IHGi6C T AL uorl.ALNA. COS1MT v ISI . Tmn Table (Revised Nov. 18, 1894. Thors. and Fri., ?lurch 21-22.-Leg D 1lL IWABAHII
EAST. WEST. isatnre visits the University. CONTINUED FROM tIR.T PAGE.
Malland Ex_-03150Mall-......8 4 Fri. Mareb 22. Iotus Glee club adIlo1(w,.an11(1tthfileacoeis letter Of i-f___
N. Y. Special....- 5 15 N. Y. Special.... 7 3 tro. ('lark e Iins. L. A. course. til 01 peoiple do die. sil111111 this1o11O,7 11110 101
Eatera En--- 10 N. S. Limited.... 9 5 0 H TrX iUf
A. M. Pacfc Ex--- 12 15 St., ALarll >;.- . to f 1. Grduallte b ltu, wuldll it be' 111111 olo1A K .
Atlantic Ea._7 47 rpn
t. N. Express...1 :5s4 Westera Ex .-- 2 llb will Illec y~t llI Dr'. XVaganl, r t3he Wa nd 1( feeble to b:? nfetII TEXAS,
G. R. Ex pres 11 051h. Nt. Ex----10 25 SStte 51. Wilil schllIolingering a111(1a t 9 1111ELE
O. W. UoIOLE, H t ES, S, Sio. Mrel21.- Prof.J.1. c IInoIWI. 1disenSe 00 Scollsll1llti1 1 1f 1e eakLOS A GE E
G. P. & T. Agt., Chcago. Ag., Ann Arbor. ton before the niversity Bitle (111S and fetble sold be11 11110 to ie,
T.A .& N .R ,of the rt"Metllodist echurchl (on1"Thec Tril even lif thloeocan10 evllr111c of(ta1110-AND-
T.0Ar. . . Y o llrit,"r12 clock. Oli" etotsle 911111 slould tb. lnbro d SAN FRANCISCO.
Taking effect Snday, Aug. , 1894. Sunl., Moarell2.-Sherw'oodl Eddy, ti cotrct itilsesondlie, oiy do
Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand w (111boitl o teilllefl o ea n aionnSepn
ard time. secretarey of IleStdent Xolillters, bidhsptl o heisilfo1o'easadClfrnaSepn
NORITH. souTI. before the S. L. A. te blid, fr till'(i1u1lit, for tile tee- Car Line.
e:8a . *:5a .12:5 p. m 11:0 a: m. 5101., 7Marchl 2.-Al. Eulglne Ysye, tlll-minded? ll Certinly 1110o0110till
4:10 p.m. P . In. Violinist, before te1-niiversity Itiscll rIo 111thtro'ell if te t ement that 1'elRtOIll
5Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toedo lllllltolteS01't1 5.k
nll sutratinnnnumtindaks nlyte exceptH WBAH NDSRNnday.N YS
Al .ivrstytais GiyRxeESnaOODyAgen Tm., Mitchrel 't.-Anuloelection if, I feebe vweectrill, 110 attelipt Sold hi lave inugrated a new Daily Line af
W. H. BENNETT R G. . A. Toledo 0O. AetChoral Illill I lli'lrs. teil ll(td to Ipr evet thesi' cqiirig bthe FIRT CLASS SLEEPERS from
Wed,MAlrcl 27-Annual S. C. A. dis'ase. But te theory is not tue. CIAOT AEO EA
ANN ARDOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY. election. A 11i1A1gOesTO LArchErDOoicTEXASr,
Fri. Mfrcli 2.-'Varsity lindor lsleet pulicdior isemi-pu~blic pla1c of aom - oVia Littte ick.Malvatern, Texarkna, Pal
Time Table, October 7, 1894. i ilnsui l.'it 111110cisilitltih'estine, Astin and San Antonio. Passengers
' ' n Gmnaium bly Ths m111hit c ostnlrton;befor Hot Springs have ony one chnge of ars
Leave Ypsilanti from Conress st, 7:00,11n00 1xpc tot es 0o ill'e1flor this 111011r (tntMavern, :50 a. m net day, arriving
e10: 0 a. In .;1:0 :1,Odr:5 90 n 1 I.tltf ies' ls, 100tilelilgi tie irsItO 14 like- at Iot Springs at 11:10 a, M. Six ons the
Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:00and Will heaIat thlt' oo(' ou se, i~'.Ai'oi IV' 1to o ratitel 11y'ilis iiiliiior tt, quckest through seepg car line between
11:0 a.m.; 1:5,:.5,5:0,7:1,9::3adiltpm roIlrt 1 ieetcot1cc "
SUNDAY TOME. Abr lal "',weehtwlre.i wonlittl. -No 11111'llt'e~tll wo'trill Cicago and Mavern. Aso dily line of
Leave Ypianti from ongressst.,1:3,::M, Yl - lll' etll ''l'xlt'l il s. lluitte tile disenSe,ie. J'h1 olas Well tonisohtSproSale an chiscagoion eme
5:0,a:300and 900 tp. m. shit r 01' y111n'd111111 l 0sirtyl ( ill
Leve AnlS Abor Junction, 2:004006:0, Is till'111d11are shoe' Ilibl' to it, 1a1nd Angeles Cal.
7:00 and 9:00p. m. ' ' l e sire, 110 Ii'calrris aIfulliiJ11'of i ' i tl ] ow't1tha1.freq'etilty' tie tmlst_____________
Cars run on city time. Fre: sisgei 5 ~ fd ~os ea eyu aeadcns ond trip ticketst2'cents.111isiig m 111r0of(11 c1n1 711
WM. P. tAISIEI, Supt. Iddless 111111 11:' wi l '1 l otu arc strienlI'iiI tlI Jil l itihils Idisase. Frmastcesndflifo ain
FLOWERS, FLO'WERS 'ft 11' Ietion olit hosp151ial1 (Ir thJe H REN apply toFoEvrtigadveydy- 1.,GRN J.HLElA,
For Everything ad Everybody. .&.LE!' Y t''ltil'tttO(f nl'llt tii is d:111 1101 JaHLDd-N
S. Uivtri117' b our (Oriislense of fproteton. Mtichigan Pss. At. Tra. Pas. Aa
COUSINS & HALL flosts 181 Tele ce._I isN d Itilded byt1 ti l' 11111 are ill.01
tl'cl' nil1 l the implirovmetilcit 1111Mli- TICKET O'FICE: Ott1 Clark St., CHICAGO
The Ntinilof te101':. F H. Tritram, P. E. Dombasgh,
j Sould~ Mietig:: 111 00'te tl':"l laue, 11o Con. Pas. Ag. Pass. & Ticket Agt
iltili 5111 1 ., . Co. th ave. and Smith- 307 Miadison t.,
Clv rL a ul uhahil ttitill;; 00 lite hi' Sld St., Pittsbug, P. Toledo, 0
-':'ltllo 'I. i o'ii ot11it111 1-111111 91not____b___th______________________il___
WPlease keep in mind (lhe Toledo V ~J .LIJj L..4ton eoil ld011St1of 1: XIis :a1ican-till
St. Louis & Kansas Cty K R. RFIRST CLASS Tort-ln te-ttill, whea071-c- t ts city ' bl r itilsĀ® --W
The Cloer eafRoeecFa' ,a ofat its 1'otllilmttc o l- 1t l itiir
hoCoeLefRueFatReduced Pric. Pleds0 cl dand cx- llhie t f:11t 1cr'1111--llc 41 _
Line' for St. Louis, Mo, and the amiome. 1 cstoflOu
WYest and Southwest leaves To- Ne. 88 S. Main,8Cr wilowamSt dlaly. 11I115thils pl iettwh till oilh:c(I
Ledo Union Depot at 5 p m.'lids hals bateaer cl i9ch11:ci ill iatill'
dailyarrivs NewUnion tatio ! - , ...4" '^ ractir " li the Isp iof LEADINGN .SCIIs thOLEAOPG SCOOL OFBSSandS SHORT.R
daiyarivs.ow nin taio - ' - N'0~ 1:'ll ll ftl'('9'il: AND. 01agnificen b dldiSg; Ien teaher; laef
(the largest in the world), St.t'5 1a l'ady ' il11 11(1d enjoyingill( 1-91-atendne-;good dicipie; supeor wrhk; 'ell
-4 - sppie:I rading rem; daily letuens;Saurday
Lou1is earls next mOrning its wiihell(orc'itdrotlltilt- 1R's- eeingreceptions; open the eie vear. Eucep
/ ( p slls-d dInge1 o 111e("1O11 tS 11 tlls, uon Iai1l1tiesfr pacing stdet' in psiin.
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR "' I Otgc(ftifeit il Il.Bord an r m t y$75pe week ipriai
7R 0_ ilg-lat ialllI'of ltur 111111G. fhoieies. Thsnr ateseued to$.0b sef
and f o.....Central lines atA 'Klitardiing.eFtorICa111'g0011111 19'iilPrei
Toledo. ('1110 1next slda t Mclllitio 11hall $260,fo a 1 aRys uo
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Froee .lt'gs255.0y0iforiyaelilsiDaycslE11111
and Vestibuled Sleepers with- ' A NEW LINK CUFF I la~vean a lCi;stialn, lbt have pean Tour.
out change. . . :gient it u."
WI' are organiing a olet p arty froesiam-
C. C JEIIKIIIS.mer tourto Europe leaving NewYerk, Jun
.~221, or Lndon, Ant e1pp Brussel, Cologne,
General Passenger AtToledototeO.. r'tertrIl-IhltlrgfSr1shrg
Agt, 0 , ~. it~Baln-lade, Palris adIaleppe, relrning,
6 ______ -.-... -sating frll Lodoll Aucust lnd. The party.
DIETAS 8&-SCHANZf(N.. wil tbe Cnlduted 1(y1111dlunder thelersonsl
-T"w rA6SOLUTL'r lell known as one Og the firt mscal an-
V 0 iili. 74 .r e==$ ,w7 0- ,t str uitor of Amectand014a91geia genlema
- p "w " - --Y / TM~~~~~~~~~hES' '- r ~~~~of large eperiee 111 tavel. Eahl-Alin p ume oln IY:~ +wilhv brhi lrePoeairsec
Oaf prin andSumoer Wolen -osltcolm, 1154tle sips selected are new
are now on sale. Prics Low -j_'8 11 goton twin srewcmSteamerproie-d with
Call and see us'"eectric 1gts ad stasmet. Comple
-- .- ' -itnleary ad 'infomaion luled on recript
48S. State at.,Siecnnd.Floor, AmunA~rr.' \ of sef dd, cid steliped envelope, hfll.
pays evey enpense of sighs travl ad
hotel-s. 1ull iforma11011 and itineary
22 Years in the Businss5- 'miled on receipt (f self-- ddr ssed envelope.
9"'4 lietion this paper.
M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. Gen.T 270st n.Hea h s.
Low iaes everywere.27 Columbs, Ohio.
leaning, Pressing and Repairng F- _ ,f ll! II1Wt b) Loell iam nd CcHe
done neatly by SSIATERIALTh FNS
AUG. 5CmOENFEWALP., 28 .. Wahingtan Lvl Da odIyls
EXCELSIOR ;..LAUNDRY! R ' Siht OL UR l .CTLOEO7TC5 nSI TrPAre unsarpassed for
20 EAST HUROYSTREET. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~BEAUTY SPEED AND WORM8ANSMO1R. 4 odWr urned od aldaldfr Mn G (; yGu
a!S\EAST HURON STREETsood aloanae mae on end-
adWorkveare nedd GosclldfrA1 FC0 0A &lI~TDhand wheels,
andIL delivered, . F. COVER. Prep. ,_ E0. F. FISHER. Agnt, 55EM Univ. A.
.STEAM DYE WORKS. ' F2AN 14t RANCSZO" CUSTOM TA ~rpedothngCleneU. ,6
*alsad"ns'CohngCene , - A~LrA A KE C I IFIRST CLASS CUTO TILRNQ1I
lr ye, CorI ner or State and William sre.
$- W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR.. / aN~t itesstel I WIl=nSt.ntrance.