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October 29, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-29

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11 ,._ ,I 5 r r


Von.. II.-No. 24-.


PjacE, Tm-n,;F: CI+ N':I'S.

1Great Welcome and a Merry
The Storm Gave Way for the Mler-
ry Co-Ecs-One of the Moat Brill-O
iaot Spreads Ever Given-The
Favored Gentlemen Woulo not go
anO their Esoorts went Alone.
Asevtn o'c0lockitlist evening the
storm fiend(1re11ne(1supreme, ad
tn11ovast 1o-tdswonderedtiif she
001 lIt beobligtel to imiss that most
iniploranit evtot ini tile c1-tds col-
feeetai, namtiy, the freshman(
spireaitlIhut 7:-0o'oclock odecidedt
in favor o(Ithelitpreail anthe10conel
May egn o ssmbe.In a sort
time1the(litno(f convtisation anil

((ote.Refreshmaents weretservetd
i the gallersy1a11dtconsistthficfes0,
cakts, salttd lm ondils (1111 bonblons.
Whe 1(0 t11wa s stitetd that I tangstet-
foi su~ppliedl 1hem, it 15slunnecttssary
caty V in(it1el.
111'Ilgils ot 'I.55tert SI) (01 11191
as tol haveo uit111 elb110d ad
as ther g1estMiss %Sophia19(-',.IIa
Petrkisstof 111ll stret ( ko
htr Ibeter asthe 1ltlv who 5won)0the
p11/e for the Idesin of 11he (womans0'I
huildin((0at'theiWold'ts Uior.Mi ss
Htaydlenlis-i chiarrming litle (w0(1a1
whioml it 15s1apltasurt to 111et, 10
facti ata slocial0y1a11ellsstiin(ttl-
ectuillyI. -'he will remtin 111in Ann1
Arbor aboutat weekt

Professors Price anti Votasv Give 1-k
Opening Adtdresses. - A"F a
T he itst session of the S. Cl"a I liii iR
1111110instilt t as ol~tISO~lat 7'°o Mu I~
last esvening witli prayer by styv DETROIT, MICH.
Youg. rof. 110 . P iceillnie-
diatl o~lowedos ha lud of -,
The (11Ch1rIteOr of tile Bliomn Jll
stodsy by gIii" tile 1rophies con-
cerning1"the capii i iistyfloing it
with a tiscsion55111of91tfive lqesltins:
. Why ways m Jll xile?11011 herej
vas uda exied?3. Wat ereIirheniiyouwtitthe Latest Metro~polia Styles
tile classes of exiles? 4. Wh1191was iol K1.$411r .V' Shoes atI50cetosi a (pair less thian
Aiss Arbosipritces, send tilr t'italogueito i
tilt rtligiots condtiOoilof theexiles?"
;. ha1tinstitu1tions5existtdlamnlg
ltho exil oedtest?15R15H10F'YFE&
Succeetding 11iriPrice's atddress' 101, 183-18500 5 11111 imArE.rf oa pndtedscsinDTOT IHGN
of Stuily I. of "Some of the Aspects I P. J. KINNUCAN,
of the Life of Christ.''
'rbe discussion was in foul topits.
T. The historical record.l z. Tbe MERCHANT
chronology of the mlinlistry. ,Bate
andt relation of events. 4. The geo-
ofeadre tierle openedl theTA LO
studty, 5511101 will be 001111111101ill

tite number)0of ihappy fates store at- edIso 101, th1111stppular,1w11tze1
most conclusive evidecle that111 1smeo heIbutIolia tate
1010 tof the six 11(nd1red1ilnvitationls had I and receiveidreipeatedl encores fromi
hO~n ll~gicte~lth10girls, svho seenmetdnot ioiiy to
hengils f'95sore5't01 yeno' the fine floor hut also tile 0p-
Mecsdames Angell, 'Thomas, 0oin-lprllity to ptrose that a gtirts' 11op
Ilati, ci~allio, -ree Ixostcoti 19be a sliccess.
bampheil,aCotileyre, Knowl1tonte T he110 uppertciasslell actetd as 0s-
Cambel, Cole, HffandRee, orts to the freshmn, andtIhie soph-
axnd had1( the advtantage of hemng91)l0
to gove thleir reception in Granger's oirsam o ieIrtslll
1(00 hilsohth ~i~ se11he aliilgirls. Everybody folt11that it wsas a
Elie (host artistic in lime city. 1111 rae ~ellr I (01s1o
sore xceptonall the college girls thlan simlllIi a cer-
til uenl~irts wr xepinlytall class.
filet Tetystore gotten u11p in
Ole 95 ~ -- I During the week quleries swere nu0-
lietoitfroi adesin oadeO~pC nerous as to swhether the tswo or three
fatly for this occasion. The cover enlne(sh tr ofruaea
teas gracedth 11tile cat of a mlaid
throingcrubs o we cick, ad (to receive invitations wouiti acceipt,
tastplined lbysato9seirlchcksaid bat swhen the event~fu~ltime came
ts xpailedl~ya g~ ir tie ial Itihey showvedth lenmselves so inappre-
representedl thesoph~onmores anti tile divastre inwy.H
chicks store Ithe freshmen.1001 aieostormanawytRw
les tie ctlllbsarefroi 1( ossever, tile girls ilad dooe their part
of kirndness andl gooti feeling i lite lf aii~'t~ lei ~i alt
00ou01110 also cootainedl 11(0diie111 r 1110commnittees may congratulate
(ccasion, n~ames of the chaperonS
91(1 110 11010 Stalicliec thenisels-es tihat theoir plans store so
and he ott "Sall hee a~d crefully arranged and wtell executed
great swelcomne ((akes a merry th~at they h(ave given one of tile010s1
feast.''noal prasta heL.o I
Several very lprety selettions genjoyale h~radste lb.Itesuf.of 1a1.
wvere rendeced by tile Ann Arbior grslt ll iepes~oo t
Ladies Blanjol Club, wviich supports tedig
5000 1i instruments, iiamely, a man- ADDITIONDAL PRIZES,
v101li1, th~ree guitars, and tihree ban-{'
jos. 'The ladies liase form~ed a per- Offered In the Field Day Sports To-
otaneot organization, and furnish dlay.
delightful mlusic. In yesterday's list of prizes for
Of course introductions were tile field day three were omited. Thley
order of the fvening, and one fresh- are as follows:
mlan was beard confidenoily to de- Running hligh jump-Silk u111-
clare that she knew seven names and b rella, by A. L. Noble.
wha grl o ppl tem obutlaer One mile run-Running shoes,
wha gil t aplythe to ho laerby Goodspeed & Sons.
was forced to admit that she should Throwing hammer-Subscription
probably forget them if she met any U. of M. DAILY, by DAILY Board.

otlher dicsions5101.
But Are Too Noisy to Transact
Any Business.
'Pie Oturtainl sas rung dostn yester-
day afternooll onltile first act of tile
junior last election(. Torbulence
stas tile chief chiaracteristic of the
meetini. Al prlam" tryrules
svere laid on the table and tile only
motion thlat attracteti any su~pport
was thmat for atdjoturnmuent.
'T'he meeting svas called to order
by Chairman iBissell an~d minutes of
previouls mleeting read. A m101i01
to adijoturn for fou~r weeks created a
roumpuus. At this jttnctulre a senior
last wtitih a sanctim~onious 09100
ascenodedothtie platforom and announceti
that tile Dean desired a speedty dis-
persionl. 'The chairnian failed to
see the joke anti arbitrarily adjournedl
the meeting.
M~iss Alice Hagernman, who for
two yearn followed the fortunes of
lit '94, is visiting Miss 'Lena Tomp-
son at 1812 N. Thayer. Miss
Hagerman is tbis year attending the
Jefferson street Art school in De-


55 W-.FR-' a-'_,
jq ihmond Straight Qeit.
No. 1
Cigasrtte Smokeswhs
- msore than the price
chargdf'or( the sriis-y
4 -r Irade0Cigtettes,.will fSad
- 'leS BRlANDilsuplerior to
f'~ all others.
0' The ichmssed Staightl
Cut No.(Oigarettes aresmade from'stebright-
est, most deileately flavoredi and highettcost
Bold Lest groswn isVirginia. 'This is the 01d
sod Olriginal Brand of Straight Oat 5Ciarettes,
and wan broaght oat br as ir, the rear 185.
Bewsare of imitations, 11n1 observe thast the
fern name as beloswis at every paekage.
The ALLEN & GINTERBrancith
Ofthe Ameriean Tobaccii Cs.,
Manufaeturers. - - BichmndVirginia.
M, 3 ~TAELP.,h z
11 W. Washington St.
=3ITL 1 TO. B.
R. E. JOLLY & CO.$
SELL-- -

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