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February 25, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-25

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p rf r. Campbell's Library Burned.I DITSON MUSIC. ISHOES._SHOES.
I I i~h-1 )iy (Sunday eoneplod during of IDr.. ('011111111ste0.' destroyedllby Ou' Lft]1 ( Stok g(wsa
Lbj Colege yea, by M ftI ailrdy even1inglTe fldir(- ui I "SixILove Songs" Reduced Prices
THE U Of M. INDEED[N aSSCUiO1 . gitlla i fdrom soni Iidro, et~" 3ll 1510 Iryr.Tn sia11' fSi (
Inaa on builigN (10 1.,1 11.i hP'DIr. and lls1. ( t1 1itll.l 1 'ereItosetng.Heavy Paper, 75 cents 1LR lVvv1a
__-- EDITORS. - - ()~Y'0i1'11(i t (' "COLLEGE SONGS" M RC '1T 1895.
lI. (o.01.115 la.l'1.71tl1111'11" 11101. i's1volvr'dby il 11111110. 1Dr . yda. '1111 oadar o 'llction11of,1(OllegI' Sog. JACOBS & A. L1..A NT
(. 1. 11A11111N, Lair 01,1 Anoitn. (ve.00000is~tl old. Heavy Paper, 0
A. 0W.S0a110, 1it1. Nl., Aitntl. 11 . (oo4cl11i1 11n.1 poreion1 of(1011w an,(cnts; Cloth. Gil,$1.00. Wshngtn lBlok, An Aror.
,I. FInouo, li. '11, Aooitll. h___xals_________aSmallosfo__
1. .Lt Ry, Lltw 's, tlet Eitor111. - "lCOLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." P. S-This includes all our Fineat-
.iS_1____.,v'9,_______ Soge. t'11r.et Leather and Russet Shoes.
Asoit dtr.Sermon by Pres. Fisk, son1g of 1the' ladiglleges11tl"r011'olmn. 'VIL GXNI);OERA OUSE
!Heavy Paer. $1.00. 1I RAN )UT.AH SE
s. II, hiley, [i0.09 , ItA. lDan1crl'1' , i s
IEvan's, I'S ") ud'oad ~i'Id. 11el'i11'11lFiht.<,f Albio '11 '11110', (ONE NIGHT ONLY
C'arrie v SratitLt..L..1R. 1111ub1',Law'H1. Ij11'al'lll'. very eloqu'1101111111 0 it i 11 lALOLCLETION ISRUM[NTAL WfITH MSI' MONDAY, FEB. 25, '95
SI.t~leotsgo 0. 1.1.S~llnlll S~'l~1"hest00 soIuces'. A slen11i1 '1111 tin and1-1 New York's Big Hit,
Minniei'r. 'lllopsoln, .11, 'i7. ot"'11w N11tl'1 11 o1 ' SIotl, aII n oln0011oon 00Scents
Subsc'ript 1101rice2..11101t yea.11invalbly \N'11'sials'ao1~il illt 11I '1111. i. Aly1bo1111sent01popaid on receipt of p1i1e1 Special Delivery
In1 1dva111''. siglcopl'os a 1c1e10.Sulcil-iI T L J
11)110mey be lofla eoli 1' 0.11O111110 1121, .(jIN)ONIYi OLIVyER DITSON 00, En1tre ress lt Deroit, sys:
at0sto1lflet'0. 1tate001100e00. t1116, ll-i 111011 lI (IlI".GREAT PLAY.
11' ~ ~ ~ ~ urn ttheli110Seconld111011OlSl'111'. 111 001111 "1111'1111. 113-4031 0' igtoll nt. Iollnl. j GRAND 'CAST,
C'oeamun editors1110torllsuIhIied ea111111 1110it11011 ~Iy Iloonll dill offer .cou('11s0eithe Stdly U 11Dtsltl II5(1. N.'-.FINE SCSNERY.
71101011 5. n.f tle o prh~et'y111 1 1of11011 101look10111 tl'logy), toin illollle ARBOR SAINGS AK
day. ldos11 1110110101 O1011Oltla o71'110 fros 10of IlleTHE ANN A O BN lrlra, 11idgI 1.1 l nn ight
Cat11111to 11t'ilt, a'I grnl Ii111o. All hlislo eoSep ;peaaio ft(lr e- A nAbrMc. Cptlotc,5000,:'r'YrkP 4 fie
11000 Illllgo . 110110; 1microscop]ically (f 11111100115 100.11oozedludr010the Genra1 l~ll ig Lw(PRICS, - -3c ,7c
THE U. OF M. DAILY. 111d11ocks;110 '1111011toi01ti0 (f bllilinliof11t0110 11t110. 110111eposits,0.lly~ll PIE, - 5,S~.7
sells exchng1ol o001the Iprinipl 011100 110110
A0011Arbor.i,'lh.. 010111s;readig of OspeillImlonographsl, 171110011Sats. lraft cashe11d uon ope01r01 EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.
-- --- - ----idetifi'catio, Sfetydo lit boe o ret
1111' edior o 111o111ho10111lloeoolove ro'a 01 t)0- 011 . ''111 s 1,l111elementar1(y e('00000 il OFrIc~ts:l ('lritiallT A lol, 1110 a'.1D. 1)
i ble for 0110 oplini110car1tmnsOlllnlf 0110- Pt'rology0'a1011iS 01pe11to students who011 IHarriman, .VI Ices-;os. 110 f1110111,
011nt~ppahi-n1' tAIi. 1av0-0' 1111(011uology 1.sali Mieralogy (.110(11001 0. 5.11010,Aln. 0011(101 1111 FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES,
'fl 10s'l '11 I 01'- 1 (10 . Text bookt Frank Rultley's Metropolitan Cafe Chicago, I1.1 355 Wabash Ave.,
11Il11l1'1111lt~llI wll (I aStudy (of Loks. (Apploal &CGo.). 1.01111 0011Diningloo1101. NO. 1N. I.1' '.t~( illgO
weural loe 1)the listory(f 011- Citercoshodlaortry'eok, 100(1 Al .I1'101'lAoitn loo
Cofrne(ldlbrtr \~'; lyt v ewenAlntn oe osat othis institutionl. eoer before Tuesdays and Tlursday,. 0-2; ('0011- ad City of;SeBuoIlilding. oe oall '1The'mototu1011plo Agncy Syom teto
hour11s1. 11 10le Sae..
have llthe ostudesiso11011body nIllui- it.:3-5. ISRfAtELtC. 11S1'L1... 01100 oe' 1I) otOIllon oa01111n 11.
\oIci. O ".) LTS, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props.
fsted .o11ouch1m111r01 'liosIl.t111'itr- .1uC'IT ' OT. __________________________ t110. III'.tn TI'1 n
111100 o1111ica11lcostI . ''i 'Che ttoiig Oil ct oftlthOle 00000t(difficulty' ill WM . RFTJ'IID itostt, ch(lrag1, w'500gt1,D.C
intelt01g'it~e deblate 1a11 lr1'110010011ebers g(J oro sdrocoo 11FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING NnTr, loSglo I un
mtemlbers of t0110 00010' 1110, it is lmllnof110(lolloln' 1,1100 It0Bol'os' A-
IlIlt'te c11 ommhlonIO (i'of Ol'110Or - 101 osl Cta OtO11~ otbn ooner of Stat 1511 Wilialm 01., e'ailol of U. 0.
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ut p)5I~~~'11 llIl.'1(1 011 eoi(bleirlthatoenayo t he e W-illimAtlnc 10ltance1 Cosby & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency
$''t SUBSCIBE I .5 51Ad inst (Chiago.11011111111 0ltl'e to 11l
1100 lsre to1w '' 11 further st imullSlustio (lllSallrly ev'nig. 11o110 COOSlit its BraOWn101100 1 N13,1 1. AN.lvinl l 0., A ll
Ill oratoy. Irll.olthi iter111r1y' 1111 too o ishito 11e tundersood, h b eAbrhhgrtl al71lbs of te -enor.rein
k lv o lnpalill'lolO Idlbatilng' 'ill 100put t111 11'rllr.oy110clssaryn,__________ma__________________________________________________
fortho gI'. 101'effors 1111n.eit-, 111h00nibed.t00-1511t'Tll
lent t 1willeSotdeclo)'.1.Tie bt adv0ertisin~g' medimlin il 1110 rosudnsSoldb ltd iyisteDil. E E I W F, E
to recIognize t1ielt, ltanlelo''f J *l9 COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT
soe eaigscey ill, 111 ULLLUL W PULPIT. Edited by ALBERT SAW]
(1n(1Alpha, Su lsoieies 1120e loala (MONTHLY) -EV~REW3
0liIct'e100'd l'loltllllt ro0ms11'. li v110(' SERMONS OF REV, J. T. SUNDERLAND.
y T ll.TI'e11005il~O~olglSre f59-5 WAS in April, 189, 111a1 the it nmer I
to- fitted 11ilt(lnd 11100-0 '011r' aTool- ( of the American Review of Reviews was
nilodation for lito rry r.Stch SP-TeSolsard-rod prinedlThe new iea of giving the best that was i
yor. OCT-Jesus as Humanity's Ideal. I the othr magazins 15 addition to itt osno bliat, orig. l
vanta1gs ougt srely to increase 111e NOV.-Secterianism: Its Evils, -Causes lolnl artices, took America by storm, as it had takes~
membe015rship1 of botl sO'eils. 'tienI' and Cure."_ Egland-thoutgh the msagazine itself was not at alla
astudent lllderstalndi Illhe phiri'lges DEC-The True Cross of Christ." ImO1~ reprn of the English editin. , It deals most largely wih
resultng fromo debating, ad dt111 fact JAN_-Was Jesus God?" Amgnican affai, and 1s edited wito perect independence, in its on oic.
~ ~~The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely in ihstration and teal,
tat it is throulghl tese societies tlatt FEB.-"rLoyaty to Conviction." ad instantly alive 10 the newest mosoementa of the day, to a degree never
studensa veba l porhI0tlllil}ItoI'l- p before dreamed of. Thousands of readers who offer their commendations.
le e (Iso rnlcollegiiateI or tol'icah so- 50C, A YEAR, 5C A NUMBER. aongthem thegreaest names in the world, say that the Review o
est hoImuosb ovtdofthle' fll-0s5 0For. 111 al0.. atI.001 11 o s ad Stollt. eviwsgives them eacty what they should know about politics, litera.
___________ofunitinghimselfwithone ,=lre; econonics 'ad social progress. The most influenial men and women
110 '210 If ~lltilg hll~sI I n 111 011of all creeds ald aS parties have areed that no famil can afford to lose i
(f them ,.it le01(1. ffA lI sirin~educational ahoe, while foe profes.
lnery' nenber of t111?varilotsorg015111 DALLTPE'WRIER sonal and business ien, it is samply R z
rrto hould 'k 1 secil ffort IN toL indispensable The depatmenta are.
(zttloS 11201d1ct1edl by careful specialists, in.' TE REGULAR DEPARMNT
inrase th(b eutSrshilp of lei1 oiety. 1' stead of mere scisorswielders and ++I eides the specil articlesad car
Sy soo doing each c(al tribu1tei511to a ~ .scores o medaey'nersig o 5 sre tlc klhe o1 thrillig i01ere1115114t
Sitl( sueces of our replresentationu ill-trais and picures are in each number. ' has hee regular deparmets
future contets besides sharinglch1111 All Iis eplaas why te Review Tile P~rn sflbieWrld.AAs lot
Ill 111'blltStl nelI'of Reviews has come to a probably ich de tinIs re aiwo .and events
_____________ ~unprecedened uccess in the firal three stauld udrsnd it'hlei ppe r nt'
Dr. Breakey's Lecture. 10.- year of is exisence. For 1895 i iti5O5egA'lisiseftliish.-Thi.e
w il be nmore. invaluable than ever. ' -: ai hRsslst~e e 1. itdy, 11e
tDr. WiliamlI 1?Lea fy .ddrtseCd -n.ervd. Allt, t 1,1. 11en It' 15 lHt
bhe Unin'cIsity Bile class of (11 First EPRICE3B3$50_ __ eeliberl cstessi isdsom edtherle, 'qrIss mriaindted
give 1{tverCicommsssions end fir term. quoted rum
Methodist churchl esterdayI}givn tg(e Til' only lgh Grads Mahinesson te aC urreti sorylytt'l lbs il.
aAnusalbssipla. $lss h mnh~ i l ,aulsuthet'
seodlcuer T~ rl '~- Market sld at a Reasonable Price, y' Sipep, insi ,Its si e", escsso, thle orsebl ,art.-
sleilans 'nnhon.'lt llt01(' Simple; Durable; Writng in Sight, Inaes u a lshs ls
!ally upon the necessity of tllo be.t Permanent Alignment; Instantly 18 t Astor Place New Yok dlly cordlofsaristeusss
physlc. life in ordr to Po soies11 g oflsageable Type. Aa as
01 ml ort 1110 uolife. . S. PEAB, Agent, b " _ e.

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