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January 19, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-19

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~Ij ti.of

At 1 Wlailxi

VOL. . No.t.



The Scholarly Address of Ex-Gov.j Has Encouraging Prospects.--Many A Much Needed Institution.--What
Russell of Mass. Before the Good Articles Wili he Con- Or. Vaughn Has to Say Re-
S. L. A. Last Evening. tributed. garding the Treatment
of Consumption.
l'-o.-%cr. illiaiiiiE'. ltiiss'l 1 i pobl- It is probable thailno lu"spubila-'
;bly luore Popular withl college mniont iieier hiadl beterprpil'ect"sof silo- 'Ilie bill lookiigtowau~rd t11510 al-
haniainy'oilier iman of publie timiui- tess thiiian-are11ow llll01l00l Iby 11fi .leliilnent ofr:i.lhospitllfor-I-snOC
nenee. heretofore ihispoutlairity has ') ' stailiiin. 'le iiiusual liberiaility iu s sa, haritlfi 11h111 llh-itiy pro-
0Eeno main~ly fonililletl 1to 10llit lli Of tie prizes oufer t'i 1118a d i tIl elia II Ill Ipolld by 1tin' 011111 1board1ofl lealill i 141I
Iiatel', Ilalt rdr an to other)11CCeasterni of enlisting f il(, sliport f1 1 0us1.1 . t ppioedulby 0lis111at lheir 1 'con l 11. -
volgs1 H w vr111iiilap er h ll 'olly hsl w esl h1111'1 11 1 11111' l l° i il o111'tlsllhlil 111111 1 and111
10010 1111'in lt1111 S. iL. A. llurs,' last nig 't -:5-11-than11(111 i 1 to0 be Ill i) 1111 to1 The'l l p0111111110 f o'll n11101)011 lXi)'l)1
11,s isirE' hi ppulrit i An A ltisdpatett hellel. 'ulls'lian ill tbe Otf bil60 il000 (1to 11be a11,e 1 01 - I o 1t
Io.1110 t l'itl ll'l ilil'rl0t1 i ii lill. lns ie laos'.he loree fr1tllande ll aditi na1l~e)
A~lhouh M . luss f1s a ~ '1111' or telalole andiIiliWIeo le cr~itcsf11iii- lI$4,00 odtyei' 1(0 011 r' 114111)1'111 lfol
not ofeglpopular101l1'be ll it he11110e'11151t'hoed tle!fis 1)thisar seae Occoi1s111k 110
cloest attntin o 11is1udi 1ce EN; (-I- aflo' 11is a ll e110-hnnl o 1111' ,ieldo li o f ol' bic y s 111)1' )sti~
wasoni f hela( et:w1ic1 asas-ha be Graiddua ff frte C. I~ ' formI'll 1) 1111it 11111'tl1 1toI15 il 11)~'
-:nzld n \&lv rit 1,1 ti ya.I nvnIl~l f isells 111110. 1 and1011)1 ll hais a s -I
In dst1.lssn- hs sbjec, "1111'' h mo u g a ill the il(t1'111t hat a' ll). r.1 111 aI ghan-51111 id ystrdylla
tili nGlcni n;A '01 ou k~ce n rwig\Qyb fte hr snll eao oblzcta

'['ys tto lca1111withlout books.
Sonmc people thotugh try' to use
1)1' l i trm1)111'.lttl
WYe Say Buy ]hose W~hich Hane Tonel
\X'e stil that hint!1.
51 South Main at.
- LalttH O FBSl~5.1. t~~
:1 r, 0 el lllltts; 111.)
p ~1-dig001 liy111)R Slsl
<'1u ',is ce odsca ln e supedrio wr wl
p, 0 t1 aiag rom; aily l tur P111'.i
Artistic Potos.

e"Mlii llO19 ertlg:?ll llHitoil1111-11
1110-a11 tc defendllf (ishnell's(Ifr1to 'n-
tiriill'egotismi I refer to lie ilidi-
Vidualismi whlicheniisliriines'onsc'ii'ec
Iud mlaikes duty a. ,tilde'tbrough life.
lifeh-sts 1111-1arri's trulltlllii pr1111
I'tisidiiaiisui is tiiiigtfiln till' 111th-
Of theltheologiano 111111ill lbe lasof11
li-so jurist. It is the st01111ff11111 Iliibh
he idelt 110govsernment'liis evols-Ili.
fie sientistfoflllosws its anaulyosis unt1il
tie re'achetis thle'indestrtuctile at11011. 1f
is is trtue ill the study of maltterl it
is ee 's'e nhof retu n llregairdito 1m11i1
110d his envSir'omlents. Ind~ividualisml
prepares 112111 fof all his tduties by
holding np before him tie responsibil-
ity for 0110 highest duties. It is the
plronoun-the 'Tihotushalt.' IanitI'Thou
shalt noct-whichl glees force to the
ten comamandmsents. Our wos-bo sys-
teim of julrisprudene is eoled from
the principle, sic utere too ut aleaum
000 laedas- So use your oswn properly
as not to injure flea rights of anofther.'
The low is necessarily founldt'd oninf-
"Inldividualisml is the necessary do-
v'elopment of the law of self. U'nder
racilism or colectivismo, activity, ill-

before i-t11Guifi dub' -111wSill Ik'"Th le bestconditfionls possible'. Dr. Vaiiglin
Odessly." swtichlieIiC sill illu: trllt,'by is convsinceedlttthef lls 1l'Il)10llistitu- Ann Arbor, Mich.
r'eadligs 01r11111his tranlslhitioll. T' i''01onsoluld be1o(10st benuetit 11 1111
HarvarfdI prolfessorl's llr('fre'effrolic te r5ittteiiitlarge', a15 Wll 11s Ic lie I l1i- ED. A. C.ADIBUX,
re'gtuh larties lls) o olacn ersify n htale oerer o-Latest Improved Barber Shop
5115 on11this laccount:11111 011tthat i-lettet 10iii1 51111.10111 lhp'e'ared' C taf4 th1e lIAhu
ble- 0(11'Alignt o cIll l khill'. 11. Pl' wr as iithis.
Nvi1 ,Ao e reen -if t1em-___ll- MAMMOTH PIPE SALE
Oratorical Association.
11 I X 'Iltivl' board of 110 OIlrator- lecturstoill p1- . 110. la lllivoI'I('sla iLV.L Y & Co's
b-al llsstx'ili lild 1aieetluig y(-,o-II -leetuoeio Itue os'iliorlaws005yl-'u-)ihiy 2 UTH01) TA11 E,5S0 . D1o111 f0111 1oe.)
dlay it 4 p.im., 11111 tranusacted Icuonill 1afternooln inilie 1]1I- w'lu'efroom.l Hot1a1ioldeLunicisa t All HMeal
'nillo ebus1inessO. 1111'fllwlso-iiu 1)(ii('i is subjeclt;1has '1 ue rigiu ild
tile focth110'pre'lmiry Ilolullsts Wahs ftrowthliof till H ig)) Io'tf 10 tlllmil' '1' N 0 N 0 N S A. La' B
its; Feb. 19, jun1cr hIts: Feb. 21, Iunior 111) ll'h l doctorsil)) 1111)1hha'lutes Ill
lasss; tFeb. 22,seioir ills; IF'eb. 231. 1111' an'ellt orwIerel I'firsfllt mil'ii, 'Xal, A I-II '
numeuntus tof till'associationisoilwIillll-ctOs111111coturtesy lof tilol' loll lilaws 30 0 H R
free. To all others 11) cents. courts. This court cxercised its judi-
Tills(Chicago Altumni lassocesiti11110 cial 11000er tutil tile courf ws. as r- OL lit)dOhe oes
assuiredlfle boardol f the gold Mledl fegltelh by act of Pauruliahmenut in j1rIlO. 1 C. n tie oe's
and11 a plrize of $501)per year Intill'e This heture'551ashapprecilated by Ilic 115B
sotui-ser of thuc contest. All1flue pizel lasws as if threw imuuch lightutplfonl.11 Fi')anIuIO BIIIs
crtions slice the organization of flue obscure subject. Thue eceture lbcre w11- RD IROIRxl
association fleeeirs ago swill tbc ness that Mu'. High hatd carried hus re-
bound in lpamphilet fernswhsei l nI'l'seutrchues very extensleely. Copeei Ievlm. Hn
grasings of the winners. 'Thue freshmuuan gle('lull is hloilding somnely lhound in extra cloth.
-- Price $1.00. Postage prie-
Rhoonms rentedl by advertising ltem reghar relieut'sluls, G. -Nichols utetingh paid to anly part of
in the Daily. as leader. the world.

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