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March 25, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-25

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g ffY. M. C. A. ORGANIZED. ('ld of ive years it will bei' ilaceu in KJ STi1 I lI~
f , C It Is Not Intended to Conflict With __________romofthymasumJS__RI IE I
the S. C. A. Work. The cup. whirls hi5 a valuable andi
Published Daily (Sunda y exceipted) during lbesautiful onle, will probabl~ly be iplacedi A SHtPMENT OF
the Collrge year, by Dusrbng the last tein days several on exliibiio ss inia. few days. Anlyo015
THE 0, OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSDClATION, msitrings of young no is liave beeii whlo cellsio live feet orflbettneb oelil 1 ineOFC:Tmsbidn .Mis.opst ediswic aiu tp aebe eilti ots.e T Shoes,
post offiee. taken ctulinsatiing in tile organieation Tra . i wl e ihiiilebs
EDITORS. 'btra but ' boPeliinth bx
II. COLEMNu, Lit. 'hI, lManaging Editor. sof a YsiinitMeii's ('lristian assoc'ia- ilii" anti fe'neing onitets, wherie it is '
G. . Ii lnoisoei, Ltitt'Si, Assistanit. lisl iniio0u1r Univerlsity. Probabihly no nee-sscary iii ordth lat onily two msay
A. W. tuniL, LLit. Opel., w9,Astn.Assistant. orgallirtiosllever stairtedl ii til tLiibe lef itoscomlete, ntl"fnlo A O L AA D
J. A. Letter, Lit. 'i6, Athletic Editor. v"ray it t .-eni entered 1110to willstheoinightr sf the ninst. 'lisise io's'll-
J. S. PL'nim, Lsaw '5, nosiness Manager. melies' efollan1d5thorou~ghi s'oisisr'ra' ltWashlageecIllock, Alnn Arbor.
H. IV. LevY, Lais'it, Assistant. iil'.5'coestes willb lt' itplrobaly
Associate Editors. Itisn. T'he resuilt. has not11beeln bectuse'onlW'ednsestday afternpton in the gymti P. S.-Sen our Show Window.
S. B. Shiley, Lit.5. IH. A. Daneer, Lull'9. of recent uiseessisis alon', but after n-aslim. 'fil' llie, times'autd pesns JHE GRAND) PER HOUSE.
E. L. Evans, Lute'0.5. E.R. Sunderland,Lit'9i. mionthls of cstnsideration,ontill l pIalt wlI:irs ts tiilis ' llihss lis lilu
Carrie V.SmlthLie.'ii. L..lamtile,Ltsu'ili.wh artocmeeilhsepli-
C.A.1iougiton,Dent'96. C. 11. Farrell, Lit. 'O. sit younig ill' Ii ill the l1isii'trSity, iftte ilt'ii' will lit postedi t the gylli11tiaiin NEWOEWEKCMECN
Md Cilliert, Engr.'St. 1.n.Ctinmon,Medie'SS. isest msethoislotf ('hristianl wrk'. hisNft'rHiOLEs WEiEKwllCOMMENCINiGitu
Miinnie 0M. Thompson, Lit. '57. thisaftcTioon nd wil beypublihed
D. A. H-eath, tisirmic'96. The lw's sbjects swhiiehi lave iltMONDrwAY Ml. iisllitls ~ .LVARCH 25,5IL
i tnort'Dal. Tra bot.,Subiseription price $2.50 per yeasr, invariably Ie 1) t hs se aehv enfudIee~ ntefl
In advance. Single espies 3 crists. Sobsciheheli rl iatsrlte led s (vElitsi: Ileiscisl ighti iit. iosma3e etFtth'ffceo teDAL, ailtesfoUpeilIok yyon
at Stoillet's, at State st. netes slasd,iih any rdlvchtad; yvih b-
alteedtr r uhrse osetr. ineii for yousng niu, such as ai' e tin-ilug. 'T'edrawings forith ee twill bi' + + + THE +++
Comm nmiatissis should reaeci the office by lohyed ill all liii othesr slats'esnilversi- zasds' todhay. HYPNOTIST SUPREME.
1 O'eloek p. in. if they are to apperethe nex isadl eigclees eodT
day. A ddress all matter intemided for publi-litsnll'mlneilg'. 'em-''Prc ,Th 25 3c
lion tosthie Managing Esditor. All busiiiess mislke timetUniversul it fM1ielsigam ills IAIl'SOjN M USIC.Pics? - 1e 5?3c
commuileationsasold be sent tim time Lusi- f i b"i''t ls tsre eie0mst tskra eer
ness M1'aiager. sraseU0 ' ________Stoe.
TH AUnOnS, Abr iLY. uoenes ftm wrisetse "Six Love Songs,"? UNIVERSITY HALL.
AmmiAro, lii. (ollegiats' 570111g AMes's (5 l'lrithmn s- t
5ocatin wichnowincude ov hl.y Fruank E. Sawyer. Trumnshutions of Six
Noss'thatlithles'sariouss rumsors to time seatss, s'mesns'ii'tits seohfissi's fimest lyrislin m uiliisite musical_____
shiest ltatlime Studients' Chlristisan 5051 colleges iad unis'sesities in thihs settinugs. Heavy Paper. T9 cents.
isil I i t0t le iio ussore havsiesthtl shis', liIib)thiesei'COLLEGE SONGS 1iM on'day v uiIUg
besi'n pro've'ni tnf'ounensd, thei'v'inesrable' ss umemb'rs, Msllu'oilinelhcewhc
tho nivesit hols i intr-cologateThesisndard collection of College Songs. L
inte'r-collegisate, "The (University of ti Ovveit soisishse~oh'g l'5be 30,00sold. Hnavy Papeor, 50 R y-r
ichebigan ihass a frtet iy swhbic'h ad. t mtie cotesths, oratorieal conutessensCltGt.$13."1
nuits bolmhssi'es 10osiiesmbeship," eanandidl- ha e fraternity sl'0t5115 maes. it '6'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS."'
contnueitsaberati waderngs s. ecuiarl apropiat tha sh tae Duly boisof shheekid publishurd. The
osnrs'st ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ he fopilftr ~l'o h sf'y lce ar is thein ost striksing usaui. songse oh tse headliing colletes for Isomen.
rfor a.mo1esttue time'lofeiltss lsht ev apr 10.Eugene s y
fs'ststion of inte-col'gisates'piirit. ItHevPar.$0'-U I"
from ifol'es'aioneteushic it, baslueitgiessislyandlesoe I yAi30MCOLLECTION INSTRMEA CU1lAd MUSIC,"t
_____________ every iauiwise bas goeinsto this Ehghty-1wo5piecees for the guitar from lime 'Ha-an EMINENT
betsucs peddcleto.Bn-Aroihos ofthme counert ho s' givenmeov'emhenttshot it is sot a. riv'al timthis'osuitCovier. SOcents. I L N V R U S
tonighit by the celebr'atm'iiBelgiani viii Studensts' Chiriotissns associations, biut uon Asiy book sent postpaihd on receipt of priee. VI LN IR U S
linist, Ysaye, hr mihithue -vs'll for thse contrar'y5 it itshelievidIhsat it swill OLIVER DITSON CO.? ASSISTED SB'
studeunts ro conssiter thle noilsot be ansaubleuh'st~uplsement to ilbs, 453-463 Wansington u t., osten.
wch is alttauchiedhho asmiibllmice'as hiportaunt woirk of rthatrorganizastionu. C. H.Ditson & Co. N Y,. .L C A ME INS.
colhmre'dtwith whast Detroit lptolelTh'le interest bias buenmarkuehed anu s TEANABRSVNSBN
will hi' comupelled 10olilly, To show' growinig, audst hie asocationa incluessTE N RBRSAIG BN Like Paderew'ski Ysaye possesses
Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stoeh, $50,000.,
ilat Ail. Artuor gets the buesth of e've'ry'- strongumeni froiiu sll the d1-thai l~e 'sts Surplus, $150,000. genius."-New York World.
Olmi s'aisits il tie ~, ' Orguanizedunderthue Generasmi Suhbng Laws
thuig iOioe'ussical hum' for thu e s d variouslorg itionhs inhe 'i-of this State,.IReceives deposits: buys and
lie snul 5 oiqulc 2 teurs,'s'ril,'fbns Ltic' u ifboss sells exchange on the prineipuil eties of the
pri,- e s ony tocompre $, th prie v~rsiy. Te oficer areas fllow:DUited States. Driftoscishmed upona properAD I SO , .
idenifititton.tuafety deposit boses to rent,. D ISON ~
of ' atdmistsioun in other ciis, to limenSF, A, Beach, pressdent; C. It. EddySI, ODIERS: Christian ?Zacke, Pres.; W. Di.
ver r vie setideustl JT.51,E.LelaindICor's;2 arrimain, Vice-Pres Chas. E. niscoch,
very lowv tew of fifty. ('511t5og'eid vice Cashier: Il. J. Frito Assistamit Cashier. Tickets on sale at Calkins', Ann-
uponi by thsose having tonight's culter- sponiding secretary; (G. H. Wonton. TrHE Arbor Organ Co. and Box$ Office
taillnesntiha chasge. recording se'cretary'; Ralphu (ollmulure, . Lovell D am n C clsnight of concoct.
UNIVESITYrOTES Are unsurpassed for WM R. :k-TI=.ZE,
ltis~s Christine IK leBronson 'h13 lit, Cood allownuteimhderons. c FIRSThandILUeels
who is teacehing at thLnsinig, is spend-' Entries for the Indoor Meet Will GEO . F IISHER AoentII 5N. Univ. Av. Cornerof State and William sts.,
ULr, SWilliamu st. entrance.
ing her vamcation in Anns Arbol'. a Close Tomorrow. _________________

M. T. hReilly, sshmosill give a himcl-
bition of wrestling 'ith Barclamy,
cltioauluon of Michigan,' at lime indnor
sitet snext Ftriday snighut,iagainlwo5n0
thus nationmal chamlipionshibp alt. itts-
burlg last sveek.
Thso Gladuats' clsub iertlast MSatu'-
day evening at tse house of D~r.
Vassghian be listen to ani acnount of
at visit to thme Honse of Colmsnustiny
P~rof. AMeLatsghlln. In spite of the bad
evening thlere svas a good attendance.
At Ymle's indoor meet last Friday
night Hickok, the intarl-colllgial~e
weighat champion, put tlie 1(-lbs shot
465 ft. The record will not stand, 1mev-
.v er., as (he shot was found toe 'ek

I'p to Satsuday niighmt.aboout fifty i
all luauentered ini liii'indloor meet,.SEu-
tries for tse' boxing and wvrestling
'stents sw'ere closed Satiursday night,
bust enes for all thinoilier eveuts
wiii lie opnlirn ltil tomnnrrow.' Itt is
hiopetd that miore' will mnter. ill the rtun-
lung high jumpisamimd shot putting
events, and the entries in the CIO yards
slash are not so nusnerous a's they
should he: One encouraging feature,
however, is 01hey entering of so 'manyr
new men. None of last year's daslI
wi'nners weill he in the race, The run'
ning high junmp contest is for the,
Delta Kappa &,Hpsilon prize cup, the.

IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT onr uTbulaFcemseermlt
Yosur de siesyto h hiem i ueihsntio snd elsend yo h inormatlionyou wabntnd
ous handsomuilustr amedcatlogue Iree PAtR JMI00N enMPANY, J.._,nllm W;P-'


IN 1894..
Send for Agency'
nosston New Tof S


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