1 ttWof
At. lilj
VOL. V. NO. 4J.
A MUSICAL FEAST. A Challenge. 'Varsity Football. NO GO STUDENT
The Theodore Thomas' Orschestra To thie 1. of1--t. Daily:F ootball pratiet' yet'rday was dll- GO
Auspiciously Opened the Cheral We hereby ellallellg;e you r editorial voted leritels to signals. ()1Itrcoun~t Trys to lealrn wiltout books.
Union Series Last Evening,. olt l l igy olil.o i'foe '0llitoe i'gelt Sonic le ho tilghitry to use
lflusicll illstrlllnels withnoblittle
line of tliii largist 11011 i nstatever subtect to lihe followilli 'olililioiono: tie'ti- le 1ev 'li ee not0111 lilt111ii)
aiebe 1 i ll io tiliversily hail gr'eeird 1.The l e'i'ivi'nse shall 1eho 1( l i p aa tlusi r arh otlieorveliy )lo1?,. Nt ll ,to'
t11e Theodore ''l)eoias orchestra list entitre];yof eioiateur p Ilayer"K exiliteg ii raclie wsofsfet lit]he olr. Bator-We Say Bqa Ihase J Ihich Have jlane,
eveing'INii rl y vey seatlll i 1 lllleii(( '1' 1111 5' 1'io ll ither' ()It 1 111- I'll 111115 . vd1111 game 111(1 (Itene ltlllil'fl l(] 11 of dash___________________________
-0v's'illedl andIf tlit(, crowdllin. mbered'Ph t o r on , teleli, ' llI~'il' (~llti 111(111,111)snoetithly a fas 5(1 ie.W el h t i
lastll ?,_ 00' poplr dee'l ie11101 :.1 'lil ' as11 1111' 1 ito ( 1)t11 e' tc.(a' d t h1 isis F ell l e rtoil. 1 )(211.ov(
'11 0i f anl y rivas.) ' Io'ktio e 1110111 1'th e."1 ,1 e al ~ e a s b tt t n bfo rete. l(Ov'0 l'. u e. R ice .'6 (1111th0M ants1'
oil)1.t 11 1111'a is a i '('f c i( t e tl i l' bsftitu' 11111 sha ll ib l 111' ('(( ll(05 b1('i1 1 C illfornll lt, 101011 n d. 11 it ol beif. B E A L 'So S H O E S T O REr Th u o l i n lu e iidc ii w 's on ,11"1 n ti tlr y ~" s so i(Nv tt f a I T
-is l' 1 ~'fap ear nce was a it I (((( f or i e ar11t t y o t I he Ir't c t11111111 0i.11'111if' 1lie 110 Iti.' su' pi' se(' af11,111 ' (tO t (f 11 1 i 1110had0111.1-((letY iFI N E' 10( 1
applatis 111As 'a(i'flctr he has1( f( 110 ite111115' t e 111 iler ely(l( i 1(, 111f111 111 1 rh in eo'i 11 1 5-1.1il loIttere 00lt 0g t 110b xo
011s0l i atedi O'i''lis 00fact before ''e 'The('upire ill(]eerl (fil o ( 'lib nobe'll efti'. I'll 0(1 iia 11,1 n RoEtJ L Y Oill to S
wa1111nd aflteres 11tll' ollllh Ws( ebbted5'ai'111. 1Api'tlAIANro, I Frie wshmanof Seant Club.aeacing
lin '11' fIlole hiscfu 1('l i rtinthl o he Dal, hal e O'~p er .ti i t) t.n:_________ Stodnckl 2ndhal . itLeiSH EsS T elAO ESlb
rl-itri'i('ll li '1111'hs )-apoit ll e. t a rile'l'0 fors1111'st~'iues lMRCANtTALOaN
(11111 Ne w il hiBooks. 0 ('ri m d os:o hr;,sn. I
merta, a thi rf ma(eiste D yudr no tther"o....... S-thallehelirst;(11,111heldoIneli' pla ve ry fas11111t Icullwantetosig ettfielboxr of
abv lPeon lithe e t l earid." .-tiaoity ife111'1100 ('(1110(010111' 1111-11111itil' ra i ll id rild two1111(1 i cli Che11 ap; 5Hot or ColdL uchs E. hiter
gge - - - - - - --he evllti. -10 11oin Cas n lsit'lit nr lar 111'li f o rell l ndovi thel ery'11 liost(11 ol-( R E15' B E H IJ' .JIIS 'Oi IIEJ
Overture-' TLasehausar -------
tW uiiaeben _ ----__ '------- anner
111(10oatthe Wlkaries------- --1
During tie' interissionllfollowovii
Illrt birst, Prof. Staniley' annaouniced
thiatfile Coliumbianoani l .il couildl Pbt
Freshman Social.
'11' greeatievenit f freshmanlo: life ini
theoFUiversity 10 alosays till' first
freshimaiisocial. It is the first oppoar-
innity gi-eli sohere all 11115' tecoe
acquainted. Upper rclas1men1minigle
with, andlielp inake till'occasion iii-
joyable for till'nacuaeintlited. The
social at Granger's 11111, «Wediii'day'
evening, will tbe110 exception to the
general rule if effit'ieiit iianagelunt
goes to prove anything. Joinos' orclies-
tra, one of ft'e best muicial organiza-
tions in the city, has been secured for
Ihe occasion. Thhe pro gr'amui will ini-
clodoeooaltzes and twvo steps. 'The
affair is to bte strictly iiifitrial.
A new graiid staiit to be erected
on the Univesity of Pennsylvania
Athletic grounds will require 250,0010
feet of lumber and wtill seat 2.5,000
t'iisitoy," 115' NrmIzin Iarloo',"hn- AIlthlhlil. t'taildlrt; U1t tbanjotl, LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
111n11SSaterosauys." tE. It. tJoihnon; WeSiner, OdoselS', .ll'iillfsns 111FlieIr; JUTI Cl If'VIII AT
"Ct'itultionl lilltorS (If till' Illot 'd2(1tanjoil. Ptter, 'Looisl, 'Nortoui; 4+TUTTLE'S,
(If tLordso." L.. P ike."Lil1le Iectur'c llil' \'le'I5iI irflt 1111111.48 5. STATE ST.
AnirletteColonhies." 'ertlaindti 1 '. 00 mid-eL111 (.011 0w(11k1a5 soonlits11p11(.0- ' SCHOOL OF DANCING.
bihiiop; ''1h115hlil."'Th'i'illltlL'05I. Dot- 01i111. 1' ~Ie iilter0115' 11111titthre', ('lasses nolen. Pupils t0110reeivedl lt CIIy
tials, tIIe tenss)'tartinlg wi11l ate ofatldelto-
struetionaof Mr.and Mel. (10ss Gruger. NI
Maes" . t.Coikiil "lain o <n liii a e 11(11 o -ni Ool i talirsco mounelt. tOffice (lnd Dniese ll oh
tile';roundli llfloor, 6tMlliynarli st.
the Ohiio Va~lley' Stato's." SamuelhiIl shire Ill result.
Adamlts Drake; "icolr Hug.o." Ernest Laws vs. High School., } ~\II .
Dthlol s't"tory of 'NessYork ilty," WA IIS-UU--IUIL
Chbarl's B. ''P0111. 'Pile 1111ss1"a ill'btee~slll t~ (helils0____________
Mass Meeting. 1100aw 11an1dhh 1110(11 footbll tealill We oiler discounit on all
gill bt layedIS1at hth111'fair groundil (t 'University Text-Books,
Arraugelnits iave teenl coiltpletedi :,.,10 tis lafternoon.lI.'111indica1'ttions15 Law, BMedical, Pharnauceutical
~for h~otlig a.1massillOhetingin, llthe ae har't111till'ameiwll'b1111111'11101' 1111 'and Scientific Books.
chapel WXednesdtay at 4 o'clock. TPhe ihrd foulght thlroughlout. We boy antI sell second-hand books.
object of the lleil en to reheairse I iP.ds5cbmbtwe n clin tie ll' 10111 Mathematical Instrnmeints acid
ilieilg lIiif riily')fllllDIrafting Supplies at special
the sonigs Per ithe C'ornlllgamie. '97 lit 1111s beenh 'conltetdPly t'apltinhrates. We oiler
P'rof. Staitley hlas kindly conenhte'd Sticer', of tlihltier teamil, (11 the cilim Best Linen Paper at 20C Per Lb.
tbelrenaid sssiilhdlltthat ILeboy 0011011110eligile~ to hplly BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
the singing. Severuil ime'mbers (If till' i'ider the rlt'es golverniniggtheitler-
tGlee club sill aid intie wt'oork. 10''e'y- class ganll' s. 'T'he matter osill c'omle SOLE AOENTS1tORt
b~ody is explectedl totbrinig thilir sonlip 1before 1111'Athle~tic boardl lfor ecoil- 4 WAM[MEiNS 51St FUNTAIH PEN. +#
and assist ini the soork. sidleration thits evening.''-,'O 'r E8
Mas Metng omrrw. ubcrbe orth l~il.Uniiversity BSeabstare, Dews Tess,
Xas Xetig omoro . Sbsrib fr te ail.en Stole s5k Opp. Court Hsuse.