TIlbU XbLM. 1)AILX,.
'TE N f hisStirNTS .ryr dposits, taoy5 and
Formely with (ieorge \Wahr, 1. CLGAT'S sllseSaegs Don t x pr opdpl iel h ts eevc a
F.Washington st. Headquarters for OGTS COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP ientificatio ir i. Sftiteoetehoes to rent..Js eC1edasml Il
everything a Student fnods in the . o rimcn, ivo-Prs.;i chtEe. i. o r dnslll i. '' 11.e
line of Text-Books, Stationery andsd(l cratemies itSoap caslier;AI. J rit, Asitat (ashier.
AJiseellaneous Stock its getneral. co a'Gtsmnriietoap'I oapgods are ituitifatiredl by the
cal tc._tOS"lhichttolNlei'tiARoBpR
MARTN SHALER, ~ Pep, o. eo ce SEAMLAU DRYCO.Overman Wheel Co., makers of
IME DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, o i s c u O t high 0Giv nd Dome1stir Fnisha. icto Cycles, whlich is sfficient
F X assiigtos s., ne slok MMMEY'SNEWDRU STRE E. S. SERVISS, Manager, _garantee as to their qality
a tt ai a. ~ el'sath~eu55etiigttsts 12sSOUTsHi FOURTH AE1N UE.: W "e sell them for less than wliat
§REUBEN H. XEMPF, af ~yon hv opay frifro
__ "se e liRyalt Cosreratory, DM etroplitan af
__ TahrSttgart, Gern,sssiunchIis:snt lmii: Roon No to N. t0oodS See tem bIefore (Ioillv.
+ eahr fPiano, Organ and Musica Fours t As,, liitessAligto otsl
IA R/ Composition; also the Art of ii t(t~'lsisss.ht~silA-
~' Teaching. hay YL
! ado2 . ivltisn t., As:::Astor, Micts Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. M1V SIAEER'S C MORIUM1
I 6 0G 1ATTENTION!I PLEASE I11 W WashiisgtonSt.
' 1JE QLL IJ. Are yosoliloyeO hI yosss latmp wicks clssred? By your lapss filling C p
___. the losse withs a sickenitig smoke and givitg a ight lie coor sof tie p and Go ri
100011 vhoatsseersthroughsitsoled glass? its, tsa or iR ed Star Oi, andI
GRANIGIER'S thus troisles wilt vanis. it gives a while light, does not char the wick,( FOR MEN AND WOMEN,
emits n(osdor, std witllssbrn out of the lami. ed Star Oil Sc er gl.,
SCHOO gL OF DAN CINC. (Vi ilsi NWhite Head Light Ol prDgal.. 74' sokelesa (asoie iiipr gal.1-
Alt Is, e m ilr th.eeea olhistt-is 'l00" i etn. tlrougot teUnited States, at
Irons oftAr. sisnd Mrs. tos; (raniger. trivaste UIESIYNTS. SnorLtMetn. Surprisingly ow prices. Self toeas-
srelasslessonsigise set anysldanesofemerit uremet forms, containing all rlse-
niqustesl Olfen as the" Aasemy, gon lhuhtt tedil tth --osr llt euepr
noer, 0lsysinedst . All blsss ix sof Ils'e 24 sies -lss!ersr ( tss fets sl-tssiss :15' cii al50I l tu to s o Sc>t st
forclssene sssir ys'oays ese':t'lreti fety fitti g agrments witot.t
0s1'(' 1 Isid 1 551 te i is's' ssclsszel , ivisitingssthin store, will hi' forwvardes
FLAG PINS $1.50. ltllen. d tvsss eissl. i Wass0 ( 1! sit sssi , r'alls'upoti request.
o , --- upaissssl rhoss Ils's:: i (iii t ps~s 111
- Y'ellow and Blue Bt fI. ' 5 L1:1- ' os''5 slj '"ist sand gowstie t-slSmpllles on:11-aRIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS
}tons 60c. S5 . 0.A. cs'lslSrl5rs iea s sids}'sy ill liliisi55 4 I. i\lliii 1 1( dfe ftw tha soert
With U. of M or the hbtina.1 l 1il nS. n ifrn its tmdrt
year 75c. I, "Oh it y 5A li ,is"ue'thast m ssi-stre swill Isli'tk'e:n 1 tsmprices.
-_AT Sir1. ele'eill resastas tapers lsefore tls s~is'i sslsr:Is~s~ , Strawbridge & Clothier
'WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. lteolPhiloestphicalstiety:at:17:1 :5 h e i 2 sto1t- isl sl ss. PHLDLHA
e15 sit It:' Iness Stlsj-es lhs msi- tis'tl. tn slst ra, )toss U I :1 i . ia.ndssl Thelrgest exclusively Dry (ooss
soil esillh lsls'ruinfor *. ' Il(ouse us Amria.
ni1 t:inlsssiss is llsrii 'h csatioisiIlssi iiiiimwite --stis'tsMOORE & WET'MORE
ORDERgB 'YOtisCOAt 01 1 list iliss lrs weill des t is'sesIss:c l'tt tu 'i-igs s
- 1V_ S AL BLF R, n 114, °clal f Chi~t atllur)';i 6. bain aSt., ad State t., csr-
(Ix is 11 o cx shsn tonst,'Phone No8 lt Isis'ss 'fssts ls: Ssi l ee sisi t osIiess. aeil wis 55 tlsIit Is: er o tolem te.tock eof
MR. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S 'Mhi~, Ilsnts ''casus siian toitteuct Tebs il ot [
hefnsdthicoltrlrangSchool of Dancing and Delsarte. scsted orieti noa l NwadScn ad
Satureday, l4. n. -, LdGayemtte begirsfncsnereclasse aisst cittles is-erstmaitdr of Oeirj
Saturday, 4 pi adm e~iser llc-a ssaI.
Mnda 7:30 I.in. Avatned Class IhLadies' lts s sn'-sc sfli rlss tsl Thin 'fu'osllt itrsinltg sit1(, 1, Issisi- ine Stationery atigGoset
aso Geoslenien). poe ol oi o.Y prigGos t hc
Truesdaty, 7:30 p i., Beginners Closse(Lsdies 110 neveialisl ser, befrole t io'i'liig cas thasst of they offer at he Lowet Prce.
and Gen"byappen tmn. Drs. Alicen Freemansainer l'siehs r- thin. cats atd gocns avig-outt. Aftr
Private lessons y optnmnt
SCHOOL 46 S. S'LATE ST. signedl ter poatsit ias di'sniior thin a mosotsiiesd diattssions iosasd- Calt and see us before purchasing.
+ EO~" ®F+ Romssnss Da tssrtnt f ('IicsgoUnistiedstat Pets. 21 cssathi s'st is-
Ipiiostim1e, atsdl ts'h'e'h W taterm (n Gym-
versity Prof. Ialml~er :and1st'. ccill S isI G'
laiun thll lemstoappllhroprisa laone
sp111 l i1 t nearen!, I slio e. !for l th s i llotalt eveant of '58.In
e r s 0 1A l l ih -be. o f A p h ia s l E r e n- i a olas s i htb e K sel t os lt eotel e rss II N T E R C O L L E G IA T E
S we questedo 1ble tpresent at th etnionl classes oust all hdl-partmseslto0:a1:n11
S e tot offisersSaurday een~ing nett.out and sie the Idigtiied siorinoItSETR
inteltetsyesa hlis lieetilg of tie. Socity. fih ls'gesnr oii 's tt iest ansiisoftet Astralin wool, hansdni,
wil bethegretet scia evnt llasd was used exclusively last yeair by erly
cs-e ill is ttntin tsg jn o h.hi sitor's'of tisl lss. ts (oeser all tes-colego football eleesi. I'white,
ihe a o'slv lsimeiately aftr Oihse, -that therll Bap tgssvand osiay7besnay ind blik.
Lurtoiorrowc afternuoot. 'hto stsi- here li tinse, ordes solilft hi PIRICOE, $.00.
immleiatey-y he Otib' lltll ofOthesfIls Spaldin's Base Ball and Tennis Soispien
UiritBokelr. tess It e rtsctesl is theaSelcn iaiclssre recogtied leaders. aerything reqisiie
of° class colors atitalolt os. _________forihe game.
An Ufouned Rmor. Spaldisgos Trade IlarL o what yo p-
Thes Phrmlaceutmial Caleiidar has Archonin uo. ease iona garantee that the ood ameIsh'
ben .
SYMNASIUM SUITS, heecn altered b hsubinshtitutiotnof The 'Lacy School -Notes' of Olin oli- AG SADN RS
lest1s"1eond years ork, fo rent nuiner of the Detroit Lawy Si- NC.oncDI( B O-.
GYMNASIUM SHOES. curse first yhar's t'orh. This aitr-detIlprcmnmisshentNw
tothes heffect thtnthle law=' fscult fW 1 qW l ,W l
___________ufocenet emstr the University are thlkig of aol-Wid W lW ld
BEST LINEN PAPER Thet examlinatition n English and Am- ishing the post giaduate course uliat
amicn history designed for hoanecvho department This rumor proves to e STUDENTS, TAKE NOTICE!
in the city atccoa ndtodintseuhcs without foundatii, however, s Prof.c
15cand20cPerPond. 'itthi 0105of hemenerig te 15-Johnson stated to a Daily repotrOR WIN TER ADfAII GOODSfl
li ad 0cPe Pun. t hotie f her ntrig heyaenetrday that no suhl step had been li il ILUUI
delamnt wtcill e held Saturday ill tnder conideratism. The faculty We Selt on Reduction.
FIRST NATIONAL BAN. rosiss 4, as foows: Emglishshistorsy have never considered any plans mb ____
OF ANN ARBOR. iv to thie post graduate course other ,, Slmof5 illcr
orgasned 100. at B o'lok andtiAinericami history at FnySit ' ad rue
Opial. 100,00. Srplus and Prefit, $4,00. 10 o'clock. Th'leeoexminations will thiamn those lookimg toward its eo- y 051 101aittauo.-
Transacts a general aning buinens. tinuailce. This corse is not excelled The goods must go. Please call and
Ponegs esebanges boght andoold. Furnish e fimal on these subjects for Olin tres- y' hsinilar course of any lass'ee
[titters of credit
P. BAC B, Pres. S. W. CLARKON, Cashierent yar. school in thi Uni~ed States. 2--East 'Washington Stret.--2