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January 14, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-14

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Ijc 1 . of

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VOL.. V. NO. 72.



THEY DISCUSSED ATHLETICS. trodnced b y Dr. Snari were Concert a Success.
Presidents of Six Western Univer- Resolvei, That we call on te ex- The Wie aiilBanjo clubs we en-
sities Met in Chicago-Rules let maages of football to so revise tliushsticilly reeieil at their cincert
the tles of the game that the liil-i for the beneit of e Athlei ssoci
and Resolutions to Regu- ittinuysalb recd ot
Athleticsy.hal s'rilicilto atioli tuiiriav nigt arg-e eaudi-
late Ahltcs ninimni.
Resolved, Tat wi call upoi ll cli- oncAas rs-t '11111 liii exc1llnc' o
Iieiet f six ofliie liaiing id- lge and univesity athoritiis toill tei'siritiil hroiialli wieti was rin-W
-iial istiutionis ofi the wecst Inwi forth iwry pratleii effort lto lre- deel was attested by thi-enco-
Ile status f athletics iii hiu" isti- itiii-ilhgitte athliete gamies and to
caltionsl. lie- folowing ~cut'.wrlsnl a e ivery ~geine' lan hiinoraliiontest Hosital Cir Consumpitives.
wre iprestnit:Presient . ti 511a111.oif athletic skill by iexliuingidfroii
I. Aiaiis. tUnivirsity of Wisiini; riglarly ienrolled s sttieintsioitg boaiii of health was hld-luat Lalsing
I resident W.i .Ittir. I nivir"'Ily full surk:as shllFiay li. AVogatiwas tn atenid
f fhiceago; Prisitient A. S. tDrapeir, IRlslfor the reglattoni f ,ll thulilt a in l adsbtttilliai i I tiitili oifitte-
tniversity f Illinois; Prsienlt (yers soriitsee ciinsiideredd iilih e itli-estlg retorts. I Iwas e egslibty
Nirtlrot. I Iivesity oft-Minesota; 1men1nt the mtetiniglagredl to recul- the board to test the iniiiiiti prop-g
Pesiduent IHnry WI. IRogrs.-Norh- tmedi to the faeultis of lheiii itti- cties of samplles of antti-tixisofriid
wiesterni tiiversily tois they repesentedl a. numblleri'in Cfor'sale illMicigan.
Thie itlllllissiiol was geoneral tilt1 the ailoptiiii. It was delided Iii ecoi'hetrotosedt till fr a sate tosill
meeting hail been calied fohe-me 1 11indiitheii following robes: fiie coisilitttvs iiiconetin with
pose' of foernlinlllg iles hostile to that iii eaei college thuri-soliililtiii state laboratory fiy genue at the
football, flis ideat was lpromtlutret- ib.'afacutly comiiiite appoitted tisUivoersity, was atiproedl by thu
fatted by tietPresidntts in attendance goern tll ahletic sports; that only tioatit The otjects which will hie a-
With thiu' ixception of i.rusilenttRogntriglarioe ftll secial cuusse stuients coinluis cl iy tiylii'hospial ari: The
cesi they apupelredltohavi few obij- 0111111 te alowedutoli ply ionitliifiiut-troter care andittreatmletitf ipesnis
lions ito offer ,agaisit. u gamei as ball tiam;thi lat no piay shahl i-ei.A-having tilii'iisasiknown s -iiistiiii-
toayed last siasot.Prestident Aiatos civdiiythe laihyes; that ni trainers ion. piihilisotube ttircutlosis, ill orie
expressdl lii general sntmnt f the shall e alowd lto participiatiniiaiiy that liie siradoif this disease nay he"
uentlciiiiii Pieset isaliltinevie iitercolegiate iconteis;that liiia.- essi-ili-ith ii e tininig adieduucaioiin
with ti (lcato iRecumrdtrephorter. suiieinl istsh011111heiialoied 11111liio f ptrosswhoushalt ego ouiC from 1t1at
"If you trel-itlii' ihlhiliisisiii tillcotests wilihrofissio~lteauls lie hostatl in ithlii best itethois fit're -
football," sadldM. Adamiss, "yonwill wivthi 1111tii'clbbteamtha11111niiiman11striting liie'sreallfdis iangruts
inthatnitifis most itensi' shire shale liealllowdl it ly oiiia fiiitbaldisiase; liiie taiinlg in stchi ioiihhiist
ho ipesoin critiisinig ihe'soetl kis eath whe'he hits chauiged l iulges of meiciial stuents thioare o 11ra1-
ku-ast thout it. tIlsixilmoths ave- ilatsid since' ie iedicinleis iiichian sii IlaC thy
''ow I do not iaiin- Mr *Antis hs intrticunlation; that all giluls shoutl ay know howto iristrict titlern-ilos
iiintinuted. "that Cle guns- if iootbtall lbe tPby-iloniiicollege gounstsaittil- idisetses; and1 tit physiians aiidioti-
is withiott faults. lBt the leading idr stuidintt mantigs-cli-it:that no sil- i-s imay blienail to nsuy this dils-
football miieniof thin' iotty are try- deitltihun is dnuenilit ii his studis easi- iiinie fas-irible cinitions, thiie-
lug to reformtilhese- fals,iandliI ibe- siia l loweflltoak' trin ii ill by ubtiinhg knwlege useful foeIth-
eno they iwill do 011 Thesi hltir- itieicollegiatu' ontest;ltthat elcin utfIPrevenltion lof its strun an atrilti t-
fitions, lot-cot-ct, aire, I thick, iii- manaigrs 1111d napais f tatms iimaltistritiohin it'ixtiioitioi ichMul
tiansovenrbailuncdby liie'gooii whit-h eachi iilligisal lii sittiai-it to the igull
ho gamiio does I lhis-nasways attaptprovalof its cismottee iii atihleics;
taichenithie greatest iilorttnhttoisthe that hefoe vyIn iterciillegiate icli- eirLw*omtes
valuo of athletics in collegi. Flit- testa ist of u iieiiprotosigtoIplay1) Pnsident Walshiolithlii-sn-ior Iss
catioi, you know, is divisdned i tih i-e shall le prsntedtnli- each eam orcluss hias hilionliendltiii'flliwing
braihes-that of the mind, that of tams to tine tholer io' thrs CetifyigiCmmitte s frniiithilaC. class iii charge
thio ody atnd that of thiniioials -My tat tll lii-eiieiiesretin -titledl iiiof the- i-x-i-iss oiiiWashing ois
npiion is thaut thin educnationiofbtdhotlyih)ruienconitiouis of htuaeus bithdiaty:
nit morals eoniveyed nisathleics huay adoipteud, sttchicertiicateu ute sigied lRection-AC. AV'.l -Wi'uil':u,
le of immtseasuraubeim iportance.- Tke-"y 'ti registrtir or the secre~i ntarych inan;C. it.IHendeursonT, F
this gaime of football,ini I tssr ou ttthin colege o n ivsiety. 1D0)yl'. . S third n d uttciiitins)
that it eanatscicomihishl a gietitlihig Thinsi rus arethetistil slt uciin iotnii\Wb.i hnukiu-iii, ilait-
iii the eiucatioii f tliiimoralslof thse thouoght on tiii-part f the clgi 11,1 .I. Decd1. 'I&'BaurtlsIVIt.
ishio laltieituato is if. IC teaches til, l residents, anutif 11hey)aIiisnctiotnd lshi ttn dai
mnhood, sclf-restrait couragete- b Cle faeulies tie)- will le i foruit'cu'nt - .\\ Bug~
sons wsho optpose Che sort think 0101)-at fte istitutions rereisi'ti'iaththu hutrintun;I. lif Stekelec, II I Airu-
of its ox-is; tiley-do tot seems to like gmeetitg itrsuitiAN'I. -1,)hoWolir uandlE.1.
into consideration hic good it may ae- 1 5:1.;Sheldon With Recover. Aloe.
rompltsi. Now, suppose I suolid iral-- -I i ohuic 'IV .'I ifi--etus i
tagonizo boating because isany Ieope Ctaudein1;.FSheldnoshas btin-takiien utli t.Deco iun .it t
arondrownedt pursuig that iasthie to hus Nlu niuseiii Witinthuat .,(1b1)-hus1.R.WianS.A tn
every year its Wisconsin; or should father It ho thought thatithei sill 11ic-Wu-I. tund Sairmattu B.hB.
delcaro that ino cnn ridi n raiwayrecoin-r b' unrlst of Atfew sseeks nitM cM.Mttl .tanitc tI
trains becassothere amo occasional that le xwil be table o granuatein '-tielingA. 'Iv. 'I'Iei.ID. IF .)Ln, and1
-ollsios. In these iesterti states tesrng iitht his caslelo 1,-I. tsllesnul h 'iir ;s
many more people are drownend c-u-ry is tot hopelessly insanets sas r- prebthsmn a enubrcass sill be J . .ini, . IK. If i ,
year while boating thtatn injured inpotdlothsttihabcntha-w '.FcIti(roei,' C
football games, yet I do not think ancedi by nervois postittionus edist-ni icit A.isJ. I .' Maiai, I.dt C. CiKennled,
any one woid attenopt to clams that by overstcd.I'I etoe'I S oir l
people should ho denied the benefit ise.toReai.es(rts-od, I.F. Rells. . R
and pleasure of bating because per- - ________
0005 occasionally get drowvned." Thre jnior lawv studetitwshoiisas A greeting of tin- jnior last class
President Smart was also intrviewv expelled at a recent meeting of thuls ivll ho held some time tils eek
edl, expressing himself as in favor of lay faculty los written a lettr to At his meeting President Crosby wiii
fotball, the class asking IliaC the claws e- tnnunce tie Committees fromCitha
The main question under consider- quest the faculty to reconsider their clas for the xerises on WashIng-
aien was that of professionalism to action. A commoiteecleas been ap ton's birthday
football. After coniderable informal pointed to consider the matter. A
discussion the following resolutigns, In-, report wil be made at an early date Subscribe for the Daily

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