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March 08, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-03-08

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TH-E U. 01? M. DAILY..
. _- C + -7- 98 TRtACKMEN. At the Grand Opera House.
IGHIGAN L 1 l_ rshmn who -,isht to try for a
Time Te eised) Nov. 18, 194. place on the '8 tam which compets The Sipu of State,' with its rettyW A T D
AST WST. against '97 in the relay race at the love story, th thrilling "war scoes- -
P M A. M ansi unique comedy is ooked for Me
MnMal ad Es--.-.. 85 Mail -5.. __ 43 indoor net art' requested to report ds ih tteGadOeahue
N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special 1 35a lgta h GadOeaRue
).astern Ex----10 25 N. S. Limited. .092 to ile inthtey gytni sititi every dtay ASlnldcnpu fmtaorn
A. M Pacific Es----1211) for practice. I. T. ItE ALD, piniiieui^tiy ftitrpltn
Atlatic es ..... 7 4 P.' IITak laag1atists atd a aloai oit new ait ri-1u u
l. N. Express...- a5f4i Westers Es.--2 12 'isTakVaar
. t .Express .11 05 Ci. Nt. FE--..10 2, ginal otteiceadimechamictie ro-s
G. I. E------551 owill e sott aiitnd 17thep rdtutcedi
. I' EuGGIFS, 11. XW. HAYES,
G. t. & T. At., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor. IItheii same mgnilireti tittitiauer, s
whnit irto li.ned at thet,, Siler' Good, Strong, Healthy
TI., A. A. & N. M. RlY. 'To-ec. rCicitgo. wleb re it plsaed
'raking citect Sunday, Aug. 1, 194. the mo1(st an imsle.sottl o"wek in to his-
raim leave Ann Arboir on cetra Stand- tory of tatt house. l
7:8a , *715 .m.Ini 'ilii i tasort rs stccssftll
1 .tpp ti, 1:30 a. t"i r m h s n' vo
4:15p m 9:00 p. i. ka i rna 'ie nit" svut
Teanse rn between Ass AroseaidToeds /" historical cehtt iratoe-s rt el vrldylt-
onvltrais daily except Sssdasyf' iadutte-Lliiolii, XXells. ttrt igutInltlTO have my Liar's Diploma,
t. S .GE EEN ed 001)., Aget
W ItI. NETT 0p A'G d .P Wil~tk i ut M.Xltawotrti wts not thei
te liest to irruitittie:f~iirlilhsisr- 2X6 with gold eaI and 'of,
ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST RY.F remas{ iv i-cailiraties to the stage Alet-.fca tm t~ces
Time Table, October , 1894. V ll7' d ied rinty.woti'a.tielotdrtiaa1c
Li-ave Yilianti from Cogest., 7:05, 9:00 e d Ib! eld"esheairolakaieteenrcip ofa2 et
andt 11:00u. i.: 12:4, 2:15, 510. 04, 9:00 id ,Slitalyer .at'to-o Sl r eof- wh Iichris" r e o e
10:0 pAsA eJsitunm:0.02 e tl etsto I- o:ii stwiit"ip fa2c
kseaie AnAbowi-to t11 :0 n vs lii cictt-tetdiiriig tit ctil Stamp. Address;
11:30 a.um.; 1:152:55:30:5,i30- niid1:00 p.im. V
StNDiAY TtIE. wa'. Aimog Il:-eim-aatco--wer-t
Leavi- Ypiati from Congress 5. 1:0, 3:, POP'E MANUFACTURING CO., Atotamuitttt tnotn. Stonisowall .taksi
5Leaive aiis Aborn,. so.2:0.400 35. aRTr$5ll,. 0051. tiiid .ohni 'sil 5s ioott. Ulik-
7:io iand 1 W p . -a 6070.NE Y1. erHICAsa. sirrAi. Ittious: it's tolay this 1:iee it not01 leut
Strs rollotcittie. Faesin tgie trip 15 essis amis.stl it: t-o-u tis it iithi
eests: XWM. F. PR' Suo pt. A-s A totloofe tCun c 3-ei b i0.ttto t oioeow-ig.:0ts o0f te lrinhtciinis re-
rt"u otbi Aeny f lui ,:e tnsc.bu tiitti. li o dt- tisfiio1'iiitr'' M
FL W RS LO E S Hato tels, As $. ,,puhicila new ell:- situer'i e" i-scc'-1330 MASONIC T M-B
toe Everything and Everybody. -op-itine- ii siutgiutrieuc: 0 its
COUSINS & HALL forFisIt, 2 Telepone ll.ya. pP114 lay i~"te tsgi itd' C I A O
THE L B IIUIL -51t'uttt'slu t'ii tlClil' _____________ ---
The a vrc o hnh ituo eny fothe i'Il tienditotiryi oflihtt
-- ltas lproedltt -eiiie-osithets'most suci-
C lover iL.eaf HOT SPRINGS, .ARK., ciwu fl ef ri-cs-t Aitiiicanrpy. T
R ou-te TEXAS, hstory sotliquiis the pl2sc-s and
wsnerero LOS ANGELES exlttion tisthe ixploiitsofitls- navy.
~Please keep in mind the Toledo, -AN- tttit-stt-I'olJit.fttths
St. Louis & Kansas CityPR. P., SA F ANCSC . 1 ot rt-shi- wr. istt iltthelSuman't
TIhe Clover Leaf Route, Fast SA FR N IC .t iledrShndtat1'7tnt
yet begunto'Itofight,"tothe ll-firig sit
Line" for St. Louis, 'Mo., and the New Tlexas and California Sleeping thu t' st-gu tby thei- crsnii ldi :ssiuurtl
West and Southwest leaves To- Car Line. Inli Sssills Iay, thesre- s no tpsgi'osithle
Ledo Union Depot at b p. m.in,_____
daily, arrives New Union Station resrd notsiooorthy- othte "'i'ta of
tile largest In the world), St. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. ;'tiuty tatcrdgoiy."
Louis early next morning. Have inaugurted a newo Daly Line of At l('tGrtand opra ouse tonight.
and Michigan Central lines atCHCG TOLRDTXS NTIETIDPNET.
Tot o.Via Little Rock. Malver, Texrkana, Pa-:ho asnuastl muee tg of the t. aof
'rol do.estie, Austin and Sas Atoio. Passegers 3, Ideindeltlt tss~oituto for the
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free for Hot Sphngs have osly one change of cars ofectnDaledorfr
at Mlvers, 9:0 a. M. next day, arriving putpose ofret-gDil dtr o
and Vetibuled Sleepers willh- at lHt Springs at 11:0 a. a. Sx hus the the ornoitig yar oil our Saturday,
out change, quietest throuigh sleeping ar uine betwees Aril G. Acotrsintg to at rlso the
Chicago and Malvhern. Aso daiy line of tsooiatiotrthbseitos shall le ap-
C. C JE IKI r, ' , Tourist Seepes, levng Cicago os sameI
Oeneal Pssener At., oled o.trah, through to San Frascisco vhs Ls trine sflos lvnt ht
General___Passenger___Agt.,__Toledo,____ Anges Ca. itrary despartment, thre tot the lawv
_______________ dipartmeiint hoyt'to thenmedial depaiS-
DIET.AS & SCIIALNZ, ueit, one to this' lhahrmiac'atd or
'U. F *3. T gLO,.S oe mps tickets and fulhinformation, apyt to the detl ideartmieint. It is dcx--
sie htaltoewsigt r -- -Our Spring and Summler Woolens J. H. GREEN J. HALDERMAN, siuorel atallgtnont'riuig at ontyce.__
are now on sale. usanrces Low. Michigan PasAt. Ta.uass. Ag tewn ou vt r'cv u rdt
Call Sand see us. -Oa Tr. a Pss d g The ostsdove illcivdue o-redt,, a
- 4 5.Slte t..SeoedFlnrAssArhr.TtCKET OFFtCE: 201 Clark at., CItCA' Osiinoutehad vl a'raes
22 Years in the Business"-m~z'- F. H. Tristram, . E. Dombaugh, nendd to the assoitio.
CIY LU DY, Cor. 7th ave. and Smith- 01 MadisoSt, l~hXCLMN
fITYdLAUND.PittsbuAg Pa. &ToedoO Managng Editor.
X. IX. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. C1OUlSK&cO, THE TAILOR5,
Cleansg Pressing and Reparnf 2200 to 20 State $,13
dne seatly by 2O000t. 18
EXCESIO + LUNDY! -' a 0 -PSITIfNS FtLLED Masonic Temple, Chicago,
Gord Work Guranteed. ,oods called for will visit Ann Arbor personIk
and delivered. A. aF. (NOET Irop. : isdfrAec
ANN ARBOR Manal. ally daring week of march
STEAM DYE WORKS. \ tnesNotw ok 11th. Location will be an,
Ladles' and Gets' Clothing Cleaned
or Dyed. - - Chicago Lon Agels
3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Tcoee m ss ex5 loUliCed in net week's paper

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