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October 13, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-13

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fk+0 f L, rdi I Th Battle Ball. ANNIE WARf FOIEB J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H. ALLEM AND.
hefollowing IS the (Iescriptionl of
P~tllht I ~ fte gait' of "hattle ballĀ°"1a0 intro- Dancing and Delsarte. JA O S& LI ND
PbihdDily (Sunays eeted) durlig ducedtat Ha~rv'arud by IDr. argeant: hodeaosesfrtseteNeae.
the ldlega year,Iby For'ir sealsonoaansfiteeka i ovembers
FrTE "0,IF M. IDEPENDENT ASSOCITIION, "Flour courts are laidloutt ide by at tlie schoool, DEALERStee INd p m
OFFICE: Tire teiding N. Alale 5., aliliaite aide so that altogether they forni one 4F3 S_ ST ATEff ST.
Postaoffice. large court ands the renter lintes of all Miss Hattie Long, + * SI]A %"-) -F S. + +
Subscription plice 52.i0 plir'seas, Inar ihably thte coutslolietcoil seenltis'el3' ha oes'ACHE
hn adrvace. Sight coiies 3 centls. ustsri- straight line. Setareate guaises are G ta, anonadBnj, CM N OELS
bions eay be left at lie ofic eelf the lAIne, l69shlllsl'lt3 illhfo' 1 Miller ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. ____________
atlayedlri's, it State star onaadlliioua
a fit',tSttStnestnwhayof the 'editars sir authorizeil sihiitos's. rosts, atnid sll this' point i liih'by this' bM ob fnr I' hpjI of M.Iflailv The Washington Block.
C'oemicat~ins shousild resirhIsfIlie osill's'rbyisteamsbillonsaisleof thlsintesirs aed- ~ tL s~ LiJ
7 o'clstck . .if they 'sri',iitosappear the is'irt___ _F LOWERSb, FLOWERS
day. A shdressall maiilter ii istedfoir plli- el to Blaksihse stirosre ositihatIsidei. her EsverytinaniiEveorybody.
cathsiiontothis' Maniii.OiEditoir. Allisusiess TsI. i isgehosrst i'sn The D~tAL' contlaisofficial notices
esiaiaisatisi t s hlibe sint; toithie'Busi- froma the Facullty, and noices from _COUSINS_&__HALL,________________________115.
(sass Maisger. sidhe of tlie cetiter line maliy he shiftish
THEU F . DIL. isisisiiesesir t ssolssr ~~LCli'theo athletic teamss and other student EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY
THE . O M.DAIY, romonecour toanoherso hattheorganizations.
AsAtaMi.grisltest strengths sisy bhis'esssntrsated It conltainso complete reports of all OAS'l'INOIET
Deed We or isasateed. Geods 5cal~elee o
EDITORS. sil she we'sker si reixposedl posi- University ev'ents of iterest. ad deliveredl. A '". C(ten.T E. Prop5.
J. L. Loinii., Lit.'95, AMsiiisgsi Editor. hions. TIhe hpositiosofsi the 1plasyers It keeps yost posted on youo wn 2Yasi heBsns-
I.i. P. SAE) , Lii. 96, Assisiss. i''setrsiid ys shliiiati leoand every otlier department. 22Yasith une
11 I. SususEet, Lit.'97,IAtesisi. arledeterinedofbyssisaithysaiii' n hs'ih "'~'VfAFL AI~l
J. AETEissue, YLit.S9, ,Athlei ssitenEditori. SUBSCRIBE NOWYYI ANLEELFILE CTNA N B
J. S. Pessi., Liia '95, Basissess Manaisge'r. slls centers ii the gsamei.
-Asitn. "A dlescrlipt~ion of the gilisis is givt'n $2.50 IN ADVANCE. ..SE OTN 4N4tav
LITRAYii'W blow ssoit is hplayOiOl at sinlhi'ousrt.
A. h. Ilosuiell, '01. F11 . llsissll,'95. '1,his'rulhs inl theis' courssrt gaiei' Subscripthions received at the
MthiseT~iiisinv ith'CtE I.Esiis 1.DstALY office, Timnes huildinig. Stoft- __
CareV.SstiI. uEssicss hsr51 ssi or a oi''tieh uehi lets asid by all asuthorized solicitors. E
'oi'veredslslI, sills'inchs' n his amelllte'r
All cp m'i u sst b tsrstthe so t''ic elefoe :30 sshs''ghia.iolttso leilh . st
ms. afth (leaisy of pubationii.
'Ilse edhios's snss ol isd thti s sies respsssi- the Itesistlhue sit the Ct',l.oil ea111 h
sileh for theis'iitosssr stateetss'osfcissess- aisle, six boin htg1pins5 lee hplces'l i
hiessleils sillseseiig ii hs' ass. 'Isithe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS aid SHiOT
esusuiiusels. eappearinge iiinhhtehesiDAILY. . HANS. Magniicenti buildingsaiahn ai d ee ispis; teneher s;larg


Thsere , ill be a short hilt impolsrtanutis Ysard fissuisesaihsenit. A lisleisasuppied r ea peaso; deity lectues; Saturday
ssssuO h Diybor ~li't tIirkf'dinhiIse centelr of the ('Oillt sudiuA tinal faciliies forplacingsidents in postionse
iociu fCi'Istyhorltsihtst. Boarsd .ind rooas$2 to $2.75 per seektia prite
sirinig atretched'slovsr ChicCiklini'e~e hues eedi~.esi
7 :30 oclock. 1bhareding. For Catalogue address
on eall 'sch s ids', as's'n'sfeeieCatusov'e'thi' xP.N. Ct.iAP.Y. Fees.
Todsay the teamluineus asillpilt''iltll o issnuss. 'flue gusehositisssiy ly
Albion siunslthesudlensu h aotulldhurtsn'wlsuemniii5 il.Flo e
ouit anid show Cby' their pireseinee asicaoreid as follosss: CPutisng thei' ball COTRELL & LEONARD,
enthiusiasmtuihast Clue rathsir c'1se 'amebitwehn'twr''s io lpairs of use oponiensa' ABNN., 42ANu..~sDid74BROsADWsAv
of last week hsas not discousragedI the osal pills cousnts tets; lknoctkinsg idona Makersrof BCAS aid ssbVNS to sue This space is reserved.
Aeiass Univsersities. Illustrasted
soportrssitth gais. Tuepuhe.goalpsttfise; forcing the hell hack tCetse, etc.,ispnsrequest.
ice of the last fesw laysh'sIas siadei a suider Clueline three; a fol by stru-tV.A. E! BHI5LL Agt., 44 Wriis treet. for the Graned Opera
decided chatnge for thue hetier sutuing ov'er the centelinhe, twso for tile n ui
thuose who attend umasy eet to see pu THE SIMPLEX PRINTERL~ House.
opponsuents; a fosilbthsrosingIthe ball1
a well played gamie. ove'sr the string sitChic resar of the A newv invenution for duplicating
court, onue for this' ilu'issleeis."-Sssr' copies of weritungs and dr awiurgs.
'fluhe clinicsul advaniutagessasiordedi his
Clue muedicail college se'm'tnossbe this ____________
year exceptionailly fise. 'The hospital Dental Society,. MERCHANT TAILORING!
is filledl to sov'erflossitng sundsuiperatlioslua- -Cleanseg. CreasingadgRepairing
The edentsalsociety heilol an5impolsrtasltl; I =-danenea'thy ty
arc almost daily. 'Ile grest comlint AUG. SC HOENEWVALS, O26iE. Waslingtiiu
meetsce insg yesterdasy Iandil'cctetd offiers ____________________________

of former 't'yeasha t hhii chs'eituns miicd-
ictal slepartmen'it ssas leficie'ttn itshi
clinics csan lh's'eiso fort'e' uoe-, w'hst'
patienitssre Heockinighlure fromsiall

fosr tse yeair as folloss's: Pri'esidlent,
If. Cl. Laudeerdle;s' cesire rsiden't, t'.
Is. Thsure'r; scretalry, iElizabeth bfre-

sisen e~na, n rdinsary eatersithi
any tess. 100 retpies esissbe miade. Fifty
'epies ofeypeswrisesremanuseripts groduceed
ini 15 sinutesis. Sendforri'rcilairesiansssamplea
of work,. AGENTS SWANTEDs.


parts of the stsate to tue treated by the 555 s~esei s.aiiiii us LA'W'TON & CO.,--
tihfltsrllst 'sl es or uris chieif of the D tlIJournasl, l4.7
rie ithsdaret.I al co I:. Cuonrssdt; sttliu ed sitors, De'. 20 Vesev St., INew York .
is givesi a patient who is almuhost cousi-
nhletehy iuder Iis csare'.'flits gives thise________- FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
yoiugsdotorspra iusctic'al c e'.lss'isuius'Dr. Titzy siill quisitIlihe,'dhstl clsiss (Ii' ANN AR 1tO.
raacsagnrlbnigbsns.estern colleges. o'clock. Fureigui ssrxihsiges baught asid said. Funshs , ft
Rev. E M. Duf'shttrdereiof credit.
t1s.I.) eufstielC~ll'Oikh. hA'll, 11es. S. W'. FLAtIhCSON, Cashsies. -'RTEJ$ 0
Pay Your Dues. on "Thie Gospel accorntCo SC. CPsuls" FRFRT LS AS Teeml Isgh ese ~smieiatm
The ruc egistrtin of the fauculty his i s si egi'u i C Asrs- orl 5hTMarket aeoser'at 'aBRieanalePrice
thCle 7:M0Cp. sn. senvice foulmors'. *r n P~un fARLf
suedle hic folouwinug unotice: liy order E u iini i r iiK Smple; Durable; Writing in Sight;
ofCu e do sessalfe nISpecisul totpic: stObjectios tosCstCe 2M- EIE DININ1G ElILU Permanent Alignment; Instantly
chre utb adbfrh irs colosaConssidleed'."Cor.iState cuid Liberty ste. Changeable Type.
E DWAED LEWIS, 3Srp. J. S. PEARL, Agent,
regtular useetlig of thie buossru,Client'- To give the iBest ous arth" is thue tBossdessWantedic. 53hEVWasihigtonu e., AnnssArher, Oich.
fore, students woho by the 1thu of "t-Otto of W'itters' Pahace Laoudry' DIETAS & SCHANZ, '~ - ~ ~ r
October wvill not Save deposited iiitCisc which eaves nothing ondone hat tan ' TE
he fiu eita h op~ i-be done to give perfect week. lWe cel- U'. OF M. TAILORS -H
ho ftergsrr h opn,~t eel Monday' auud deliver Thnrsdlays. Lta n a llse eee sdD-FINEST RESTAURANT'
Cahdt hcCeusnesrcitoilLeave erders at Fulde's Tailor Shelp,asesthicI oeis. Fleet class it and fhrstClass he Ann Asbor he
b-deprived Clii' privileges of Cheic ouu r e. ef State and William eta.. or ad- work uarated.caly eann sin n
versity until all doles are paid. dress card Co L. D. Care, 21 N. State st. 48 S. State st., Secoend Floor,Ann Arborn. Osve it a trsal. 2hE. Huren at

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