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January 30, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-30

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S At the Grand Opera House. 1 rollance, not to exceed ,.Woo11) ordls inl In Latin, Course 2 for tin stoodl
1 1_RA length ; designls for c-over tui( title setntester, the works to be read int tile
iVIJHTiGJI 21WittieY 1 alte Irs. 1, l''1, ome° rotktithe, iiidetii) for.nrta osS > >rm'.ctth~tutiItr
time Tabile (Revised)t Notv. ine18,\\ltma189n4.t imt pags, type patr t tn by seven different seetions as ill tie as toilows:
M it ald Es5 _ --3 0 St iiI a 43t it i' s t tt i 1 11 gOt sat ii its ii trattttg legdal t rlis. M eisiters (if Scc. 11., . -i -Telerct-, At-ie i: luu
N. V. Spectat.--- 5 is N.Y. Speieat-- tO730 lii-oltti t.1111'. t\\ i-a atisowedt nasiett11ne,111' lss sy eatrihele Aunaris tLipI ks . t . aInotXXIIt
;astern Es---- it 255 N. 5. Lie-ltt d ( 5See. Ill., 101t-t teene, Itnireio a: ttrs..
A. I. Poetie Ex-----13t:>t itO nIilI iati101toehut ti<iiiit o iii I cas n1 competittin'11sitay ~or thests,not, Tetnunoinns: try, It.-.I atnd 11.
AltitaLt Ie . 471(':11i tlode, of -whithti (nel lit' \\-i ,i '_1.5 (dtg Sftt w rd o in2) Ce1V0 - rete, ntis sisst
t)N.xres__-i 0 Et n ~l . od i 11t,0 tiN; Livy,Ills. Xxiii. ad XXIV.
(x. i:. Exprss ---1103 Ciii. Ni. Es --- 021( 1' 1 ) i ie.°1. ateMll e. ''15>is itiseilf e , n y liegtal lottie'. 'hose wht odeire to !sit'. V., n-;i 'erensee, Atetpii i aii
G Rl.Ex------55 )i3 e 11'1etlintit Lisy. lit-. 1. intl X1i.
c). t 1t'(1Isins, Il. \V. ine ltitt5 'i s l't istli ii 1 01 rttliete forti e iti- l egal ay itt' re- Sit'. VI.,:31-a- i e e. ~c, Atiripiit ittli
G. P. & .1.1 A;t., Ctiiesa. Ant., Attn Aittiti iand 11' utiiso n cluded-ti *o i aviie' I i t mt!iitit{fa's lt Meatee bustm; LivyM .I.ta. ni X.
__________________________________sectiontIllsII a ti l iffe t i h1oui f
a ltit ,, c i ia 1 S to i ir , to.n i c . fi lo tt ls i- itn ttig is hur et a s -tiltno t 1 1ttittto i c , e o e 7 ita y . i i i t t i s s i ' t n t - i s i f S t
T A. lAttn TANt. M. ,Y.1 Iii Set0 , , t , Wltes- - t1i t-te ets s oit its. ii tat
1111-.1.1111 it i'lltttiii'-iiis5 A'lyte on'.ibutins shoiutlt 1t, s m-
l t ak it ii' 's 1c 1.. 1' y A Titt 1,i1i91 . - li'iiiliifiritilt ti'. ii' li l li ii 114 1 t iil ttiiiist- iwls n: tt f tl- ill e 11e r t 1t-itat it 1:1 iiit t - tilt1f 'r
)iiii('tc '. 0111entieiii 1111s the' books-t-itt(-itK iii lit1t1i
Atcltn eRO. c'PIL N IS .R . tiii iiite ii .itti 111 nl ul, i t iit~ tothelitita iii tsections ite tltost en
TOInsime TbleOctoer-cv189 . bul fiii moke _________ iit'iNo;'-March itiitt EXS E1:1NDCAIORI
i t; ae Ii,iii eattiitt7',s :1 1, :1 T C S tti';ii11t11 tire'lytilt ttiliiiitis quites _________
p. NDAY. 'fluE . it" l 'ii'ii t l i";111111 1 tie r.s'.Il111111cIn. litittl it iti fo xta s t a t ilehotlitilw t i, Cololerti 1t .
101iilO l in . itwl:.11telarbotiali'ntril in.tutu lii' 1111' liii rl t )7 and0 stitliiistc l \ills ffer11 a l' itii ' ciis(s11112; - i . 71 Tri:.c: te tisi 'itttrit _ n. t c.
,11' tita "lilly 11r 'M ade m1 te nis

IUOSIHS & HALL, flisits, Teehoe11)
Clover Leaf
t"Piase kneep in in ttd the Tolcedo,
St. Louis & Kainsas City it. It.,,
Toe Clover Leaf Rtoute, 'Fast
Line" for St. Louis, Mio., anti the
West and Southtwest leaves Tio-
edo Uniloin Depot at S5it. it.
taily, arrives Nesw Ciiomn Statin
the largest in time world) , St.
Louts early' next morningn

ttill it at4ItWilliam t.tiat. theillow iiitsi- BUSINESS LOCALS, aleeping ear 11n111touriat sleeing, tigtt.
tagl hoiuris: 't'uitsiiio I- 1 Ill. i.. 1 t"Ec1 ; [Noticecsinnicrtd11n tilshiis; lm iIt it rat cut t
ofi5Scenits per lii. ticeiast ettc to i tno-Ol leavinig Ciiesgo daily it 10.x,0 m. Ill
ti dtytoyS i12 1. imi., '1titiratly I -1 it tle.smut etitahlt's I iiau-it y ly invit -aSt. Louis tot little Rock, Maleert
it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O - 1ssai''iiil tiiI'111'i 'i-"i l lacitc-' : stlliii .\itce- (sitim-Sht taS) us' tited - : eliell is
ai to 12is. Ill. "111(11 I t .I li . ielih 'il-- (smiiat.it its ~ t ieni'aii irtit letg ni'ii
''sad n'ciie e1 istl. lte isa(ty if Mexica), 1E1 tao, las
A dtepotais sfa ititt 'n41i's-it; 1evr
- l~e .laaa Syutroittitto rant Cclii soall, iltAngeles tand Sanm Frtanciscos. 'l iss
lit C iura' fCl il' ise tiui'uiithliii'ilyt). this'omnlyhut' frsomasChiagoich-il-lcail
(Princsiple'sof tht' Ssiemus--'of itt aniic51) Ase 3you1illt- u fdaifuniill'hhusraocuco often'this exce'llent senate. 1111 ."
gise iiitheatisutilseii.stt c(Stu, etuse, utlrit;glasnucas', mtedietal aarite tus aily ticket agemut of t-' t-
Section Iiaill hhued t iSt nc s 1 t srical orndsntal instrumenut.('11s7'it' bash or eaonecting lines fur r huimted,
in~~~ soreatt f 72i.ui-uss-ls tsonatble' lrice? If sit go iso tile uatter'nsoasiog time, toots'. il's4, des-
"tzts ui~uu-u h rgtitaBookSBinder'my, \.ssJ hIN. Alainm cription of cars, etc., or
ous11-rIrtltIN I' II 70 i1s oh tatuthe)' auillit yonaumsut iitslital G. S. ('IlA\I', tC. P. ,s & .
class shapse. I1 1om fuugsi tusthe utu-Si.lJoliss'.is
Oh'iitt iut''i'lsis i i cleu' 0 N, Malt sat. F. . .PALM ER1, .Asst. CG. .A..
osffe'reu't us-t si-shhs-al u sushi lust
For 81111,1yo 1clhso- fhluhi oarndersaduutesrtise iil his'I)hiily-. 501, S. CI~rk st., Citengs, ill.
Luieureui~.lI' I liotisti c I it iii ii us'Studenes'. -Noweis the ii s t11u1s0
u- otiga-illi'tu-hut't i iu ssto hove your'lectutres bounmtdandulif ROUT"ii
yuAihafrtcasjob tame tirlt l h V~ Sn i i l
Sicsiti sioususs i-l itoa w th' A tus tra uss ien. i;5'

relationat. etwee'i's fromim 2itermmuresums
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR lutit is iloice. lii' suuuuuns' t isutsust
TlioTim es tatada-erliiu eigus' mlusits Iliti
anoltlo(itsi:foutu tisis tvloitus' ed Fs ashits'is ty- isisuthe iilist Dour SPRINGSAR
us stat in h str- ia -IIony tushesuitseitn theis'ail-.'T EXAS,
Bumffet Reclimnmng Chair Cars Seats Free takenitby spe'iatt persi's-s inh. suilis's 'Prif. (tic11155' i. Il~ t he~tliiI'1t
taist V'estibuiled Sleepers a-itlls- tt'tii'nli's sissyt ihosiostluine f1ruits uho iss o'if ('tis-tugu. tits bhi I'll ctil LOS ANGELES
suit cliatige. inustucoshr. Itanhsasn gusisiuuuuodatlust'194 10 i - ON it
C. C.J I Ihissl is !SAN FRANCISCO.
(teoem'ail tassenger'Ag-I., Toledoo. suiiit to hssaw ssiuitrs list' t'ssiisuas't hegi' rgdelssmssieusis lhili i ht situths'-N ev'as' e ansid (Culifoirnia sleeping
oubjetsorliio'mst'itiounu: 'IaTw o cli o ams ts's-Iclit's ins masuezill. 'lis is flw C'uar7Linte.
DIET AS & SCHANZ, !Srsit h~i iumouurousos on u'uiussutiy, (if lhighes't hno hitssaii-sh tis - I" situ-is o-tuh____________
'U"or . OF M .x ZLons r1°t: or hti l s stllord,,,unacts tis 1 e15rnii's-la i g THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.
mestic aoonoi s. l'irst clamslit sod firstt ins EKU3mm c - i sutd es r 11.0 ass uuis co
repainsg neatly dosne. ci f L ir. 15
48 S.StatIstn., Ss'rond,FloorAnsiAshs FR OLEG *U HICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS,
22 Years in time Business..-'- itViattLittleIu . lush u-t"rut,T'f aknasmus, Plst
__ "_"_ _>_______ stiuse, AusatinsansoSlnrust oiot.l'Passngers
far lHst Sprinsm havg o lotl une cael o tt ar sr
CITY LAUNDRY, TaHtE'Mluvernsi9:5 1uti t dayus, is lnmose i ii'
lust S i s t.11:0 a. ll. S ixhdumy,.sris-iss
M.SAOT o 4 N. 4th ave. TquickestAtTrough eeping" -erlute ibetw-een
'EBL, Ch I/ I/ I ~ iscisatnSIlateru s A-utdaily lisse 1'
Ut ''' " " "Toista ;Steepers. leavinug C'htiagoonsit o
MERCHANT TAILORING! ?, r slsttiti tsSs rtses'usu o
Clteaning, trensing aod R'epairssng Osugs-s's, Ital.
dope neatly by _________
AUia. SCHOENEWALDia26~E. XWashingtons
wil be delivered at the your room the rem~aider oif I Fornis, tSietsandoutS afo's itstit,,
EXCLSIR +.LANDR ! ippuly lto
EXCES' I~O +S-LUNDRY!the college year for only $1.50.J.HGRE .ALRAN
loanS Work Gnaranteed. Goods Sailed for 5tiusi i is.tgt. l's, alss.A"
. .isd delirered.. A. Id. COVERT, kPeep. a f E T' .Nf 1 7 1
ANN ARBOR fi'~ " "'' ~ "~TICKET OFFICE Si'01(',-6 st, C1ICtA6i
STEAM DYE WORKS. F. H. Tristrams, F. E. Domisaugh,
ladies' and 'Gentn!' Clotliisig Ce'aned At Daily Office, Tiree Bloc k, at Stofflet's News Stand, Cen. Pans.;Agt. I~ass. & Ticket AgL-t
or Dyed.'Co54-7tnthiisave, and Smsiths' :t hl Madison saL,
W. °i~Uot ST.; ANNA' l iOB or at Paul Myers. 'State st., N.-ews Stand I feld 4t.; Pttsblut, t, a. Teledo, o_-

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