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January 11, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-11

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W1 of3th. Thtailux.'

The January Bulletin.

iof Current Thought. 1 ioleo a 1111

1I l )C h11o (Il

Thelo~l .1oily~t' S.l~l C.to A ul11)0gil'
THE H, OE M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATON, 011111'l 11111 wr1ittenl ariles~ . Wi. I>.
lFFICE: 'tbole'. hoililiog \. lsein .1., Ilopoie "liii 0ot. wo 1111 studliedI 111 r lly

('on llih1 .111 (1 11 th i l 1 1' ir o
repro11111 11' Oli011.11ill ilcon-1
.1c111110 of 100111 (1111Op iin lillvlil. and11 1;101i1'11clt1 11111 111,111

111srit~o pr11e1 .111 per1 ('1) r, hii 1111 ily
111101 may lb' left at the11 oie of thIi)AIY111,
.it Slollll1's, at1 Slate .. new1 stand, 11111 an~y
Comuncaton Ihud rvitch l 110 office) liy
oa1t1n0 t Ihe Mn n dtr 11bsns
J1. 1L. Lioll, 1Li1. '95, Aloliogieg Editor.
. 1'. SAI Fiio , i. 9, Alielo Elili.
A1 . F. oc~l. .m , :Lit. Bolue s 111111.
.. . L mty, Lit.. 96, A iei ll dito .
[:#. A. Dalloer, '9)5. E. 1L. Eva11s,1'9.
Carrie V. Simitli,'Oi. Gi. BI. Illo'ioo,'O.
Minlife Thlaompo, 9) 1101111'A.
C. lop I 111. Farell Lit 01" Eb11. 13.ii o '.'esil.
m.11 of 111e 1111e day1 ofiillllill hi
1111 edtrF d o old themslelli vesl 1111 1 ti
sile f)1o1 1111 opiin or111 Il~tftllof (1.1111
1111rel "-isiie ci o t, 111 o1t01 II llt~l tlo
illiIll 11111 to 111101il; 1)di "11

1111Ill. Tow111 1 11d) 'Vllas -1 .8e11'-
loll 1 froi l~el Ilevcrsil vofC icn

011111'a ts 11 11 lii 1)1)1a11 1111 011)11otl
y ctill Sie itO 11 ' ever ilil fi11ll. 11 i clllee lo ill Pe o ter wz Y fis i ve,
Grac11e 111111111111 1 riter ciii tl
111 ile I~t h t 1 ar:1 1 - t iethir cast.1 lc ri o lt-i
I1il'1iril11Sols letter. I oli m loerily A B O- od.ae~~e
'1111t;v bled le 11111 1r ii';. I Opnioi111111)11re lind11 14[11ti tl
l!li)liiioo l eilleillce of College Soisigsl
.0ep its'iliy. 111 1111)111 h N e arv5ular S Bok ie.511 perbdeas
0111111 ork Lre's Growth111 of1101 I(liis v" - _ - - ---.--
All lieolll ii 11111'01illit(10110l01 1)0 Isiol 1)1)1
1)1111)11' 111111 li oili1'iil fooilr. ll111. ' C 0Cold " °1 i A'0'0''00' T.r

toris if tlii 11 1 illet ii o llsi t l ' 111 1)11-
1110)1 isn re literniry 111.111Iii 00) ililli.
11111n- lsilwh ic ;1i ls I i ) l i ll i ts
lii k flit11 5 i'll). 1 ;1) 1 01 'oll) 11171t
Graduate Club Meeting.
h e 1 ie' il [. oihe(i l l il os(1) i t
11)r' Prof.) r l ]ufi o "ly' ill "ebsiI. 1
1' l 1 11' 1 wrl of o il' 1111 17' Idis'o l g ''eF

.rHeavy Paper, $1.00. ri ACOUS & ALLMALN 1
Collecs<se "",1.0 u iiiid O yiii . 3('i 1U0.10 11 KN) O ER) l) iE
Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt.
T i) y hpp I of.ihe k0nd01 il liii.
Heavy Paper.$1.00. c nx)tiou)1)1 (111)00
Sad naa Tas a~~e Mmallss Ada Gray
SendOneof TeseVolu es ome, Su1howt<I y 1100 1F. iN) 00.
in h
1 1536 %Vsio n St1.1l18 , noston. ____
C. If. itso o1 . oy. PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75c.
TWhere's Only One Place!r

oly a soure Isii' 115151111r :rol c ll- 1)111)11) ('h ily'r\ t()1' I lli' lll~.lilr si11ll. Tha l1 1111k) s1114 a" lid for Yua' pearonage 1111) 1 il's tle
iolinelt. 1111 wi11 0e-I' in iii's,) .1'o I i 11 1.1)27t sI otee is at 11ei-i 1-17 an, MERCHANT TAILORS
11111011 111111 tim1 l Ir (1111) u-ill "'(1)9 19 is101111111 0111 ('l ill liiiisi 1a)ort1 1 11 37 E. 'Washington Street, Corner of Fifth.
111h' 1111 11 liI - 1111 1'm in 111liorreol 0 livllll I 1 sL ue IC ' 'i-lllls- (1e115'lO
We 11t1919110 11)9lllg but1 Teilor-Made (ClbI'910'ls pierfect iln e0v10
llllll~rshl) ~l i i 'li I11) th r I iii iii 110 il ill siE'il)l C m d a' suei io ) 11 syl ema e f'1i.0o~lit an b flll (9111 tbh 007 110.
'b~e li'hi)i lbeliy 11' 111' lo'by'Il-oi hel (ou 00 1-11111 l'or ll 51-; shop madei goods51 sold gbyale' ready101 de deal'11 ler Ciote~ til se 11s.10
(IrThIi' 0ll)Ii'1i lye' I'm-i11'i llly j ('1 llls Ill So11' ('1111 (w(11 of Iali linter-I W WisLOOK}'1 A(,Tt11VA fO1n sonicIth LInSt t .iosil 1
91105'da 11115)li-.illoNoll- n]'1(-(s.]:i oeotylittele( onr n o a lessilibg iiile .b1l 1111 il-ill huy t1l 0'1111111 0111' )1 o ll'li l UIS N O ER OA S
(lillel'i 1 911 1 00 the lob' i ebnillI f,: 1iil's iiir1 I al,)il'.ds o 11 iosi i rlar1
Ille ioi Ch')11lill.- .1s 1)11)1 oli(:g'- 1sse f iir I 'ii'lO~l lillil 11Sli Ol0 associatel M1990 SUITS illD OE RCOATS.t ±)l1hs'l at811A1)lKiol 'sors .11ch..izr~ll.1;5tw >)(U ~sol 1IL~ ito U(1Gttfo.----- --- 1)0
91)1 0111) ill his aoidn's yesierdly N-i 1115-1 (hl'iiu'l l~tibuuurio ti y'ill l.1101'o. fA $i25.00 usltom -Matde Suit of1 Overcoat foir. 12. o11
l'ori' le ,9111b101c1asstl ''1ii'(nly (lifilt 111'y- ias '1ots a ( \s 181"0.00 Cusotoml MadeI Stilt (It Ov'er'oatt for'. 15(1
110, 51109 1 t n e -I l eni 1)11 il"'Ii. .$:;10)1.i til 1111) ieb r'A X 35.00 (.lestoln Maide Sit (If Overcoat for. -. - 11 (.0
1I) i's~'o A $40. 00 Custo111 MadeI Stuit or Overtcoat for. 201.1
Kiblt if ' 1liiliell'i1 to' do' so 1)\iy h Ii'nol 1 -o111 n(',i. 1 41(0Cltn ~ it S^li 111' Ore 1).. . 2 .(
'(I wul be re- orel t. to ])111';' Memorial Services. PANTS. PANTS. PANTS.
lhes' d(' 1db' il e f 1 'ei'oibe ('111e111 (by' lilli'll l)'1'' 1111 holiilir 0'Ilbilr . b 0( uullM te11i'(fPl flt . . 2.1
Ix1)1 r" l" il i ti to1 11 1-l-i'550' '.'il 11 111t ii (= lIPo B o 'liii w 1 il'l I' N, h Id 11(e II >. ( CutStolll Mti de 1011d 91f Pants( flit' - - 21..)o
luo- 1 justitioble. 11 bl wIill pr)11Ilily I lf11e I Ilisi'y o)9' 11i a11,gsii ill Niw II A ' S.00 Ctistoml Madle Pair9 of± Pants1 for 4. 4o1f
C11 11 l. 'll' li i 1 . $12.0 Culstblll M'ade Pair of Pants for- . .. got
.tr il ll, 11111e neliiA 'osh~y i I a i.'(i-ii-l. Anly 1;i(ullr to (le i re'i
'l'11",;'l~orlaw0011t~i ( Ia n wil h'19 ]ill- ii.( 'n ll obby )oto-i MERCHANT TAILORS MSI.CLOTHINGPA LR
pu(llaoese aI~i 91-1'tl'( of Ih'llry (lly. gslra)blilrl' 11 I' erI1(b)) a. 151erb' 37 E. S't bslillgtoIn St.? (,orler of Fifth %'7e
If swill Ill IlAlcbil 1l1 ilii 21 If the11)'.cblillhr oLe~ s l ll 11 at le 11131-1 a11 1. 0101 ' X l ellgI~i I I. audy 1t 1o
Ilb~lll heilery' cr lbi'11 utl.9p.i.,Studysuti.11p.i

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