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October 03, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-03

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THlE U. OF M. l) I LY".
F. "C. STEBBINS, THE N EWV SchaIIers 8ooksto !
BE[ABL % 4OYMA U L F+ormnerly with George Wahir, 19
I E. Washioeton of. Headquarters for
Wl alfrai iivewok YIlSI:Laiti , 1MI('ll everythiing a, Student needs in the
Wilalor____dlve wr line of Text-Books, Stationery and
4-- -"ly I~fA ~ A Miscellaneous Stock in geoeral.
SAISATIN GUARANTEED. liIiicl i te-s eli issholistial H DWNTONBO
thm ii d ii rtiywi.,s. ieiilm tnti, l~t DWNOW BOSELLER,
liii i hey sill uhf itdme aceer
_. . ,s1 ir;sRh. inii'v. 1) l. Washington ci., one hlock
WV. H. LEWIS, Prop'. east iof llain st.
7ri. E 50- FRFRTCASMAS."il yly igh ai 3atiSiri"e tinille RY hIfEl tTHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK A. E. MUMMERY'S,
Iiciiiilitl it5.ittii'rt. E t DlhIINIP PARLOR Ais tlsiii, , I i t -15111 Q~cQ. KEEP YOUhRSELF NEAT
Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; E"LUIl iiosis litisiiiilii. i-.
Permanent Alignmient; nen Instantly (ti Statie andibrsts. sesellthies, ctpa elsoJnelOn eipipriicsi I lee ' its eandADCEN
,Changeable Type. litsueIsirefe-sece-hedtupon properU We will help you withi !7
EDWARDS E l IXV Fr,) ivlieeiiiiii. Stiyild epolisit, oes to ent
J1. S. PEARL, Agent, Boi de ote d,01 It I(PIti'i Chri s t ie'iAl ,Steel. . 0 I). 4- lNire
To keop posted, readt the *- AEF'SETOLE SAP
YLoA.B leBt PINS $150 Daily. Edition today 3,000. i« fs e
With .f r the !Ul fMo ,I 1 , SPONGES.'N W NNm"KI'
year 7C._J-1_-. $ NEW DRUG STORE.
WAM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. Sweaters to measure, all colors, woolen, $3. Sox, all weal, faint colors, 12?<c -
A N N A ' Linen Shirts, made to measure, 75c. Tailor Mlade Suits, r
SE ML U D YC. toiitier,25 per cent under Ann Arbor prices. S4J[ IR
ST ML UNRUL U YC.iAvoid jobbersI o. ad whtoiesaler's lirolits.. Suits $10, $12, $15, $16, 1..7^ __
m__iaude to order. OFFICE, STATE ST. MUSIC STORE.
The Daily is edited, pub- flaki'nto mistake. Dro you wataitlaiipi? W'ica sliowv youi t great FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING
islid andsuppoted b thevtarie-ty anud give y-on lower prices titatiaity lhouise'in this market.
.fse ndspote yte An extintationtiof stir stork detionistrates that itcoitainus the best torer i5 oilat and Wilimst.,
students. tutanitmost impiroived lamip tiade. TIiirly-thuree years exilirietlee ini the
Latip Buitsiness is seurtli somthitig. Buty of us tand get the bentefit o1' it. MOORE & WETMORE
" :D ';A N & COIVdIA _N Y_ ItS. M1ain st., and Slate st., stir-
44 South Main Street. itei of William st., have a
i comnplete stock of

Second Hand Books,
College Text Books,
Law Books,
Medical Books,
'at ciit rate prices atith(le
Bargtains ini Statiotnery andttlse
Books. spe'cial reductiotis this week
sti K. & K's Drawing 1 ustruitietits.
We hatve thes (est.
and Sportig Goods for tlie new
gymlnasittit. Coite andl see its. We
are the largest detalers iii (le city
and our prices are (lie lowest.
Wholesale and Retail Booksellers
C'heaper thtan ainywhiere else iii
(lit Coutry.
in AnntiArbois I
"U. COF sW. '. &XLLPS
1 t-t a.dbit 4 iyle oftiseteiuandiDo-
met-itt15',cel into 1'tist ciassfit; ad irt clslts
nscl2 sxIuttinier. essnise, prsi;andgStl
retlisiinetiesily dens.
48 S. State ni.,Seadleaor, Ann Artist.

USN IVERSITY NOTES. I Prof. Slleciiti lceture's to lthe sentioirs
lawstoda on"Wils,.and tt (Jh IEBSlTY T[XT BOKSI
A. 1-. 3Slonrot'114 demntt 1i5 'tcd ttt jaiiiors cmi 'Agettey:'NWad eod
hits hoient' inht.T'fitatctulty cencerts ofthelii' iis r Wad Cl a1
Dentattl fatitiy iterltig « s held ct colo Mscwl egvnol Nuiti tttois and ether Sitdetts' Suplies
oilySehtusiof Msicsyih (i clvii ieie Stationtery, SortintueGtosi, etc, hc
yiesi'1tttiitedateWooit. Octobter 14 Novembere1 S ad 15, ciriit- they etter at the tiowesti ces.
A. .1. Ctasey, '941idett, is practieitig hre I h, Jtitury 10 situ iebuarty 7.
ita iiitt Bitg',I. \iocestgeceiist f1t Call and see us before put-chasing.
1t. J1. SteCoeniek, '94 lent, ihisuopen-I:riven bitSthisyouing pueple sf ttit S N 5=) S_.14 SO CG-A..R St._'Isi sN
i'd ini officesat ('lat'anty, N. Y. Arbor ho the newivstiuets, weire hl BLIRS N OL
Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos.
I;. 1. Ba~ckus, '94 letis Senjoyingl ini tiiidifcint cuhties'Tutesdaty No. hi N. MiStm ut'.
ti luirative pmrtctic-e at St. Josepih. eenng
lHttry' Weight, '91 lit, is instrnuctuor 'The AlpuhatiNuitehrtary society wmillI[iF
its Latin ini this Detroit high school. holit its first iuctimgnutnet Sattrdaty
Prof. 1Meriemit sill lecture to liii'nilghf, iatt 3. 'fle pro rimtiilhue ~ ~ I
jimniors ott tWiils' it 2 is.i. todaty. tiannounced'51aterin miii' week. All sri'e f ~ i2 i ifiQ
Itarry G. Sheck, 'hid lit, hias accepited weclcomne. anll IoiI I UUU
a positioni witht this Miiitis orchesOt. 'liii'use uf Noritso's "Billstintd
Stamuel P. Irwvini,'94 ltasv, is practic- Notes" as ti text-book intshle Lass Coriner Washington st., aid
iing his profession inii Bloomitington,, 11" school scill preobtably tue disconitinuved. Ashley st.
A. At'. Sitti, '94 lit, is teachuinig'Theeoo to supiersede' it hiss mit yet rr
hlistory ini the Stilt tLake City high hesi tnnouimmed. ]Ra te s t arnr a $
school. -Te Webster litertary society -mill
hat ht candidates swio took the cs- hold its (lest regultur sessin for (t'e '_- 1 RO1TZ 123.
~iimatism iniiilatckstomne, 102 wverc lute- yetar tontighit it 7'f0itnt Webster tall,
cessfiil. hewhbuilditng. A receptisoi will also 14. STAeEBLEn,
IL. D. Weight, '94 liti, ssi this lawnv be givenitoIsthue juiorss.
tenntischanmpionship of theiDetrtoit Ti ii' ttstsaeibu hi teii-a~z[ItOPaETOR.
uetitag held htast motishl.tinces at te tLawdepartmsenst wvilbe G. . I XIL.IDi
Dr. tFranklsBresw-m,'90, is ii intsecity. greater this Sear luau cs-er before.
Dr. Browvn wcill go to Grandh itaid5STe nummber ensrollesititus ftir exceeds,, ~ fIIP T
iii a. fess- days to lractice. thosse enrolela tst yerat this timiueTH [ DN A l"
II. C. Videl, '91 lacy, is practicintglbytiboiut 60. L~ u u~ IO
swithi J. F-. 1lalforth, the Republicana Ncxt Sundtay test. itosvton still Has the newest Fall and Winter
ntormiee feerecmigress, in Denver, Cois. begin aitsries of lectures otihis"tacws Wooleirs amid largest stock iii the
city. You can get any selec-
Sir. Blentley. last year substitmuts and Customs of the lewss" at lbs tins, tionr you are looking for.
pitcher on the 'Varsily teanm, is to hi of Christ. 'Te lectures will be de-
married shisrtly. tie still not return liv'ered Is a chaos iii(te Sunday school COME+ AND SEE US.
to college. of the irst Baptist churchi. 2 E. Washington at., near Main st.

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