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January 11, 1895 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-11

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Sagna Evnig ews Te ii~iiDr. Sargent, of Harvard, is O-
Thtidhtte rs aso u lneof te 111el).\I'. fimii"iZ all- lii' posed to an Assciation of Ty omciwtotbos
Musical Clubs. -Atl hetic Bene- lyt0eanw10ItWos
fit Tomorrow Night. ial lie1 b-siowed llnf0 I he .t this Character. Some eo~le though try to use
sins. A 'is or l ''i' ii lflhl'illt it'rieililhi lttle'
lii iiiie leill en e n ' City ' 'iim's: oneo ti l 1.s cal' the l'111 iii
tor- ciilit y tel eall(Iii njoiiil ub;ii5 lion yablili evnits of liie'wcoISws liiihe i' P's 1 oseasshciaHoienlon
mvi be onomis 1 l t he lest illts ial I i'is clc11l''i t li1'li, I.ii i jiiiiihlie iiwly ifrm idil 11111 lleit eS iliW ic ae o
lii' nimi Sansill('.'II iisi'lais
frn n ilic-l 'iS' i i m of mmen l
doiiiili enurei'mm1: n s ge iii iiof 'isalt- ii:' Ilii'.il'i sis ailnemld iti lull dhiss. i' ''f lii 51 South Maio st.
poesummi's :i1-imm 'iii' iii to talc i tlmis almileilmoiem'to1mhemigtenim e l mmv
lialn l o h l~ait ,M il hi hlin h ldlan at~ine 1 ~cat.101miii. im i i I l'm'mim'ii n Co. u ll ,
li'iimlm imilmmm miilmii'' m'sii.h lsl :1liii'liiiii i'iuili'g u'. ii 'le lsons .
mu' m'mlm'g'm' wir'. 'lhis rs i5 imsmm'i l ramd imi lmiims I Imld ilo dohmsm
miy iii'111111 'XiIllii~ii~m.. Sm iii , v113mimihe mswou l upoei mly mm i l oluuiiils
iii m'm'vu'' l y Iha St lie mi 1m i mmm li'imiil''ii ii ii'iili' 11111' mi-g nilm sii'alnoil l y m'.omi is .1 111.11-'
' tA timldmim.1mm o il. ouc'mimmi
ofil i n e hmsie liss 1mh 'iisi'.over 5m i
paperm's: 1imigmm im's iiii'mimi lml.''andmmm iii'm' ii s 111mi ls i'' Is teLEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESSmidSHORf'
nt iteollgo. hat I .111ove mmmii'en s HAND. tMagifient bmildig; iteniteachs; mlang
lusmmmimimlAli'mmmun"'e ui 5: 'I'im' mum' iimgii'r' 'eil. Inaite dn oe; god disipin; spioins work well
mg'mmb for lim' fmm cmis cmmmeI 'nts Nisgimi'. sppliedi roading rao; diy lecnins; Sanrda
11mm' e f it, imiigmii Il'mmi''iSiiy' 'l'l'is fiu' i''th ev .Ii ii mmi e ;1m111'' imil lmmi 11lim'lm'sl'm' fomi' mmmiism'imlm i nl i fmm oge r ai ng t suemis nts eyarnFuca
(ill a'''ndm limimjum mlmls seis greetmu y cI'll ofi I imI' lli mmii emil'f1t m'e mli im' oadl and onom $ ino D71 pr week in piate
mitunu 111vcl 1udcs ot e t v e m d n hc allt is miiimmm'm'i. '1mm'i ii timlhim ' mlmm'iRH.CLFARY. Pres.
clasial In o 11co ic mitir I as s imimimefmmi m l' s i tis I vi1m'or ill e
mlimll semiws mmmm' t1mpetemi mli ii LOW m I'NE~Y'S CIHOCOLr.ATES
he lm imisf'rimg'htm(mi o tm l ess mi i o
pmr, m themimm 1 mm' cmilm, mmmiiithe mfir+i:TL '
Jls tle In i li' (comm i.71-oi mmlii 48 S STLATY'E2 STI.
ll. lihe'simas iiism'm'im'm e 11 mm i smmmmmm _________________________________
4 _1 minim' fcim ilssimiuliiearnmmhiii (, 1 'iRANDALL fo'
rih.mudin the cudi no' ouc calm,
it Artistic Photos.
imm~1ittohmi'llii' m'nlic'mis t (ni.A mmiii LARESlOPEATING HROM INSTAT[I
°tf imy' lmvi'mmi'1111i orisimli iii'.NO.15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
tirlmm'mmm eg l o i'hss o(m ll' mm c1mmmmi m m r or V.oi
r. II 'mlil.X .lO i Ii. ''Ann'm''Arb'oymrlliMilmmih.i
Choral Union Concert Vesper Services m'colm' mig''amldimmilmmss wo'rk tommkeepli ED. A. CADIEUJX
ud, lonng i th c~b~ra I lio'Latest Improved Barber Shop
'Imi 'm ug ii 1mm iTowcii ilum' a m' servm'is alimlm smll iibmt mileii, m' theivaueiiofii'gtemm al'?m f1m tici ini'i'ty'.3_E. '11'm otmsmist. 1t lo ormm
ciim's Albeto T'ii luuis mt'ill giel l' .~' I m i ce i emm mi'S iistsmmsi''er iare i 'isoitm)mm 'lmtivl 'i'siimlem mmi' iimi toMititi s .AsumA ior.
mmli mis itmc si asmmi cm' m1m1- inif muiul 1511s mmiimo i''len ii Sm i 1'im'm'm ii u lt i '' i'iiig mii lm im iiui'i'snmiim . .
l brimillimi oot 'immmn mmc tiem mby' ii ii''liu 'ecars. Ionlme 15mm11 nituhoin il iitH(timimiis. JO L L..Y'& CO'S
th itn n S ltdtpu i uihil. 'miii all 'iadmil music' andiisung wiill l1-; - '"lc sies 11the mlii'ctors mi murged, iihi liii' n TT S. Do' ai o o e
lii a ttndnlsiamt this ieii'tmuimmmmii l im''iiiilitt Iu'uinms'miiIilum iil'{li'ip imniiiiimsa~nI i ii nt knid cod Lunches ato iiAllFos.
mu laungemi ms l' iingm'l mummmcig ~' ili uu 'X''tl'. Iy' thisuimans 11m'emtpiub limes' vii, ilium iiufi' stosim hatie.lii inmm
ailge of sylies miinmis.'ctin'e~i letionms will hi'eiinsimemitael of' mnteriitalmiminmi liii's'iece sum fmir'thatmn li -
sinl!Dogivn ~hel mmm 'mi'iiy ii cil. miii it mmvery high oder' man ili' huc oe i couch themmi m11m and mmi
lfhe follow'iing is til' imcogm'mim form'theu whleanl'iige of sacidin'iin ic wil tul In, howevenS'r goodil miia n 'sliiiitiimmii itimuAT
se ig: cmiefuly' stdied. might 1m'bie hn'de le iusiims omint mm i { flVO K TO lD E
'Sosata. op. 23. -_.._.....Rtomet 5elTmn1mmIIRSY4Ietsio Adnio cez.Rod.amttrobutato hpbi
Prelude in D minor.-.-.- -------ISong Rehearsals.
Noturnen isD f sat umjr. mini....imiculdseomeumt iig fammettle t i ili _____
Etdeop. 10, No.5aloenllack ket
Mlannekas Isnftmajoro.5ii. t.No.1..._i-Chopiin Bmgiiii1g' sithm nestl~idmy' lie. cut fin1amts tumy' iim'misiiuu. It
IlA minor, nip. 17, No 4.arharto University Physics.
is RAfAt, op. 1t. No. .... Stant'y' will oit all who mreiite'r's-is thoicoiiimetitioni iiftiprofesionalls EernoedvaEup.
I'oonaise is A flit majorelo. 53 -......'sMeiva E
'Trhe Cucko"-----------Lonis (Iansie iD'Amlin im'iiin rIlugi' sonugs, iroomi'4 main mmaryigliii'stmandari of sill sum higih CisCse nTro
Itapriccinon isngEmajr.....Sarattiansi hs' ae nTrs
hIrsiadset imagniE mliui'...Ssodeosot tbuiling', mt 415io-cod:. T' l'omi.tmliitg atli 1mslesroyei imh'ust ii collge'
Roance, """'s'l 1mieiioeyt''ili ietmii' si ms'iifr Paige's Caeo in Partnership.
'Imeill-"be heldolssevWalingFoitheyimmi ould msieriru'Ziwet's Nechanic, Part III.
Wavsend"........................ on the aLisztoThin nlie imals h litiirtheii' smeiatIvmy' iii
Wa ..... ____. iz hsioiesoudb ufiin oAndrew Stephen's Pleading.
Prof. Rsssell wmiii offer a course iii briiigout a reseld whici wililfiill' n tofheiilsr yNovy's Bacteriology.
pic'lal geology lAest. semiester. room. Subscribe for the Daily. Huber's histology

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