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January 29, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-29

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Ijc U', of

, ' ll lail9

Vol V. NTO. 85.



Bagpipes and Highland Dances as
in the Time of Burns,--Good Music.
Readings and Addresses.
.08-i844' lst: '44 hul'- at 1111Illit.i11111a
chuirchli 8448 t1114hill1 11118414111. Ilii
144-88-ld 01 opo (44''.i444'(10411044 iti'
0* Is(n1.4i'144414448114' I Ii.'1,YIii l~ 4841
(t414e by114 8 81lioi. 11411' 1111 181181
of liill. o I'll' 44 1c ,11tt141 44Ii%418
44t4thes ln:c .' . 4 1'44'-4414l .4 11
ail' cours1e4hi18 AllIli.' (lN(ll. 11i(4
1.thous l4'. t014114 ii 441444 1414. 48444 411
with11a'. torm. of1141t1841414 [44 14144418
two41t1 r 4 o14' . 44 u,4111 441441 nk
'441441 4484' 44411 .la4d4"4'4' o l4nd1.
1Mild14l14141A14444'w1. 44 4844144. 11 444
41441444 4144' 444i14'4'4 4411141 144' 418 1141th
4414o41'1.fhuml.or '11 4'4148' 44444to 144'o
B rnl'4" 4and(1o414' 44llon. W4. ). L1r

Schedule of Exarninations.

Yale Faculty and Athletics. N OD TDN

I l't 4''- ' + l')1 tl'\Y Ii at l)
c ,l 1n tilt(' meat. o41111'li(probale ti - 411 Drys to l0'li ihlltb o s
tu4414'of tt1' 81801 ow410 d484 v,4.' 4414- Some people tihouglh try t t use
^t - "i'efreshim 411 r4'II1 at414he'llgS.'viol1144 tne
41ll 48114. Ilg 4144414oly48 1a1488no)t WeSayl BuyThose Which Hane Tone.
-e Souththatikiat.
r. order of 44411' 44 18 1 i1.11.' 81 thl'i48 . jX7
44.441141".o f w Is ' 4 ii' P844w ilt114 4 bldig,1 5 1r 0 14 41N 0
f47ci~ 111 clasff nall hl'et44 ic441'.. I'lip4044 as~l
4444414 8IrT IT.0154441
4..'tt 14414'the(I 11.4:I'4'118t04 11.... Of til ' H CLEARY.-P'
'(I 4441 "'1414r 1 i '-. olf clic l'441'41 -14' 44 1144114 4 ,11
54'I(44desire4on((II'I'art(Vof4the socalled co101
An Inependnt"B<thi11onsf: open'oothe4,entire844y4414; TUT LE'S
01.4 114 144''44) .4)n4141 8"l ofalfosill 'olei.,'e ( 48 5. orplcig st t E p stn.
4 114' (141 4)11(1ro)4m1)44 to.5411i5 per1(Iwee((4;Iin44private:
11(41118' '1 hllt' forII4'4444'' IIsl.44li11114111tH'r8 .ttese ra4es reduced41to s (('('by self

A111411111 al. It.14h1as4Ibeen44foulndIl 11)i4
145tiini.iu}>~ will1i'14441144''4(1'4« 1to(411441'it

44( l"44)'44~t11 4' ,,il,t111141' 411-4, '.I 4(41I(4)48
<Ione)11 lt)' it )1) li)'l((4)1. T11('11)41441'I 144444
1(1( 44f 4)'418)'Il('1. 1 144I)':.44.' 14)

(,to1H IANUALL 11or
Artistic Photos*

411411 4th t 1a 4o )) ( (1 4 ')' I ''"' 1414114'in 11e.' ora) ol f .1 441)4t14)1 .4to
4114141 411a "14'of 41I44 4411 '4(0:)'' No' 1114441418p1 1 1n14'08444.1 n.1i.i OlPER1ATING1 (1 41 .1BOOM4LA [TINSTTATEOMt~STT
1441u11s.*.'' il ei ra11 b44 leI 1'141'fo.r 41s4 114111' 444 Yorkh. 14t i toulght 1.11hat 1he144)44;
Discusses Football . 41841111: 4to)av4144111 4 114 of1it a'('8aifca ' l 'tiolonthat 44111 1b:! .41.k41 «4ill NO. lb WASHINGTON BLOCK,
Frak Hllwt,1, hewel lao l be ofhe8)41148 alitlr1114 11411he. s11a4)n11 So
018111,YS5 1li~ 48'1144t of 84'. f~ 41e- 'shall be layedYtluth144 11488est 8041.ED A. CAD EUX
flie:.'having114'1he 11 8p1a ('141er '. 44lloolChfarge,81'114he1111 4'"'4 8PlOP'IIETORIIo((1T41
('aulcy' 1and1 C11a11les 411841 Suttllday'bfr hns.ihg u v'l..
411141 ~ ~ ~ ma end8.. ' h411is"'''natilm1e(4 0111o04 C.111'11'. S. )avis, 1111 110114 114144411141 Latest Improved Barber Shop
is 114 1114P 811s(,4hir a:4f he c . IIth . E. Wa4sigton 4St., 1St 11041
ill thiiniterests44 of(Ifli,, father. (11 4 Bwho'olaI 114, 'is11141 IfI 'It sI''e 441114 11 44 eotid1)r4 41a:t 4101' 414841astlf]ains(t. Asn Arbor.
48 Bloston woo0tl a4511118. 1vtato11111 40018 f o F W Cole-. 11441' 4W s1114atl1 h44414111114 11144f'4'-
occion'15 of1 lookin,, 04')r 1118 i'niv er- 11111Pitl lIl 041.(1144' (f the h01481118 14.148. 4)s1(}144111 17MAMMOTH PIPE SAL E
sit4'. Mr. 14Hal 4'lowe l a 11111 8114411) Examinations at U. of P. 8X.rcise'latisl o 111'Yale, (('144Le'ss T
441'i'hrar 'I4(15 ( ' ()1. 11i-called 1for. ill till' ge111111l atllt11'af- J L L _Y- C '
andt '93 11111 was lalsol 1i~ked is 14 lin- 1 :11(3)'fafllll4' .of tin' I1114i'8414 of fairs ,of 11h'e1l i4''l'4its' 1111.4 4a8 present1. 2065040U T T 84 lr. Dontfail to4co111.
her of thle All Amerlica 411410s for hPenn1sylvan4ia h1as 1r8111'en tl dIptId'(l 171ewhuloll' trend(1of te till ticoli ci e(1s Host 1an1 Coli Launlies .at All Hours.

those years.
hn on~vrsation.( 100111 11h' presen1t
football rules, ih' exprossed the' 0p10101
that they wsould hoerciangedh still 18010
before next soason, mlakinig tho gacto
more open. Ste said that a mieetinlg
of the gradulate (coaches0of IHarvaird
xwas recently hld aod the sentimen~t
seemed to be 1in favor of numerous
ehlanges, one of 101e.0 being a role for.
bidding any man to start before thie
ball is pot in ploy.
The L'. of P.~ has applied to tile legis-
lature of Pennsylvania for a grant of
$00,000 for the foundation an~d i'qlip-
Wehont of a graduate school.

1(0w4s51t1of 14'4111i14(1144 stol govern'1t1114is toward moderat'815ion1. 'truaililie'for
gra(ding4 111(1discip~lie (If studets as148 ii.baseblinellOanittthe track 01444.,
rega~rd~s exam1ina1tionsi. I011epoi4l'tg gene814rally well1 1.1n(de-8way by' tlis 4tinio4,
the stm1iinlg of each studet ~in 11c'01 -11111(41 begin1 for anoitr 144mon1th r
14480. d1(distiniguishied), 11w(pissed worh i4.le. Tihe'baseballl 111i111481'iII'11has
well), 1) (passed1a111 n1(111441pa1sed), dtecidedh to d1( wi'thoullt professionlid111
w5ill su~pplant Iiie old lllllnricel lreplorts. illcoachinlg. Cr4ew' wort: 4444 li'('lr
All receivinlg p or above, in any topic, as mlodherate 11s at preseInt. The illi-
paiss, wh~ile aoy student falilinog in onie- lic problem isOelIIs to btu'sottling
third of his wort: is dropped. Blut itself to a certaiinie0t1e11 at least. AntI
0110 examsinationl will 01e allowed ill there is pretty good autholrity for say-
an1y 0110 subject, except 0o1 recom- - log that the Faculty remogoi',e tiis."

OLD ACE, And Other Poems,

moendationl of the alcademice council.
______________ IThe Army anld Navy departints
Complete in one volumeOI. Hand
It cost the moanagemuent of 1the Yale have issued orderslprohiibitingO thi.' omely bloundl in extra cloth.
football toeno of '9-4 $2611 a da y wTip il playing of football at West 1Polult and Prase $1.00. Postage pre-
paid ton any part of
practice was going onl. Annpolis. t he world.

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