Ije U., of
Al. Waln
VOL. V. NO. 161.
Our Team Strenghtened by Old'
Men.-The Line Up-Olivet Crip-
pled Behind the Line.
Yeterday's practice showedI the
'Varsity to bo working well together,
sod today's playing io the gamle with
Olivet should show a reat imptrove
oven over last Satrday.AWith Fer-
hert and Dyei' ehind the line. and
Vllba in the hine again,. it will lgin to
Th(' line' lin itoaly's game witllhe
as follows: Greenleaf. left end; ont,
left taekle; ('s, eeh't gar; Smith,
Iilit taekle; IMaddin ight ('lot
Birtd,qhatetr; t-'i'i'heile lft hllf;
Richards. rihtth11l1; tDye, fol ak.
110' line' up11of thi'Otiivt 11eam1 11a1
impoilssitble to judigi of tirit steingtt.
'Tiey defetedtlitillegNoa 4t-t a week
agoill, ic te'ot.hirhl
sooin aftere(.3 o'clock
Oil1 Saturday, tl it ihigillMilitry-
Acadlemiy taiilwill agin ltahy 110 heri,
histtad of tieI. A. C. The reseves
will play Albii iion isth 111(l '. Mill1-
iiesott lisadeotitofes to play 11s a
gamie thils year,tit arangementlts fr
othic gaines treludidit'e lmanage's
acc''e'ptinig tleml. iofgamel'will le
played Owitl Wison~lsin tils ytear,110
.Shii'has showni 110 desiri tiimalkt'
reasonlale tens. Foe this reason,
also, there oil e 110 Minnestta-Wis-
conisin gamie this yea.
Latle-otliveit's lit'etp isilli 110
fllows: Watson. ltft eni; ass, lft
tackle; Tallelnoye, left garid Flagg,
center; Dtter, left gtad; Steele, ight
tackle; Sinclailr, right end; Delhr tie
tKilpatriek, qatetr; Star, left halaf;
Mu's, right half; Sihlnt full back~i.
Athletic Board Meeting
Tile dietors of the Atleti Asso-
ciationl 111(4lastueigt anti transactetdi
considerable business, connettd main-
ly with foottiall Tie sale of tickets
of memel~irsip illtie association was
reported as encoraging and grater
than ever before, bit not yet watt it
shonld be. The Daily will in a few
days pnbishi a comsplete list of all
who have joined the associationi anti
paid the annna fee
Prof. Kirchner letres to tie law
students tomorrow ad Friday
The inmjury to Coach Macaley's foot,
which he received in being downed on
Monday, has compelled hina to nset
Board of Control. Mtnhigan Alumni, NO GOOD STUDEN~T
TthetUniv-ersity hoartd for tile regu- A iietilg ovas hldlt rilrsitliy (vill-
lationi of atthletics, more comllliy inig at the law' othee of 0,.1". Sessing- Ti~ys to Ic ait wuwthoutt hooks.
knuowni a15tile tboardtof cotole ld nita1 talts, It110 11ion'lt'rut buildting, 11111- Some peopile. though try tos use
ineetinag last nilght, a foil boardtbinlg posed of reelit alilini of till'tgre'at lilsiclstru11t1menlts with little
presemit. The officers remn the saimei'Unliversity of Mlihgol at Ann iAitbor, oit lit tone.
as last ytear, Dr. -Nallredei'nlg tie's- toi discuss tile feasitbility of forllilng e ayB h swhh ln
Tthe facullty lllilts' ro srite. 1N1il- ttiis city. ''tieeiae a numbliitertof W sell that ind.ti
L. ('. JShie'tds laniii.('. lhaild, ithl assoitionii teee. When'levete it't 51 Sooth Main st.
two vacanicies to i)1. 5 'laity (Gtei' C'titiors a111simlilare lie S]ZUJTID iEIN ' 1
litiiii was10given'15 t etal llto iitile citthis citythetll iluinihavue'atl)ys =-FINE-
aiwariing of the faclty-ptits'fill'genl- foreda'tempt'll~orary -omimittt'e'toi 115- FOOTWEAR
Basidseas appointedtsiito-coltle;t hisettledl illbutineliss herunIl ti'alst ""i
'[Tie commlllitttee'wilt ftiriuiati' ru11s to, gaalIne in' llSt. Loiuits iteresi'teini iBEA.LS SHOE STORE
It osill bei'fore i'best all-ai-oundit sitithe osin 0ioof tihoseip'tils'llast ei's-i'l-Yl[J' OTT CAN~
Systeml of si'oriaig.lnii' tolerfet a tpeeilillelt asosocia- 'oI ]"T ill)CL7QA.
Progress of Tournament,. iii. Alttlili 111i li'ihe fG.R. KELLY 33 E. Huron Street.
_______- ~theiveiio--rsil-ty r itiietd tol siiidt Be till-casaitaktis nllootice withtiyoi.
flrst tclss sinigle's ill thit'teni'tis tilollu- 1)-all, 2041(Commiieiasl building. 'T'hoisei'ie i
miin wsas piltyedthoff yest'rda-yo. NcMe- en H ygiereimnayiicin
Kenzsi'ill-efea'ited'ilht't 17-5, 6-2. '2Tie were': 10.IP. Sissimguttims. '1i; 11. it. Boardinug House,
first sit owas Oil) close',RBenneft rv-le-eland111, '93:; 0. IE. Scoitt, '1(1; tH. .~ MyadS.(ett io
t'lill tsg dei at of totur t. er'i-tl-'rii'iliisi, 't; t RI.hyanmi, 'hIt. .,'i.of Music).
"vom fromi Rolfe' (i-h_, (i-I1.tJoc-tly-n osonFremn fadD..1I:Hot,
fm-omt Si'lblmyin) ithel'siecondiroundtt, ')4-St. Louiiis Globe-Demiocr-at. $ .0 P DR
S-f, 7-5. T' layi' u wsas Oil)' goodl, For IL silies stiil Gentlemen.
totht men playvinug iahplc-ing game, Dental Department,. L UI'I~
hsut .toi''yii's steadty swork landeditiheu io-'Z'hiliomtmi 'iilli5 io- iiFl .55i
mat-ti fur iimi. 're'sct-it:iwo5 aily '1t) i''iIllii i ht sir fti's~iiLOW~NEYS CHOCOLATES
fm-omit ttrick'lit ttheu'eonlld lroundtt deptmeni't. Thie seniir5sitd to thieir' .11S-T 1111iVtEl AT
b-2, h-2. studiies a cousesiripstiosglo llt+ TUTTLE'S,
Ill seciod classaimigli's, ('umminigs D 'i+e 5eV~~48'S. STATE S
beatRusl 6-151'ht-, t6-4. Hutcinimgs beat iloitia tandtloral di'formlitti-aie s u ir A
It. DanmforthiIt4, 7-5. Damifom-thi, IDr'. toi'maic.t'i, ''he ir('sliiietake Isoin C
thioughi youing, plaiys it oey lead)yldlttm iitim ttjvsi lns'ii SCHOOL OF DANCING.
giamel. 'The' best maittchl i thiis chlssorgamii- chemoistr)-. They'iil~ol, is far t'laisseus11no1 openi t'Otiils reliceieditah aly
soas betwe-enml Ah'xanledr animl itliile tiru, thtersii t ti5ciih(1(1e, of idimiti-
its possihbt',hfiishi the cotmrse in dentals on l tse neie h i~iia i
Aleandr on , 4.stiastrst oit. easnd is. ts ranmer. Nou
Alexamtler soma (t, ~ lmechantiismi, giveni by' frs, Itiuf an11d tarsmo Sunt.I -Office anil)lniiiltehalt on
Ill toiday'sfihats, \Mceli'ii illhhth i eoondflor, vi llyliacl at.
ltsiuleiuas tiheitjuniort brahltoriy
lila)' Prescott toil AV. (tiesrtiig seill wsorhk ositt be spenit hargel)ill the antsl- ~ H S B O~ i
upiay Htutchinsgs. tomicsl, cheumnicalsoul istologieshlab hstu. ISTO E1
Fresnman Football.
Th le '98 football canidah~tes at thirt
moeetinlg)yesterdhay eletesd Bauhmant'l
as their perlnmaet a tinm. 'Thi
count shiowed 14 votes cast for Raughl-
mlanl and 11 for Olson. 'fie men thlen
atdjourined to the campu~ss, amid as there
were not enoughi men for two teams,
they owere praeticed ill signals. A
taes'wmmaof considrable osight ias
appeared for cenmter. Practice will be
held as usual oil the caltus this aifter-
Horton C. tRyan, '93 lit, is witht a
oratoietis of the' meilatdtearteniit.
.'fie ihouris for the',hprostheutic cltiic,
muder Dr. Dlorrancee have beent ctaog-
ed fromi to 4ph- . til hto11ia. iii
'The semniors, not tie juniiors as hiereto-
foire, osill puerform the soomi of this
'XX. tP. Temoplar, 'h96 dent, hias just
retumrmnedufrom 0,'ooiltiehugntasrio.
O). E. Siott, 'tI Ilaos, buisiness itsme
ager utf1(ast yeatr's To-Wit, is prae-
ticimn law in St. Louis, Mlo.
The Political Equaltmity climb swill
meet hnoMeMillan hmll Fridlay, Oct. 19,
We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We bny and sell second-hand hooks.
Mathematical Jnstrnmemntsamid
Drafting fSpplies at special
rates. We offer
Best Linen Ppraper at 20c Per Lb.
University Bookstore, Down Tows,
on State St. Opp. Court house,
wholesale shoe houise in St. L~ouis. I at)I p. itt. All imnterested sre imnvitedl.