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February 18, 1895 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-18

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V. uF' M. l).tAL'l.

~1F' BoStore! A SolidBack

t S. ain st., and State st. cor-
nei of XWilliamn st.,have n--
eotnlete stock o1


All Bristle

I" . + rly with George AWnh, 1 iOT' betgood" ot
1. w. -lineton st. Headquarters for!Il cth
it,"' 1 Text-Books, Stationery and Brh i is u m i LEAST MONEY
Xi .t'-'llneooos Stock: in general.i Ne an SeodV n . Or gm slu
MARTIN SCHALLER, ; FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Nw naScndead i' onte bytheli~
- i ; NtoteBooks it, d other Stdets' Supplies '
SIRE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLERi AT-Pierttoery, SotigGoods, et',whiheoes fVco
19 F. Wahington t,one block ftAi f*- Biyclaues).
ast ot !Main st. EEL IIEEE. a : Cll nd see us before purchasing i ral fomany artt
,1ir1;X YOURIIiifatPita, 100 000. Srpluso o t t its, 140, I iii .. (Ost ani ornertc i i ie
y (( y } 1 ranact tgenralbanin bnlnesM r 1M SA[LfS CYCLE EMPORIUM
(l&NErTNGR AVEL'D Frereacgeoerbougtf+ot gfoish I E. S. SERVISS, Mngr
leters oAficrer SX ibrN(sier; ft'iF U TH A E U . 11 W ashingont 4t.
WMfff. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. jCasan ron
ar ( ':camu tr Cicn~ahRbs , . tiat' ttre partttred to firishi Cps
II ae f n ow actall ths(oia h{lt tnd Gowns of the igest quality
LEADING COLT EG.. ..TRIPES I .11 I;rr to Universities, Colleges and Schotls
II !I (tt ils tr1. t.i fthirogot the 1nited State, at
'l O ttl 'i wdt e,,cltlt Ai etd .u l at- strprisingly low prices. Self neas-
r , r 1tI"" e Prie, Ellc~t n ertiruetent forms, ontaintn l iee-
fitthnto olt 1term to y Detlt iveedtr esstry istructeions to scre jter-
_______________not fondt at yori ,lr sendI to us - sisitittg the store, will e forwarted
ngycnetiontttgeollege andeclosigprice.tuponftrequest.
School of Dancing and Desrte __________________widths,____at______________
S ,1 t y Fra .inLi eibgines l asn.A RE YOU INTERESTED IN FOUNTAIN PENS? I lfeet its tmdrl
pttirda1 pCtts.,prices.
'Ttesday, y0o . itn iun ttt ass.l t.(Ldies
Privte ts~tuts y a~otiteitft IteIatsrsomtthn e at itsuprrtor int this ie. IDrop s a postal before Otytn'ottrs P I A E H A
SCHOOLt 46 S. STATE ST. RPDPrATR. WSIGO Ile largest exltsisvely Dry tittodsi
_RAPIDPENFCTORY.________________D._C House in America.
tti' Ate yottainotey ellby rout limp i ks Iro IBy ops illiug I GR A N i BRS
th se enh1asitkenintg rsmoke nd itn, 1 llt the Color of te C O IOIA IO
' ''OV QIO monwhe senthtottghtasoketd gasItous urRdStar Oil, sititi O G G
thstroebles willsravish. It giveo! asWitlie figfit , does ot chtr the wick,;
emits no odor. aind will t.ill burntott of the at. Ied Sttr (ff1sc per gal.
White Star OillGe tper gtl. 74' sntkeless Otasolite S' er gl. Altl tsr t' secuttr te rsotol itst rot'
t~ittotf lMrt ttd Sr,.Ros Grntger. 1 iet
:DEJAN & OONIZEAJN -Y-71or e ss l ons ogierntottty dtnte oftmrit
44 South Main Street. rqestd Ctl tt t o teAaemtty, gon
Sw eat r ilto'.65braytitrd s'.1
Whry Jucdge Ewing Decined. I Nlurl regreti is exprtss'd that tudlt'
in telatest :toles at Ewing willhnoiube pre seolittas hishiII - REUBEN H. KEMPF,
ShY eaSIn SUITS . ton's lir fulyth : flI olloomben etlct'i'to'erlll aeel:eahr SPino Prgnad sier
Iw id am Ew tngttill bi nablit irim oiio;assteAto
6 n TMeitAIBook s Oes. d ugh. tnt e h'.r s btr e thl ~athl l fe rs Tahig
BESTiLINEN'PAPEReli-i exercnsesn days tr in o At t e Lstur' I i . ftrl:elf '.It. Sui oMS.DviinSWA T rMc
sIrthykeptllowhicustoyfofnoAver"(l od \ftnyoitroete trkt}Irdefomtt
l b c n O c P e u n d . t S n d Asot ite ltt nt e i ntii liar t t I' l s k t 'tt 1 t I e v tv"vic e , il e aitsoft c at A a Lt INw o t o utS k i
ofid f o ti ii dtuvvla t T sme ut5' lt of-y t irotg otale eto ttli
BEST LINEN PAPERdorebeto eay Ishyn ogtatesrr 1S ocl.W fWl WAEwt h eutou na ld ho' co a PRICE.dtl,$7.00.!
in i t Jt oledu o adlayur Thcouryfros 'l'htus- 'I,,f ttsiiiitiry iiii'tsiitlt Iinn-1 ptdn' ies alaniTets tpl
sady SptiLE.e us od no r tiii0 tolitiido (tf l Ittfrtithefames. setrm d n sS ro
S 5 H nd20U P rL ou d.sn:tiake during thatnr onto t anyothr n hemake.woulfomth
anHsmEo eme ayeeveningoniutil t adroest Adtra la.Eveoylut tid rkuiite
fie1frtn dy atue'n Ie a''' 11ffs efliiltet ulnar s is ailsn d's rad euivlMasotht y ou ittitar -
11IL L o e l cke uCan in IkSne gh.ta eo a gu rittr a tuhegttdo orewhi te
cESaHAnWO ES LEtRE . borh fod, shI emdnext we oo k ne btt.cyaree.ufergr dualsl.Aet tventst
Polticl E ono y. na wv on .bPa P I E L i 0.Ceco.
S H0 ode t t atntI itsurd e tnt-
suchpoled t ajownodaffod cuse 211 in oaioll e n il t I ~Ull be gmlS',n -sBs Bl n Tni Sple
Witr, Rssa anaytn fo e ve ere ccinii ~ni. u mor ifgeercgie edr.Eeyhn eust
F ane Had ad, Cl 1an aidi yout int anye way inr s w ur- 5attIIino'clocktarnsoeawha ofuIf ociotisntas STUDENTS. TAKE NOTI Ehi
Lieshe eued t n usittIsald s ihirgosl rauei u arateR Lenatithe Pflod lr h
LE S HA W OLSA E RIES brhod co I u ch. 'y .ud oo r of mu- y arnt ofun egradute . d ct puen sli3 ee Wt..1o ed cin
tredinitn x beplaed tondmo andl- b e readi $3.50,m hichould hA G.SP ALD NdGTROs.
of myLpofond egre+itno lo Cbren mi.8str'y Crsellinged5.t i lny5llg
$6.d0eds anble.5 ofullcomytacco etceotDr.sPesot on e -that.cour egodsma-t W .ileasecal d
41 5. MAItNsuc 6'tme wud (af orjs awIN og.' iborgaic fo srt y ill be iven .-EatW~~z$o tzet-

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