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November 01, 1894 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-01

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Ije ii. of

1 1. 1ai lt .

ViOL. . No . 2 9.



The Team Leaves Tnight to Bat-
tle With the Ithacans.-The
Line Up.
Thle foolmall thau llvilevt et'rIt
tcat ity'tie' Sieliga Ceitral oight
it 10:2,).Tliiitollwivigt'enixe:>eits.
SLtigee i'aiird. C('ch l(letauley tind
tie' Itip: itit. iHititiege. C ar,.
Rtytnoldls Vill. Pict.IMad~dnt. ee-
''fi. otam xill arivet i li Iaca t-
15(1 inon ndtill ittve a shart
itt te arfti titi t 'a. elill('uip ithle'
Left 'tut. I ihion eft litacic.,Vila
Left gttardi. (Carr.:ceitet. RSitt;ighi t
guard;Ilenniu~vr:ligtieacle. Ry
httplelftt111tt'i icatrdll ttthtltalf.
itpt aiitill fttuttableatowelyt
undtiseti its xiiiut'el. t ffeclix
lets oftti te it ltt eatenc.oyell :ais
ithttt'wa tt it it lyn l aty it t test'
till titil Corneit lii't stchit ttu' I tttt
Hallhow eeinp Docing ys.edl,"
n ustti iiio.Thetie pl atlt'orttkttittil
lti'steit afdit i'stprobxxbly intgthest
ttst'tietha:ou thncesut.wtthli''ifeet'lio.
pttedtang tautttote'aixeiitli itttitiapi.
Bird abt'stutfeutmqxvr'tereaitittit
pet no'tt in the be eta'.,tthfetttn'
noteatht ahofarefsendingtutt.oilt
stonetftliam.citrkutfet es
titaltea hailitseot'iii't'sttv uf'
quitclyadsit o resncatn ieglearnoilnoi
rauoaioritvtat 5'. M Cte. A lig

Junior Hop Committee. Inland League Program.
'iii t'ittittsa'' iilittiigi'ofthflii' Protf. 8Suis It. Shills, xx'tuttis sit xxiii
jtiuirtotp Ittixi tutu iti notittit i s i ttuft'i'ttttbly lknownxxin iAnti .rbtr.

1tii. Isi I. Cixilt ii its atit'IL's
11nea chatuiuuimantttantdtxeF. WtI. Stu''t't
1utt)1ittiPsi . wilisitactts A'. iiSlat',
'Il' ittoitfattisisetl adiSittiltis
inRatecep fu''tho Cm is l'A.Iii' ft't'slutt'-
ou utsorlttxx Do lt 'it Mr.tt Ati'k.
Sch xxiii. I ' tic fi'r.tslttt't sixesa
that ilit ii') uuuiulgSitO iii
fttt'ttfutthtg hit itlilil-C.01. Dv
RlxxasTxxtat'sPit'tt il' tus WsettiIN(-ite
811 h. I'l, paPi .R Mc
NIr ortheternT Prepring.1m,1-
Pettf. ('luiets ititutitii'tiss-.. f
u'tlxhtii'I' ' tout?. I. arigtonttx'elti
tolp, ti'si't't'sf.xC.otis in tis 'xi.t<,
listxxii u'txt's'n Nti'tlxx''xiti't ii
titi: IhT.tC. Coloa. Nh ixxappasei.

beii' sslstetl
of fliflhit.
tititldel-- - - -
scu' it it hit'i
i et-ilel -titti-
Vt ll'tc i

:sat lie' Church'ltof,( 'heist
t1- tig-it. Sit. Sills"xwiii
'lit' pruuttlltis is fttlios:
S------- i-- ittr I i Cu orei
b. Sfuuuuexx sNattttilt't
it--------- aliz. A flt
a. tttete tse
tut------' - l ttu no
a. Texill,,,'
stration to Date.

Triy a to leatint xithotttitantkx.
Somle'peoipli' thohtrs~lIy'to use
mtuichal inistrumnts xxih little
W1e Say Boy Those Which Have lone.
We sell that 1k111.
51. Sooth Main st.

FI'lii' 'a'g'slttieit of alttleilts iniihei EAi 'SSHOE STORE
I i' t'tsit' ntilt teit'is 2660, a tltl in- O pi uri t Il ihti at' ~initSt.
crasSo)50ovtitehiulthlilst thoar. If you wianttoi get a ine box of
'Illurgistetiuot tic alttihiilh hts is a H C LT
l.rtxvt< Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Eithar
Sitel .......35.. 1 Night or Dlay go to
Thutiti ................. is R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
I Ioilwoihatui .lit .i...I...it a ..i1
Reserves vs. Adrian. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musucal
Composition; also the Art of
Thei re'u'xuser xxiiNilluave, for AdritantTeaching.
ii at7:1.5 standarittimeuh'athdwiiilNMERCH.ANT TAILORING!
hayt tthe ltutidr ianC lieteniutthere 'to- Olat i' Pressing suit) iepirtiti
dice neahtly by
hhulox' atfueu uuuuu. Sisituolt ttI xuilh AUGt. ),ClOENEs'uAID, 'lst E. ltuiasuentonu
bei taenuithli e ipi ttu) thi'ptucut' tlhl IiE- 'i LI.'z j T ~ fI-1J
hu.1111ttiuu'aytut' uttuuc.uta' i s xi t tiltrs11itti\iEii
sexus he ut' tilt,'tie t ice cluultt. JUT. 1 (i u Diii T i
Gratifying Aunnouncement. + 48 S. STATE ST.
titut gutnetitestu''fis beii. ing n~ir thutati SCHOOL OF DANCING.
lini ora';uit lu't irclesut' hs ti car.i AI-
ta st tpe. Pupil- ueceiuedhMit tat
retadly151) now)' 1itiuttuuts hiveix eit l se- tiuethtiermi sltrtiguithidit le ofatua tlts'
siuuuu. Allhlsttsare'undert he prcnli
cuu' fouh lhu e h i' asocitiohuh tutu) it it stesrct fitt th. aid Mse. Liss trleuu r. Ni
.4t01et iotmuttt. Ohitead tutt i ittuis a t)ll
ttlutiht tttha t tany mttori'xxll li be io it-itieg~on ll) or, t1I Maynai t .x
tIthutuu. 'hullai till inusure'umet it it x AA~l n v r
Concert Postponed. _______
'li'he sutctntul ctu- citntue.'tielu 'Veoffer' discotunt out tll
xctus ht hatve.ttattntuiahe thuts'x'uuiltgUniversity Text-Books,
hatbeentpttu')d olii hh'5aut of liii' Law, Medical, Pharmnacetutical
ikns totx~.'Ln. rf ttal and Scientific Books.
uehOusthif te S te.rtarif.menttwilly "etbuy andh oell secondl-huttnd books.
tuuuuuuuuas iuutlii uuuu'ltiuuuuut xii Matbatnatical Instriumntts andh
probabl take uI lc Saturdayt 111t.i;1t or IDrafting Supplies it special
rates. SWe otfer
tlii Sit if neuxt xxiii.
B3est Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.
OUity Entertainment Postponed. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
'li'the Byatu tenn'uiaul ceulebra'ttionuu of SOLIAOIIN'ihtS O
'tuit' (liii), xvitielu hutasutuit:'l inthtteh'ui RMAN'IDEAL EBJOIAIN PEN "-
forutt n ttt atrtltt eh'x'tiitgNix'. I, hats ___________
tutu nesarfit'li itily t ostpoedutil SIhun-' '75)170S''JIEIS
liaiy u'x'uuuiuu, Nu'. a). 'tilt't5ity Bookustore, toe', Towin,
Ottettst. tOpp. Caurt house.

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