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May 03, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-05-03

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Wr%~ ~iig ol article of This ind tr PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES,
~I+ oV W ,pt. t ubicainsholdbilIi '5f11(d from
LJLLJJJ tho UniverIsity ty tie'fatulty ot
PublshieidIDaily (Sunday excitioptedouing rien,i if it Siwere iin ainiway os- r+
t~o Clte~ yea, it liit bisn ihis ideitit. ti. ven-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. i, iirthi," ot Detroit, 1,cs REIIIIS BILrst.I
Co-rico Tiiiebildotiing N Main st,opposite p tot iiBttltiti ti otiw,_iet op°.e-r5
pst ofie. pprt ulsltesufwiha]
EDITORS. aii ic iih is cittpeit ty tie DailyI
J. A. Li.Pos, '6, Matnanog Editor. fronsysteray's ticeri. o.r
C.. I llnioons,96I1.,Assistant "iA5rnI otltii net' ~et
A. \V . HPeciteatAssistant. 'Adeverentory Cablommittoevetn
Adv.sA.y iommttee ElAsttot at. __""_"x cC rfi m o"1Snit ness ait saddle Srens. The
I, Coar 'It, LAttitoditor Vitihaes5t 1asI it iitiiiSaddle intlirWord.
J. S.. 1ti , ,5,5 97Buin hls anger . At liie'nmetimgoftthe ntl tte hiart e wFor liMinis otin ad Children. Cclarise
Associato Editors. 1(ast niightibuiisiiiess5iiatt tn1titnl " r I 5 Itj 0 PiiUoA CSADLEs,.
I. A. Dianoe ,'(iS. E. .. Eteins, '55L. w. 'itdiscs cd iS.I . tateyt of is snperior to cy other. None ut the 107ChaNersMtI ADDew York
. A. Sndelato. 9 c. it.* (tiVa }math, A(;. 4. f finest ioatraltolac uedoein its construe __________________________
limte, SC ao t .llnti~a ),o ioi,and slayrsswhsiseitareeontin- 4 1Ir (GRANID (SPERA IHT'h17OiTl
},atC. .i.Habe'uL A liousgton, 'it D). C.A. tHeatii,96iiP. Iet-orttan I. G. <itaseladtii, to. aloly estiying to its sperioity. It ~ StO\JtIi~II~
(11iii floThmponii, 9'. itBI. Caeamno'98 Al ~ ot,'rn ctL i ratati'iIt is moere silienianid moe duabe *J
C. I. tat ret, 9i. . F.. If apn,'s. ' thnay STothee.Y4,89.
J.1.5.inlay, 's. tnitmb-r f ii'bie orn o~tf i,, Vito Athletic Goods aiways fie STR A ,M Y4 85
Subsription price$2.to peyar, ivariaibty Athlttii assoiation. 'lii facutty ~OVR11 ANWHEEL CO. E ~Iobert + Cawthorn,.
In advance. Siigle opies 3Sceeits Susrip- 1ortotuts of thistuoarid re four il Makers of Vitnoricycles. 4--cDiTS-
tioiis maybelef(ttt tatoi olteDiii iNi, iutith - ths. \anereehde anit Ct'i11t)l'Bho~stuo. N-Ectek Dtot. tDee.ILO
at Stiilt st(it ntiisi t. nets stati, with iCIFC WSP: d COXPANY OFCOMEDIANS,
anOy ot the eiitos or auizated sictiitors titidlProfs. IRolfi antt-Pi. Sai Fraiso. iceaCeA s'e Psetlad.d Ciiiiiete liii ntof .C . itches,1
Cii muioiiatiiiis shoutd reahite off ice y 'lit eO vfrecody
7 o'elocke p. m. it they arei to aipearuiete net Californianso On Thsir Way Eat. '° " yK M N.
day. Adress all mattir intendedtfoe podi- Ri t c'. itiiiiAgasi l.'st 1itn,list .4 ~CF?~I \.A.NI
catioc ti the1aaiatacEdit. Atl busiietss tall 'n.-si-o., St-ci-al lii ti' The is i amlsEsch ne
ecomuniatinsshouilad Sc set to die ousi-tbait -,1h1t} -CaturtailiKet iii i IVS N i{' ISIC. hu og
n- ess Sauciger. alohan t"j
THE U. OF M. DAILY, tain of ti-lin toi oniosin te tiiEli-_______ Prices, - - 36c, 50c, 75c.
Aii Atac el. s rity f C alifoeia. tim-Ich am hiet tesrieseas ts on ste atwIatti'Jeseiy
Attentiion is called to thii' notie of 11fot'lii'ctst ont a oto i t tr1th li"'Six Love ogs,''
1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1i lielli.l'ildi ~tr t'o na i i ood iapshant~d cietii1-) liiyl tankcJr..SagyrTiislaiios oitSisFIRST NATIONAL BANK.-
cit 'pttitteire,(te-clinclass athlt'ic-s..Itmakelne t'ricoriis. Te'- riti"roti nett..sHeavy Paper, 75 ceits. F ANN ABOR.E
is liledtht eeryone tall iti .s'l (aifor-nia ietonIwituchillb'lheiifirsi iCOLLEGEL iISo 9Is.Orgaied 183.
'i-l]igrsli -m~ 5 Ieldi will ocutr .aM15. aCiptal, $100000O.Surpus ad Pres, $40,t0.
Suscib fr heDa]Theeustandar(d colectionu atColege Siiie. ous-ig.. 'su-nesboigtandnad. Friirli
the reserve forceso of the 'varity tnarh frteDiy. oPenr( 01 0 d SHavy Ppr, &O Itt elcit0oh eecut.
"- - - ------ "- - - ^ e t;C1uthGl.taltts. - - -I'0C , S I . tACi tes. . 5. CLAIIKON, Csher.
AtiAorMiilai..sttti IC C S BCYCL.ES!I "COLLEGE SONGS [OR GIRLS." AnAbr leiMa - ialA oTTo arraige for private or
sensllo wasekeltl.d 17 te znnioii- ( IVJ1 WAiiOny lie,ii at the]ittditptiised. The A
abotratorys o lteicl ttdott If you usihlito btuy t Biyrle lt lit lavvfPa per, $1 .0 ,sfrLml.SPE CI AL C AS
Itirlt of tthe I.-nersilytodayi 1%111to sa40cdisotutitfromitti rctar rice; esnsnDnig'ala
it l cliii'-ktowtha-i tittttet.'Of th' su nctidesec 'its. .YL £LLLIUN RISLIRII I[2ilol W.hC. hestsuhanit,'ula
dentshad1((1cater-li1a inst ai, i l tthbiii i 'ilsuh ciSuiiris ltlttl. Iigity-.coo pieces frtar eli' gitturr outhe'I~'7
of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I soil-i sslt-hs lo ihtmn hgs, 'uvruic-ts Aits, Untion.t, blts ceis. t A spenttdcottection. iad- Office hotrs Itto 1 and 4 to S.
ailwhih0vv ,tthO ncanto.a No1111:1itOliehuovr.n50cent.
hyinig. A Germcano tituti itstudtittilldSiitso sarels, Trineisstntear- ANyoutustairsoitnt to oo-mtiuntt.re
utsahly calle tilte ciulnt" hIt laytot ), try ike otls'itIliihetiartoet at reii'-~t
liuotglit his uttch it'irotutu s the oited ipries. M OLIVER DITSON CO.,MS ANI WRD F TE'
uork i to'aatomttical u-a si iouer-i Also a full itle of tufitio'whls. .ns-n tsuurolo. lti. aSchool of Dncing and Dolsate.
'i'i, ed is ).,tba d e wl Sa uday, 10a.i 01, Getilmin o eguneiclans
pies o'Chinonihotr. tSont Iti' rife Istd ,tito tC. ustlsts's sti0H Ditsn & Co N Y, at aiaydpim", Ldiy beginr lss
los sOtudentst'thiougthtOit is anol 'i Olcll 1uray. t:stu pni., A aanmucl Clas(Lades'
goto joolse otut ake ti ti 'th lesI h We hlieomde titaiho it-tt ti'is (t'cTHE ANN ABORPAVINGS r BANK Ca-duay,t60 p.nm., aBeginer Chas(Ladies
uand m:tt it atf iniilitt-tg t'tlunchnri pttehtttroat 11'. )Daiy- otliectan i6i19 '.ARB O UEHS1 P v. vofacu ei ,y appontment
"'T'ecouhit"its fonadof s~tns and .111nitht for tli, etOto wee-ls fromtu0:0tuAnnu Aibor, M~rI. CaptitStat-t, $x,000. SC O L4 S.S AE T
rut pta, 115.t(tett. _______6_._S__T___S
brillsOothn[sIs lunh atltost cvser to S o'ctuuoo.Os irdtiu der it. teGic ual nkiluigLtws
daty. A hlan1u:sislaido tiscr litS THEt-('LoT tATIECYLtE CO., oit hiis tt. i coiecs ii Otts, Ius an(hidTHE
u-ll siti iii. tierti.a citeu of che
aliii teefrotihithe' roomllftr abrief Lt. of AO Dily Ouh(. tunitiiict -. Ditof tittissi-i (tope v1(10(11301 C cl
___________andoter"_______theplot___ ",tcitittni. Sitfety uciosC ioes ha rtnt.J
lituo' tttu ut~troiiiOtt' oltt oloto--- ___ ___- Celo ta ti ota iiia OTet, .; 5V. L. A r uuurpsiseuo
1I1 alei'SOlill of t huisttilh ti E4YOU OUIve 00nO Phot ciii -W atoe, V i-e.Ci~b to. iisoaek
a'U Ibanmi.e~e zalctS..A 0Frilz AssisltioCashier. 'BnEATY i'CE) Ah VO IANSHIP.
Maitetsh. 'he plnollA Isatin- Coach atGood suut'c ii deo00secad-
tlctorityt"tile out"C'rO iucned JOOIBi N06O ILON. V'd. - GG.FFl iliduhlei. F ul.A
ton/ toh Itvho' rottie fi orIi. em be1eti sile ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RDE FIRST CLASS CUSOM TAILORING CAT°E-
onlu uelewogt'tou 1 10 AT SMALL EXPENSE. III &I ' CTERlTF
plo'tnilou'd it eoriginatl tineatt ill ttoe'Corner ' A State.ad isita tts ..., fi~~i i.4IY R 2ER E. Sanoig-
skin cutthe it'sat~gu'aidoul llt it ith-lllViit this tHistorical Iland, which iu the S"itia, uSttouaic 55}.{ 5& mo
flesh cht fromo a limolllibhing;uwhichl grandet ummer resort on the Grt
Ittotlurv~lltyhu'oti cots't "tr iLtikes. It only cot about $13 from IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT t;a] eciii Tblatr Reed-Iafrelety5
had revousy ben ookol fr. he etrit. $15 from Toledo ;$8 from ort .
purloc. Thenthety ati-lttu "thin Cleveland, for the round trip, including CEO. S PARKER FOUNTA'IN' PEN.
countc." STlo hungry studnht appar- mealn and beth. Avoid the heat and
enly nottoul:tte ifferenceth in aste dust by traveling on the D. & C. foiong -^ a, ~a
plaes. The attractiono of a trip tcEle Yorieletr Io lkeeyto Oneteri, to ha',ite a nduii Em' . Aueteioformtnaiolyo soil sd
at uoce, anud, althoughlie crealized OMackinac region are unurpassed. Thre orea naasl ilstenatlog-ane te. I'ARRELE~ oNl~'NTeDa , Jinie irm ..
shlat something uWas uwrog, le refitsed islnd itelf is a grand romantic spot, its SHERXIAN &b CO. Excusive Agents for Ann Arbor.
huh bu m ade the huttf f a jotk" and climate mot invigorating. Two new
ate thesilag '- steel paoenger steamers have just been A
55-itl~~t gounae.uiult fr thin upper ake route, coting
Thoe in thie plot didl not duite to $000 each. They are equipped with O0FS&O
laugh or remark on hils canniaisni every modern convenience, annunciators,
'c,.u. Oe heiwas a look on Ill face ,bath rooms, etc., illuminated throughout
whciemdt enai iltienulo hiahrelectricity, and are guaranteed to be 1,000
whic Solne~ tothe grandest, largest and safest steamers
any one wiho contessed a part in .th o fresh water. These steamers favorably nPSTOSFLE
allegod joke. Tonight 101ishe talk of. compare withl the great ocean liners in con- ' '- oPSTNSFLE
he Lniversiy-Cicago tRecortd.,- struciio and speed. Four tripo per week IN 184.
evbed ohonuuft stetween -Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki Q .
Theovenes:o c lvas nue, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Se,"°
he lie is only too apparent on its face', Marquette and Duluth. Daily between - f sed for Agency
Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Manual.'
and proveshe character of the pagpr Putin.Sey. The palatial eqipment
which accepts such despicable rot makestavling on these steamers thor-
ouglhly enjoyable. Snd for illustrated Bston New York
from whoever cheoes to sndlIrkt. descriptive pamphlet. Address A. A... Chago:LoAgeles
Astudent who would be guilty of SHIT1G AD & C., Detroit, Mich. Troto Was~agose

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