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March 26, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-26

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pay taxes oil housands ds dollars of Victor Footballs JUST ARRIVEDI!
tions, the ralroads, the big ianufa- h
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during turing* comlpnies, the mining corpo- 4 A SHIPMENT OF
theColegeyea, b itions and the rich real esite owni-
postot M Iic .MReentAddtioe o te Lbrayf"r' . Vst ns Fire Iai Shoes.
Orruce: Times building N. HMain ';t., op site a"
11. COLEMnAN, Lit. '7, Managing Editor. Tie last istallmecnt of books atithIe n&f tLC.SPixsINC'
G. B. HARRSON, Lose'0, Asistant. library, whitch was io: very large,
A. W. Suaven, Lit. pel., Assitant. ,
W. A. SPeLL, Law '06, Assistant, contained a number of choice biiks are mte of the best material and are guar- JACOB S(&IALLiMJA.Nll
J. A. LERoy, Li.', Athleic Editor ateed better than any ote mae gu-
J. S. PEARL, Lran '5, Busnesu Manager.' from Gei'iiany. Amnoig the sieistitc d wiev sery bail is a nlator, sme as sent
wit Vctoebseveyle Washngon I1onk, An Abr.
11. W. LEVY, Lass'0, Assistant. w orks the following deserve tirileslar
Associate Editor. notice: "ttandbssrb ter Toi>egroi7is. VICTOR "INTERCOLLEGIATE OR "ASSO P. S.-See our Show Window.
S. B. Shiley, Li. '5. H. A. Dancer Lit'5 I"iS OOBLS EC 4
E. L. Evan, Law'95. ERSunderiandLi9t' h ien Anatomiic," by M1erkes'; L volme CAIN OTAL, EC T$ IHE GRAND OPERA ' HOUSE,
Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'Ot, L.tR. tasnbien,Law'Ot. ons Mecliasico Ands one ons Eletrely The public is requested is inspect our or-
CAtoughtonDent '0. C. H. Farrell, Lit. '98.by etadsvra i lesr. petelhe of
M ilbert, Engr.097. l.B.amnson,Medic'O.byHrzanseeaonheit.ONWOLWEKCM NIG
Minnie M. Thompson, Lt. '7. In Literature and Phiiliosophiy, Bors- Spotng Goods, Baseballs, Bats, ONWHLWEKCMNIN
G. A. Hteath, l'harmlc '00. kak's "('oistitutionsa Law of Prussa," Tennis Balls, Rackets, etc. MONDAY, MARCH 25.
Subscription price $250 per year, invariably Rtave nboff's "Philosoph fRlgo, V R A H E O
in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subsrip- - l'o elis, VR A W ELC.
tions may be left at the office of the D)ALY, Windebandl's "iteory of Old Phil. IMaers of Victor Bicycles. O ')( ' Z.f'R .
at Stoffet's, at State st. news stusdwitia any osohy," Ziegler' s "History of E7this Beson, Phladephia, Detroit. F '_ °/
of thse editors or authorized solicitnrs e okCiao evr H
ommunications should reach the office by ( vos.), aseveralh tiers on ti'hew oE hcg, Dnvr> H
7 o'lock p. mn. if they are to appear the net same sbect. Two volumes of thi tPACtICtOAT. HYPNOTIST SUPREME.
day. Address all matter intended for pubil."Cn nrarnc. LnnAnerles Portland
cation to the Managing Editor. All business "tonsen tries of Jnlis Cesar," by
communicationn shulud be sent to the us-Diitnter, ire vetin teesting, FIvi'e ail- DITSOIN M UITC. Prices, - 150, 25C, 36C.
ness Manager. tnavonisavalsbsr' Reserved seats on ae at Watts Jewelry
THE U. OF M. DAILY, ____________hae ls bepre Store.
Anns Arbor, Mich. ceved for the(Goethie library. A
Tw eri nes~TeIrePesvery isteresting book is the "History "Six Love Songs," o OsTie
of Doieslic Pants and Animals" by BFre .Syer. Tanuin
and Jounial are exerting ev 'rv -ffort of ieiesufnest lyrics in ex suishe musical
H1lm. settings. Heavy Paper. 7 cents. Cl v r L a
ho hac th cltte ofUniersty s weaty vounies of tie "Proeceed- i COLLEGE SONGS"Cl v r L a
iirrnOi igtlgtnlte,1t'two.
jirdetts if enshic aid vpehaoeings of (le Gographical Society" amd
thodats rib enati ase News, cole tic vr30,0 od ev Ppr ,o t
trqvolumes of Cacdiam Sate The standad collection of Coege Son. ~ o t
the TrbuPsapersth(frosnonyinarve1840,00forld. ass Pisis-50cents; Cloth. Git .$hOyO. 1
to publish fasity amdi gnorasnce stPpr fo er 80 oma i- aaasaaoa
the expense of tie imstittio. hortant additiona to the colectioni of "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." LW'Please keep in mind the Toledo,
__________ Amricania. Vie rist of the numssber St. Louis & Kansas City R. R.,
Only book of the knd pbished. The"Fs
is saade up of works on travel ani sins of the leading colegs for women. Telovr"eafRote
ThieraDetroitOFreeoIreessinLiteratureHeavy Paper. $1.00. Line" for St. Loui, Mo., and the
Issu devtes wo clumn, tothe ni 3099 COLLECTION ISTUMENTL CITd MSI, West and Southwest leaves To-
verity's fissnces atitreats use gnt-andi toetry," by :hilip mlsff ierits hd no eo t5p o
)artcula notce. eity-twoe. s pieces for the faserfrom the
her in a. most inteliet manner. Ih a'iua ioil et ore- splendid colecio.eefon. Band- daily, arrives New Union Station
shno- ycaeu netgointa tAss important additions to that rfrnie Cover. 50 cents. (the largest in the' world), SC.
Show t y mao nrefutodayetoigratei i-tcelbayopern thea'tsiitl Any book sent postpaid on receipt of price. Louis early next sorning.
den tantes y'as go anh ho tulei," of the Providence publlish- OLIVER DITSON CO., CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR
reftutes the assenrtiots that thinst itlum- ing library. It costains a. cotipicehe 43-4a3 Washngtn St., Bnston.
tien in.a burdedio0n the farmners. "The-ist of references auho a etamnuns- C H1tltson & Co. N Y, and Miichigan' Central lines at
ber Todo.
truths is,"Says the Free Press, "thathe of subjects each nmonth. The THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Bfe elnn hi asSasre
the nycrage fsarmser toes not. pay as Subjecs areasdy treated are OivrBuftRcingCaras es'e,
-Ann Arbor, Mich. Capi~al Stg, $50ttO.
luc t ae otl 'ivriy5 ~Wendell Hlolnmis, Vie Korean NIr, Surplus, X5100,00. and Vestibued Sleepers with-
BudsuioetLusSeesoOrganzed under the eneral Baning Laws out hange.
year as he doea in one msoth for is Bdim oetLusSeesn of this State. Receives deposits, buys and
sells exchange on te priacipal cities of the-
tobaceo. A farmeryw"ithlls'0Ares of MNuicipil Government, Germas Lit- United States. Dafts cashed upon proper C C J i KI1 5
land 'vorthi $0 per'a(re'lays to this era ture, Wagni',ad Dun Maner amid(ideOFICat: is ay eMathoestoW.eD.
aresman, Vice-Pes.; Cha. E. Hiscoc, General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0.
LUniverrity in one year not more thaan iby. Oae vosume will be k"-t in Cashir 0. J. Frito Assitant Cashier. ______________________
88 cents. That average >larin ianthat east Sinary room anti omit on THE CM . -ULDF
who would pay taxes omI a. home .aitie shelf with Poole's Indx. Funik Lovell Diamond Cycles FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TALRINGr
ned at $1,500), would -probably earn and Wagnall's Standard DictionaryArosupsefrCrnrfSteadWilmni.
time -amount of taxes 1it pays to that (2 vols.) has also beam plaed a the BEAUTY, SPEED AND WORKMANSHIP, Whilam St. entrance,
inlsshim chos.O elc-f wvtththat (enbtury. Good ahhowance made on second-
' Universityh lessthananhour._Oehand wheels.
biushel of wheat, att evems the priese Freshmen w-io wish to try for a GEO. F. FISHER. Aget, 55 F. Univ. Av. $1.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW $100
lowv price, would cover the amonat place on tbe '98 tean -ihs competes TS H R O D I,'TO T~~deci~nnrs.t~ece7
p against '97 in the relay race at lheIme fS E l tT o IYi~TI"tewnefl uua edteefd
tha tie n rae raef aosto ayIndoor meet are requested to rportO .PAKR FUNAN PN
toward that support of tie Univerity.- to me in the gymnasium every day CE A KRFO NANPN
When it is cosidered thasat, according for practice. H. . (LIALD,
to President Anugell's enm words, onie' '98 Track -Manager. Torc rnaoyuhssana~ aanwt a ael edpntelfealnynes e
norhadeaolerisieytrave hennagacfheawiuadwe'llRKR send e normaaT, ionmu an -
half of tlse students of the U iversity Subscribe for the Daily.ouhndoeiltrtdcaogefe. PREPN.CMAY-- oxvl, w
'arecsons and daughtr of 0faes,~
the latter surely ought cob to begudgeo - ~ E: S @ il , I1} I(( 1tC0
one bushel of 'S0-centsvheat.n is e pl_ Sp cal 8 IK&O
support. When it is considered that1. 0
folly,.five-sixths of the students of :r SAVE SAVE1e0
University re sens and daughers o L ,PSIIN IIEIC
amen who en their living l~y ctuaal WII ,- ${$bli , iNesa.
laotoewo ao uh o Aproud of 'the -fact that th 'h-hl'o B ni~a~ml pea Send for Agency
support the1 Hsttto lon"STRICTLY HIGH GRADE I Mana.
"Ht it is notthe poor that pa the ,5Exmne ths wheel before purchasing your -
mottwr h nyriysSspf. J. L MEE & F. R. CITCHEON, Chcago on, geles
It is the rich. It is the people that a MOROSTRaEET. Ac.LNTs. ' TorontoWashigom

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