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November 15, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-15

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1 tl of

A LTi'i

Voo.. V. No. 41.



PLAYED A TIE GAME. Athletic Meeting.
The Senior Laws and High Schools At a oro iag of il( 1,,ard ofdi

Evenly Matched.-Another Game
Will Be Played.
lie scolor law and10 lli high school
footbal11l oll Idpayd a Ileiia o in i
1tho 011ow1ystrday fteroon. do
sco1rel eig 44 riogme was plyd
of 1111- fair iotlios i odr to llow
1he 'Varsity athltic ie ld for iwcatie.
Thelags los kikodh110hall1 off. 1111en
the first leo lnl. Hallbo th~ouh
th ho choo'10010leo and 1 apiored I
Ithe ball1, sco1r11g a1 onllliiWllfor Ihe 1
lays ilits 011 1foss lmillius fter' 111
had (e(.011n11, 11. During1110O110riaiul-
10110 he firt halthte ihall1 r1s mlaily
ket 1illthe l111505 lrriory. 111d11isoc
line forit tuchdown1)00. No ga~l bvjO
kiked. 8S1ore 1-4.
In the sco01111alt11th high 0111001
Pa1)1110 11111 sor~ig 11il the1laws gtc
lihe 1a1111baRkto th cnrollh y ha11r0d
wo1rk. \c0i11)sill",1scored111ill '110'
half,1 a1nd1the1gain,10elie ith110. il)
Thf tic-last's hr lydtrmh
1111, 111111sveral m1o111101111 llrt. Bar
tel-s w1110b1a1111i1jured Ili11 1111lirsi
1100f1 b1101pl1u0ki11 continuedt plass's.
Springor0101011 as0refe101. Mariii-
11111111s 1umpi)re111111Yout 110 lismana.
Adelphi Meeting.
The0-followig program w till 1be 111111
by tho Adelphi liM~tary soityf00111r-
r rooleill' ill their 11015N11111m 1n1 t11
forh loo11:
Music . ... .. ... .. ... ..Qarote
Declamation.......I.. Church
Speec .l ...... . . . . ..L. Hbbard0
Continuation ofscia111 story.....
... . ... .. ...I.I,. Tho mas
M usi . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .
D~ebate: iResolved That 11101l110ture
systemilis m111010nhic0)i thao the
tetbooik sstem; a fIt,1-.-Stiers;
110g., S. It( Cook
Criti's rort. .. ... ... ... . -
- Jeffersonans.
Ti'e followig Iprogramsistill lte r01-
dered at Othienin011g"s5 llioil 11f
the Jotfersonlfalasceilty:
Declamatin ....-.. . V. )tby
Essay - C. I1. Winkolltseriler
Speech ...... .. . -. 1. T. 1-a es
Imptrmipt disussio; aff., F. Garrt;
ne., "ir. Norris.
Debate: IResoled, That the0 5-.llhilg
army of the U1n1t00 Staes shoud
be increased to 10,00110; 11ff, .
S. Cross, W. H. Iialery; 110g. .(.
C.Garrett, E. L. Norris.


last iii-1'lit. it vst'1l i eil not11 to l lllit
1)1'- 1111111 - o e 11 001)) to101110)0 .111tlt
04 tlrli -caucoil a Seasul foothall
hilket, iiici oe ic. 1111 11) 1c" arf ~se
1111e111t11lb-so 1w till 11110 1111
iliult11 l l 111')- IS 11 ,li p In .
Marin nsi- i'lioto coll- 1 - Nvith
t 1111- 1.. -loisa s t -uill oc0 r e
11111 111I'm te li r'llltlilg II it
tn11111 o t ef lo i1 J " ,. ,i .
11),-illhe- 110 iii rsity ''0kw ',11
b -u .llt M'i 0thforateilil 11")1Q0,.,.
A10111proest \ ii i). 1)1 ss'cdOw
nI 'e 111'ofillthe l' l\\-iooli ll c all

A Noble Woman Has Gone to Her
Reward.- College Girls Mouirn
Her Loss.
a i' ll 0 lIndilo00. Ina O m' tfol-
,i-111a111irea aletiss- in)10100 )death0'of
Aoi, tally lii It 0 toboo-tcu. ftc'l
ulill ears' Ill till~"inlAmi 1111 llr

Sometapeop9 le togli Itry to tuse
111 1111 111111 n llSwih itl
WeSay Buy Ihouu Which Have Tune,
51 Sooth Main st.
Opp. ourt 11ouse1 1111))St0
I r y001 wat o 00010a 1111ebox. of
Cheap; Hot or Gold Lunches Either
Night or Day go to
R. E. JOLLY & CO., Stoic St.
1-roll) the RolylConsatoilry,
Stuttgart, lGermanyl,
Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
Composition; also the Art of

ba-haill 1111d 11110c1111iinitiel4. '1cc- i omanihood.+s Itl~g
cottlnittcc <ire o docdo npo tlw lie leves fmr sals 0nda111 20 er Stidisi2oiiDivisin St. AiioirbolAlieh
oral fieauesosf tihe desigovfor 'oar.- Aisosir-lb a-iaeltcror 1)0 lrass of MERCHANT TAILORING!
sits- - fCleaning, Pressing tasd ltcbaii11
sit tenet11shits; 111)1. 51111-))hose11re 'K. Pr11111 ye, i o f the IInt'll'5i0'lof donscneatly by
ftn111tu1111llI.a i 0llli~tstill i]w11"1ane uihliiri'1lii her )olde 0111. 'ws o fioAUG. SCIHOENaEALP, 3sE.OVshligton
that i11to 1111 silr einldins ] lv- sooro(110-11111 istt ii f()ll-or)lof FIhihat i OT ZI 1*JITQTIS
those Mot membeitI)rs of the I'te,. tlle 1.110 'II 0111151 1.1NT0o1
I to eoii.li- loir.ll1'il1i 10LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
Football Captais. i JVSTi-i-r 00)1 00Iii 11110)1 5A1
theNothwstrn iivesit-,;rrve 4TUTTLE'S,
1111 11110 It lifte )1 1 0 clt 1011e1g0)et-iu hi-it +- l.s'il-i~48 5. STATE ST.
foo~tblll te--ne 10 ilwihl the iifIollows- 11i bo ld this tifti-rill)))) at 2 ____________________________________
1110 tO~liilis 0l~llrillI ~Ticketsfor Cornell Game. C ~
right 1nd111illmlo-v Talehlt IeiiilSCHOOL OF DANCING,
Ellilions,-Harvardlft eItd; HIopklns, Ticke-ts for lthe Cornllinuue inle il1101101P)11 cli-l h s
ro-oseflit haf111 h; Towf lse 101111 h tro Saturday. ,tie 111tt. st-ill lton111un1e1, thei olilstartin1wt eladte if oolwis-
thi. All classes are0un0e11100 O rsonal i10 11-
has itIsik- ao 1ilm~ l .hoSallyO'at)Olierlt-in slli.truction ltoflM. aiid lMrs. tDossGranger. YN
right t-c-11;IP'att ihi-osl ihil-rill- i11011')cestill bei-$1.50.1Iiltinbiiglth ouii flooriiG1) Maynard st.
back; Thuomas,10 Tiooici lteft hilt raiload farnd 111admission to the~AA D' nnV~Of
hark; IRutter, L-awrencevilleklefi-hid; m- " s -lssil i 1) i hi UIO Uf
Durand. Andover,'igh01011 lIlbhck, "e, oneat it 1) 11111thit ioiliit12

Scannll, Eterto, right ta-l-tb Kniossl-
toll. Bosdoin, 0101110000hark; tKlli1), t.
lo P.. lift 11111f0back.-Pilriieilinial.
Practice Court.
Theo'praeltico ur(lllt is soirieg tort'
diligently- 11is5strik. 'Ihi - ie hulli-
ations 0111on liiheileaingsiilt'510hliard
daily andl thirl1w1st udenitls z110) i-'
pressing the-ir satlisfacltion at110lie 01-
su~lts acoldisheid. Grealt ill~restist1
being shiowed by thio student;in t1 hlin
deptartmeint of 011e1r work.
Subscribe for the Daily.

o i-hg-.k ,tand111r1Ot-. 'hub still ciii-
thiio-se'liiwho lsiave1-i- ihlhilh),1 Sltlllao IWe oiler discoount onlall
ntoninan ppotunty-to ,etto heUniversity Text-Books,
hiilrhilg111 illil1111110 Ii itli lii Law-, Medical, Pharnmaceutical
..ieo bon- t l-gls. a 2:11.and Scientific Books.
lMaoag-r llBal ird hloigual-ulII. H. We hey 011d1sell second-hood hooks.
Seib. 15 1)1 1 '915'11ll ate:fur thi -coola-° Mathemnatical Instrumenlts arnd
Drafting Supplies at special
ion)1. Itie sill aint:hisil115551h1115. 11111 rates. We ottfer
still hulrei full chalrgi- 1oft t'o nise-t Best Linen pat*.r at 20c Per Lb.
______ftuesof___dd- BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25e.
Ole- tlis'irsiIoof l~elmsylsvanila nii SOLE AGENTS-FORO
Ciornllold 011 1roiss-ri(llouts 01111 :ANt. * WHO'S IDAL Ui. muImuPEN~k,++
17. 11w repreosettivels of li-nesyl-
thalihO s lwillchseni 1y' tso pize' T1770 STORES_
handicrall0111. ltsivrzity Bookstuore; Dotes Tows,
1 oil Stole st. (lOpp. Court House.

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