THE U. OF M. DAILY. JWLIGHIGAN GNT A Word From Mr. Roberts, U. Ott'11. c ALENDAR Lt THAT Time ITie (Revised) Noc. R1b9ts4. XXord h-icjcst com~e from Osca1r Fr. My i Sacty i(i sin, f4 ) 1. to.xI^cI MiEASad WEST. Roletthatr he(has about reec red Fri., Sa 7 lttliii i R ~iiLL Mail and Ex----------- ail h43lis ,c;t.--1itrMtRotsts is kniown toAMay Festival ililtis. Ut civ-;ity hil N. . peial-- 515 N Y Speil. ISO 3 Ea ern j o'x-- .. I 0 i5 N S-Limited.- t) 2;' 111001 of tlii old t totitls is illo 91 8 ip. Iii. .tA I D- - AtlantiifccE ---s--12 it At.ani i Ex---- 47 1I'-,M C. E.who vi0-lt to Africa list fall to S, -, ay is. Voctic liyieldt it , A HUSTLING AGENT S CONVIC 14N 1). N. Expressc 5040 WestcenEs~- lii 12 -1.11 G.I.E rs_.1 5 Ci t . E -- - - 0 5 c , iiiisol15 soik te ts aykes a111ie, 1llltl Itow' h GI se 115 1. 1. E s - 10 5 ch ro ? at., Ala}' Soc 1-sl t-- i t I cc~iiit o iif"lfi 1- oc 110_'t. s ii ;tas O.W., II.. iOiAYtis, beto i hoeebti , ofew cweeks couc.IIhito- viccity iiilt iii 50111 to 7Ii<11. ic,"gcavnii .l1,aiaii 1, Iit luie',I cit G. 1'a.. A. E t hicgo. Aol., Ann At-boe. T.,S A. A. & IN'.X . " , rb1:Bmle.'Doyn0,ol'. htE',i:1!<( TramsiFkin1eagve' Aim AorSdyon ti an lta tinii stltoc 111111neting js ee iiicl F t.SlyS- ittilii itT1ho1of 11 lii ii - tiieh oiii ii iitj oo 1o (> .el baealIia t oo.Y" tn i~ototaic ct~~~ n oti e. lteshhaoavne. et ocled IriiM y -.- So hlii-4 )-'ty lii ii il il o ic ork cos liict cc hi NiO.T .'~.n.. SOUT11H. tot lmiS -- illiO id itit5.I 1 c rank hulk111- 011151110is ' tlac' 7t-iii-a7 81:W tia. .li7l1t I 415pb~tili'111d1 zu'-0 1uloi oto-e it his l+cI'., Stay 'w'i. 1his-ct 1:0tlt elil t th-e tc'iiyl- uio i itI i 'coolscsir -n t-een Aria Aetlol ailid oli-do ctor c hoot its i Iis tr rc eo il 01101 iiiile ititt ic- by st-ilk I tv iyiIi' Ni-e si- i ci o , lilt -lisic in i 'ii thc AltlItindutly exceip1t unday.i lea , e octat itf-iiig to his fticticld i i, Sa,1. XItnIc t -iii i -lilii 117 c lc: aeC ita y it,:I.:, 1:11 ilc .tti el to. o. ttI E v iSC? t, Agentlb ate, tawc ~ttri- coom.ll85111n- W. I l3 . E NOTl' G- P'A. Totedlo 0. aitheliii-iii-crsiic. Ni Xt sonli a t -I Ot it . W-ti-ihti 1 ip ou-liii u lci iwiliantiitltl- It Sect- 1ti.c ciiloioilshct, ltn. 101 iAN EASY SELLER, ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, 1tbY ry The malih11.lobrt'ey- of 1e o t "O ti-cscciill -irea tc g i ll acotsiihli_____of _____________________ Time Table, October 7, 1894. lte110105siventy tiilescorilt0 ____of____ !tLaeoiaicttnti from loot;eo t s., 7:110, it9:00 tithe iqot icr11a1d tie ti-crl : l t (~IIIHj UTING 011TO ®gPIC1I cnd 11110 t. iii.; 12145, 2:5,5:Q0, 145, 9:0014 nd_ j11RCKIN 0ISUD. PLYMOUH CYL MEG. U D0, 10:30 1). BUSINESLOCALS Leive. Anti ArbiorJunction, 71.10, t9s:30 __and_ 11:30 a. i.; 1:11,2:455:30,71it1100a1:iiiltpi.. S.AY L iA A i' ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE 511IDEO TH In li,117AY ThdE.rn,- - 1in AT SMALL EXPENSE. heace Ypilanti from Congresccl,i-i0, 3:3 0, t rIl~ttiivotiic it-s e________in 1:010, 6:01 aniii9000 tOckets to Anit Artbotoo the Vei hnHtoia sad hc sht Leave Asn Arhor Junohion, 2:00, 4:00, 5100, hi lca, Vllctsldvl e-cindet tissmerrl sctan, tihiGethe 7:00 and 9:3h0 p. m. ly etvl l ikt odwl b rnetsme eoto h ra Cartsrensin ity lime iFare: single trip 150 a tks tol ot bu 3fo cens; round tripti ckens 25 cent. goolitrinig SMty 20 insic-ezd 01 ex -thn I ny cssshu 13it 'its 1.PcentstiRStipt. hiitn Oi).Slay 19 . toiul 1$15 from Toledo;I $18 froini STANLEY. tind, for the round trip, inctuciiit ^ A. A, ST ;, t .its s aet herho. Avoid the heel w t il 2.50 CLEVELAD MLALS ON WiABASH PARTLOR li st, hy traveling on the D., C. dloetw- $2.50t,.tlce,,.Tie attractions of a trip tte TO CAPlS. %iilinsr region are unsurpassed. 11(t BUFFALO. IttArrogemetits have been made to : tt itself is a grand romantic split, its sere tealsticniiParlor Cats now'ivucoo hintimos0001invigorating, Tworriew VIA (C. & B. LINE"' dg oti t4atd4, t(oc -i assenger steamers have juntlbet- xiingon, rain; 4 nd sbetwen S. ,.tsr oothe tupper lake route, centittt. Magntificeteiiside-'whelstel-ohsteaimers tootsaTioletdo, and passen'gers 1511 -:il00,0001e-ccii They are equipped witht State of Ohio anod State of New York (ti-reafter:gel tmetals oi lhit so cr - Imodern.covenience, anuunciatons,- ~ .5 ~ st 1 liE, I iqtato iailysavedl at thi- bash hotieis hiltrfs, etc., illuitioiated throughtot UNsi o ricitI.F.. 1thuat yisoo''ctichi -- 1 -ite-,stndI tre guaranteed hIto t ,t UNAY1tc1i ~t , ndatmoertepciees- tll ar ~tgest anti safest stitmeti to . CoveltsiI---.__--------111;010- . C. S. CRA'Nt -o -,ri tc. Theoe oleanuiers favortiht At, haui£t.------------- it.m sWO thOetsca inr n os Lu~~~~~ - lll i, - - 111 -1.It hIsoiy iliIi r ticct nrtiti At-. Clo-velan- - -__- -- - 1 1speed. Y, ouetrips per Sct-.. Cetl st-a slllad itt ow. Itaih>-SIsllj-htS 1. CtI;SION -t ille hi, IDetroit, Alpetia, St i ii Tatt, I 01w-"0'. 0,.II1,i tio"0,111100 r - od iin On ySii 2. n5z1 to ih1iitXctits iof1 ', ItloshoyChicagpo, "So111"' toy a ct l-lito . s1511 ;t, 1 1111111 111 tte1to- 0100ItS iticil Iliitv wls :l S 11,-htt ie an 13ct'lit. Dily betwit I 1''ilii- ths 1-1is, ,ron ot,, -rkl,. I l i it troittied Chevelaodl oct Boston l !,ll i t ,00110 is