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March 04, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-04

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, ' . iai 1 .

AN, MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1896.


._ , i

Fitzpatrick Says We Will Win the
Western Intercolegates -When
the Squads Meet-Who Will Try
for Places.
Oxer 100 responded to the call for
a neting of candidates for the 'var-
sity track teaim Saturday night. Cap-
tainLe J Roy spoke of the necessity of
uniitedl action in. track athletics this
spring aiid rged that all track en
lbcoime imeibers of the Athletic asso-
.eiatioi, if they have iot already join-
ed. Ie said tt the traiig foe the
teaiits woldl begin tody ithle gym-
_iaslil and that, while the work will
lbe light, there mutslto' no shirkig.
Traier Keene Fitzpatrick then out-
linted the plais for the trainiing. le
-islos every cndidiate to ho iii the
gyminiasiumii three tines a week and to
consult him at any and tllttumes. The
canida~tes for the various eents will
work in squilads, echeuniiider charge (f
an experienced mai. Captain Le Roy
will e on the runingi track every
day from 3:0lioii to take chrge of
the spriiters, quarter nulerrnnrs
-aniid hurdlers wrho will tprctice shrt-
ing efor and between thle lasses.
This will le all tat xiii e (oie y
theer.'canidaii~tes, uxcet ttthelirl
hudlers will pratice hrdling oi the floor
unider Mr. titzpat icrk. Distance run-
niers will retort to Mir. Fitzpatrick
three (day t week. and 1hle will assigii
thiemi the workti t e one. Bicycle
rulers already have the use of the run-
ning track oii Mondays, Wednesdays
aiid Fridays fromi 2 to 4 oclock. Rlun-
ning high jumpters wille reupirel to
show uip two or three days a week,
a11(1Mr. lFitzaltrick till sueriiteiid
their work.. Ituniiing broad jumper
are to appear with tle sprinters for
practice in startinig. Shot putters will
ho under tie direction of T. A. tlillay
andwxill practice iii flitbascuent.
The hours for their work will e n st-
ed Io a day or two. tHammer throwers
are requested to haild us their noines
at once, though they chl get no pa-
flece until outdoor work begins. Pole
vaulters can begin indoor xork tody,
and will ho under direction of sonic
ono of thio old niEnl whose name xill
hbe announiced later. Walkers xill re-
port to Mr. Fitzpatrick to ho assigned
work thio saue as distanco runners.
Joi concluding his remark, Mr. Fitz-
patrick said that Michigan must md
would xwin th1(0lWstern totercolliages
this year.
Following this were remarks by
Track Manager Martin, Football Mal-
ager Baird and Captain Shields. Mr.
Martin's statement that there may bo
a traIning table for t110 track taml
was loudly applauded. Mr. Baird said
'that track athletics wr In many re-
spects most Important of college sports
and urged the track men to stn~d by
their own branch and thus aId not
only Itbut athletcsln general. When
'Captain Shields -stated that, aside
from the .time -le must give to the
'baseball team,'e-s goingto try hud-

lee flits spring le was loudly cheered.
The list of canditates for the track
teani is not yet complete, for quite
a nunmbr who will e ost wter' not
at thio meetinig, auth'tilicaptainhalss
a good many dosbtful names. The
followting is the list as it nowx stands:
1(00 yards dash-A. W. Wolcott, J.1
A. LeRoy, I. B. Otis, '); ..Itol-
hrook, I. It. Wiley, S. C. Batcock,
't97; If. T. iHealid, G. F. Mead, H. C.
Mcndelsoui. F. Shields, .1.ALt.Thomas,
J. TI.('owli's, '9; A. J.Vitolette '6)
law;I. A. tfroeger. Hughes, A. Koh-
her. It. J.t.Covert, J. ID. Rtihartds, 'il
laxw; N. . iMcfliniton, C. B. t'orter
'l9t medic.
2201 yarids ash-I. B. tiii, ,). I.
Stuaret, A. '(V. Wolcott, 'ti6; RIt. I.
Wihey, S. 1. Babcock. '7; 1-. '. Ieahd,
II. C. AMeiiitlso, . Shields. J. A.
IV. P.Hod-i(gmatn A. J. Violette, 'P5i
last;f. A. Kroeger IHughes, &. Koh-
lawxx; C. I. t'orter, "S8nmedic.
441) yards run-D. I. Stan, J.t1.
QJuarles, '96(; A. L. Wolcot, B. 1.
tBaihey, S; N(V. E..Itodgman, A. J. tiY-
ltte. 'il lawx; IHeniersoiu . . ItMioore.
'9d losw.
5580 yaurid s un-I. Ih. li-oimon. I.
D. Horton, W(. XW. Thiayer, '3;;It. S.
Frecund, E. F. Woodruff, 'C. Plmer
K . It. yan. . A. REkr, 1. It. Cuch-
eon, 'P; N. Barhlo, L. Htubbard, C.
Itosenox, '97; . I. Wright, '8; . fG.
Htadden, G. 1). P'rice, '9 law; B. E.
Htawoxay, :!; hwLasTJ . Toas ail
A. W. Smally.
Htorton. W. '(. Tayer, 'lt'; tR. S.
Firtund, C. C. tPahmer IC. A. ekert.
Barlowv. '97; . IH. Wright, Ttf; t1. (1.
H~adden, G.I. Price. '5 lt; T. T.
Thoiimiisandt A. W. Smalley.
Alel walk -O. L. Spaulding, jr.. '1;
Boone tGroas, E. S. Barlt, '97; Wil-
her, '9; C. I. iMoritz, 'til laxt-v; Ittniel.
'95 lats.
120 yards hurdle-K. B. Alexander,
HI. B. Oils, 'li; C. D. Rtowley, . E.
Furst, G.P.F isher, tR. I. Wiley, '7;
J. A. Finlay, '9; Henderson, L. Aar-
tin, 'til lawx; E. iePont.
22i0 yards hurdle-Ki. B. Alexandr,
A. IV. Wolcott, . P. Cole, 13. B. Otis,
J. A. Le Roy. 'til; tH. . Colin, C. D.
Rowlsy, iP . E t urst, fG. F. Fisher,
It. I. Wiley. A. W(. Birsall, '97; J..
A. Finlay, '18; E. C. Shields, '5 lawt;
L. Mtartin, 'til laxy=; J. B. White,1hi)
medic; E. dl'ont.
Milo bliiyle-1.. B. House, 'til; X.
L. Taylor, I. E. Newton, '17; A.
JLoomis, '98; W. P. Diallr, '11 law;
C. I. Morris, '97 medic; H. L. Morris,
'ti8 medic; Katzenntoysr, idarmi.
Running broadt junp-G. H. St.
Clair, A. W. Wolcott, J. A. Le Roy,
'(W. C. Bryant, H. B. Otis, 'til; F. E.
F~urst, '17; J.1.L. M;e11. Iussell, '18;
A. J. Violett, '93i law; L. Mlrtin, 'til
Running high jump-G. H. St. Clair,
D. . Stuart, 'til; I. E. Coffin, P. H.
Vernor, '17; G. Miller, '18; E. doPon4
Polo vault-It. .AustiufXW. XW.
Thayer, '15; K. B. Alexander, H,.
Mannhardt, '9l; L. Huteinson, E. Col-
lins, . S. Bartlett, S. C. -Babcock,
s'17; A. Rice, '95 law; S. C. Crow, '11)
medic; A. WX. Smalley.

Will Have It Backed Up by Figures
-Thinks Twenty Years of Present
Plan Would Cost $1,143,007.80-
Dr. Kiefer's Opinion.
Deaun Obhitz is preptarinig to publtiish
at l(Oinhiilttruegarding fhsestiumsof
afftairs iiith(liniesictsl deluamluints of
the Vtisersit)-. Xhile sex-erel)criti
ctiig the rigots liii xhltis that his
lout(hut highist r"ishect for everuy umi'om-
tier of thoi botait anditahio u' isiws
'icily tii prsent tlhi'fucts in ai-iilmu
anuil slitomate uu muir.
Iot''simiat~s Ithut thti'"idetdtlhss" to
liii Umtixn'usity iii grauamtiutg ilitisui
st udents udurig uhie'next tl- mtyy eu-s
txill tie $;1,143,56l7.S0, if fl(' presemiit
mthloih is uoiu cduu. 'Thits statul-mcnt
is biastid ointhis'fiollowxig figuuuss.ta~kien
fromu thuo official re-corits for 189i4: 'The
sialary list if theoihi'ha'ttuii'ut. of mod'u-
iciuie andulsturgery wsx s$481144. its
genieral iexpensi taicounuhtx-tue 124,2201;
slit' stshamy list timd expisi' ac-omuut of
liihoioeopathitc collegi'ouiomitl to
:14,200,. uumaktig a toitul if .$87,0614.
'h'lieipti'lus of biothciillegi's xwire
$2l,88:1.61,. leauxinigua mut deficit fur
15l14 of $57,178.39.
huu commemitiguipoiuitfits Dr. 0litzi
samys: "The ptriseit yiear Ithe',hiomue-
iopuathici college txill graduhuatelione slum-
dlent, atmmidifs 'Doniovaun' txill cost. thue
stat~e $14,200f. Tue uleliarlunmt of metd-
iciendiseurgery xxill graiduatte Olxf)-
elght Ies if time)-all tpass thiir'eixatm-
imiatiuims. if a gross cst of $72,568, uir

Trios to learn witihout books.
Somo peoplo though try to use
musical instrumonltsiwith little
or nio tone.
We Say .Bey Ihose Which Have lane,
Wo solllat kind.
51 South Train st
AND. MagsifioesntSuling; ten ieahers; horge
attmdance; goodmdiscipline; superrwork; wellh
supplied readisg mreos; daily lectures; Satorday
eegreetimos;upenmthe entieye. Excp
ioa faeilimies ferplaceing stedents is pesitmesi.
Boardond resins$Sims 02.71 5 ewtin sprivmote
'iieo. Thuesemratem raedSedmte i.by suit-
o R. CLEARY. Fees
Hom izuiwocs
+48 S. STATE ST.
Go to RANDALL for
Artistic Photos.

ui aueraige cost 10 r studtut u of
.$1,218.50. 'flu'auxragigssostonim
time comindumeidisicaludepsartmtenit foir NEW'. ALLER.
this yecar is $1,608i.70. As only thihrty-
twvs of theise hehonig tou iicigti it LARGEST OPERATING ROOM IN STAlE,
mnaresseachi rssidemut of flits shts'te st
flh' state $21118. By judiciomus trhii-
minmg this'high ei tandtardh of flue miediu'al NO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
collegi' at te t'uiiersihy coulsd te'kett
up and atuout one-half moreu' si this Ann Arbor, Mich.
mummi saveid.
"\Nows,xvhich shall it be ? Auiahga5 ED. A. CADIEUX.
iiasfiom ona a redtuces anud fair basihs, PRmORImEToO-Rim TE
allow~ig uall to teach their thieory of Latest Improved Barber Shoop
ucedicie as it is udrstoodulto lbi'Is the city. .(ashiegton st. tel door
est of lain st. Ann Arbor.
tauighit, with aisfair divisiooi sitthis
clinic, so fian#: all etudenfs can 'ice thns PPE S L
effects of the theories hint unto pmactice A M TH PP
or still (lie legislature allowsthtic. lo- A-
ptfihiomi' to exvallow t'lbst Ivestige JQ L r,' & Co 's
of theo'iomneopathitc lamtb,' tifter a
light aglistthfle xvill of the people of a S5OUTH OTATE ST. Don't fail to come.
Hot und Colmd mucmmes at All Hccrs.
fifty years' standing. Thme people hose__________________
alwaysxvauted. to he fair. Shiallit hue 8 c0a0N ID -_-AiND
so now?"
The hpampthllet esmicludcs xxithia loumg
open letter to the heomepa(lime andl
eele.tic professors of the statoei________
which 11e( advocates "a long pull, a
strong pull and a pull altogether," in
order to obtain absolute equality or vl B O0 0O K(S x
the wiping out, of the entire medical
Regent Kiefer was in Lansing the BOUGHT, SOLD and REPAIRED
latter part of last week, whled lie ap-
peared before the commoittees on the
Pmtivrmity in relation to the bill re--AT -
ducing the nuniber of homeopathic
chairs from five an one. Dr. Keeferr
favors this plan. Concerning It he W VCNIUDO HR AE

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