211 ~ ~i ON THEIR WESTERN TRIP, Collegiate Alumnae Meet. S O S H E .
~ 0 P ~ ~' "MThe Ann Arbor division of the De.
The-Ne Yok Eenig Pst asWHERE THE GLEE AND BANJO troit brancb of the Collegiate alumnae Our Entire Stock groes at
Th e okP nn ot i CLUBS WILL GO THIS SPRING. bold a sbort meeting at tbe bonle of fudaohrcac o" b tePo.adDr.H .Aas 2 ilR d c
foud nohe eane o "xtos" n-Loget Tip'T ke Arage tro~an Ms '-Admsd32PrllRcueea Prce
ioniquiies of football. It basa been an ogs rpEver ot.,Araneds Saturday at :3 . in. MestbilesUTI
pounced {as thwredliterary triear at Yale b Mage GrvsWlExndCooley and Palisol read reports onlUNI
wil no beawrde ths ear sice as Par West as Colorado Springs. "Child Study." Mrs. Scott, who was MARCH 1ST, 1895.
no essy among those r ecived was Mlanager Frank P. Graves tals ar- tae. ve the third report wasr T
coinsidtered wortlhy of the prize. This rainged theo schedule of dates for the asn. Sore arrangemlents were JiVCOBS & A L ifA NDg
maewith regard to the 'tay iieetiiig
fact is msost s-ignilteant, andI Scoeuts to westerin trt) of the O~leo aiiid Banoa deswi Wailriliteii flibes) Asn Arbor.
the Post very cleair iii its aplcain.cub ingth prn vaain T ill a o ld herei ini *.Dtoii e. brnThe wihv remaiader (Ife P. S.-Thts includes atl our FineiPat--
Tlae ideal now set atatfiteat r'sotriptwt) thse longest tais thse afte rnooii was (devoted to aii iin- etLahradRse he
Theidel ow etbefore the Yaid (lbs hsave ever taken, extenianiig as forua teahe give tose Chicoosie
tuetis iiot the mnan sf letters, biut far west as Denver aiind tolorido yo~rst Ad THE GRAN Arn gieHtOhebsiesmSEI(U yb
Mrs. Adaisis.[ A bnHiOUSmetEg.n.
tnofTEGAD PEAthis "chainpion slugger" at football, Siariiigs. Che society wiii ise lacd at iNewberry tehgetjm~iadtefrhs I ln ed nlcnetArlwl 2 egvno al t3ocokStra fenol.OENGTOL
South B(uanditAhrl12 (( from
thrower of thae hauaiaar. ttfraa the clubs with go to Bentoin Hliu- elecd. a which oficers will befflf MON AY MA CH 4T
Unquestionably there is seine trtith heweesireiilllci u e t ed E,_________ I5U~U 111
in this cxplanatioii, tbnt ant half so iiiglht. Sunday, Aipril 14, will be spouat The canidt~ates for the baseball Engagemnent of thae Queen of
muatch as the P'ost iinsxgtnesa Every- in. Chicago. and t concert will be' teaii a~t the 'uiversity of Chicago ook Comedies,
thing, however s'xcellent, is capatble given in Central Mttsic Hall, Mtouday advtintage of the imild wastlr and J A
. raiCugii(cuswlha ri eafeligoDIrsalof abuse, aiid it is possible that atha go dtirect to St.I tours, and~ froms there field, TLhursday.eisa aeaelstnwnoigt oea an.teaun f oh-
niore promainenace t1h0( they dteserve. Clise cities, as well as at Chiceagol r+ ®A (
_ But this (toes nlot (((iii Chat ath~letics will ((alikex('tensive ipreparions to1 j 1 U ' ' Direction of Gustave Frohnaan.
are uniworthly of a. lalce, ail thlatit receive Clue[ chubs. 'The inext stolps. will PIE 5 O 5 N I:
somwha Icolinet ne, ii or ifl be lit Deinver, tueb~lo aiad Colorado PIE, - 30 0,70AD$
Somwha prmirc~it ne inourum SpIrings, Col. lii the return trill con- "Six Love Songs,"
versities. Harvard is almtlost as coni- ects will hbe givenl it Linln,~i Neb.. H
fly Fraink E. Saweyer. Traslasiiu na tltcwya ae esMieGlul n aepro en' ietlrc nutaisnteu uf (a II
anld yet no onc would tinlk of saying Ca. settins. Heavy Paper, 75 cents
that Chits is lowvering ther literary 'he clubhs will hiave a hargs' nluiiber 1_--FOR
stanasst. Aiad still iiore inisleading of aexv and brilliant pieces to plresenat 1CLEESNS HOT SPRINGSA K .
a~t these concerts, anioig 11110 being The sanadaed coileetion of College Sanga.
do the Post's generalizaetionus apIpear selectioiis froini "tRobin Htood" There Over 110,000 sld. Heavy Paper, SO TEXAS,
when we consider the eviitence of the are several nnimbers -iii xvhich thle Glee, Cents; Cloth, Gilt, $1.00.
Yale faculty, who place the average and Banjo chubs appear ogethier. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." LOS ANGELES
of scholarship amnig imeinbers of the (Annual Banquet of Zeta Psi. Osty bootk of this hind publihed. The -A D
athletic teaims abovs' the general liver- sons of tile leading colleges far women.
oYaeiseis.Caesth i This annual banquet of the Mticigan Heavy Paper. $1.00. SAN FRANCISCO..
ag fYl tdns llS h l-ascaino eaPiwshl t 'ledirect influence of athletics- is thle 01- tRussell House his Detroit, F~ridtay selln- "ROALCOLECIOhISTRUMENTA CIJAd MUSIC" I+Txa n alfri Steeping-
Car Line.
plosits of Chie direct, the Post's explan- hung. Sixty of Clhe alunmni anid activae Eighty-saws pieces for the guitar from the
naeiher avre resntClu naunh'rsbeat sources. A spendid colleetion. Hand-
ation of the hack. of literary talent at lenbC weprethemmeI some Cover. 50O cents.
Yale can hardly be acceepted as vary of N} chapter attendhing in a hoaly. An'oksn otad nrcito rc.THE WAAnSH AND IRON MOUNTI Y,
plausiblo. .Judge Heniy -I Swana acted IS tat-have isaugurated a new Daily Lsne of
________ naaster and Sanator L. M. Avery, of OLIVER DITSON CO., pF IRST CLASS SLEEPERS from
Women In German Universities. Cleveland, O., Edimund Bristel, of 453-455'Iwasihmgtes St., Bostoix. CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS.
TootHn .M etn fGadC T isn&C.N .The Association of Collegiate Alum- Rapids} amud Prof. J. C. Kinew-on _________________ Via Little Rock. Malvern, Texarkana, Pal--
aoisedn oucrulrtoisresponded to teasts. THEANI ABO SAVINGS BANK rtios. Autin and San Antonio. Paasngers.
THlE ANN ARBORIi ou IrClt% o t for Hot Sprngs have only one change of cars-
mnembers revievhmg Clue work done by Reception to College Girls, Ann Arbor, Michi. Capitol Stock, $N,000. tat Mavern, 9:50 a. m. net day), arriving
Amrcnwmni emnuie--Ogn S urpus, $aa,ee. at Hot Springn at 11:1t a. m. Six hours the.-
Atrs. Byron Clieeven and thae Pi Beta of thiis State. tReceives deposits, buys and quickest through sleeping car line between
cities since those i insitutons have Pisnrtgaeaeettntoftysells exchange on the principal cities nf the Chihcago and Malvern. Alno' daily line of
ba'ooopen o xveaen. he acoun col gl Saturypeveng Care Cit nhted States. Draftscasahed noon proper Touriat Sleepers, eaving Chicago on ame-
b~~~~~atlx open ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Oseni townet h cutcleegl audyeeig aeietf c hrin.Sftiane Mack, Fxen. tpW. .t. train, through to San Francinco via Los-
as givena is most interesting and en- full rm .ChitarckPes;y planmued gauaaes, delicious refresh- Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. Rinc ck, AchnCl
couraging. There are Ii Gernaany five ments, and dancimig nmase the evemning Cashier: B. J. Frito. Asitant Cashier. ________
institutiona wihl hiave admitted Ana- oei to be meat pleasamatly reimembeared. P l t n o y e For maps, tickets aalpl no rain
erican wonmen: Berlin, Heidelberg, U. OF M. GALENDARC. J. H. GREEN J. HALOERMAN,.
Lei}psic, Strassburg and Gottingen, Michigan Pans. At. Tray. Pass. Ag'
and Zurich, which is practically Ger- DonMr4-ShlenitathUiyCub TEE LATEST TEING IN - e-n-
man; though all except Zurich restrict DinMr .-rf 'oelcue H TO GR P Y TtCiET OFFICE: 201 Clark s., CHICAGO'
thaem mere or iless. It is of seine in- at nlnd eaguPet Don~ "ASmeres PH T R P Y F. H. Tristramn, P. E. Dombcku g,
terest to knew thtthe; only wemn Trip Through Scandinavia." -AT- Cor. 7th aw. te. and Smith- 11Pas i Madison Ticet,.
even adinitted ho Berlin on any herma Frni. eve., Star. 15.-Seophionare part fied t., Pttsburg, Pa. Toledo, 0
wvas Miss Rthi Gentry, ef Mlicigan at Granger's academny. BE R M A '
Fri. Ma. 13Uniersty oatoicalEVE ETT0. FISK & CO.
University. Anothen Michigan aluim- Frtei.Stn. .University narca H
na, MisEiaehCoe'92, ia now' s of S. L. A. 6E uo t
studying in Strasahung Universit'. Fri., Mar. 29.-'Varsity indoor met SPECIAL RATES TO SENIORS. FISK TECES AGENCIES,
During the winter semester of 1894 in Gymnasium. -Chacago, Ill., 35 Wabash Ave.,
thsere wvere fifteen wvomen hesaing hoe- REUBEN H. KEMPF, B. F. CLARK. Manager.
tunes at Gottingen, maost of thseni in WVe From the Royal Conservratory, The mnst complete Agency System in thes
Stuttgart, Germany, United States.
Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics. Employ Teacher of Piano, Orgn and Musics -M-Over 1,009 posins Sied in 1054.
Eleven of these women are American, Youn Composition; also the Art of AGENCIES mOATE AT
ths)Enls, n nl n GraT leaching. Bso, Chicage, WashngtonnD.C-
treEgihaideiyoeGra.Men Stsdio 22 S. Division SE., Ann Arbor, Mich New' Yosk, Los Angeles. Toronto.
None of the universities grant degrees ________________
to dkstribute Members of Gnarantee Ticket Brokers Anne-
ho women except Heidelberg, which «..« s or advertise- Metropolitan Cafe cateon of U. S.
ha$ projasised to give Mis;Ida Hyde, 'Irdewiiil se sien ries nd prehs Lunch and Dining Boenm. No. 18 N. Csy&M~o .3 iktgny
er~dnennii ilebhinle rrivs adprse50 Adams st. Chicago. Reduced rates to all
of Cornell, the Ph. D. degree wvhen .sasisfactury. Fourth Ave., between A.rlngton Hotel points. Branch SNo. O N. Main st., Ann
th eglr odiinses ufild, Y unhede and City Office Building. Open all Arbor, Michigan.
and Zeulricdwhich s lastre grantledms.rsu~al bourn.W M. .
AndZuic, whih as yargrate mndd. Vrteorarinhars. Mr. an Mrs. Edward Lewis. Prps FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORIN6
Cit (lt,,deree to Miiss Julia Snow, ACME3 CYCLIE COl'1PANY,SUSRB u
ELKART, IND. ' 12 'NO $1 1 Co rner of S ate w an- Wila-t.