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November 02, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-02

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MJGHIGAN LNI~I The Columbian Organ.
Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1894. To fteLditor of iU. of MN. Daily:
EAST. WEST. Sir-il looking ovrthetl(colntert
Mail and Es--- 4 05 Mail.------- l4 course of the (lioral I'nion, as pub-
N. Y. Special-. 515 N. Y. Special...-7 05
Eastern Ex----10 25 N. S. Limited.. .925 lished ini the tity plaps, I was iili
A. t. PacificEs.---12 15
Atlantic Exs.--7 47 P. M. su~rprisedl atis disiiayedl to see the alt-
ft. N. Epress- 5 40 Western Es.- 53
G. R. Express --11 05 tCIi. Nt. Ex--.-10 25 senceofaliitot rgireil
G.It. Ex ---- 557 ofaleson ornrcil
0.,V. RItES, 11. 0W. HATES, 011011tihe Columifan (rgan.
G. P. & T. Age., Chicago. Aft., Ann Arbose.
sle'rliapo, the oiiissioii of snont-gil
TI.9 A. A. & N. Me lY* recital waSsidue 1o lh- fact thai n
Tatkinig effect Stutday, Aug. 1, 18A4
'To.raieve Attn Atrbar in Centeal sand- tolsicalin ustrumensttwh-latever, hot ce-cu
itsd lime. She jack-horsepianoitfortto is itlayesd be5-
7:18 a. m.. 7:15 a. m:. fore outr lpsblic assmibliesyeiir in atid
112:25 p m 11:30,1.n.
4:15 p.mi. 9:00 p. nm. ear out, so troinenstly suiT so fue-
*TraiiE5 ean beteena Anti Arbor andiToledo (leil sIe0011
only. funl steogn
All traitis daily except 5Siday.
It. S. GREENWVOOID, Apet. Bus whatversiruay havei-1 sculiiihe
W. UI.BENNETTI, G. P. A., Toleido, O tireasoti forse asenseiiii isf1inorg-ait
DI ETAS & SCHANZ, recital, it ittilails iieverthielss that
Latest and best Styles xlfsreigii and Do-oftergnemi s udsod
mestic 'iool is. Fest class it and first class ilill1i7SIS t1:11tlltose iof aluiost atiy
woek guatunleed. Cleanintg, prettitg and
repiaiig neatly done. oterins1tmetnt ill"gneilus . Ist.ls
484 S. Slate st.. Srcond Flonor, Ann Artbor. Ow rich litatuire is for liitielost
HANOSTERFE TRER, hart a elied book; aond lie itistrit-
.......111 andi ,legitimtateStyli by only a
very fewe0f the ninn~iy that attieipt to00 paliirmSniyt udy
TRADE FoIsl liesttresonis ilotit, to saOiy
lilRthe llliy ptron~~ts Who wold prefeitlir
/ liii- theirginltintii', it owoutll setmithat
13 E S ltiatsag;i ittettof liii' (horal I iiioii
cNLE/VV LI 'N C Ur7: wouotld base hdlout fileicoutrse ilrgail
reiiitalsIsy artlistssuShllas Eddiy,
B "usrown anditisi respec-tially stn
BEST lbs si oal in s justbi-g piiced i 17i-
B ieFur Rsity ball, The euducatisinl lubeLIofT
OOSVIL, I ask for ettiiots upon this sisitjc,
and CINCINNATI,.htte. lmba r~nmyb

Every tmemiber oft the Oralce board
is requested to lie presenit at ftenexf
mieetin~g, to be hlds Friday afteriooii
at 1 o'clock, ill rootii!).
A writteti exainailtionl for advsancesd
credlit in aistronomiy wsill be heisT Saf-
urdfay niext, Novemuber 0', it 2 p. in.,
roomi 22, CUiv-ersity 711l1. Testimoii-
ials regarding dvaticedl svtrk shouldl
Ite presetntefdattIhaftutile.
't'here still be iiiiiportanlt mleftingl
of She executtive iloard (if the (Oratori-
cal Associationi. Friday, Nov. 2, it
4 pi. in., in toom 241. All liltmbtissit
lii boarditiresetixtpectedl tlie preset.
T. 11. QiAPLti.Pres.
All students expecting to graduate ill
any giveu yealr mu1st report to the
registrar at the opening of tile year
and ascertain svhat prescribed work, if
auy, is still lacking for the degcte
1'. tR. det'(INT.
The clasn football gasses wyill be
llayed early this year. Managers and
captains are urged to get their men
out at once.
Thbe scedule of inter-class footbaill
Illest5is aso follows:
Nov..)--')7 lit vs. '95 lit.
Nov. 85 lawbisv5. Sf161law.
Nov. 12-195 lit vs . 50 lit.
Nov. 5 1-Wiiue of Ntis. S vs. iugh
Nos-. lii O7inner of Nov. 5 vs.
wsiner of Nov-. 12.
Nos.-.iWinnser of Nov. 14 to. win-
ne of Nsiv. 156.
Ally other classes wishing t orgiln-
ize teamss to comnpete for chiampion-.
ship, senld word as soonI as tossible
ansi ilaces in schdutle osillbehet-vaug-
std for ltiemi.



i dancing at Grangers Acadeimy.
You cll join the classes this week,
aextwxeelk or at 11115'time1m11sftcol-
veniest 1o yourslf. IRoss (Gratger,
Principal. Authlor of the Watz Otx-
fosruiandtIhe I. of A. Wlie..
If you smoke Cigars, buy 111e1blst.
LOSCOE CONEiLING 1isfthe brand,
Two line stuitss of toous, furntace
hcat iiioseett louse. $2itt-r week
each, t 5) WiluotifS. 11-34
-otner of iPackalrdi st. anld iftlb-cv.
Owner casihaessameii by calling and
ideitifying properly and paying for
Suis llllertiseliieit. Sll beiseen 3
ansi 511. i. att (S S. Fifthi 11e. 5W.
it. Mlurray.
Ittsaysso ladsat, wahe's Uiiv-r-
sity Rook Sot. Largest stock of
Swea-~ttrstlynlatiuli lits sad Sport.
lug Suipplies in Slitctty. 'iTe right
irice sal eserylliiig.
t2Etl G11-7 5V111.
] CU N 1)
A sot of mney', Sturday, oi Sain
st. It soill be returet o owoner by
addressing ihauuls, 4 . 1 Uiversiy
Whletn youl Ovillt a good Cigar 1017
fcithe fltOSCiOli CSNKLING.
The Daily has already nitore sub-
scribers among the co-eds than ever
before in its history. Coeds, sub-
scribe, you are lepreelfietI on (le-
The best in t cu'O'ig always gives.
thio greatest satisfut :,,. The itOSCO.5
CONKLING Cigars art the best anti
cost no Mire thanhu inferior brants.
Don't forget to sbscibe for the
_ ey Reqittit orse ie
S Spaulding's
a Intercollegiate
:z , Football.
S iAtoitled 1l4 y the
P " l ,: Ittri-all retieA so~ca-
" tiall mtcihi"allaes.
PICitEswihiinflator 5.
Otuldithscimee Foit oiittbal l Ctalogu
stfre-. s - sings Ofialhotbabtlltides
ftr InS'" etitedi by 'Wa~ltr Captotta iin~i~g
thenw tilt altdot her v-alsairl- iforma-
tin, by oiil, rice 10cetls. Spiditg
fradi- it-c i-l iwoxhat yuytti firxte garantttee
Nrw Yrk. Chicago. IhiladrlPtIia.
E. S. SERVISS, Mlanager,
SOUT 01111 -ttRTTJ AtENtI.-
20 EAS' l17f7ON S'ITE'
teed 'Woirkt tua-rmi t. 1Go1111 t letifat,
iandtdelveed.l A.0.N. ClOERT 1o1.
W -taMVt S~atI coMN .iVN7ftMti SAVir~ij
-= a eutiried."
A Dctiary f
F Geography,
- ~etinn, kt-
> tpttt It0 AStrand Eduat
sAreast o eTimP
e A tibrary is Iselt
Iometiwal-The One Great tandard Authority-r
Pulished Sr
(i C.t IEEIIAM (O Ort PIss Inel a93.1 0 I.,
.,er Hae byallPoersindSito tei^t
lola ta r ree pspectus
uts'lsest buynreprin tf ncirent eu

Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and

111or-Ita n lBoruuiuuiusutoIts hin ussltt
of I'lisioly bill. A .SlID-1ENT.
Offer to Music Lovers.
TBrtinad' sluisinlul Wortlfsrn-Nit
vtiubeu 1coiltais 1)Sissihs elii sis

____large______am1 o ut of us-tusil i i ll- i
ASK FOR TICKETS VIA "iena1lulis Vi te byC.' ' ri., Nov. -(Oraclelboaisd uteetsi
7,iniuur; titfsotte iseat ei his by' Tf. 11r5oum -5.)bit-is'c c.
BIG"+ f OLR. f ROUT C. 'iselite; 'T-nuinuig'y lt (tosI)us sh Te l., Nov. 2.-fieetigositShe nncul-
F Ot~ RICE iiB l I e clbslit 1ani11151 t sstuusuuouls tixi-e board o'f thie Oratloricli ssoniti-
Paissenger rabli. Mgt. tGen. ).I0. 7 dA nit0. a lO enus bea~uutiful Soue, -bI Itlil2,41li
Dsg~~ ~ I ~ Iretamuuof 'ills',Doe Fri.,-"'Tils tic F ri., Nox 2 t.'rehuuuouuu spreadlat
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORINO alone,.Nos-x2.rAhithiu. on. Worldois
$',1J, lister year, 25 cs-sill itt-n nitis
Cttrntof State and Wiillhia tun ai: hsiotite ulse f a di
ItV~lliam st.retance. t sl. DuelNugthistuus-ioluliiital'bEqualityi Atcluib
sertosenstushSie Mtusitcil Worlton t u h ah -iNx'-fhfia tuh hu
K ZMTS3 R(3--A RT FMT! frfor mnts al ecit o -5 -tsmesat Ni-sbs-try hall. 3 p. un.
Students Recreation Head- inu stampi~s.Shuts xwilinlude lthus bstuu Satt., Ntiv. .--Meetlig of Abhliof'Nu
quarters. i5 u Cirst) manl ewYest xIlti i htary5sotttsS, t oomiu4, T7ltS p.uin.
No. 3 N.Mainitrecet. uu:l uuohtci;5. lushfills tu stu -.es will Slit., Nssx.:2. 'Oa silS-v s. t'orne11llia
ANN ARBOR csnitnuuabout 2(0 iinp iecosw uusin lul
STE AM YE ' C)O :S . Its ts saflauge ltis(t molsiterittit Sat., Ntis., -2.-Senisiiolas eecnini ii-
.ttx iuthtiis 1Oiiu~ etet 115ii ucl ussduig. No 1is11, itt I r c htitetue 100111, laxv hillihi.
Ldc'ad0at teb ltthiCulot is iSshlstillsills-e. Sat.,Noxv . 1 Juior la s elect obBi-
3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Addtress 'b.'is-:St.Stusiuouu-s Stls -ses, lenturue 10111, blxv building, 7:25
I 'hi-a . Il. 1
FRA KL HO SEMile. Rheoa. 1"ithy C'lubs, 'fi'Buryliant Anvr
It isnwellbhefoesleasing hotme, stheter I mufntipLtio withi'gret, interstu i nd s
hotebusandsshorepyeasuedto deide uon a dlightbty It cal fuot-tsrors -ani[Ntiesinserted iuu tbhislumn at lie ralte
htladteeyaodcofusion. of 5icets per lint-. Special erites for singer
peased t aeteno sarwlnodut <v uou easlopyat the aid at sIthe tiAbIYaffic,-.]
"FranklInii Jouse,'t net. Larned codareetoatteGadOea rsAniladFse'sdvcd
and Baten Stshere yeuawt ihave a good nutlu 'sutoimt bs l~nI(t-t Sr iii ~rlistesaban
meal and a clean ted at moderate rats.n ioueotItl c ntSmluimysslu-1115 begins Mondayt55 eveninig, Nov. 5.
The houseohasheenrnoated frmmtep to I~s o !rtIl n -tida v
boetm pead tfullyn fistlugs, condi2tutou. :1All formuer pupuhils, uuid all othuers visiu-
esetulis,-o.2ad.. aeH. I-. JAMES.I _in,-___t___jo in 5t, lre cordialhly invited.
MeStals, a5c. Lodgingn, 50. Two Hustlers can mar~e goodnIBoney School, 4(2 5. Stuitests. -52
rehay, *u. Jo soliciting subacriptions for teiU. of THE TERMS AT GRIANGERt'S.
- - -- M. Daily, Call at the office in Times Beginning oith pupils firat ltsson,
Subscribe for the Daily, block. 12 reeks constitute a term1 of lessons

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