.. ability ill Aia Arbor', aid the cos- Rememer this is the only lieneriing p-
Trains Sssday ran betwoon Toledo and tmes hvie sectsers te opoun)Oiity ofsi shlt seei:0rasp :11 Order Gents' Whlees and se-'
Homburg Junctions only.hav I -lnsecredel xrsly for ote osithisoPu:pl:eroue. Also osg 0:5 -
'Trains run between Ass Arbor and Toledo the occasin rgardless of expesse. seges nukingit roiosuous iisi six hours Cure a r'eady seller,
On.I_____i_____ os: the fomos ilaet is:::Islainid.,y
All trains daily except Snday. Dr. (usisulis, of Clieago will de =Fas, issclding Meals asnd Berhs,o oter ° aea 8lb odWel
'R. .'GREENWCOOD, Agent ' 0xp00se. W aea.1 b odWel
W. h.1BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . lilve r the oiisieiseniest adress be- Cleelosndt o Mckiac Isand snd re-
fore tei- Univesity "Of Nebraska gad tu, seens:day tp.._ _--.00~o 4 in. tread.-
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. tlg Toiesoioi tkisepseslass deusirsns,-120 zcamras
Detr: it:Mceisa Island id reuns,
siy Extesisssinsocsetey is Io be held t Tikes good to retues: a:nytimse during the U6
Tim8 Table May 26, 1895. Ti iisSreasongo hePie- Oe~:ytrp . . 1,0 LMUH YL F
Ieave Ypsilanti from Congress s.,61:00,:00 ti Univrsity of Pennsyva:nia freo
and 1:0a. m.; 1:4,:15, 5:00, :4, 9:0 and hJly 1t to Ol6th. jCor etissoat:t Ocikl:::se 0 ln ith asll h PLYMOUTH, IND.
1:0p.m. __________ seaes::e tlie::o Oi::l ri ,1tle c
Leave Ann Absr Jsnction ,7:e0, :30 and AslestgoShi a:lt aSkeis eand::s laspet . ns; l,:iAeh:i- mi~ .any. 1:0 .m; g5e24, :07:5 0:0ant100ft,g: of 71' 1:0had 1:0. L. A. boarsi will ga:,iTIl 1)e ospi:,slOrcadGen : 55tyInds at pA e
m. eld5 isw i gncee witI D. 5s & A. yItytfor al pint
P . be hl this evening isi isonli13, aw In the UppePesnisusla asd the WestvWrie 46 E. Wiliam St.
SUNDAY TIMhE. bidna :1 , .fo e bislse.
builing at 7::39:00> . .S. 1. GRUMIMOND, Gn'121anage, H OLEEO
.LeaveYansnl from Con.resst.,1:3S,1:3o, E. G. tYKEt,Pr 0.E LL,,("EOWa: n :0 .tJU. GRANTrRUIM5ON, Pas s A.
Leave Ann Arbor Janction, :00,4:00,5:30, -R,
7:00 and r:30 p. mn.i BUSINESS LOCALS. General Offices,DTetr:it i: PYSCAShN.UREN
Cars ran on city time Fare: singie hep 13 . _______ D UREOS
cents: roand trip tickets 25 cents.WMF.PRESt, J TAMO N, ak.
p To the hIterhangeable Milieage Law yeAnnualFSesIAbGOsin. ptm
{'f CLEVELAND tleet issued by te Ohio Citral Annua CHsiCA g O. n et~
- U TO Ines, already the best Iiiithe mrket, WHO WIN THEIR CASES, Furyare r adcotnedsose. Laota-.
BUFF ALO. has heen added the entire B. & .Foryrsgaecus. br-
VI J& LNE" System west of t ittobuigl, iclding read the0 Legal Works by J. W. tory, Cliical and Dispensay ad-
VI C 3 IE" the Pittsburegh & Western Rltroad, Donovan. vatages excepionislly good.
Mlagnifeent nde-slice steel steamers making it incompa~rably the tbes ilne. For anual announcement and
State of Ohio and State of New York ago tickt issued by asylie. If you "TACT IN COURT." other iforintioui address Cores-
D NAYTIME TALED, want a tieket thatInciuehshe iBe10 10 ptgs."be. io eFouthpodig Secretary,
Lv.l sela d--- s-----e_- E iton.a.00 Isod
Lhidl d - -:00 p. m. &i1). syst-smsas -well s WBiguFour, esuEit:17 .DR. AYARD HOLES
Ar. u fflo , ----- 7::3a5n. tickets se issued by Ohio Cestral "SKILL IN TRIALS." 34 M a'shiigi nultS., Cla4C~,.
Lv. Bufalo - - - -- 9:3np. n.
Ar. Cleveland_--__-_- 7:30 a. m. Agents sonly. taut lsoe,1pages,0 i:te..0Nest
eniea1 Standard Time. TH, ABSHpppTvRAINS usid ey tioale.
Take the'C. & . L ine sseamerand en- yw ntr nd1 v 111ISet Iilo
Joy asrc suhh niis'setJURYeslu anlIAvLhSNsvAtiiDiADVOCATES" 1IID
Bufal Niagh'ara ails- Toronto, Neis York, Stations at St. tous overthe Netl'p.1::u-l
BotnAbn,10slands, oridganyer-Easterni 70g0::1:ip. 00 0 auSliedT. iFoft
or ao'atah psit. Mrhants BT. &heeb0.vidC. , Ry. Kn$4.0.&omiMe.Tialyo
CHEAP ,IICURSIONS WEEKLY 11 NIGARA FILLS, thse: iot, sluok(-y-.disags-us-abtidorul U:yeas. .&O .Ry .&x y
send Sceipostge for tourisi pamphlet. throuigh the tunnel. Co AddessuSlid SI:rogitrins btwieencolTuedo, Oho
AddressN TsFs::MA, ad alisesouIt.W. , via Coums, he
Gee, F Pss B~lA, T. F.N'wMangr.LOST Williamson Law Book Co, sot amd oly direct route
Cleveland, 0. Betwcn ngalls ad asc'ikard on oBEWENo
Magnficent new teanshlip now under con-M iui hheslas-ui il lolester, News York. Toledo, .
stesetion for sis rote. ouot n2 bc eih adsl
1 1 r nl rorte-sots.Thinilser V I -1° ' tro ue etalogue oSeeondasnd Fiaday, 0.
FJ W R FJ W R wilLss ooks. Koton, .
FLOWERS, FLQVVERSwit onfea f fvor by rursmning lit oumu,0
For Everything and Everybody wn se toAss. 42 Packard 01. 171 CYoluUImbuTOPCTBHU1Ates, .
COUSINS & HILL, flrssi, 26,University ave. A ladyof txeriencse desres to it 169YOUR OINfI 60 O CD MiddAtens o t 0
_________________________ as 'natsioi of a society hous. for thei 1811105ILN. -.epra
DIETAS & SCHANZ, coning year. efers-stesscasi be Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. PmrO
gven if dished. Inquuire at Daly 0N5 THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDS
'1."OF' = 'TAILO.S oicle. 170 Ptsburg, Va.
Our Spring and Suinner Woolens. Coicert by Ladies' Ghive amd Banjo Vioit this Hitorical Island, which ia th Old Point Comfort, Va,.
are now oii sale. Prices Low. chs.siertyislJiu 50-t gradest summer resort on the GTreatWilabugVa
Call and se0 us. clbUiest al Tiei sei aes. It Only costs about $13 fromWilasugV.
Woenes's ynsssiussol 25 cens.l 172 Ostrol; $10 from Toledo; $18 rain Newport News, Va.
48 S. State st.. Seconds Flor.AnnsArbour For Sae-Rloyal issitesl bicycle, ah- Olsveland, fr the round rip, includingNrokVa
22Yar nthe Business -~- umot nw-;l0asts. (all ht M ues esuai ets Aodteha nIAnd all southeas5tern points. Eeant
22 Yeas ~o Byers'lust by trsveling on the D. & C. flotinmg draing room ecart o all tlsou ntinns.
f/ {J{ neutssstand, 4G5 Wilhiam. 171Wand l:cn.Iit h saattractions of a trip tote t or Fucther lforsmutin all on ysss'lcah
M. LUN R , San~rs'e~iiieeracteleXackiac re ion are unsurpasd hsTiket gnt se write,
t/ Staldtd"C3C~tnte5 a'Ctraft Fa So, il ts 1MUTON 11001, Geni Pas. Agt.
and rehitble, 5L, ainlCMsyers' sews s:liatimot invidorating.mati Two new '1V. A. PETERS, MiiliansPas.Aent, 0
SstL.N. .4ha etand. i1l35 urel psenger steamers hve just beii Dotis Mici.
"MERCHA9NT TAILORIN1G! Lasi s' Glee hnd Banjo club at tfnii-Butilt fir tise upper lake route, costing
300,011(1 each. They are equipped with-
leaning, Pressing asd Repairing ersity hall, June 1. 1531,very modern convenience, annunciators
dne ealy by Haeo om o etRfsa-oahrosYt. llmndtrwbu
A rrG.sCHOtheAm in2 ekeWDaily.o nyuelctricity, and are garanteed gto bho
verisethe intheDaiy.uc grndet, largest and safest t earers
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!________________ .-in fresh water. These steamers favorably
24 EAST HURON STREET. - - opare withs the great ocean liners in on-
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for T/7 £ Ctractisonnd speed. Four trips per wek *
and delivered. A. Vr. COVEROST.Irop. . jotween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- t. Ignace, Peoskey, Chicago, "So," - t"
TIDEANNARBO SAINGSBAN/Maturiete and Duluth. Daily between
SAIG AKMAR......... Clevelandl and Detroit, and Cleveland and
Ann Arb 50ith apirstc,$0,00. Pu-ii-By. The platial , equl ent iheLEDNSCO FESNSsn$Ol
Surplus$15,0 ' maeQrvlngo hs temr hrAND4. Mgnifcetibhildd~,i n innteaiteaes !az'f
Oraizes ne h.eerlBnigLw p apo hseee.esto-aieadac; ad dscipline;speiswor a ,ra
of this State. Receives deosite, buys andoghy ,njy al . n . Ilsrtdspplide gaI grones.:daily lc urs.O;srdudeh nrlBshn asaull noal u~ o lutae ~ i aasnda
selse xchage on the princpsi cities of the decipie baplet. Address A. A. evening reeonpins; open ie eire ear. ssp
Unted States. Drafts cashed upon peper W W' HARPG. , )D &OC.. Detroit Mich. iBoasr anihrisesfor paing sideni f id ianas
identification. Safety depoit oses to ren.,..,B oard and ronem.;Sntis tss per week mnpfis
OnriCEeS: Chritian ach, rees W. 2. II ai t T l f { TT familis. rThe,eas Ctlee inu redi ss~ 7sl
man ice-res. Cha. E.P~isocki ",,! 1 1L Y C LL1Iiwg.
Saema ic-re'Cas . isc,-fl1,YL 's.'~a eJeL~es Subscribe for the Daiy. !t so Ca-alo- . sdRessR Fs
HCashieru. . .Fets Asistant Cashier. . -5.f.CLAY.PO