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May 16, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-05-16

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JWLIGHIGAN GNT A Word From Mr. Roberts, U. Ott'11. c ALENDAR Lt THAT
Time ITie (Revised) Noc. R1b9ts4. XXord h-icjcst com~e from Osca1r Fr. My i Sacty i(i
sin, f4 ) 1. to.xI^cI
MiEASad WEST. Roletthatr he(has about reec red Fri., Sa 7 lttliii i R ~iiLL
Mail and Ex----------- ail h43lis ,c;t.--1itrMtRotsts is kniown toAMay Festival ililtis. Ut civ-;ity hil
N. . peial-- 515 N Y Speil. ISO 3
Ea ern j o'x-- .. I 0 i5 N S-Limited.- t) 2;' 111001 of tlii old t totitls is illo 91 8 ip. Iii. .tA I D- -
AtlantiifccE ---s--12 it
At.ani i Ex---- 47 1I'-,M C. E.who vi0-lt to Africa list fall to S, -, ay is. Voctic liyieldt it , A HUSTLING AGENT S CONVIC 14N
1). N. Expressc 5040 WestcenEs~- lii 12 -1.11
G.I.E rs_.1 5 Ci t . E -- - - 0 5 c , iiiisol15 soik te ts aykes a111ie, 1llltl Itow' h
GI se 115 1. 1. E s - 10 5 ch ro ? at., Ala}' Soc 1-sl t-- i t I cc~iiit o iif"lfi 1- oc 110_'t. s ii ;tas
O.W. ltGoo.ms, II.. iOiAYtis, beto i hoeebti , ofew cweeks couc.IIhito- viccity iiilt iii 50111 to 7Ii<11. ic,"gcavnii .l1,aiaii 1, Iit luie',I cit
G. 1'a.. A. E t hicgo. Aol., Ann At-boe.
T.,S A. A. & IN'.X . " , rb1:Bmle.'Doyn0,ol'. htE',i:1!<(
TramsiFkin1eagve' Aim AorSdyon ti an lta tinii stltoc 111111neting js ee iiicl F t.SlyS- ittilii itT1ho1of 11 lii ii - tiieh oiii ii iitj oo 1o (>
.el baealIia t oo.Y" tn i~ototaic ct~~~
n oti e. lteshhaoavne. et ocled IriiM y -.- So hlii-4 )-'ty lii ii il il o ic ork cos liict cc hi
NiO.T .'~.n.. SOUT11H. tot lmiS -- illiO id itit5.I 1 c rank hulk111- 011151110is ' tlac' 7t-iii-a7
81:W tia. .li7l1t a.im.- I
415pb~tili'111d1 zu'-0 1uloi oto-e it his l+cI'., Stay 'w'i. 1his-ct 1:0tlt elil t th-e tc'iiyl- uio i itI i
'coolscsir -n t-een Aria Aetlol ailid oli-do ctor c hoot its i Iis tr rc eo il 01101 iiiile ititt ic- by st-ilk I tv iyiIi' Ni-e si- i ci o , lilt -lisic in i 'ii thc
AltlItindutly exceip1t unday.i lea , e octat itf-iiig to his fticticld i i, Sa,1. XItnIc t -iii i -lilii 117 c lc: aeC ita y it,:I.:, 1:11 ilc .tti el
to. o. ttI E v iSC? t, Agentlb ate, tawc ~ttri- coom.ll85111n-
W. I l3 . E NOTl' G- P'A. Totedlo 0. aitheliii-iii-crsiic. Ni Xt sonli a t -I Ot it . W-ti-ihti 1
ip ou-liii u lci iwiliantiitltl- It Sect- 1ti.c ciiloioilshct, ltn. 101 iAN EASY SELLER,
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, 1tbY ry The malih11.lobrt'ey- of 1e o t 95.ly "O
ti-cscciill -irea tc g i ll acotsiihli_____of _____________________
Time Table, October 7, 1894. lte110105siventy tiilescorilt0 ____of____
!tLaeoiaicttnti from loot;eo t s., 7:110, it9:00 tithe iqot icr11a1d tie ti-crl : l t (~IIIHj UTING 011TO ®gPIC1I
cnd 11110 t. iii.; 12145, 2:5,5:Q0, 145, 9:0014 nd_ j11RCKIN 0ISUD. PLYMOUH CYL MEG. U D0,
Leive. Anti ArbiorJunction, 71.10, t9s:30 __and_
11:30 a. i.; 1:11,2:455:30,71it1100a1:iiiltpi.. S.AY L iA A i' ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE 511IDEO TH In
li,117AY ThdE.rn,- - 1in AT SMALL EXPENSE.

heace Ypilanti from Congresccl,i-i0, 3:3 0, t rIl~ttiivotiic it-s e________in
1:010, 6:01 aniii9000 p.tm.liittof tOckets to Anit Artbotoo the Vei hnHtoia sad hc sht
Leave Asn Arhor Junohion, 2:00, 4:00, 5100, hi lca, Vllctsldvl e-cindet tissmerrl sctan, tihiGethe
7:00 and 9:3h0 p. m. ly etvl l ikt odwl b rnetsme eoto h ra
Cartsrensin ity lime iFare: single trip 150 a tks tol ot bu 3fo
cens; round tripti ckens 25 cent. goolitrinig SMty 20 insic-ezd 01 ex -thn I ny cssshu 13it
'its 1.PcentstiRStipt. hiitn Oi).Slay 19 . toiul 1$15 from Toledo;I $18 froini
STANLEY. tind, for the round trip, inctuciiit
^ A. A, ST ;, t .its s aet herho. Avoid the heel w t il
2.50 CLEVELAD MLALS ON WiABASH PARTLOR li st, hy traveling on the D., C. dloetw-
$2.50t,.tlce,,.Tie attractions of a trip tte
TO CAPlS. %iilinsr region are unsurpassed. 11(t
BUFFALO. IttArrogemetits have been made to : tt itself is a grand romantic split, its
sere tealsticniiParlor Cats now'ivucoo hintimos0001invigorating, Tworriew
VIA (C. & B. LINE"' dg oti t4atd4, t(oc -i assenger steamers have juntlbet-
xiingon, rain; 4 nd sbetwen S. ,.tsr oothe tupper lake route, centittt.
Magntificeteiiside-'whelstel-ohsteaimers tootsaTioletdo, and passen'gers 1511 -:il00,0001e-ccii They are equipped witht
State of Ohio anod State of New York (ti-reafter:gel tmetals oi lhit so cr - Imodern.covenience, anuunciatons,-
~ .5 ~ st 1 liE, I iqtato iailysavedl at thi- bash hotieis hiltrfs, etc., illuitioiated throughtot
UNsi o ricitI.F.. 1thuat yisoo''ctichi -- 1 -ite-,stndI tre guaranteed hIto t
,t UNAY1tc1i ~t , ndatmoertepciees- tll ar ~tgest anti safest stitmeti
to . CoveltsiI---.__--------111;010- . C. S. CRA'Nt -o -,ri tc. Theoe oleanuiers favortiht
At, haui£t.------------- it.m sWO thOetsca inr n os
Lu~~~~~ - lll i, - - 111 -1.It hIsoiy iliIi r ticct nrtiti
At-. Clo-velan- - -__- 7301.in. -- - 1 1speed. Y, ouetrips per Sct-..
Cetl st-a slllad itt ow. Itaih>-SIsllj-htS 1. CtI;SION -t ille hi, IDetroit, Alpetia, St i ii
Tatt, I 01w-"0'. 0,.II1,i tio"0,111100 r - od iin On ySii 2. n5z1 to ih1iitXctits iof1 ', ItloshoyChicagpo, "So111"'
toy a ct l-lito . s1511 ;t, 1 1111111 111 tte1to- 0100ItS iticil Iliitv wls :l S 11,-htt ie an 13ct'lit. Dily betwit I
1''ilii- ths 1-1is, ,ron ot,, -rkl,. I l i it troittied Chevelaodl oct
Boston l !,ll i t ,00110 is<tc raI.t4. er iiiSee ttrs 1111 II i-i i ckets10 to hloititsl't.-j1o 1011117 111 le stplati i'rtll 1c'iY
CHEAP EtMRSIVIS KIM LTOYNIAARAYLLSit Gr it t it -;01 days. Alno ticets II ci Ito,-11117 itli SenSdtiofur iihstcortef
Seniti - I lot ,io ortie t 111 ltiirnlile 0ilhhcX tlSttllci ot .tt fihti- l~ tii( tlila 1111 Aulresic An t I
W ctP in-s. lA t c.-ilDit--il.A-'etuo.
Sito'tthii elill 1110 s tnhlllcip nowi iunder ctn XX.A. Pt'IItltS, SI. P. A., TH SA AH" YLOEE
sltuctntfoe thllis rotIiie. Delcoit, Mich.
'liii Ilbtratorvy fees tot- Course 3in m ' -ur
For Everything aid Everyhody. IPhysies, primarly anttishionidtary bttt- (0 -+
DUIS&HLFlrss26 S. Unersity ave teit illhi' 1 anod lot iSt 11as
_________________________________ iv____n__ iiithe atiiotce nictof -tthei
DIETAS & SCHANZ ititsooi.0
Mr. OF ZM. TAILOnS K._1. ourlt.,

0. Lippxnan, Agent,
46 E. William StL
The highest of this'95 high grade
'wheel. Solby
104 S. Man St.
1+ oco7 i-ly withOceorgi- W IDu,1
evecrytitioga Studentiiid i h
titiec oh' 'text Boloks, Statioi-cy ast0d
M i. et lar tot-Sleeck in geneoal,
l19 E. Washingtoo st., olneblock
east of Main st
P athino tyrpe s
- The tatesIthig isnPHOTOGRAPtH Y
6 Etaurnnst.-ipcialI Rales to Seniors.
',A,.Lq s
HAND8. Magnifiseat batlding; ten teachers; targi
attendance; good disciplinn; superior workt;swel
Isied reading ross; daily tectures;, Oatrl
'-xiingsreepios opea ths entire year. Eceep
linlFaitiefor e placing students in posittos
hiciad asttroom $s to $2.75 per wek in private
'.cities. Thes atesoreduced t in 5o bylipself
--'ing. tFnr Catalogue address
High OlsnansiDnomestic Finish.
X. S. SERVISS, Nanager,

Our Sprin-r and Sumnier Woolens
are now on sale. Prices Low.
Call and see us.
48 S. Statr si.. Setond loiit, Antn Arbor.
22 Yearn in the Businesn,"r 15 .
X. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
Cleaning, Prensing and Repairing
done neatly by
AIUG. OCiSOINIWALD, 261 F. Wanhington
Goosd Work Ouaranteed.,Gos called for
ail delivered. A. F.(COVEiRT. Prop.
Ann Arhor, Mlick. Capital Stock, $50,H00.
Surpts, $150,.
Organized under the General Banking Lawn
of this Stale. Receives deposits, boys sod
sells exchange ono the priscipat cities of the
United Staten. Drafto canked opeon proper
identification. Safety deposit boxes to rest
OFrcnost Chrintian Hack, lres' "W.D:
Harriman, Vice-Pres.t Chas. E. fliscock,
Canhier: H. J: Frito Assistant Casier.

T.&Od.C. Ry. K. &X. Ry.
Stilid thounghtirlal ein eutnToiedo, Ohio,
aid thaklectont, h.Va., via hotlnibus, te
shiort nd uonly dieet route.
Toledo, 0.
Findlay, 0.
Kenton, 0.
Columbus, 0.
Athens, 0.
M~iddleport, 0.
Pomery, 0.
Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Richmond, Vs.
Petersbuarg, Vs.
Old Point Comfort, Vs.
Williamsburg, Vs.
Newport News, Vs.
Norfolk, Vs.
And att noutheatnertpons. Etegast
drawing room cars on all throgh trains.
For further iinomatios call os your ltal
Ticket Agest or writo
MOULTON HOft, Gen'l Pans. Agt.
Toledo, 0.
W. A. PETERS, Mlichigain Pass. Agent,
Detroit 74Mc.

A Device for Acetirately Rtegister-
ing the Distance Travelled
oni a Bicycle.
Illis as pro'cineit its oeralti n s awtch;
wilt islwe-ar ine hicycles. weitit lilly S%
ounorcsihno poof, Nvutcprtof antd nien-
lens; 11as whihtei'anl hdital, snas ti t ch;
regiter1,0miesand rpets;is eatsil n
tquickly asp ill :odjusle to horead freom any
ponition tes lii' teili'ntode for24, 1N, 285fand
30 inchtI nteetnu titid is atuieuAiny guarastoid
-cuaiedllwithout iharet'
For Save by aliRertailiyleyr'Dealers.

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