1 ttWof At. lilj VOL. V. NO. 4J. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1894. PI IIC;i TntIIIZ:; CENTS. A MUSICAL FEAST. A Challenge. 'Varsity Football. NO GO STUDENT The Theodore Thomas' Orschestra To thie 1. of1--t. Daily:F ootball pratiet' yet'rday was dll- GO Auspiciously Opened the Cheral We hereby ellallellg;e you r editorial voted leritels to signals. ()1Itrcoun~t Trys to lealrn wiltout books. Union Series Last Evening,. olt l l igy olil.o i'foe '0llitoe i'gelt Sonic le ho tilghitry to use lflusicll illstrlllnels withnoblittle line of tliii largist 11011 i nstatever subtect to lihe followilli 'olililioiono: tie'ti- le 1ev 'li ee not0111 lilt111ii) aiebe 1 i ll io tiliversily hail gr'eeird 1.The l e'i'ivi'nse shall 1eho 1( l i p aa tlusi r arh otlieorveliy )lo1?,. Nt ll ,to' t11e Theodore ''l)eoias orchestra list entitre];yof eioiateur p Ilayer"K exiliteg ii raclie wsofsfet lit]he olr. Bator-We Say Bqa Ihase J Ihich Have jlane, eveing'INii rl y vey seatlll i 1 lllleii(( '1' 1111 5' 1'io ll ither' ()It 1 111- I'll 111115 . vd1111 game 111(1 (Itene ltlllil'fl l(] 11 of dash___________________________ -0v's'illedl andIf tlit(, crowdllin. mbered'Ph t o r on , teleli, ' llI~'il' (~llti 111(111,111)snoetithly a fas 5(1 ie.W el h t i lastll ?,_ 00' poplr dee'l ie11101 :.1 'lil ' as11 1111' 1 ito ( 1)t11 e' tc.(a' d t h1 isis F ell l e rtoil. 1 )(211.ov( '11 0i f anl y rivas.) ' Io'ktio e 1110111 1'th e."1 ,1 e al ~ e a s b tt t n bfo rete. l(Ov'0 l'. u e. R ice .'6 (1111th0M ants1' oil)1.t 11 1111'a is a i '('f c i( t e tl i l' bsftitu' 11111 sha ll ib l 111' ('(( ll(05 b1('i1 1 C illfornll lt, 101011 n d. 11 it ol beif. B E A L 'So S H O E S T O REr Th u o l i n lu e iidc ii w 's on ,11"1 n ti tlr y ~" s so i(Nv tt f a I T -is l' 1 ~'fap ear nce was a it I (((( f or i e ar11t t y o t I he Ir't c t11111111 0i.11'111if' 1lie 110 Iti.' su' pi' se(' af11,111 ' (tO t (f 11 1 i 1110had0111.1-((letY iFI N E' 10( 1 applatis 111As 'a(i'flctr he has1( f( 110 ite111115' t e 111 iler ely(l( i 1(, 111f111 111 1 rh in eo'i 11 1 5-1.1il loIttere 00lt 0g t 110b xo 011s0l i atedi O'i''lis 00fact before ''e 'The('upire ill(]eerl (fil o ( 'lib nobe'll efti'. I'll 0(1 iia 11,1 n RoEtJ L Y Oill to S wa1111nd aflteres 11tll' ollllh Ws( ebbted5'ai'111. 1Api'tlAIANro, I Frie wshmanof Seant Club.aeacing lin '11' fIlole hiscfu 1('l i rtinthl o he Dal, hal e O'~p er .ti i t) t.n:_________ Stodnckl 2ndhal . itLeiSH EsS T elAO ESlb rl-itri'i('ll li '1111'hs )-apoit ll e. t a rile'l'0 fors1111'st~'iues lMRCANtTALOaN (11111 Ne w il hiBooks. 0 ('ri m d os:o hr;,sn. I merta, a thi rf ma(eiste D yudr no tther"o....... S-thallehelirst;(11,111heldoIneli' pla ve ry fas11111t Icullwantetosig ettfielboxr of abv lPeon lithe e t l earid." .-tiaoity ife111'1100 ('(1110(010111' 1111-11111itil' ra i ll id rild two1111(1 i cli Che11 ap; 5Hot or ColdL uchs E. hiter gge - - - - - - --he evllti. -10 11oin Cas n lsit'lit nr lar 111'li f o rell l ndovi thel ery'11 liost(11 ol-( R E15' B E H IJ' .JIIS 'Oi IIEJ Overture-' TLasehausar ------- tW uiiaeben _ ----__ '------- anner 111(10oatthe Wlkaries------- --1 During tie' interissionllfollowovii Illrt birst, Prof. Staniley' annaouniced thiatfile Coliumbianoani l .il couildl Pbt Freshman Social. '11' greeatievenit f freshmanlo: life ini theoFUiversity 10 alosays till' first freshimaiisocial. It is the first oppoar- innity gi-eli sohere all 11115' tecoe acquainted. Upper rclas1men1minigle with, andlielp inake till'occasion iii- joyable for till'nacuaeintlited. The social at Granger's 11111, «Wediii'day' evening, will tbe110 exception to the general rule if effit'ieiit iianagelunt goes to prove anything. Joinos' orclies- tra, one of ft'e best muicial organiza- tions in the city, has been secured for Ihe occasion. Thhe pro gr'amui will ini- clodoeooaltzes and twvo steps. 'The affair is to bte strictly iiifitrial. A new graiid staiit to be erected on the Univesity of Pennsylvania Athletic grounds will require 250,0010 feet of lumber and wtill seat 2.5,000 Pseople. t'iisitoy," 115' NrmIzin Iarloo',"hn- AIlthlhlil. t'taildlrt; U1t tbanjotl, LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES 111n11SSaterosauys." tE. It. tJoihnon; WeSiner, OdoselS', .ll'iillfsns 111FlieIr; JUTI Cl If'VIII AT "Ct'itultionl lilltorS (If till' Illot 'd2(1tanjoil. Ptter, 'Looisl, 'Nortoui; 4+TUTTLE'S, (If tLordso." L.. P ike."Lil1le Iectur'c llil' \'le'I5iI irflt 1111111.48 5. STATE ST. AnirletteColonhies." 'ertlaindti 1 '. 00 mid-eL111 (.011 0w(11k1a5 soonlits11p11(.0- ' SCHOOL OF DANCING. bihiiop; ''1h115hlil."'Th'i'illltlL'05I. Dot- 01i111. 1' ~Ie iilter0115' 11111titthre', ('lasses nolen. Pupils t0110reeivedl lt CIIy tials, tIIe tenss)'tartinlg wi11l ate ofatldelto- struetionaof Mr.and Mel. (10ss Gruger. NI Maes" . t.Coikiil "lain o