Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. NOTICE TO FOOTBALL MEN. DO YOU WANT TO) BE UP TO
EAST.- .M WEST. All f perootball 11ltt11 act' requested to D ATE?
Sail and Es-___350 Mall - 43___ appa o3 th cai ve c-ry dlay at 4 If so, be, sure to see Mr. A. E. Ros -
N. Y. Special..., 5 15 N. Y. 8pecial.... 7 30 p. in for regular practice. Clacss teamn at the Co0o5k house, Tu silay 2(t ins ltt.
EasternsEx_-10125 N. S. Limited.-.. 9125
A. M. Pacific Ex-...12 15 imen antd beginners at the gaine are He will show yot thit correct stylies iii
Atlantic Ex-..7 47 P. M seiil euoeit oi ota PiI dSM~tWoES
D. N. Express.... 540i Western Ex-_:_22 e ilyrqetdt oeot:s PIGadS~\l:v\O) S
G. R. Express .11 55 Chi. Nt. Ex.---10 5 I~articilar attention will it, patid to wand take your imeasure for t NattyO
GE REx--- 5 57
0. W. E5JooLES, H. WV. HAVES, the developmnt of iiew material for Suit Always right in style andii prices
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. next yealrs 'varsity teami. away downl. Givec himi ha call, it wriil
T. .A .M ~ . FRED WV ItENNINtIEt, Caipt. pay you. /y Wa
Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1894. NOTICE TOem INEEDET. MMOYtEiT~l
Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- Tho 51111001 meetinlg of thic U. Of Do not 1144 rof S'lrall S'ourIse
ard time. S- T M. Indepeutdent association for the of lesoons on inn nory 110 511 applied C811 Grf> ace,
7:18 a.m. *7:l5a. am. pnrposc of electing Daily editors for science, Ttiesda~y Thursdaiy and Fri-.Ae & -bl
tl2:la p. m, 11:30a. m. tho coiling year will occur Saturday, day at 7 p. In., at Newtserry ha~ll. ttIec
4:15 pm. 9:00 p. M.
.Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo April 6. According to a. rule of the discards alli artificial meothotds, leads
Anllr. sdiyexetSsdy associatlion tho editors shll ibe op. toe Stuleint into a1 study anid expitira.
R. S. GREENWVOOD, Agoot portioned as follows: Elcven to the tion of Self, places atti iiioii and recol- POPE MANUFACTURING CO.,
WV. H. HENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. litcrary departmcnt, threc to the law lection, under voluittary and intelligcntHRFD.Ol4
dcpartnment,, two to the mledical depart- control of will, stoiss ind-wanidertiag, BOTN NEW YOK CHCAO aurA
ANN ARDOR & YPSILANTI ST, BY, mleot, one to the phiarmal~cy aud one quadruples the resuilts of stlldy. ThePRVDNE
to the dentail tdepartiieint. It is do. itrofessor asstircs thie putbtlic tihat his An Art Cailogue o Coumbias can be bd Incs
Time Table, October 7, 1894. sired thtat all thost wishing to try lessons will beo a surprise and delight at an.y Colubix Agency, or it will be mailed fore
two scoent stones. Tells, too, oft lsiab leh
Leave Ypilanti foom Congress St., 7:00, 9:00 for places begin coiitribsuting at once. to all who take theist. Give, himii 0 Hartfoed Bicylts, P8oefi Ss oc
and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15,5:00S, 6:45, 9:00 and The work done will receive due credit, chaince to 1101) you aint you will hiever
10:30 P. E
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:30 and andl those whosc writing warrants a regret it. Total cost $3
ll:3ta.m.: l:15,2:d,5:li,7:15,:Nand 1l:00p.m. position on tile hoard will be recom- Lsot, i. lair of lai tvs iii a, ttiak THE AAS ROU lfhTE5
SUNDAY TIMIE. nmended to thc asstcialtionl. ctase is University haltl 'T'hursday 11 VI 011 lU E
Leave Ypsilanti groin Congrest st.,1:10,53:30,IARY(tfMA, igi.Ftdrplieitiea os
5:00, 8:30 and 9.00 p. mJ.AR COEIN ih.Fndrpeslaea tw
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, a:30, Mfan aging Editor. art's office. - -FOE-
7:00 and 9:30 p. m. .
Cars run oni city time. 2Fare: sg.etripa STM1CL5CIN
cents: round tripP tickets25Icent. HOP I G ARK.
WM. F. PtARKEn, Supt. r A..It tE N. Wo want to buy. stamhp colcetions
Ifoi the following Ilicothgs ratcs of and will pay cash' for the same on TEXAS,
F LOW~ERS, FLOWERS 000 and one-third fatre for the 1rond receipt if price asked is satisfactory.
bee Everything and Everybody, trip on tlic certificate plan tvill be Colections should be sent by regis- LOS ANGELES
COUSuiS & BAL[ uf rI 26AUniversity aye. niaide: tered mail or express with letter anam--A D
moit ,Fllt1 Telephone 115, for the Woimans for:eigo, Missioni. ing price under separate cover. WTe SA N D FR N ,C
DIETAS & SCHANZ, try Society anti Woitnl's Home Mis- nend superior approval sheets to re- S NF A C S ®
sionatry Union at G2raiit Rapids March sponsible parties. New Texas and California SieepinT
Q. OF 3A. T8ILORS 20 to 29 inclusive. W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., Car Line.
Our Spring and Summier Woolens Foer thit Amtateuir .t,iti tion of Kalainazoo, 'Michi
are no0w 0th sale. Prices Low. i S. Marcl 1) t 22. Due bills for s ale at a discount at THE WABASH AND IRON MDUNTAIRY&.
Call and see us. BWestern Gas association, May 1"55 the Daily office. Have inaugurated a new Dailty Line ofA
48 S. State et., Second Floor, Ann Arbor. to 1t.9"______ FIRST CLASS SLEEPER from
22 Years in the Busness.-'. (st is al assemnbly I rcsisylcrian All persons havin rootii to it (]lur- CHICAGO TO LARDO TEXAS,
thurch May 16s :ind Jult, 3, at Pitts- lng t'lso ciassical contereute: to hoT AR itl en
CIY L U D Y burg, I'a. held ins this city the last svt-tk in estine, Austin nd San Antonio.P asa
CIY AU DRWBomtan's Foreign Missionary society Mlarchi %viil tplease notify D) . Mtrl'/ cor Hot Springa haye only one change O naWS
it Pilaitdelphia, Pa.t, April 23 to 25. by letter, or call at Netvberry ball1 (at M~alvern, 9:00 a. m. nowt day). urrn aan
M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th avne. Rtates of one fsud otte thirdt face for fecro 9:30 to 110 a. in., or 3 to, 3:3) p" at Hot springs at 11:10 a.sm. Six sea~ as,
the r'ouind trip wsill be mtade foe toe ns. If notifying bsy leters psicase statie qni 'lanaithrough nleeping curle astweeft
l ~Chicago and Mlalvern.. Al6 daily, SuneO
I MERCHIANT TA.ILORINqG !statte convention Michigati Christian brie fly your acciiotoations an price Tourint Sleepers, leaving Chicago op sanme
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Endeavor Union at ba~y ('ity, March per dlay for rooiias or rOolss anid train, through to San Francisce Via l ea
dune neatiy by
ASOG. SCEOOENIIWALIt,: 26Es. Washington 2( to 28. Tickets to. beis sol March board. -Angeles Cal.
25, 20 ttne 27,limitedt to return not
EXCELSIOR -. LAUNDRY! latertihan March 29, iS9:1. The Daily will be delivered Frmptcenandl olInemlan
20 EAST HURON STREET. H. S. GREENWOOD, Agt. at your room the balance of J. H. GREEN J. HALOEVV
Good Worh Guaranteed. Goods called for W. HT. BENNETT, G.. P. A. the. college y y ear for $1.00. All ahhgnPs.Ai ry aaA
and delivered. A. r'. COeVERiT. Prop. MicigaPas._________ass A
Have you rooms to rent? if so, ad- the, baseball and other Uni- -On--
ANNi ARBOR vertise thcm in the Daily. versity news. "TICKET OFFICE: 201 Clarh at., CIV2AGO
STEAM DYE WORKS. F. H. Trstram, .P. E. Domabag,
Ladien' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned Con. Fans. Agi. Pass. & Ticks t ag1
or Dyed. -Cor. 7th ave. and Smith. 3 a an,
3MW. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. He -Sld t Pittsburg, Pa. TOU1 0
Membern of Guarantee Ticket Heohees' Anso-
elation og U.S etIIr.
Cosby & Ke~eon R. R. Ticket Agency, OFA _--.
00 dasAdams h ea ose.,hTh edcChraectoal o.GL Reduced ratesns.ai S e indr totn oall.Man t.h-Th'ACIAbo Pchi~nI l
$255.00 for a 51 Days'Euro. :1-
pear Tour.- - - -
We are or a li pg a nelent pary gor a sum-
mer tour to nuop leaving ~eYork, Jun y ~, r p.",, _al ,
22nd, for London, Antwerp, Hrussels, Cologne, -
Cobientn. "Frankfort' Heldelberg; Sirasbserg,
Haden-Haden, Parin uod-Dieppe retun ing,- ry
athng from Londosn August 2nd. The pasrty - -a^
will becodc d r the p roonal -
wne the .tn musical in- MA TH -iI T rr
atruc rsof Mle i :.andagenial ~entieman - /' %+TH
of' large expelene Sin"'trave1. Eaoh patronrl
willhav eaibd iImalurgepromnade dech I V~ OE9Wla5 o-3pons-R458 ~lr" J 1 bit
sttro;adthe ships selected are sew EYIttTI.fiLiGAATD ATL&EsrFO CNS'rF - w _.. .,
8:10) ton thsn 'screw steamers, provided with - ETtAs~ L8lI RA r~~5.c-eso 5 alC ~h
electric light and steam heat. Complete -r fI
og 3elf-addressed slamped envelope. M« .0 - w-" ~ O~
p ayn eg expenee. sgita, t raewu IM ( Af1OL JACTOPY" L ht l & iALJTED $I
bocce nl: Info - nitfon and It nessey ( RCtIAt 5ALEtSR00OH* a OsA8tASHF AV' E ii LC 1551SCHOQIOF 55 IIES~assl
mailed on receipt og nelf-addrese v5 eape. - P4.YAOE h 9799 READY ST., fiEX.00.YORi(.C AN' Magnifcet bwi dg SMx nu l 'ees.
,,erO so:«das e; gned dietsaci sapeeher -rk-el
enlo thy paerPORTLAND --"+ .'ir gy p eedin tee -w daily letueta; 1Sanrdd#.
WA D-R ~ >~r .AN{'fRAr'i C:c0 _ so 'e a gen to uieva2
Gen.elrbtta1 0 ssss5 . is. t~~ ' - - LT-LA/f1 ECiTY- sr usiaiaf'iles mrtair s saaddssr ,
tda aoo ist1-- per week asrwesl
172 N. Migh St. = , Itf. Thene raes re3ne idc >:y 'p
(Low rates everywhere). Columsbus, Ohio. _ LncS- stne camd _ alin- FoPr Casslegus address