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January 30, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-30

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l'l'seli Ilily (Sunday ajilicid duin
the('a"lbat year, by
ar c,:'li e uldi . Macv il t .a , o pI i~
pollic tstffc. e laS i
iavaljaSi~c odie Idcts.II iii b
i o'lock p. a. if they are toapar th ext
lay. Aidressall aatter i tteiabifol is'
neIlata letige

Alpha Nu Program.
TIiT AllwbaNit ,civ p will boldit

DIT SON MUSIC.lCold Weather!

regIibiv avi aly 11ailII a" ilaillvilay
a i1 1 N-11aba 1(.11aahu "Six Love Songs,''
I11': Nlapliao11 la ai. li. l Iiiiy2 aiiaca. Heavy Paper, 75 cents.

declamll Iation. laa. 01, :iclcIo Tl. l)~
ji 1aI iilliMel Slali i Rs le ,I;
lai, iUn i a la. > aill i i lfeIrst
'Illiiaatic ly li le-oal.. Vail :Inii
..r ~ nc I"11 l llrcl 1 Fa pri1iiaawilil
I a cl iicviI lri. I c~iil Ixylopiliiiiil

iThecl iltidt llaoil)a f at llv..ion
Ilver 300,i0 l d. Heavy Paper, 50
cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00.
son ftele ladliiit~llvavr. iaafreaeae1
Heavy Paper. $1.00.

E !

The Webster Society, ttsore.Aspeddclcto.Hn-
EDITORS. smtor 50 cents.A
If I. C l .A se1icac, I ~ae 1lin; A i tor iiil",e 1l~it
..Wi. Sliie, Liitiiv I., Ac satt t,-l~iibiv iv ably ail i ll 011lit it 7::il O IV R. DI SO 0
C,1. F~aaitii, Lit. '08, Asi5 nt..E EIck II.IiiWibsterli ,111.i l t. l nai o .I R D I ~ N c .
.. A. Liooi, 1Li. ,AthltislaEditoii
.1.5 I '9i, s inss Maagrl isaiiv hlti iiaiodi l 1 vi au i: 153-46l3 1 h iniiag sSI., Iiitiol.
II I. laa. l 9,aii l ii ttr1ui. A . tic Ecii ci n I i aaa.Iiii,iiililt, t, 11.lit! ii'iCi o.1.l N. Y
Associate Editos
1ii. Shilley, Lit. '95. I. A. Pn1.Li 9.PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS,
E. L. Evans., Lawi li. I lIt,511n irlallLt'1 I) l1iiiiai :11iii iiiliv : ililil . Sl . I
t'arrieV.Seithliiit;.9.1. ll ,IlasilileLa~v.i It 1115117 liii 111111alti lrii dull. t>; op- ieartga; eaia ol a.. aro k ot-t
ES. lBartilt, ILi'41VA. Spll L Il49. i ianad leiii Iid II ii s ldia. iW ltereandiialvii i cely rii
5. (illcc. Feagr, . 1. a. nr m oiiai, Al e cic4 l io :nlta. liae "Ieslt~i ta alire. tfliliEat.mysi videneiI a.ill liili
i~ e aylii si..aiiiiaty. ttil eiisi cii aiiiiI-ISiIci.m..aili. l lielandS. (iio
Mhviiinnie At Thl i iiit i 11W . 11w aiil i .:laiaa lts', iilaiiiii ilui t 1FIST CL SS C STM1AIORN
I' aic eiitonth l ili ls iltrspo- I Il~ b pl arNI. w,"LFNS ilai tllii 1 ittii
liii iiiiiit ii i Cll I'.lahlaT li. I NI haul ciaV.iiDon-
pne tic als, it iil ii W i. .ai O-illa i l I aspp( ii'. . ldeavlaihe ilz .f i\ ;as ii
Aluel compaint as holl llnrd e 1 l iia;iri lltl ii 1 811 Iidet'
j 1)t lila ia lrnariaisiala Nailsr:" W M aiial l dalaalii i
oral lil)aIi Aliehsear MiasiocCla in !Ipoti
t"El c Studai eniliita wiih i 1 c l oit S l al. - t - -.CA.erJf.Sttetadvviliamss.
histac i fr'I m u Iag lil a, . nl : cliii lare(h tlllat it .Niulvt iluania InicevButy, foVI eW ly
ti li caiI alili i ia I i ezi Jaioihl Nlit11h 4 >'l)hi .lIlll. i on,,In~REViE, NEai Ws n l ilv lrs
tilii5aliiiIli, l iut vc iiE1) li I iin Sill Past hll. ia aiit l I).ml fifcos~ andts
lit A
tobl e llitt Ilillhiat~d lal 11ldrnl, t1 i.nh. ch rchat .12il .,hial th di cvisu
t ah ill rl Ilii y hlsnl I the, Temptionc ofliitt i ll IllilI.i p."iS iiI lc
:114ltd lliliil; liiilos . n pihig .s !rep./Piel af/ siR hig
1tnt111ilwIt I ItI s ilil ut lii 0la l hlit' c ii Ia auliu i 77 5 v i nhnh ht oIi saeheoa
I itlatal ision'sai I owa.efr"ramdo Tosns fra
iorthee lit ili l oI i nn aclu uciy i g II tiiiS u i., Iailic: ar- lliicA.J.tha is e ie eoo is n oca rors
it u llIorl llitlti A11woisltl ilsed ie sea1tS.'T o as11 or"1 '; e f alereddn alpr ieshte agreed I
iiS 111i existd dul te pati:t~ edaca Froiialb.c1>lti, whileil for1profes-
:til laccilac.i lh i b ar i .-,clillaa I c at t.lia condacied- by carefal specialists,, Ill.
foir (Doitl l a rlIandiheii 1a aia cu ic ii IMOETI111 8.traitacoarsd puclures a.epinteadiThela ewhe
illrconirulI iay lif a bighi l: halilgtihal l on te g All thisquesexplains wily theotuheviagzew
(ailc~a lt il al Nle 111 1 Ihica hEMONS u h1E.l >ofte IND ERLAN'of, fRves a oetoapoal
Series sof 1894-95it'enprecedenledfsaccess in t l ee e
ally at lily at Na as Y1uvlt lll layl a existence. F 1
lior ca, il rsej-t yearpofnilo 5it gs
sait vla~al n~ a Sral.S PT-l1teouidl s uyfore Elaillie wicaen affirsnluabeit d in er
lI n tllr-Coll eiateAei. . NV Septeis thni sr tilsu ses T- e lie Rcemise .Se levesismi.
ad ur.a ndisatyaiet h eetnoe
beor deambe o f.. SThosnsofra
IllE~age nISIiaIms ali aat Arail' t11 liuT i edC-ThieTrui '.eeCoss f.is" ap. 0e 1 1, i,4beig
rlek 'rtain . neuiry holfltilire lI JAN -Was J1: olesus GodP" lz f ;lo f Rvew ie teexclwhtte
noie.ofethaniva'llllrtiil etu15 hiss onaios fNewis York;-oh
tIldlitN ew1ru s ebsia.'2, T e a lir.suilaindispeniiblei telldSpartetats are,

"a, 5agot1111 ii., I I I ,
Theiiiiiawu unyi ailaiy
S\, ii hi Tram.5A1tinhal1 iiaacI
Ni o h tal i e.A SioipleiiI' I-
itia:a .ray Ouii Nui
PRICES, - 35, 50c, 75e.
ChcaF0,Il.,355 Waash Ave
Z^ 111. liitaailaiii. fillet) ii ii
g~i aiS lii li:SLOAEDAleeer
Kint I ,d-115 Ed g.«'h gtol. 1).51 I.
Students Recreation Head-
N3Ni AIl Sultret.",6
WApril, 1101, tat the first nanser W
American Review of Reviews was
idea of fluing te best that was in EP
ao addition to its aiwn brilliant, origAeiabstr;asthdtkn
l asgaznle itself was not at all a LM
;ediion. It deals nmst largely silti
et independence, in is swn office
nuly, timely iia illtraion ad texT
vents of the day, io a degree nee
ers ahe offer their commendatinns
)e world, say that the Review f Y
*siold know about politics, litera
'he most ifueiitial men and stamen
lit to family can afford o ose its
r iealdee the specialaicladh cha
atrche sft hr lilleeg inteesteead
tliniess, liar Review of Reviews )Y
lass these reglrdepaauneetst
~(Tbe Poges ofthe woed.A iaaa&YL
eh tinhkig, alert en adwoe
I soalad n dran d iheir pr pe ig ii
esuca ad proprions. pi
Len.ding Arttea aofthe50Moth.-Ti o-
Pp ruenand te --l,iganiThe
i o hc thlre ierwas Foundduda
named. All that ogisrbes i e ocher
1 aAmcanand. fri , i.
Cgrenetitry be Critreeharonidr
,the mcnthsehistiraehouge pttraa
eiqe enorte sure le fi15, cartooi s
Odier deprmentsevie careaullyeir n
bk, gtelie ad tons-eeofiall articles
dally ecrhde of accent devens."

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