~1I. ~ ~ (have be(n1allowed Itoiiurchatse'the A new ;ytnasittil gti- ehas been y
+7-1J11 --. J l tu.-.+ capo s. s matt or oll' onerail (ns- inventedt by ir. argenut, of IHarvard.C ld
________tointhtlo~lliiot clletges1this s1houl(1The an100 plaiy be jplayed by any ilim-
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the Cllege year, by ficillity expeienced(11 i dinltg att ay wvith Thw players on I-oachie ire arranged c i s
1THEl0, Of. M.INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, ho' practice on aoooliliioit the',rill- in tows. Atonteetnd of theehall a ANI.)
(<riTc~: inmes hailitiig N. 111511 t., iloitO ingoonss of ioeroioiiit-a i (1piiioithe itable (is lacedtl.oil ci-liusid(1 (f1At hilRubbei
post__o___ci-tcups aitithe11bttrninildesire of a large is a trong;it e. i-tit trol ine (tl
Susrpionriode $2.50 per year, ivaiablly liiiititwer of stutsioil to iossesil 11101. "itedit-ine' balls. wighingai1(ou11(
i iideaiioi'.,.Single i-oiiirCiello , ..Sulscrip- liAliittiO 1iit lr iiiih.I(ah'n ao. -ot 5(1SstititJ C B &A LNANDl1
ioes may lie lolt at the offic of lie DIaLY,
at Slofllil, at State sI. new stand, witi anany iireiateii this facol 1110(012 (iytoot1(- thlit' Oi t~ieu, tie llalyers issiitg SHE I)En>A LEIis,
ef the ieditoi 110authoriaed solicitors. titilisaso. iiid ticcordiingly ((lltrd 1a'th bilis iilng hitrle~s fio oti (11(iWasington SMork, Aun Arbno,
Commuaitionioshoald reach Itie officeby
7o'clock p. is. if they are 1o appear 11e'next-sipecOitalde~liiifuirnislielifor t (1 ((((00hand.tTi helisideo ((tssilig tiehlls
clay. Address all matter initended forpalli- of tite teami. this 11nevi' ater(ci 5t1 lon~tttg ilrst anduh l-t-(itt to- lrileIo
catlas 10 the ilasagilig Editor. All uiescmuiain budb et ot hee.tlos o l teahoidca frtostous,«n.
Jess Maioigeri.iN-ho has-i'(tiagenod inencel l inthe 111
THE U. OF M. DAILY,. tlilbltlofotieositlis This space is reserved
Anit aihor, iob. svrlbade f-tltc n ~,
.l. L. Loitt; Lit. '1. iManalging Editor.
G.11. IIA~ssoro, Law-'96, Assistiiit.
it. COLEMAN, Lit. I97, Assistant.
A. F. ROCKwei.. Lit. 196, Assistant.
.. A. Lmsos'. Lii. it. Athtletic Edito.
J. S. PsAsl.,, Low '%!, Business Manager.
ET. W. LEss, Lois)(;, Assistaint.
LIE. RY L.Aale..0. Fj
11 B. IA. aaneer,. '10 E. Lootvas, 10
Carrie V. Smith, '91i.
Minnie fThompsoosSO
F. S. Bartlett, Lit'9y.
(). II. Farrell, at'98. lil~itAt..
l'. R. Santhi-laio. 1 Hi.iB. tGammont, '9.
Tile editors do nth ol tlteiuiselvet respon-
oible for tile opiisorist0oaemeitsof (00005s-
pondents, appearingiin 1t ho.liALY.
A Communication.
Ed-itorof the(1I'. of A. 1.ly
some1(0t11(1- i1100 th ill ei I~t
(h~llelt t st (1)5.01101111((th .
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SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God.
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NOV.-Seterianisnm: Its Evils, Causes
and Cure.
DEC-"The True Cross of Christ."
JAN-IWas Jesus God?"
['or sil the hai~sintl toffiets.
'TheI- I Iily ((ilils 11(.toda 1(y 11 111-thi 1101eiireportl((l I ili
of 11101(0111Ill oncrt l itil (y he o liformedthla((ieill tern ol i-l-
t lce'arid B1lo11,10 hlls Saitd11,011h. 1t"0.1- u11(1 ive~silies . 0(0ls istittO
1111 Otlohllitl rooidaiiof (1delayin e-Uo fthlOle ,ar or1y0h
ceiblTthereprt estrd1110bri boSttltsi 11( Is 0h011.k)11he II(leais t(11
s one andllblllogll tllli t (igtlx onds0110 0111201 11(0 li
lakeepspitit.Tllnlmadyiy -to itiligsSlillilit
irli1rore-to.uAbgaodorganlly (Ifc(Itis"t1
bie 01eIll atiendd~. A lilt-gI'(l-litstill
rellltilis to 1e settledlland1by alsrines cp onb tdnsnt(l vr
s ily'"11511110.so Vrt' 000011yIly1(t, en-(is
of tpopuilarloncrt :oissf oitii (his is (Iyrs f 1111e 5lliv sisy as Illy-
ite irts, itis (hoig-ed tat till- l i u 001 sol Oltil fr Iitf (i~i~O
miaybt-risetSdiuring the e uil. iialti hyaetobYelvtlo h s
to,to ualeto 00-( e del-- ~t-11- if they, ore 10lic, b~lioardIf hI 1100
(lola exercises still111(1indtiatillelitter- I
tltutioriaze s0100lcipitoI-111ke0th(iri ((100
tallnteilt 'ti be-git-in Thtursday nilght ,suiomt nti epc ud
(till be first ilass 1(0 re'gairds til-10(-0e itsttilt ii f ilprolillin ftl
gretatt dareilnits 1prepartOlio. T,1 hisauthflority in this ltateri.1a silggt-stilii
iirice of adiissiolit sill talso iutlrthetil
attl~lttendac(If manlt tlty 0110dill 1101fool
000101 itrodiltiilg a, Vtrsily (liii.
iaile to littenthe 1wofeiirtigal-O-1i. I--
ittl.n if till. bte s(-11thti 0so il oubt
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