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October 27, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-27

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r. scarcely necessary, we hope, for us " _1.= c 7 =
C' of (V; t to assure the studeist dody that the
football management has sufficient New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during hack-hose to mnert the TeeesmteiuriegeLInFIUEcoyt.tiniioin
theColea~eyerby We are tolil that measures have at- Teesnthnik__SI _IGRou_ i nmoin
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ready been inaugurated to repair We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We
Subseriptiissiprine, $.501 per yeas, isvariably thse damagc sustained, and that Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes.
advance single rapier 3 cetis. Sabscrip- everything wail1 be done that lies _W .A H 6 F o ISjZER ,
liars may beset atttfire atthe OsIteY,7
at stafflt's, with allyofithite ensuors of within the itonmain of human possi- 46 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR,. MICIH..
authorizedrsolicitors. bility.Itionyecsayoad
coaismun,ictot hyldorenach athe estytthat now bi h im ecessafryendtofd Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
7oclotkmn.rioiattheyliuadre ochplbsrib exyittr irfrfred fMichgnRiwy
,ay. Address allitmattrinitdndfor pablica- the traandni of the University ati- tm hiauaiwy
.inot e vlb asoai~g iditucr. Alluiessr exrc ettriTfrbrac Clard its vffest Sunday, August 21, li
,"n cains should besntttihe iasi- Irtics to eecs hirfrerneOs ._,, Dpatareaf 'Trains at As Atbar.
'revs '%tivarer. We have nowy to face a crisis; let
THE U. of M.ILY. there be no fib'hnganwhre nt-aO-Rale
Ann Arbor, ichst.insg nwtr _ Na. 1.brankfort MailsandtExprss °01a. t51
-alonsg lthtline. c U_ K'~v~ No.3I PasesgrAnnArbortAvva t.2a00raoo
____________,~,svyr-1'l'/' Na. 5.Clare Mailtnxreanges...0 2 p m
EDITORS. No____X94,,4fXl~f/~t~A. . 11a1Tilleldaota easse rSarday
F ,. I sseIvi., ii. 93, Msanaing Eidii. ' IGyare isn receipt tsf a coismunica- Ia the LEADING SCnOOLrOFBUSIESStog8- Na. 11:3. Toledoansld Owossaevii cr0day
I. J. '. tc15', 1,.it'94ihAssisanclt. toucisu n' itivi incg; nlav teacslareattendace;oisi). ... .... . i.d50pll. v
A. .)isxiso, i . .3 ,.lxi-lciiil Ibis, Signedtl ''96 Lit,'' ou hig gomdldive, sueriasevarkis selleavvtiedlreadies sassy eiic)Liii.
rooma, daivei~reeelSatura'y eening recepios;
iv.~ l0 i .~ , ii '"J', A; s sanit. stioss7te lreshlsssvii class clectiosn. cype lierntire er; saatatrvial gaaeso i grea o N. 2. Toedt iliiExprsecs..... 3?i. i ti .
5. (i. Witi'ii :>>iiIi.ci it. 'Sll, Ilusilii'55 latagctv.ithiah-'ic expe e$to$275d e r wea inrvatelilasee Nao. TledAiria ciivrndse .;Sit.iii..
1v h.iili i~iiii li,\vcdi. le sriter f orgoftous sirn tis nassie tag r NxwC'AeerTALOG75UE dse tfiprivite l- Nii IcwdeAcihoiiilit Iiii.
'. '. 'i icce Sax 'saveIitv94a;14ixtst iiadvrt e\o c. i . Ito a nd Tols ivedo .a d
_ .is. . t' .tx ite '9, ~Acai-tcit. lid a vioutlier ut gotd silifa sithv cvandstvc vcnottt P. Nii. liiiPre. ipit)iev . ...........i a utci
5'.tc'.av v, ii 'v.necessaril y lot' 7011lication. 'Iis Wlcvs tdn- oS e 'iitciS~ttat''ec'
i' i. ~~, ..pv*'3xl; ine is iperative. \We wiii willinigly0 Stnitii i id6l l e tt Iti ttt'ii .l iiii cii v c
'oToledo oncitipvd, < cevi t r a ilic
I'.IA ii1cx 3. ii iblih the letter, bu t'6li" oF inrV Tri s 11,703iadi1Itu 1 'iii' T
EIi. 'lxii .5.lU"1. iist snakle lii idenity knowisoixiUsi i. FO R -_S =S1v 2i'TitZIi dtlyetc ~t iic i
'5cci,,ic~c i.it at ~t. ' '. ~I sive o ~ttxxliiTENNIS - SHOES,-IN - STOCK'I. Iicti.xctn. .tgI'It. kI c eiasc"t
Cciiiix Icitit, .'a' 001111nsilileianings, thave be- , STE l)ENH'I'S, SAN\E fli l" 1'NTOI I MONI(? AN I) Ill' N'
51 x'I i W .., 'IcV 's+. rolicieniipiireid by list political fer-
lix; Rc~svcic lnSltci''cii - . ' ,. v c ~

The namesi of all persona whose
subscriptions are not paid on or be-
f ore November 5th will be stricken
from oar list.
Thn Football Etuationt.
Ih li cc11'ilenttiih'1)1(i170Dece
thid1 Iin teilictrecv 'iiii.. 1111
hey ii ii (loi he 1n ii llc' to I 1icy j
keeptliil l'o, a. ii 1Cicl i) cli>v
i)( ii ('.1' 1 1 vvl str 'lii ha 1"s
iil' t eI ii1tci ivy i cx 0 liofth cl'

v ir o1 tuherstilccnt rrtlsr-
mavy forii a U'. of Kc.Iomari
(rage Club. Itre's to theirs
'liiwrU'nity Cixib iistenved t(
tire last i'eonclay eveniing,
lT'homtsas, of Chiitago, tin1-')
It 'ixsivevidesitly a usodernsi
oi ' loubtiiig Thsoms"'
i Contin 'dctrom lir'xt Ii'
lie - xcim i fr. t eI ag'1 _
lit xstio 'l 'o.'r1l(: 'flvl 1 ''5

en, and5
's Suff-

-AT T'1ftE-

by Dr.
)onht. ' G're-ek. Lain?, Frensl(ch, emas n td lillColicexge 'toxt-Iii ci a Nowx
stxanscc cit Seciviti-Ilanti.
)o(" of .I . . OeCC) LC)]'7li.
vrcid 1111'b r r ~. 5soiati n I GR L OPELLjIIC

A Oc iSL ix.il't15 on 1fot to fe'y~ e il}' atciv., is roo P<i. ti'c cil'lc''
rcilan.In add eicsitiilti i"001om- ipritedion wx'c can(.1ble putithlit Itilci irets to ltecolititlios
beile to tri ci liunitreds ocfesiles illlei avc0,vx o erNiiovvliviceY 00tt 1o
order t10 uct tgood ea 'ms, nsu istuet assiiiissasswer tolte goss er n ibrbe lpresent.'tI cicivte tcv tcicccivvcci'ci ici Sl. 11cct v 55'iiivci
fein iilstlllssiti iscsvf ron i. Sliest slips are 10 be ietios- Ii iiixc. ldeiing to i--si'eipicis- A ~ elt 't'iieecjccc,c Elvi ciecene"
and diad antge, lre ai 01 " + 1 A tea b ir c ecer t it l n 'irctinicci b s
and tixvtrlsstaes, rcm~t aie ted in lthi. tif Iu. D xi e~v boxes in bers vof thi' ssociation are corcially Doc'itfail tosev te lvGrc'ct HccvrlemI civicl-w
seie o aciens es tfsicntiesithe tasw and tlittierary buildings, trte "I.Jotrssli, lPresidtent. 1Prices, S-ries. 35c,0condS75c
It seems as thouiiet hercxtrenme of aisd inte l geineral1 library. Slipss ..~~ rne
misfortune meust thave been reachsed ran be obtainedh at the Stesward's of- BUSIN ESS LOCALS. AGENTSx 'AN'rED-Libvraei savs'x,
in Monday's gamse, whvien four ess lice, anld from _Julius M'coses, I:. C. ____-a id to active, stifle-swakse ongien si.
'iree dsalsech asil tse gnse Lstlincdley, J. C. 'ribri, T. IF. Goodl- ll e vleiit linesif niseieis ihtssteedents preferred; emphloymt s lieas-
wer diabldandthegam hd (antandpemannt:no ooetedli.J . 'IV. Loetb, A. Redter, I.. aendfuriiishsiing gieoits fur m01115 lbshi bce easeteeSras..Rcets RAesiciNa ptisoIrihti beesh ptczlisg
flisllytiebe ah'ctbecase isee Sralssaisd C. 'AV. icets iteshoiwnisat IteCtioit Moeise', fromiss \ild Washx alee hi goIAi'lt.
svas so ffeettmsanto fi11 tierliterary detpartnsent; anil in thse pro- 1st eltte hatl ethfiby C. ad.1 . ti soivisCis - ish b sAtiises, uitgsIll
breacs. ut isosvcomses thsis acci- fsin0.eatmnsfrmpron , Exe-hsiveosess ifisovelie.send Mess lBertinas I;. Bliss. teechier of the
theist to left guard andetItel ackle, swtose naises swill be annsouncetd msdeclitiioef pticees are ssidctoCcinns- (eetui taId isajio. Ii}; Soitth lMaiii
hereafter. Itt every one vote. 1porCtant tchateristics eif hislaine. -tieest.--s-IS-1tl
bsoths strong isen, 'iwhose loss osusti_ - - .__ leasassuit eof fronICtsiiomsto ritilDanclig.
inevitably he prergnant of tdireful I i.LIytIs R.rt; I'IrANS. -There at 4TI S. Ditvisin. $2.25i ter wieek. 'ils.CiAinie 'Wart Fester's assemsibly,
conseqluences, for a time at least. sill be a meeting of the Illinois Re- 22-t Sturday, Oet. 20tti, frois 4 toi; p. in..
puks l sal itta siitsrltlblican Club in lasa quiz room, S~tden~tstwill fisethfilie eof c it-PNictels tall lli lhtetemmgh elat. Admissioni, 25 ets.
Friay igtt a 73, t Isar elsrtdies, espetially chosotestC, sit - - - Mrs. Ister 'ilil fetus classes, Satnr-
be pisssned'sf thesStats mirhatgynres atyivOtt. 29ths, 10tstti i.: ill. ., 1 tost>
be arconei i tlis astusiisafrons State Central Committee in IBuy youseeooss ast whlesalretpiicex p.soM.sCat44 Soueth State street. ('lass
comnhg like an after-clap to a tlieg regard to transportation honse to from thes Natisusal Litbrsary Associatsinst Nicketlsall, Satturday evesnisng 8 ts
succession of misfortunes, shsould vote. 243 Wabsh svenuee, Chisiags, .lit. Ad- l0.Mrss.Fosters reputatisis as ss
disconrage ttiy lutterly. Ittis 27-2tSttvC)uix Pxsutse I~r dress the Associastion fecrtiarticl.5 teachser is tss seshestablished to iseeei
esd-lIto emument. 195-t

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