IIIJ 11. OF M. i)AILY1.
IG I~N R I At the Grand Opera House. 1'. OF \[. CALENDARi.NTCS
~~JG IGANInl 4Ltin. Cose :, 1o1 the s,00011(
ThmeTable (Ievisedl Nor. 10,1094 1he1e is ltl air ofi 1(lnlllle ab1out! ThuIC.. J1an1. 2-l. faltly colcer (l semestelr, lhe works to le read in lhe-
r:ASc. Uarre (llT 1)01.11l Oe" that i0J11l('l~1l F'leeo Hall, 5 p. Inl. dililercut seluin ,rill be 11s follows:
r. 4.itt '. A11111 'M. Farrel i's ani 1150111 I -ti. '.1 . f -,~ili i oiloilic CI. ee I 1 S- Tercei Adel ci ;Pl 1auts, 0 ile
;sial l i Lx- 1-350 Alai l - 4
N. V. pecial.. 315 N. Y. peciel plished Has Ir c oiiliaii, n1 1fact, fair bIi 1141 l 11111.1o illii ltloriosas; Iey, Bis. 1. and XXI.
tasten) Ex-- -10:25 N. S. Limited 9 5Ccmncnroi 2 arbild i,:t.Se..11, 9-0-1erence, Ailephi;Prts.A. acfcF 1,15 .ldhevrge.lIehsAltteAuuai:oiy k.XIadX Is
Matlic, Ix..-.. 7 47 ,w 1-lorle c osbtl :0 e. Ill. 10 - ieccc 'heirmi; 1atno
u.t pe o --- :i s 0 WLestern Ex :. 1 1 i on i 11(111 trd In 2(1(1d1 tastc. 11111 Fri., Tau1. '22. --.unier. chlss social ai T S c. m a Livsy, rilio. 1. and 11,
G. It.. Exlpress---110.3 11. NI. Ex----10 2: I0 iuriiiulei him"self W i t 0 topiny t~ Il Sec.t V , 2-Teriue, Aidriso 1)1100 so al
G R~. E . .5 ,7 .0 11111 ii agoOv-fori~li.'lo .1 )1 il iiii ts Livy, Illos XXlIII. isid XI 0
ar0 1 .rot.i.re, 11. W ivt.loro, th sagi od oio m ne h Silt., .x .'t. ccaio f;1 e{i See. V. 2-Teronce, Adebi; I'l'iitiio
11 c so r coelicii: 1ivy Ik. l and XXI.
1G. }. LTl. A- ., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbiie. olli dey 111111 01. 1111 e 1 Ni ( 1 of teM nl. 1se11ci. VI. 3-14-Teiere, Adelphi: Plu s,
]e loct Ih_ andir thoil Ilo sigiigli ""W e 5111.. bill. 2e. Tr acy Ma11c 111cor.,o I Slois.If ivi v Ily ~s. Land SXIl
T. A. A. & N. M. RY. th1tr a'e. 0 14010r 1 iscn ini h'oc Derit ciilil III 11111tlbe a daiferell hiiini it
oaig fetudt, u.,y1 "lol. .11111 woka 20si'. l . l1 2 he~lal iln1iilii 11swill lietinder lide s sd s i istirc lon ifd Air.
1,. iriilii mir.''nylarrell. tits Irish voi 0251100111 u Loguci olilse Oi l h ile ' 0101a Mealler. As thei hola tio5 l h: u1011 in
01:12I.*cL~a~n iiirv to 1a111 pa e hiotuse ai. iii' ' I ill ili. lie difiiint sen boo liare ;almiost 11-
12:25 11. s 1:20a.ia. 11s Slice) Theali-c 11101 uigiht, ill hlis F ri., Fiii. 4. 1 1101,11li 011nion o lI iil iircl, ii 1 111 lie.11
4:12.5 p . 9:0p. m.lieydfeetitsque e vr
only. io Aio. isi odocl 1010 Iioi ic d str olfli Trwish 'li a(ilcel al fur stodents elo tomr 11101 in ('llrsi 1.
iiisoalecetonua. la} isalkii hr i Irih l l Slt., Feb. lii. l ies. Tralolage, oil butoi x (recp 10111 1 015 2111
Ii .i REENiVOi"ti, Ageot 01111 life a1111 is will told bto liwm i i 'Itao, in ;. .. :lto s( 001110 1 rer biiosi lse i i r ollo ri i 05
0IV, 11 BNNETT O. P. A. Toledio iiO i fle s 1121 . 1101111 iil00 i irioi0i ~~i 010011r 005 ioeIll' Me111 r olilil theia.i
ANN ARDOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY,. acliriion111, .Ind( liii oic r 2irct,,! BUSINESS LOCALS. rhcliii of 50ilil s0 thr boloiks Cali Tie'
wellolil. li 110 0 ii I lotlen insoertied fii lliscolooio it theoiat Ic roorrl. II A. SANDSR1,8.
111e wltae.T paisfnl fcents per liiie. Special coils for loonger TeTalOtbr",19.Studoenlle Nvo e sire 0(1ntc e tler lii 11
Leavee 0 p-il Intr. fronoC toageso si., 7.00, 9:0i0 saoi.llaltr tsllheO:oiiiollil,1i 4cbr lic liiooooyfoiiiiigicre.cirtot ol]ill bo: 11t
inu 11:00ao. In.; 1."45,"2:1,,,2:,00, i6:4I, 901 anid let 10011ng espeia~lly reist.11 The li ,~vofie
010:10 P. n. ROO~tMS Ti) 1112 1' namle, tlie suliect of thir rocltils.
Leave Aini Arbour Junciitioi, ;:.in, 0:10 aol einging of liie chirch chi i s 1 a loi-i
11:80 i. ci.: 1:12 , :42,1,r~>? ,li2 ia o 11:01 ii~.iii 1010. aoid iddls. greatly toii ihe -feeolo IFor eociety hr loidge 0ov e o .Il. 12 nd theicilisses lthey rlie olln 001t1 I.1.
SUNDAY lI11lE. 11100 ioi ili sceine- teliver 11101011- 1f .lahnro tscn lo. I. ltIlletil ath Poc Vl ho11use by 111,:
Leaveec Xpilaiiti from o n uioriso i.,1:0l, 3:1, 00al tte(l rlf~f1:.io S'111 1 F o e st board11 ii Anui Airboir 1. 1 iai11oio ol O, Ilo~ lloi ini ho
Leaveiei Aiiii Arboor goie o.10,4:0 :0 .1I.0 to 5r; S. 1Mviisioll s. Satisfato t he 0li 10th1.
Le l P aiid 1:10 ° p. e~in m.0 :t1 :3, "?1'
loinon11ci ity iioe. loire: si n -ip~ eilcrillcde.l h aiy V1hu cors 12. QiL"I Iore,-.
coils; ioouii ip l 10011 t . Book Reviews 1101, yoll roioiili toi n '.' 11 So, let 0 lotretleii ogitstg ri
WM.t 1. 1 Ala. a uit. .1:1 it lii 111g ote spell to thiose vlo io 1 11001a
FLOWERS ~FLOWERS Chle 00e of itine ahot flu' siull, lb OlIS IT) RENT. Ssiles1 sl o-ofro . i e
1pfis I, 1il sri yffered ii Ftcry lily ieolit itid flowe life 401i 0 tcoar 11 11110 00111e, 1:>l ct. slier l ic tli o ral sid ese slte. Stuldents deirinog to.
^Iioi cloy looot 4rrotlglsl1: lob o i hea t, 111110 a0111 soft Neater, niily tor- toike the cottise :tie litqtlied to cooio
CltSINS &MUL,~ FIOIS0 11(011eepoeio a- lc i f outl-oftdoior poipeors. NI io nislici, foui pe r wook. 1V". vF.. Ilitliliclie withi te totdersigtiod :"toi
fe Itll au1 lthoor wiho is itble ito do 1 watte, Nil. t85 S. 1011111 110e. (,ote.
T escro ti eiiii t lilyI theso hni 11011 yo i0 n neeod ot it liiie miorocco Janl. In. I. I'. lhiOVIIt..ONIO.
blostoisra il 010sil ~itl- card cases, opera lass cose, loedcoocl La jNo ie the - lhl
-/G Ei e f anmyadtenni, sbr n Sur~gical or dental instrumcnt case :Lit Suet-oVisft, i i
C iover Leat ibillilal friendos loch on the lonig trttmpbs a reastoiiable price? If sou go to hie to hoasv te ulculrs bootiioot.tmo if'
101 specimens.~i To thei sltdent, if It.I Il 11 o 9a you wish it fist class job 111 1c ill
0111es to liie I;v sti 10100 thlt 11110 to tbe Argts Iloos Ilinolucy, 31 N_
or vilgsilillat lskhe ilftchoil oti 110m firtin S1t. Prices troll 25 cents tul.
illai, seliskihhes15 O~lila,' ss shape. Don't fogit tiihe t)
.wawaaawaaaawa the Wilk' F"oers," :Noteos fronlile literb, 9) N. M10011 St.
J#Pleaso keep ill 11i11( the Toletlo, Pri re of ,lNatr"tu aos r e ai if ood i asn1 loot tboardlerad11v0(1tie ini the Dailtyl
St.h Louis & Kansas City R. 11.. Eot fNtuemii o ROOMS I IILOiOB SH RDVI
bieClover Leaf Rtoute, "Fast Veuiy o.011 ilrtgi40lligTh pleasant, ooeli Ifurnishied roomIl
Line" for St. Louis, Mo., anti tile Io eteapa ,E.Wsigo t -toll
Wes anld houtwes 0111es To T~01 ho boot advertising niedittli in the ADI
ledo Union Depot at ) . 113. is cimo isalis ltE the Daily. ~'
diaiiy, arrives New VBioll Station l vb"ithbeinabe ked
(tselrgsintlovri) merely foe their good leatdig ntd Haoe 5011 slebn lhos. 1G011 Suits tC TEXAS,
loht lirgest in theio word) St. 1111 lo aSIblelo? Theiy are 11111, ones.
Louls early bleat muorninlg. bvil:nyiiioliroigslsi Advertisein thie Daily.LO AN E S
CO NNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR mull Snis 0 orki: I100ougt ilii libiio ti rIY'TIPSYa jhil Nimb:l
An Miriga honra llorid jots 1u SAN FRANCISCO.
.nn MlihIallCrltro lies t .I illnsyinomniom hios ebmolle d Lirhtct(. ho, one of Ii. boost pleasanlt things
lToloeidouu.toi Olit011 mt'im of life. If pary of 1S call bt or- I Nos Texas Ibid Califorinia Slerbili
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free Isimiilir toi hio oatnuaio:I cloittiit'uaut cureod Mehsrs Greenovood & (EiloreI {elie
and Vestihbuled Sleepers oith- willod arrange for 15 days trip ill their'
slit change. private ear. $2.50 will pay eutire
c. c. JENKVNS. li il oy owill lie dei-bieedroilii yuour Coot of journey inclulding hncals, brths 1THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.
100100NIN , oo for tiii baoine ou th yioeaor for a11n0 transportation. Whby 110t go? louve mnau eltedit new Dmi1aiy Liie oil,
CIelleral Passenger Aget., Toledo,~ol i 5.810 110 Ioi eiesrpi bth. Sill 10 01111 seel Sendi !it you F111 b-m Ase SLEEPEIRS froim
DITA &SCAN, lym :01 S1111 blour subcrpto name. CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS,
+,t.ad a'ollege tnes in the Dalo Va Lithle IRock. Mlvoernt, Trexarkoanii, Pal,-
.~~biy OF Mu.= C , stine, Austin and Saii Autnio Pasengero
latst nd eststyesof ove nad D-ioi blot Springs havue onlly one chiage of eau-
hmOst madoes Fistls i ainu.ud ftlo i aaavr,..0i.mnstdyarvn
wokarated Cleari, pressing andlf Al11rit at lot Springs ait 1:10 rin. soSis hiours the
oopmmrimgneatly doiie., FORAL COLG NE S , ueestru1slpl cln ewe,
480 S State stb,SeondNlor AinuArbor. Ch_________________ I ileagoi and Mlalcern. Also daily line o1
Touist Cleepers, leovnig tlioigios same
22 Years 10 the Buses s."6=-; irin, through too Como Frnciesob loa Los.
__________~~ Ang___ uu. ee, (ol.
CITY LAUNDRY, ir H E - -i,-hlt~iuilfl
Mv. Mv. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. T N/!NIT 7 JH, GREEN J.HLEMN
MERCHANT TAILORING'! ,Jo,\6SD/1 MJl~fl Oh btgau~ lss, gt. ra bi s. Aog°
(;leanuing, Pressiung and Repairlig --oi-
done neatly by T1 EI ~~E 0 ioio5. ~l~o
Ai.CH NEVL,6EMalsul. will be delivered at tile your roolm the remnainider of (F. H. Tristranm, P. E. Dombaugh,
EXCELSIOR +LAUNDRY! tI 4 yea foCny$ 5 en. Pas. Agt Pass Tcket Agt.
20 AS II;RN SRET. te ollege yerfrolI.0 o' th avce. and Smith- 307 Madison St.,
Gaud WIorkm Glaranteed. Gonods called ion hield t., Pittsburg, ba. Toledo, 0.
0111 delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prep. T 'y/ ' O .t CI .Kn A.Brfrel
ANNLP ARBOR ,, J with On.D rr N. eenon of Boton~ now It
the D E W R SI postoffice building. WIarts, Corns, Boou-
boos, IngrowI ng Nails, and all1 lfflelties of
STEA DYE3s Wn et'C o RKS. lene At Daily Office, Times Block, at Stoffiet's News Stand, prm. Office closed°S"tundnvs.
3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. or at Paul Myers. State st., Newrs Stand IAdverise in the Daily.