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January 19, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-19

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f bctheir nocit wy coil01etioto. a cif(tielit College Songs. "
t+ OfJ W . +peitli mtodeofot re'0e0(tI'(etwouldllav t tl'ttitgtot)'iOt(' (11USIC~t,
1111 1011) 1101Parentt(nformed oIf((oor Abhout 50 resontded to to' ntite of
(((Ilk on.theto (~lt olf th'r ittren -
1'bisi0 1 to I (y "ot(5 II I (Sudas xcptd)1 it)wul n Idtl~IIlt ll tto'lt 01'0t(Iyestedy tafternoon01. Te''ibe Six LoveSonigs,"'
Ill' '11 tl, 1"4l' III to 0111111't lllttv tot°, Il , y Frankl E. Sawyer. Troanstons of Sin
THE U, OF , INDEPEDENT ASSCIATION, ut c or~iu 9) thito saott'ea t' ittrc d 11 (11 A1)11er hatbeenlb11e10and ofre H(iOf f fine's tinest tlyics in 01 lotteit sussicol
0111105 : imes b ilelllgN . Otaln sI .,0flp0sit la 111111s 0of 1111( 11ast 10wIek 1would 11ot
11 trnr 1>Ogl 1111' o it ( ll. 51lte)b en e'111- 111( l'Attttal of Ald 'clle clas '1111 ('l lsnugtin- loj 00,0 otl ea y P pej5
1110 ~~o 1ti($. 1 5 eret, I to, 11b11 i'l 1I11.10 1111 111 111111 tIXI 11i111an111 ,-eas, i---
(It Stoflt'toat. State s'. n ew st m6, 0wit1any ; l I.l'tl'. . i' eo~ 1~l n hndTil ylo COLG OG O IL.
of thle editors or- authorized solttors~. wh~olly ttt1 l 101(I 1111 tlllll (0111f11'whatl'.tot action 1 0 tltI w'OLEEuONSdOR GILS'
C'ommounications 011001d 00a11h111e lllicolby I tll't Io 11 1100 ~l'1lt1Y lilttle' Ior Othirtcl1 tlgesong 110111.
'1100k Ip. 01. if the~y 110r 11 totpIO'Orllhe 11xt Only 1101111 10f 1111e 1kind 11t11111101. '111
(lay. A ddressall tte1 ntended1 0111111 pbl (11- tnitl1 o'ollltheot l'110 ltIwisc.1101110 thtttttHare and Hounds. Ss fOof thell'eading1110 1l1l'g05foe Iwomen.
THE U. OF M . DAILY, tI pease of t111exllen1't1' sotttaintg Of1 1111'stlt tittg £1r111 111e gymm s11t011111atP:;:1.0 Eighty-two peor1111 he 110 1(0 0111 from0110lt,
tanlArblor, Ol hs ati''uol hee i" ilk. b(' 11001 0000010 A splelndidll c tion'111. ItnlI-
(. t. eo Itn SON, '00 , o i O ont . llh l 1teb n . fa h l.)o a1nI fl o arn at iw e
AI. F R CW0.lno , 1 Li''Ot.. 9,sit nt. ce ue h in;c0 1 t a hf wilp zs gllb gv n. A od cr d
LITERARY11. L AN. 01111 no1£ a fttst 1011.
S.1B. Olhiley, '03. 1. . 1.01110, 'so. A PLEA FOR INDIVIDUALISM.{ Cold WVeat1ter!'
I]. A. Daoseor, '95. ___
Carrie V. Smith. '96.-
Mhinnie Thlolpson,'97 IC O :.I N\11 E)P0 iftl It 0 110' 1010PAGE (((
E. Ballrtlett,'97. i' lO R

it. is. uannnon, :j? .
bec°4ui5e of tlic hick of a i"clC.il"tl. So-
The editors do not iiulcl ihemsc lies t°espun_ c.iali"iil inziil;-llrzllc' -shivery. lii(livid-
sible for the opinions or si.nternentsof c"orres- lialism], modified and c"ontrolle l by j



podct-, pl~tii ~ 11 DIL. oca ilsin~to nm 1orlt 11ohetR ubbers
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dtont it 0 ll 1lto a et h e D ' llo r ep e d s a shofT h i te e ofttill' m i e re p n e u st 1 9
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of thbe'societytol10t11i' (l'glltltirt'll 111he1po'tofI SeniorlLawgMeeting. CfrM., D A IL Y
presenitkedilts tat 1ioilcy 111' m 'Sa ''ly Y tthletro t fee1 e~ t will esdlivetreatd at il.th o ur rd oom.Wthesreland er iofyre
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elogan tiofpe t liascief:tic h (eos tite res l Ifboh".e e o t eoe-
linay f. chre srsintiLcle~fonmt t ire: Tt claside d o 10' tDal ffc, i(e lck t tfie' N w Sad
*rn troubleionpth InnAebr toollt. Den1ithen, cottand Ihatsrcto I.3$0$
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