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January 21, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-21

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4Ic 1t1.-Of

, 1 1, lailu.

VOL. V. NO. f7s.



CHARLES L. CARTER KILLED. The Spring Athletic Work. Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer. No GOD 0STUDfENT
Prominent Graduate of' the Uni- 'lie ' gyiiisiiiii albsoib" 11 ill li-i' 'The' Noiin's Icgile cihll site;IULI
versity Shot at Honolulu itaterest lit presenti, bat ealelsive plas forlunateill see arillg rshii ree- i' Ty o er ihu
While Putting Down trli 'aiia iiia'ilsll ieli-ci Jlie i ides iiaglic So poler thoutryb
a Rebellion.muia ntiiesih
__________inc laid i. T b lbasilill ti'fiil~ia uollofatis n iiin' ru ngi(iisl.t tt01 alcia 11t'lrl~tasil
01r110 tlie.
(It rl~eh , I. .( 1' . II iiia1' 111(W1 i i hlr do al ic ialiith regular 1 'la1.ss wiirk nccclIt.ii-4or ent. il N, 1'beillly 11!11l. H v
Fttllw ftili 'i li' I lllil l it .!11iil .t ill 1111' 1ll ll.bi i t 11A1Nill bl t Ife'' ill' e(twll ibe "The W l Vi 1*aI We Say Buy 1 hosa Which HaU~
itrililllellt aiitory if I c' -ii Nwassoiescal e qiii' il ata il i l is 'ct sri 'has. lio-(- \'iiiirii i lii1)' iVoarlil Mrs. ' sl h t iil
Iule Sr i. ci oll(l i i 1 iaait ll. II tlilli i\o Siteipii'.11-!" b iseenl~t(1 l' w l 'i Ilis il ollithiii ii i ' Wea l ii'llii
lii llac'iii' G . h'ii i li'I' ~ slitalulg natilif o Y ttoN,1ii'.l111iia-i h isi 'i "ii irt h cl' ii ii ii' ii ll i1hsle I ii'' u i i'r Al iNGSCHOLF,1SISSwit.
hilt o\\'t 12 llprsill, of ? i'waii~ll4 1011t( : t wo k. b t itidilairlilir; Ilip:1rilci sl~
,t't(r lr(sllll clllle ll . stilt 'gll. o '\ i'llc ilirolt' liii ri ca hy C U a' si i1 876, l iii dascca dal ccii
1885.ill '1'ii ' l li' ii'l) S ilili lii liac ' 1( 1o tlt~ l'..'11t i vil e (( 2 e (111 1 h ' \e t
r, ill1 I I llIticiul li ar e I sT ainll li'iiiierail I% cii liidicsp t c P ra t(ise for\\anl - TUTTLE S,,
filiii ii lll lila it liii' 111". \A" liii' lillilt .ill k ciliili ' in s i'. .11i t psiin'. -as e o+cone lr si( i
11w lassof ' i. \"fil(. t th T'ni el i ho ed I~tt his ilitilh ig(hs11l(_"i"t i*lWilesly. 1 o4' S.;itSTATIr
Aritic ; pethtira
iii beiii.1I21 i'he iltrt ie o111' " if l 'il" th " eltt it.1i s 'oifte iil h «1. iii ii iIii'S s t - frplctr tu e tsi
I nl ih s'' ii' Ii'll lcai'' r1 1 iin 'Di llc e i 'e t ll l t I o h 7 1 t a l ) l 1c c a ial l i v' ' l t. ~k N i' las )t' 1' '01,
'i t11tr lheiithi scili.( tolufse~ fster ii tr5 a ckelitlil. li' i'il ik>_Uvrity NcI ila I a ol liii' li'iiiii il LB[IOEhI. OMI

l ittle
aio at.
eat s il-
I flfl

Mr. f 5115'porlilililil il1acut ilia'of
tiil atiorneiy iill. svc wii. 51i'. ccrli's

lio chath tc ii' collmiiiiiti'eiiIto refusi'
tie iilici'i'fat ttiicney-g'' ii 'ehil itIc'-
Next S. L. A. Lecture.
'lTii'proposeid change' Iii' 11111dateo
tic. T'lmalige',; lircri' in liii'S. 1L. A.
'lilrst' baas tuee'niili'iilit 'Is duhcied
uponcl. Presidint lalcuagi. sill lie ini
Acn Arbor tFebu. 161,inteaid oittebi. S.
tiic wsas tiirmerly hannloncied.'ier. Til-
liliga swill lectur'e in Cincinniati, Fetb.
'1', aod this chanuge' will per'mhit himiitic
till both duteassithiout incurring tlii
'Xpiinse etfii additioinal tells tram
Debate Won by Harvard.
[Special to thir Daily]
Clabridge, Mass., :Ian. 19.-The sii-

ialilli lit for sall. lbut is soiul iis d hthiusldl''o it liii' Yasi' l wui'tal
it a. au'lluiii'f l' c'ri'dnaiihli clii itraai o t rp- ii Ann Arbor, Mich.
iLiion ulatda itll' lty t l'rsplthe i 5tat
yi hdimhg hI thi'iiitihiliiis t Ii ,ihiail- ,'potionilifiitl(,hiioiist itr'irli i is-s' ED. A. CA..DIEU.X,
Ashitli' os u'l'u'u iih i t, iIs i sour(- ti' i onIta. i:' au htn-l it iiiion fril' l 4I se- 10" l'i li 1 t O 11 1.
stlu'gl i. pubiliicanis t ase lilt jin lti'iheiiLatest Improved Barber Shop
ighlts outhieii whio 'lo r tple.,11: ' liiie ity. . easiiiii atSt,1st iilo
Aloha N u Preliminary. that. csiltillcaaIs itlia. ill a'i 'folreiveriuic.,tai i c
this lii' lii flail r'ii'fhai 'cili ltiaai' 2
Xii Alh 2t ccbti2;ir thiillity rild ha nn m;:tfo, M1-c- AMMOTH PIPE SALE
roomlli\,.Slitt dci' nightl. ''le'pro- Siouth 11111ewiii'k'iii'ty.lIITheI'Ii'ei" OLLY & CO'S
g;rlili sls ir lst ogii ll thii.w stit f c. ,Icia'S iivii'rl1' ian"; liihi' 26 soUTii STAST. Don't II i t C(i111
quartersl'l'f the1'socityl.to theii' pia it tath1 (11,ihii111 c11111 Hoall Ccldi hLunlits t AllMoes
'l~a thdtealhs'lcliiIlc 11.1. d letgates. It is lit liliriliig .11ildatf NOa Wa'0a 9 S A.. L B
IIBlul. w'ho will leaccrdingly'i''cl'esi'io5ilt h 115 ,1s is lltltist lug iidd,,ait AT
Tlua ezither hlllihng ot Mi'. ohe eil l'i'" Qli'slialis ou t ilillill''to lbe
Wismuc ejoyeldO'i, his 55115 'i'ilhiiir' td111i5't'heiibits'irs. Anigt'll, Wetdleay,'.B3 0 4 M ST I
by repieatedi aeao's. Jand. 23. betore thie'AWoitiau's Izi'c
I'hiioi c'li's will ill. alhl' iaci eb oulti le il inO11011lomiorrow, s',t5e11O'LD)AC;, And Other' Poems,

at Iheelin gthis wascek toii aebt cllas
colors cud chose a class motta.

tlith ara'artl-Yalo debate 1e1th last lRev'. Reed Stuart, wsho leceticsi 11'
nigbt was won by Htarvard, nicking tare Ulnity Club tbis evening.,awill be
thce fifth successive victory tar that entertained whiile in tbe city biy Prot
Institution. After tie debate a ban- Macbern. A reception wuil haieli
duet was given by tbo Colonial club. bim frnim 3 to 5 thiiiafteinioo.

biix will be' sloyeitb111'thalt tlio. if
1'. '1'. Devault it, ilawf. u (cil 11iIr- FRD';kItCiN BICOOKS.
bunco, Indl., s'ho tias 1betn uiable' to
bol ill theT'nivei'tiy this yeah' bit'dust'
at illness is recovering 111111expects Complete to one volume. Hands
sonmely boundin i extra clotb.
to resumedi his studies ill a shotline uh. Price $1.00. Postage pre-
pitoaySubscribe Cor the Daily. (ibe world.rto

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