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March 11, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-11

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'2(. . ~ U '93 LIT IAl) A JOLLY TIME. cnations, before the S.C . IJ S ARRIVED ?~
W.)It (Sa C~lSECOND ANNUAL BANQUET WAS ton before the University Bible ciaa
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during of the Me0thiodist Church oni 'Thle Trial A SHIPMENT OF
the College year, by HELD SATURDAY NIGHT, of (Christ," 12 o'clock.
TH lU ,IOPNETASSOCIION, Local and Visiting Alumni Enjoyed Stl. ac 4-hrod Edy, R..Sfin4Q
ofteSuetTlnerO: Times building N. Main st., Opposite Themselves-Toasts and Feasting befrey e teS. C. A., s"
post safcs. Filled the Evening. Wed.. Macel 27-Aioa . . . 7Q.
EDITORS. Wl. ~~e 7-nulS .A
Ii. COLEMANs, Lit. '07, Managing Editor. The secoind annual banquet of tihe election. __________
C. B. IlAaslisox, Law '50, Assistant. Wed. intl Thus., March 217-2. TISX) .~ T~A~
A. W. Serra, Lit. Spel., Assistant. literary class of 'l)3 was hieldl at lsica conference under aulpies of 1.J~~I
We. A. Spomr,, Law '50, Assistant. Itasigsterfer's Saturday night, Frasnk Michigan Schoolmai~ster's clulb. Wasilngton iBlock, Ass Arbor.
J. A. LERtOY, Lit. '50. Athletic Editor. HI Smith lactinig as toastlrlasler. The Fri_. Maicli 29--Warsity inidoor noest
J. S. PEAUs., Law '05, Business Manager. P. S.-See our Show Window.
Ii. WV. LEvy, Law 'Ni, Assistant. ll(Ibers of the class who are now ini tGymnasliiull
Associate Editors. in., the, t'niversity with those in at- Fri., March 29--Junior lit :social in 'VIS G RAND) OPERA HUSE'.
S. B. Shliley, kit. 'CX 11. A. Dancer, Lit. 55. tGi~ic rii ~lsi ii te i-(rainger's acalleily._____
E. L.. Evans, ki 'itS. ElISunderlaodLit'9l. tednermDtotadohrst Fri. and Sat. March 2(1 0.- Meetine
Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'96. L.R. iiauablen,Law'90. leo fiormed at jiilly crowdl of almn Of Micliigaa Schioolmiasters' club.. MON'DA'Y 1MA i ,1"'~ L.
C.A.ltoughton,Deat'96. C. ti. Farrell, Lit. '05. whoi voted lh ini' lulet sis till'llllli Thusrs., April tl.--'lcslty recital at The Great Americasn Comedy-Drama,
MI Gilbert, Engr.' 57. i.li.Camo,Mcdic'00.
Mlisnie M. Thompson, Lilt :'97. Bled snccess. IFrinje. Memorial hail. uTT '
C. B. teati, Pharmic 51. The followinlg tOasts wer(' 110 lie Frt. Airil 26i--hntercollegiaste dibae SI P O ST T.bewnNot esrnadMCltiGiiga eli.tf JIierduto of theL
Sobscription price 1210 per year. invariably (:'s'cliiilg's llrogrilli: "iNinicly-tlres' lit Chicagis. F amous Batalie enl Late Erie,
in ad vance. Single copies 3 costs. Subscrip- Itedley V. Rlicharidsoii; "Alma Mal'r," Tlillrs.Ma t. Fc ulyrctla S+V Y
lions may be left at thne offiee of the lDAnL',.. ay)fcutreiaat >iR Y t IC O .
at Stofieit's, as State st. nesw stand, 5w111 any «X' 1'. (titi; "The Ladies," F-ranlk M-ine Memiorial hll~. New and Elsnirote Sceery, Cmstumes and
of the editors or anthorleed solicitors. I. (Ca=ss "AiTtMmhuo"l'rn l5rs., Junlli (-Faiuihy recitl at Mechanical Elees.
tae Asn tlbs FazCommuoicatios shlould resell the office by FikMmra al
7 o'cloek p. m. if they are to appear tisc nest I', ruiln; "T' I~ College Man," S. Fr. s Uiioii NIQI'E d'OMEIY
day. A ddress all oatter intended for pobli- Hlarris; "fur Start ini tife," A. IH. The Daily will be delivered GREAT SiEtIALTIES?
cation to tic Mianaglmz Editor. All business SIRN IUTO
commuoications should be scnt to tie iasi' C'ov-ert; "Llleiisex ics-s," D. 1'. May. at your room the balance of S~~tN IUTO
nesManagir hsew; "Reunion Ii 'le1,"' Gleorge IB. fly- the college year for $1.00. All PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1.
Anni Arbor, Mlich. gert; "The End of Ii," Earl D. Babist. the baseball and other Uni- Reserved seats on1 sae at Watts' Jewelry
_________________________ Sure.
'hio baniqiuit wa15 ima~iis Sb' (lie versity news.
We's hisartily alsprovs' of the actionslihe'; "hiuluilon in '902, tcotge B.. lly- _________________________
of the tiaseall inalgs'll( lt ill cutitiig S-rt, hpresidenit; Earl D. hisi, seers- DITSON® M UIC( .
dowvi the list of cauithse's, as ssill tary, auit F'raunk 1H. .Simithm, treasurer. ''"J"~ - _-b enIlaohrclm hsmyTls ~tldgfo u ftw h aetti, nIHTGAB
whofis siihees do10wpro 01o ths' ss rc S. S. Barris, Earl D. Btabsh, A. "Six Love Songs," B E IR IR Y MI A. N, S .
whos naes o nt apea ontheII. Dturfee, I. L. Sandherson, IH. Gl.
list butthe!! acionis asoluely ee-By Fein Nv. S.awyer, Translations of eu Sin 6 E. hinc st. Spec ia Rae l o Seniors.
its, bt Iielicici isaisolitey nc-Field, Halrry D. WXrighit alnd i. V'. of lolan's finest lyis is exsit te m sic'l
esayon account of the lirge nuumbec setthadsgu. ofvyrcapr 7e5ol cenotg. MilrMembers of Cuarso e S ichcet Brokers Anne-'
ocaddtsWeaeifrethtSONGS." cialmms of U..
ofcniae.X' r lfrls iltof Marshall, iiid Carroll Jons, of "COLLEGE Cosby & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency
all ssill be given on oppIortunlity to Toledo. at Adams t1. Chip agro. Reduced rules to allf
til fo te i r a i oporuniy pssbletyThe stasndasrd cmmllection of Colege Songs. poists. Branech Tie Ifindertearion No.3
tr o hs en hcii sIosbe Nuiierous telegraiiis expressinig re- Over 3W,0c0 sold. Heavy Paper. 50 N. Main s. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
to hve ut dor ractce.cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00.
to hibe ot thor hl~icict'g'1-ts swere readt. 'thIe fcllowinig ilein-
Walter 0. Wallaco Dead. tmers of tile class Inl St. Lotus, MO., "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" REUIBEN HI. BED.F,
From the Roysl Cosna ry,
osho iheld a baniquet i that city Only tomh of thme hemd publishmed. The Stuttgurt, Germany,
Te said lies's of this death of Mr. "'lrdy it ''at gr'eting's: IT C. sonmgs of lim e tading colleges for women. Teacher of Piano Orga and Xusies
WXalte'r G. Wa'~llace, for time last thrte yn H. G. Cleas'slanll, J. S. Hollnd, Composition; also the Art of
easassistant to Prof. Caimtsbelk u-ms '1.7.Itlld1111. Q2lir1, COLrCIO INSRUMNTA CITAR MUSIC" Teaching.
yearslad n D .Qur, r Studio 22 S. Division St.. Ann Arbor, Mich
received by frimeiims Ii this city last Eigilty-tsoo pieces for the guitar from tme
Stry.ALecture by Prof. Fulton. bestsourees. A splesdid coletion. Band- TEANABRSYNSBN.
Satuday some Cover. 50 cents.- H N RO AIG AK
Mtr. Wallace, svho took his B. S. din- Professor Fultonl, of 01,iio We's- Any boot sent postpaid on receipt of price. Ann Arbor, lich. Capital Soct, ZBODD~.
gree here last year svas well known OLInnvestyEilRelvr fT T'.D ITSO CO. Organise Gnepnera ankingLaw
le'y - Ogathus undertl hGeneral BaskingLawn
ini this city and in Ypsilanti, svhir Cuendrteiopsfthef Orth' as~go t. ots. sis State. Rteceives deposits. buys and
y tue uderthe uspcesOf he Oato- sllsexch~ange on the principal cities of the
Ile received is early eucation. While Teal association Frimday after'noon at .Dto o .~Clr tae.Dat ais pnpoe
a H Dison8 C. N Y.Identifeicatios. Safety deos it hoses u; rent.
inteU .iesily he m~ade a specialty a o''1ok i- th I-w le1'r 'm His OrrCEns: Christian M'ack, Pres.; W. D. .
o~~~J otc iiivs ctetot an nSice-Frt Pres.; Chsssana E. Casincock,
of chemistry, assisting Prof. Caiipbell subhjet is thie 'Construction of an Caushier; We.J t mi u air
for nearly three yearn. Las Novein- Oration."
rher he accepted a position wsithi thue Employ Metropolitan" Cafe
U. OF 'Al. CALENDAR.V Lunch aned hining Boom. No. IS N. -
Globe Soap Co. as chemlmist, svhere lie Y___ oung Fourth Ave., btween Arlingtoes Botel I
has since been. About tsvo sveeks ago. Mton., Starch I .-Prof. Slechien be- Men aned Cihy Office Building. Open allt
hecotrc acoi silch oo d-fore the Unity cluib oii "Thue Origin of no distoihute M.adMs dadLws rp.
veloped into typhoid fe-ver. IHI rallied, Sonmc Fanilliar In.stituions." meaus is part paymen fora high gesde Aces ___________________
bicycle whice sened thesm onapprova. Ne
liowecr, nd ws thught be ecos- 'hurs., March 14.Faculty recital aut work donesontil She hicycle arrives andpers W M i.
Frieze Slemorial hallk satisfactory.
ering when the Bows Of his denthl was Thurs., March ll.-Prof. Thomlpson Young Ladies e~~ee FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORINGf
received, on "The Consultation of lbe Judges' lrosr ri pltemsbwelosesom- ens'e or Slats and William )0t,,
F ' ende. wrtef0partoulae. illiamn st. entrance
Mr. Wallace had mnly friends here in (ho Mosaic land law series at thc ACME CYCLE COM1PANY'
and at Ypsilanti, sohero Is parents laiw lecture room. ELKHJAPT, IND. $1 00 SUBSCRIBE NOW $aQQ
-utside. He wvas an exemplary yonng Fri., Starch 15.-Sophomore pty i°
nman who ade unany firim friends at (Grangers academy.________________________
Frk, M11arch tS.-Uuiiversily oratorical r.
so-ile in college who svill feel the :contest In, University hull under auspi- 00 heav blwIhchhsk&knfrC051o . .A.
their nis Ce sohose unchuny w oill gat., -March 16ir'lst annuah alumni !+ 4
-always remain dear to them: banquet of the class of '9-I lit. 000 ,
The remains of air. Wallace ar- Sar Mac ld- pm..(ein:"I ILE
Anne Arbor div-sion of Collegiate alum
rived at YpsilanG ~at 8:471 this morning tirtaebergaisore.lo
and will be Interred in Forest MiII officers.
corn-c ery of this city. The funeral ex-- Sun., March 17."-Prof. J. C. nos 'I or Agey
erines will probably be- held at thn telileoly~b ho

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