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January 29, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-29

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i me Table. (Revised) 'Nv Ii; 1894.
,111ail 4173.. 3350 MIail-- 0- 843j
.N.Y. S1a.3al --- 5 15 N. Y. Special -_70
1,astern 1 . -----10 25 N. S. Lirnitlod._- )°
A. 31. Pacii: Exo 3_7 I15
Atlantic, Ex.-. 7 47 1. r
1). N. EN press---- 5 40 Western Ex.-3212
G. I'. NJ~ess 11(5'hi. Nt. lEx---10 251
0.121-> 33~3'.~ 103 G. Ri. 0Ex ------- 5 5i
o. A l~re~ct~is, 13. IV. IIAY13S,
. 1'.;T Alt. Chc.0 . A.1 n Atboi.
T., A. A. & N. M. RY.
labia" et31oot Sunday, bn 1, '034.
:1S a~rn.:15 a. In
1-:t5p .I :°30 a. m3.
4:15p. r.34:00 p. m3.
R.3333- 3131 G.~REENO ODU))l, .1 e3tt
33.I 11 B'NO ET .. P. A. To1le33 0.
Time Table, October 7, 1894.
13av01 'Noxilandi f1ro0 Congl-os st., 7:0), 3:03)
and 3113:0) a. 3,.: 173:45, 2:15. 5:0, 3:453, 93:00 and3
1303 p. m3.
Leave33 Anti Arborl Juncti'on33. 7:30, 93:303 and331
33:ba:t.: 1~:33,:45,3:30>7:1,9:ii),t d11:003.3.
SUNDAY '1151.
Leave.3 Ypsia nti31 fra)) 1'3333)33'3.- -.., 1:30333::10,.
50 :30an533310:00 1). )
1.eave') Ann33 Arbor Ju333333333, 2:003. 4:(X), 5::30,
:(K a :0 p n
arno ciytie.Fr:sn;ltip5I
cets ro 01rp ikt 2 cn
Wm. aF.P 11311113Su013
For 13-3'3yt13111 3303 Everyody.
tMuIHS & Hall, frilss 2(1' 00100.'rtya'.-

N )1 10 '1() '935. f [ ati',es 30n0ert(d1i33t31110333103333 ,33I 3130ra-311
333503310 ro 33 S. ec0ia133r03131 lo longer '33111313 3 i5x '73 3) 313
3013u130'13) :13'115 3-l sor - 0t3t11are3 81121 N pu3li1atioI .
3315333 13 3135T033 :1I)5 S3''I-t\,:;-OP'E3ING.
3113' ('oak 11133103' 511'. 1200:',-337rt' ! 3Co11 e3333 jo' rals3111 e33 pu1 rely1'. N: 3711'-
01131 3o7r11he333alt1:ia 333:' 1113,331' 1(33)13.
33::Iosth'131303135and choic3st -33.rof's s1-t- e 33' 330 0333~lt33333 ;,:31o1'r(:tut, 31 337 13cu-
133, 13). rs:13113-133 o',N -t:to (, p.II. N~c ( '13 3 331 30333: '''1335 :3l ) ' 3it 13'1 ll s. 'll t 1'h 33333 i :'of "f-1lt
13 da St I''_>.al3'n' , Th'l110 y -1 to 13i 3liter1tur131n3on .013 s13131:313'3 '30"
to 3312 :a. 11. an1331 1o3is131. 31. each-I '1:3-. - osile prcs. 1 tu ens-,I I%, j t311c"333' :3'0spot-ch:1'3the
3113113:1ft o 11+
depsi 31 of33333351i.-s 3333 3.33uic~l J13 '3 '0 ' le'--e :3131n -11cuss '.3153' : 33'.3.3:3333
- 108'. .A. 3131: 75331-3l 11 1 )(1-:'
In ouse'1o'Pliica 3c 3133yCetra 'sa l'513 133111 :t13 313-133-3333 33311'do l:'gtx .0l1::~i o '33:33 s
(Pi l es'3 of1 the4 :7 1'o331 of F,'31013' ('.3131 31 31. 3'3ul1 3:B 331: 3:'nc3: 3313r 33 3333 30 3
p.- 11. 313t13d131 at123. . , 3a staf'~f 3bWasington1i ., 0s'cond31 1333o1. TEXAS MEXICO AND CALIFOR.N .a
i 7e 11111(01(1.33Have. 3 35 1o3 110: r0111 11 11' 03to ' '111en't1.f81 so..l.23,.3l)
.0 313 3.1 .:3i --33S.13I :1)3318 '133 33II;A'1'. 11 c0111ec11011 33113 7117 8. 3r.ouis.
I o 113er 3 e ' t 313u33t3r 0 31113 Finesuit, .1 0 3115 fa lav. 733l'333''I1on)11M ontainl & Sonuthern 12:i133'
it:33l c." I s.i~sxs 0 :13&0113"53P1a1cific 37 3:0 303. 3' 5' 1 0011 NRaiol a 12311100004, 311'
35~t 3131137'::colla'te3333333(" 1 it n 311 N:i :3. 7or 1 pe1r11b3e ':. IV A1 I
8333:331 l-- l llhei: 33111 1713ill535313rib:o7::103131a:115'.G0e1111111 513 t11 er121R1i3lr', a1,103313d
1~3':'lArelyo3303313'. 113:of3a3I1 3 13. 33333 133
Froic )i~ioy. 'hecouse s iteu - .3131 0 Ca303, 3l13- '3371330 ',533.', 1333331051 1513ace31i131 0003107 31 1110031'- fist c(11s
I :::IilI ntl:31 w3o3-11 av1113': d som1e53133 ' 033' a 'r'easonab3,le' 33113'' If o11' -:3 .Chiago daiy at3110a tai
3:310313135'special331333 1133053331. 'ur ' 33., 33131 11h-3y soill lit o tin5331 3:31 11 3303 (1701 Springs), .0130111, 83111 .3n1t:nio
J3011 N 3I. I;I-lIIN; 33171.II.31r2. adesader0110 h(7~i3 ?th ity'of Mexico), kEl 'o: 1.3

i x
} -

C lover Twbad c LeafrIls(ete La tdns.Nwi h b_, ie
03333,0035'3330333C13m-e3tit1ion '33TW)33P001111,. 51)y3u 331013 a3fiost :1lass job 3:3133'i011:li33 01171r 03h1s :xcellen~t servic ( 'r111 (,r
R<oute serious13. 11111330333 o(r sent1imental, 3of 333t313'e.arg731s3103310 1i1de3'5, 3 , write o 30n105'icklet 'a"ent of 3a
not0 11331':' 13:33503303wors each;-a1033 ; 333 M31 i53311s0. 01-1ce0s1001112.:cents 3333. bash53 03'c01111771101 lines f1310 333 ,1'3
83t. Louis 00Kansas Oity 1R. It 313330e,33type:park to 7333103o'r03t331 3.133-00310'r113e131the aily'. C. S. C('2. C. .NI ''.A.
,mle Glover Leaf 1101130, .7.13 Excuon 305to Now Orleans. 'f1o1.s 'NI..
1.1n1"'for St.-Lou~is, AMo., 311313the 1 l i 7'1 7: 0333.533lb'o : ____ -. A. 0AL511012, 3Asbt . G: 3
Ne'st and Sonthowest leaves 'oj t so- 3'5'law la1:333 v 01:005 ut 33 II 3373 33ne-d:3it3 33:013:3330 53333 201'S. Clark stf., Cica-0, 333.
17310 1'nion3 Depot 311 5 3. 111. f1' '35lpl13(11313l3 3333 3s033y O:0t313sis0 3not 3333e 3 111 1133 53w33333317133 133to ''e1- a3 '33'
daily, arrives New Unon ato n I3131 'X'33'I33'2r 33 'e'k3 1-1711333 3: 3 333331.3 31'1:33 31 33.:3 ir ilia il nii'
1110 lalrgestither0110 S3t-11, 80. 3315't11al3topic1. l:5'Those3\01 113 333 lo, ora1-33:1 N(,\vt ' 33olaor11d333 1 31 s H .III F III
1.0111 i 31-1aly iext 11o013111g. 33311333333' or::' 333:- 33 ssay3 ' re3r,-' '5' 1':' ' 1333 . 333('117' 33:l3ll:Ilis,33{). 3lI0 EEL. IflL.IrILJII I U L.
3311313 :3 3to 111 3 31t 1 '1 :31 ' . 3 3 filt: 1_I,(1. 3m.,for 3Cn 3:nn ti,33. tljol3333
cONNECTION WITH ANN ARDOR 11301t311311 3353313-s. be'ore:F-'rua1y.1.33 3113 333 - 3-331.33 1 3 ,3
Tloledo. 3o3 11.3113d3 3 031313 1333 3:1name's 33o 3. 8:3331: ' 83:h::3: -3' wil~l arri': 133 Ne03
1'. 1.53:1. 33m:113:1in3-17ed131333of331,33.Orlea13s330o:33 Pei3 ',';d or 333 33 3 3 TEXAS,
Snffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free (333-0133, b33Mar31313-5.3.31117i3303 313,3331>'L SANqGELES
331111 L OS'Ve tibuledi Sleepers withi - I1n3 1a1111, {(':lt flo: . 7::o 3133 5 3331331 ('1:30''of 113- 3-33.333-3333s Ic1. 'i.
C.:. c ti.1INS 33733N11N3( ill33 33333'a307:13x 01, 30 3s : $ iliif133frm3( l'imai31, b33ri5-4b0. oirhSAN FRANCISCO-.
Se-e.1, 8 3) I'- reo: Adell. hi3133 '3a3313:., (lb, 313 13333'. 3333 3:1 1)11 3 1 0 l x s 3113.3f313 1 33
310310333lPassenger' Agt., Toledo, 0. 3I0)'.I. 13.0 .0 113.-. 1 A333:1X3.
A3133:1r3:; L1v.30 B li tx \\ .331 31 1 31{j 1'1117e
DIET AS & SCIIAN'Z, 305}(1.I. 1031-Tre 1 h'l' rm'oI':: 1uti:: 3303)"333..
333333)330333'. it11 11 .335 , 1.3. ail31If. 1'a31313-3. (3)033 to-13 11.'3: 33331313li3ter (33l
tUiF .T.&IO. i ].,IN 1\11(' 31 3lX; .5 3' 3333 13)doSo -lyi3:351331 r 331(311:31 THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS
1Latest.1031 beat styles of 1 3333 g lied3 Do4 T ca . 31V3.) 133333 e, de hi: auu, 13 1..13313.. 33113-30 :1 e 33:re3711317 0333313' 131Daily 3 333o
mesi o ollo e0n1s . 1 telass5 it.and first 31lass1 I 14- 3 c'3'31' A e1i: 33333 l33 .in , 1)33 333t, 3 33331311a 3.133 333 a.337a.303 . 30( 1 e13333
repairing nea.tly dai, oin I ea. di3f3 rn333113 it13311
40 S Sate st., SernndF'I.33r,AnArbor. ;83313013 11ire.33(3311 31V :3d3I'1etra, ' 30 3s1 13boa31is0in13331 CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS
22 Years in the Bsines ..- ~ 3113-wil33333:1:0 3he.113(1ric3)o' of1r"33'3g3ll 5a 111)tl'e1h)c0. 153:33300 exkan, 1-1af-
-Aloade". A-;the bobs to b lisedill an ;1 reular I?.U1330, ofAati111and 3nt33st0130Austi and13.33.3.033170asen-er
111)1AUN R' irel 3diferent11, it is.333133'110n'c'sary' boat3will 0133)l533-e-ve3alhortlly31 3 33315tat SMalv3e30, 9:5.0. 30e3tday), ar-riving1
70o sudnt o -31 acsntsl C uso-l 1. 10 1 33 1 po13311330 f3in13330303 333-3-1133 11317 3310071- 0 at 0330133ngs 33,33:10 a1. 3. Six 003303. 013
.' M. S.B No. 4 N. 4th ave. 03133333) - 3,:30:"t'3311 - 105 0' 750to33visit 3133' sig-lila. 330iclethoxl 3300seplepic30l0lin3e 3etive
SE)li.&BOeL.totT.,_ ut e 'n asChiloand OMalvern). Also da333ly11330e o
jilO'5 T 11'e 0 33 ee '1'. _1e.0 (or133330 ) 0 13 3as llo 131111 530,111773 , lurisiOSleepers, lei:viii-- ('1330:3733333 03103
b(EROHIV A~'T TAILORING _x ikt ilb odrfe 11bi~Stan ho oSl 'a-sovaLs
Cle0aning', Ires-log and PRep'iig 133331sbl ndidiae hi
done nently by 3130100,atf 33:,( 331on :s013:1t books c13133be' 13'))taken13(2313)b33i1117't113'l31331). 011315 An. los, ('a).
AUG. SCH100ENEWALD,. 2C.2. lWashngtnn 0313-00)3 11,If. A it L. 1 t ill]1e i13mportan~t33)o3s30c11e'tickets
20 EAST IHURON STREET. 83:oaol:i1lgitl:0e'. 3IA1111108 . 1.I12. 'ilo) I 1roker,"0 . H. HGREEN J, HALDERMAN'
hand Work 3Guaranteed. G0odscalled lo 13)3313 will 3)ffer :a13c11)0'e1i1,13330-13. 31131- 831113151113 .Agen1s,, '373N. 111711 Nficbigan Pa.3s.3~. 13330. 3' 00.3
3334d delivered, . F. COVEST. Prop,.O(0 -3-
AP[ AH RBCOR 33330) 7,e33mber1s10 13'3rr737('31f7'TICKET I~hlIC ': 01 0333031 st., '111CAG0
'T..e Y 'EK . 171333 7 11331 ltw"of )1cl 'nive'osilo' of Greok Leter Fraternsities. F. H. Tristram, F. E. Donmbaugh,
Lais'ad 0e01'Clotking ( leaned e .as. . - ads. . ickt -t
or Dyed, - e se0l1131 will pulblish lvOhir t'11315ill33 The Tufts {41( lc ubb is 353 3 3015 i 3n.Pss AO. 1 &TiheAg-

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