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January 21, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-21

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.ti+ 1Ii (Q {fl si 1) i l{ ilallli itsl'iib ls bwoulDITSON MUSIC. 1'Cold W eather' I
a' 'oleiosyi'ai', by iu('ili i5'ii bl l\o il a '1k 1wiltiloli I'tiliis(' 3 ly 1talik . Sawyer. Ti iii'iai oo'.ofES .Ar .c ttc s
M, IDEPEDENT ASSOIATON. ,, o H ie's ittst iyriu'oill exquisite sic;I I'a
1THE U M. NEP OEIfSS f,,cO'Ils is aiuh its miili.l. I ln{-I ri" nn.He vyPaper, 75 cents. %
Pos olilei} ' :1 "iCOLLEGE SONGS." lrRu ~ ibbers
i a 'anc. Siiigii' ',iesel'a '~lsiP- iiil th ' iisw11('11oi tl 1if 1 ~( cents; Cloth. Gilt, .0.oJ C B & .L I T I/
sliilili 101 s iiloc iilii'i \ iili il i''i' i' Vi~ COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS.' . I~AE15
of lh ie i ied it'ors or aoi e sicitors. lut: isli'i'l. ti\'i'l sllilos ' lius'iWashington IBlock, A br
'mmui(iialiis shiold rieaihti le 'olli'i f ;ii l' ifbyl 'llsl ii - Oniy hooka ft hei i ndbiuiliiishied. Tie
1),'0i11aisiueiofffctali'yaus' lu aiipiiiheiii ash auiSoif lie leadiing eiii'iu" fir omeiu
lay. Add'es'il iuatter'}meledfuorii iiilii ililui lsii' theII s ll. 'iiiil Heavy Paper, $1.0 l<l I ,\ I )PRA;,SE
le iith ilsgii Eli'rAl iss. 'ills 111\-ayi lii Mostsail f,1{ ilOYAL. COLL[CTION INSTRUMENTAL GUITAd MUSIC. ONE NIGHT ONLY
u'ueouielioilui' aiiiiil he sent, t(1iiih(1ni WEDNESDAVY IJANUARY 23f '9
nes'ilaiuaaiitoy. 't'ill' I)lil}'. tliliiiiiyli )01)il ly 'ia F bi ty-t pi ec ssfoir th' e iuii' 'iiilfriom JtRhU fI 2 1 95
THEU.OFM.DAIY, folltl n \.rysladde-'slltils.rech i om Cva '.50 cents.
{'s uu 'lii 1111iiujoiuiily ()I i tiiit uli'i'yi'iilul' t . (A ~ oksn otadolrcito rc.Rice's Surprise Party,
EDITORS. .iiiil it is 111i'au'iil' i'iqiii'slid 11111 'ill i lcb: prtc1x1a'll~
If '{IY3f1 Lt'7,Dal'gngEior l~t(f'ir r ll-{isk1t~t02',fllOLIVER DITSON C00, "149 2
U . HA RRiSO N, L',lai9b, Ag s liist lt 1lii ll's ( '1t(iaai.'11(iiig uliss '(11o (1*li3-63aus. hula. Ioso~.
A. IF. 0 1ltisi,, lat. 'lii, Asssa t_ Ih lr-s :1i ton infew rd, t'
J . Atl. : L it lb. Biusteiiuso N v .l '11suttet iroiI it ")1 .11 iso o.\ ' e rnu'uu i i i lu''ulst'f'is i'li tiO'.. cvi
J.S.1.RL Ltw91 Bsits t)na;e. 1111.:. 1t liti' tlll ies 1iiiis is' EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.-
1 Haiii. i liiiirss flfloor 100 ki '.1 rows.. i llu 1311c y, iila
S. II. liiley. lb . l .L. li:a1' i... I iii 'stIto 11ie lass's. laluui'i' n~e oi'.sbat'.sai'lu'0a1 ~iii'lliyiii Iitl'.s
It Iarr e r 95.ialtlu.r'lii. -
Carrie ~ smi sit,1'"FISK TACER'AGENCIES,
E.S. B iartlett '97.
EIt udlad9. il tai.Glee Club Meeting. Chicago, Ill., 3515 Wabash Aye, StdnsRceioHa-

puuiuuleItis.11.iai".irIiiaIIIlIi' I . .ii ..
iThellulsediitrdonthl eseiixtyr'spon-
hubll fIr the'oi a s3ion hallel t o ors-I
oul Ilill i' ii r i iliigahei elli. llo 111i
1111stoneliilllt'ieli-i's h'isory-. ii
11110('Diial i''r( 'ili'il h illiii'il. a new's

'I'le (g Ileie ICliub isill 11lilil iiill'C iO. lt. I'. (111AbliK. 1,u ~ r
it r u'cloch liiiisyllti iii iriomii24 toii lli
,Ii r(< silsilli lailr ,11111si'iondil hiss. 1,i'5'IES LiiOCTEDiAT
]Boton, Chicago, llasliiigliiiU.i
1'111'l1'illil5 < in(1(s iiues11e~ i' 11wli,.1111 ]Nraew ok, Los Anigeles, Toionii.ii.
sem, o 11'._Ala .Wwo.i il Nw
cottsieioiii teio. who ill nor ~ FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING
tur1f o (oll-e his;ver. I'lo (oil I oriiei of 0S11aiiilndWilliam sts.,
iii 'll liN'' 3~ii~ ii liiWilliam st. entrance.
at l ianight's neii''lt.
''lies (i11l1)wisle's t il t1 liii's a

j '\o.3IN. liain strieet.
motages as icillatier. iaiii s' lliii
and sold. Wtlches 1ind.Jew'lry nicely ire-
st..ity. 111110'.ssto a u.tn. 1 to:anid i to
pi m.i

(lid footall' iil iicr mill Yo o.pho tone,11 "lileewo* o
.fln;l1al ll5'lllll.dntot'eriitltic.thll Sotern Atleici eaue
1110o111arlito\:'eelurihe Illflullsloflthisi Irankll~si'lmlluill l i ol sulli atl lyof
new nilnls. Mea~ ti", ndiatins he l lltandl.l(.C'umii (frIa'surlh'm-
otllllli''ll s ev l in I' elugia iuuiiuu
tuit '011 lhe r1ightlyf-13'l iimpe .l. 'fhla l'ice mrill ' at j eI s ie111 l ive allien-f
athetis ae ostin ee('ffullr_ te ti t in DeirofiltC beftoreii'th111 lii
lilt oandilli si~n-Ilspt of]]lot las I Elioit ll il 111111 A i'u'li illiio liditin
Illilil iliu'i-llC 115. blu''] le s su'uuuelib lll 1111 lii
infrios tis ea . LKpeien ( I Ietritl fil he t' i' "Aslil w'ill l5(.1111 tll'
shwateris if gt'lrl hltl roo t ogadlile .icia ill I finell.th ~il
fmlten it( h AvetI dilTS 115 InliuioniiIrouthrnnth0. l tic League.itri
forhle til loi55Eicai.f la h ineti"1io ieSotenIitrtSe~it ti
int th nw Wsten 1l~~e('Ol(' ittelMillalsocagrionithals o Iil Meanicdl
frs ithe ll litoe dolii in t helti']s(c Collgeef Al (laa:sofeerad
thestuens. il aly asfuliled rsouer Dstat'.es. Te leo. l'n sl
tbeltre, thenivritet, hat thr" of oria. lvriyo orhCrlla

Nothin in This World
Is so cheap as a newspaper, whlhether it b?
measlhrefl by the cost of its profllhCtion or by its
valuze to tile coflslfler. We are talking aboli
an American, mletropolitan, daily paper of tilt
first class like THE CHICAGO RECORD. It's s:
cheap and so good you can't afford in this day
of progress to be without it. There are other
papers possibly as good, but none better, and
none jutst like it. It prints all the real news of
the world-the news yout care for--every day.
and prints it in the shortest possible space. Yout
can read THE CHICAGO RECORD and do a day's
work too. It is an independent paper and gives
all political news free from the taint of party
bias. lin a word-it's a complete, condensed,
clean, honest family newspaper, and it has the
largest morning circutlation in, Chicago or the'
west-125,000 to 140,000 a day.
Prof. J. 1'. Hatfield of the Northwestern
University says: "-THE CHICAGO RECORD'
comes as near bieing the ideal daily jour-
nal as we are for some time likely to find
on these mortal shores."
Sold by newsdealers everywhere, and sutb-
scriptions received. by all postmasters. Address
THE, CHICAGO. RECORD, 181i Jlsdson-st. (Pi

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