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January 14, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-14

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rf f't in 4~ exiserts woulti ~lk'slcluotiia
f J j'I IAU. f3 10bo ll it g "'2ir witlbt tl hot 3ear11
__________ Its to t'liminate anIllemen'1t'ftof 111u-
l'(11lltsled laity (Sunldays t'xcepte'd)td(n11188 01110 1(1 l't'lll'lii is also8 1 to81w x
theCO 0gab year, by 1101(1 11t11alte1ue11d Ili''gllltol8
THE U.Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, t'0118i111'rt'(Avere directed1 lot so(1 111('11
ovjruir: Tiles building N. 181a11:st., oppoite (lgail(8t 1 il(' 111111'as telt'iit'ii'y' to-
post office. Aai rfsinls n h l-i
Subscriptio rite M1580iper ye, inv(arialiy of ltoiaidte1110olldonllo. )iit'igalll('((1-
i n advance. Sinle oies0310cent11s. Sobserip-giatil(8 118 llitrsi' ttai
lions may bte left at thfi(1111o(f tile IIAIIY, railts let uvriisola
at Stoffiet's, at State st.,11ew0sland, Will (Iy cy 1tin w1h(11 88s0takenl hitit'piarlyt-i-
cif the editors tor authOoidsohoilort.. y'latt111siii (siti(5tti
t'ommuniceatlons 0100r'c~tl 11rb
o0'10011 p. nt. if they are t(1 08110r0tile neat sa.isftetotry resells 111at Presidtil
day. Address all matler intendted for 1101(1- 18lgol inil srililg to l'Pres1ient 8,1111111,
cation to the Hanagillg Editor. All businless
(comunications 111ho1l(0beSeI't101(1Buist- Iof1Purdule, spokotf o(tillliiltl:t5 sys-
ness Manager. t(" lug e t22 lost idetal.
THE U. OF M. DAILY, _______
Ann Arbior, Shell.
'l art')' trowd (lslI-il l(51'l5('(
'Ihe editors do notthioid themselves respon-: i-trkyngt ttebnfttn(r
nibie foe the opinions (10 stalemeni,-of 'orre- ll'11 lgl i 11 8'l'i 01''
itondents, appearing in 10thDILY. is 11llt'titit'llt hat11 th:ei'tlll'le splirit

Popular Concert on Groat Organ. C l e t e '
('0nc01t inll iliversily SHall 'Tlhursdaly
eoirt'd Itill ;;toItoardthe lil e t. o1tf Rubbers
11wgdet A olil t'('(111('l0ftt'1110emorial OF AT~IAT~
15051' will1 be hilin 111 i'tay, iprob-' J ACJJDO)BS .iALMVA.L lJ
abhly 011 W~asiilgton's lbirthdaily. '11h' SHOE DEALE.11.
atillO3lli r(iliiligtIl Itiiti011 -ilt Wasnhington locnk. Ann Arbor.
for the --' G(RANI) OPERA IIOUSE.
Subocibe Dily.ONE NIGHT ONLY



lYI4NDAY, JAN. 14th,

'le taily' wishets to calil tet en1111-
11011ttf lt'e 11l0e1115tl t hit'preset'uiilt-
1rt01titdlosnditionl (f lt'eI uiversilty
butildings 5in ease of ire. 1'icrt' 10s
thilt18ittlcke'td litu Il il t'e ('e'r'tllly8
Italginet'h1101181. afire ill one1'tf lt'e
Labsoratorie's, forinlstance. wtouldti lox
bte is afair 1wa)' tso be' l'1ltaitic. .1x
firt' Ollarlil sy stinl tf some strl t:sould
be 8011t8i1111t11111ce.niThe qutio n Ititt
potonedltt. It is to- l t'e1h11ed1 111e

(710(11 it gllatheilllel ritweathelr
fectedl. I i'is ol; dat.pri1511(11 1
itsgaiais artionotliktlt sufrilo
t1wresul'it'0of tibelie annt llt'ilte
oi'011111otO 8t1101 hI)' erthe lYie t8115

Colge Sng The Fast Mail"
Is t he mo1st a(lprop~ll tlriatlritmas tuft -
aIt undtergraduate ('(an maike :'' t'sloft speci'a~l (c0ner'. Ilighltttf tile
Fast Mail. Nia~garaI Ftlls bty mntllighlt witht
boiinilg mist P'ractical workintg en~ginle 11(1
The New Harvard Song Book. 14 freighlttacrrs, withilluionalt'd caboost'.
'Tie Dagiv.'t it. bealiollo '1000r500110e(1n1
Allth n It1ila110.lldiSongs of tillst ftttr steam0bot-llo15st ttttatti100 otlher star~tlingO
yearls, wi1 thsoe(old favloriteSs 'app. effects.
Heavy Paper, $1.00.PRCS - 35,0c7c.
Inlcompatrab~ly tilt'(ost p1(1(801(1 oktott ti TFRFFR, i4K Wahin
coil ege Songs 'er ( )lltt(1s101 11113000 0 4~n~ on ot.
Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth, Gilt. A COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT.s
Tile only tockol. the(io kind pulished. SERMONS OF REV. J T. SUNDERLAND.
120 P1). Hev ae,$0. Series of 1894-95.
SEPT-The Soul'n Cry for God.
Send One of These Volumes INme, OCT-Jesus as Humanity's Ideal.
OLIVER DITSON CO., and Cure.__-
a,-isWashilngton St., Bioston. 50C. A YEAR, 5C, A NUMBER.
C. 11. itson &0Ct. \.Y. 101rAll. at Sleeblan's and Stofiets.
There's Only One Place!

regents 8w111ltake s01111'cttitulntItheir11 lt'lut.

'['lie ilunior laws-8shold tlgo 5v1')'slttt-
til111atecs of tdisc'iiinetoftsfhit'flat-
11113'. Petitionls or protests ronililig
froiisthle class iii this 1111tter, it ma11)
ite authoitat1ielystatetd, -ill lbottf
and10their 11011011. 118farills anyin1-
fluence ttftile tlass is tconcerne'd,.is
irrerocabit'. W'ile it is5 ts be
,mu11c11regretted Itiat tmiltm1be'r'of lie
'lass was cllet'oIsev(er liis totnec-
lions 88i1111the IUnivs'ityI tlere 11111
be no quecstion 1 inehe itisds tsf the
stludents of the'necessty of sucrba
lion 10n this ease. The faculty of the
law depeartmsent ill thio pas1 110ve 110e1
most lenient, alimost too isutchisot,1i1
111011e1s of discipslint'. 'VTe'act'etd 0on1)
8010en ompelledto do s0o11a1nlt'e cls
8w111001o'ly iiitg~iize thit 111by'taking
111ellmatt'r in hand.
metn .tein ('hicago, Saturday, to take' action in
i'ogatd to. foniulating rule gove'rnilg
athletic conitents btetweens their respect-
11181e univeritiies it is gratifying ho
note that, s-itli the s11ngle exception of
Presidont Itogers, of Noerthwsester i, all
wore in favor of the ' cne otfofotbll
and were ope1tfulthiat tile .football

E trhhs, r sle vrc n list'ri-twll be11150)1- MERCHANgT TA.IIORS
erec b this nstitu ifn.Itists till?
ifts hli sll rets se tby lstditt' ISIT CLOIHING IPAILOIRS
t'ttf'i-I't lt li~it'Il~'1IItilu~tt'l-37 E. Washington Street, Corner of Fifth.
itigs. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W 'll'ftilh11011t 111)1 0landle nothaing tut Tailor-Made Garments perfect in every
it llt-ititt tiillt''l~slsil 111l~'-respect and far superior in style, mlake, fit ant inlisih to, the ordinary
1-0(11( tsflt'e false a11111 l111'lit- liea shop matle goods sold -by the reatly-niade dealer. Come and. see urs.
1.c111nt s, ppearinlg illlt'e Chicago We will show you garments fronm some of the finest tailors in the-
ltifiter8its d fter t-arefllctonsiterationu country anti for far less money than yttu cotultd buy the same qualities
base 1esois-etiupon ttliltil;g a st011to of the ready-made dealer.
th Mter er.ftrany stutient: LOO0I( AT 114 P4ICE LIST*
whoit tis~torts lt'eatiltiill regardl to L V A OU ezsprrpot ilbermty
Itssi~ihe' rpot til b' tr~l~tySUITS AND OVERCOATS.
e'xpellt'd. The Uhnivstiletd5 1a l't'8- A $20. 00 Ctistom Made Suit or Overcoat for.-- -- -------- $100. u
11111011 of 111is natu~re. It is hardtio1 esti- A $25.00 Cnstom Madie Snit or Overcoat for-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- 12.50,
nsate h lilill ontitis I'nivcrsity A $30.00 Custom Made Suit or Overcoat for._10(#
f'oli ille iluojorily of ls'porlts :1lit in A $35.00 Custom Made Snit or Overcoat for.---------------_ __ _ _17.00,
to thue Detrtsit evt'eiii ipaipe',r . at- A $10. 00 Custom Made Suit or Overcoat for.- - _- - - - -------20.00"
A $45.00 Custom Made Suit or Overcoat fr- ------22.50
ie ltlrolultht tle ste elothinlg
ilt tules of romlance,11111 sill s1111 PANTS. P.ANTJS. PANTS.
reading repsortIsfr10111tfis cit~yfilnd Ite .0CsomMd aro Pnsfs$.
A .0Cso aePi fPnsfr-----------20frequnelly f such cxaggelitionlfs18 A $ 5.00 Custom Made Pair of Pants for-- -- -- - - --- - 2.50
1110 cffect of th0117le, instiiot A $ 6.00 Custom Made Pair of Pants for-------------------_ __ _ _ _3.00
banleful nmeot. Tw5o-hirds of* the A $ 8.00 Custom Made Pair of Pants for- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4.00
reucdel's of 1110se seaisationail 81100it0 A $10.00 Custom Made Pair of Pants for----------5.0*
gisve credit to all of 8s111 falsitie's .111 A $12.00 Custonm IMade Palr of Pants for----60 0
thie inlflulenceis felt whenl'l theste' sllielMSI L IIIUFILH
pepeoc lp S ositionls88111ich 'learMERCHANT TAILORS MIS I fLOTHING PIAOR
uIpol legislation toward0theite' 111511asirg~ St, onr fFit'..
nitsy. Helter haso reiabile epiesor3 Wsintnt ore'f.ithAe
11011 at all. This institution ssili ain Open every eveming' until 9 p. in., Saturdays until 11 p. in
11'a str10t enforemnent of uh a 11110


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