1 tl of A LTi'i Voo.. V. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1894. PIRICE -TiiIIEE CENTS. PLAYED A TIE GAME. Athletic Meeting. The Senior Laws and High Schools At a oro iag of il( 1,,ard ofdi Evenly Matched.-Another Game Will Be Played. lie scolor law and10 lli high school footbal11l oll Idpayd a Ileiia o in i 1tho 011ow1ystrday fteroon. do sco1rel eig 44 riogme was plyd of 1111- fair iotlios i odr to llow 1he 'Varsity athltic ie ld for iwcatie. Thelags los kikodh110hall1 off. 1111en the first leo lnl. Hallbo th~ouh th ho choo'10010leo and 1 apiored I Ithe ball1, sco1r11g a1 onllliiWllfor Ihe 1 lays ilits 011 1foss lmillius fter' 111 had (e(.011n11, 11. During1110O110riaiul- 10110 he firt halthte ihall1 r1s mlaily ket 1illthe l111505 lrriory. 111d11isoc line forit tuchdown1)00. No ga~l bvjO kiked. 8S1ore 1-4. In the sco01111alt11th high 0111001 Pa1)1110 11111 sor~ig 11il the1laws gtc lihe 1a1111baRkto th cnrollh y ha11r0d wo1rk. \c0i11)sill",1scored111ill '110' half,1 a1nd1the1gain,10elie ith110. il) Thf tic-last's hr lydtrmh 1111, 111111sveral m1o111101111 llrt. Bar tel-s w1110b1a1111i1jured Ili11 1111lirsi 1100f1 b1101pl1u0ki11 continuedt plass's. Springor0101011 as0refe101. Mariii- 11111111s 1umpi)re111111Yout 110 lismana. Adelphi Meeting. The0-followig program w till 1be 111111 by tho Adelphi liM~tary soityf00111r- r rooleill' ill their 11015N11111m 1n1 t11 forh loo11: Music . ... .. ... .. ... ..Qarote Declamation.......I.. Church Speec .l ...... . . . . ..L. Hbbard0 Continuation ofscia111 story..... ... . ... .. ...I.I,. Tho mas M usi . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . D~ebate: iResolved That 11101l110ture systemilis m111010nhic0)i thao the tetbooik sstem; a fIt,1-.-Stiers; 110g., S. It( Cook Criti's rort. .. ... ... ... . - - Jeffersonans. Ti'e followig Iprogramsistill lte r01- dered at Othienin011g"s5 llioil 11f the Jotfersonlfalasceilty: Declamatin ....-.. . V. )tby Essay - C. I1. Winkolltseriler Speech ...... .. . -. 1. T. 1-a es Imptrmipt disussio; aff., F. Garrt; ne., "ir. Norris. Debate: IResoled, That the0 5-.llhilg army of the U1n1t00 Staes shoud be increased to 10,00110; 11ff, . S. Cross, W. H. Iialery; 110g. .(. C.Garrett, E. L. Norris. I last iii-1'lit. it vst'1l i eil not11 to l lllit 1)1'- 1111111 - o e 11 001)) to101110)0 .111tlt 04 tlrli -caucoil a Seasul foothall hilket, iiici oe ic. 1111 11) 1c" arf ~se 1111e111t11lb-so 1w till 11110 1111 iliult11 l l 111')- IS 11 ,li p In . Marin nsi- i'lioto coll- 1 - Nvith t 1111- 1.. -loisa s t -uill oc0 r e 11111 111I'm te li r'llltlilg II it tn11111 o t ef lo i1 J " ,. ,i . 11),-illhe- 110 iii rsity ''0kw ',11 b -u .llt M'i 0thforateilil 11")1Q0,.,. A10111proest \ ii i). 1)1 ss'cdOw nI 'e 111'ofillthe l' l\\-iooli ll c all MRS. GAYLEY-BROWN. A Noble Woman Has Gone to Her Reward.- College Girls Mouirn Her Loss. a i' ll 0 lIndilo00. Ina O m' tfol- ,i-111a111irea aletiss- in)10100 )death0'of Aoi, tally lii It 0 toboo-tcu. ftc'l ulill ears' Ill till~"inlAmi 1111 llr NO GOOD STUDENT Sometapeop9 le togli Itry to tuse 111 1111 111111 n llSwih itl WeSay Buy Ihouu Which Have Tune, 51 Sooth Main st. FOOTWEAR BEAL'S SHOE STORE Opp. ourt 11ouse1 1111))St0 I r y001 wat o 00010a 1111ebox. of CHOCOLATE BON-BONS Cheap; Hot or Gold Lunches Either Night or Day go to R. E. JOLLY & CO., Stoic St. REUBEN H. KE:MPF, 1-roll) the RolylConsatoilry, Stuttgart, lGermanyl, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical Composition; also the Art of ba-haill 1111d 11110c1111iinitiel4. '1cc- i omanihood.+s Itl~g cottlnittcc