THE U. OF M. DAILY. r. scarcely necessary, we hope, for us " _1.= c 7 = C' of (V; t to assure the studeist dody that the football management has sufficient New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during hack-hose to mnert the TeeesmteiuriegeLInFIUEcoyt.tiniioin theColea~eyerby We are tolil that measures have at- Teesnthnik__SI _IGRou_ i nmoin THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ready been inaugurated to repair We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We Subseriptiissiprine, $.501 per yeas, isvariably thse damagc sustained, and that Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes. advance single rapier 3 cetis. Sabscrip- everything wail1 be done that lies _W .A H 6 F o ISjZER , liars may beset atttfire atthe OsIteY,7 at stafflt's, with allyofithite ensuors of within the itonmain of human possi- 46 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR,. MICIH.. authorizedrsolicitors. bility.Itionyecsayoad coaismun,ictot hyldorenach athe estytthat now bi h im ecessafryendtofd Toledo, Ann Arbor and North 7oclotkmn.rioiattheyliuadre ochplbsrib exyittr irfrfred fMichgnRiwy ,ay. Address allitmattrinitdndfor pablica- the traandni of the University ati- tm hiauaiwy .inot e vlb asoai~g iditucr. Alluiessr exrc ettriTfrbrac Clard its vffest Sunday, August 21, li ,"n cains should besntttihe iasi- Irtics to eecs hirfrerneOs ._,, Dpatareaf 'Trains at As Atbar. 'revs '%tivarer. We have nowy to face a crisis; let THE U. of M.ILY. there be no fib'hnganwhre nt-aO-Rale Ann Arbor, ichst.insg nwtr _ Na. 1.brankfort MailsandtExprss °01a. t51 -alonsg lthtline. c U_ K'~v~ No.3I PasesgrAnnArbortAvva t.2a00raoo ____________,~,svyr-1'l'/' Na. 5.Clare Mailtnxreanges...0 2 p m EDITORS. No____X94,,4fXl~f/~t~A. . 11a1Tilleldaota easse rSarday F ,. I sseIvi., ii. 93, Msanaing Eidii. ' IGyare isn receipt tsf a coismunica- Ia the LEADING SCnOOLrOFBUSIESStog8- Na. 11:3. Toledoansld Owossaevii cr0day I. J. '. tc15', 1,.it'94ihAssisanclt. toucisu n' itivi incg; nlav teacslareattendace;oisi). ... .... . i.d50pll. v A. .)isxiso, i . .3 ,.lxi-lciiil Ibis, Signedtl ''96 Lit,'' ou hig gomdldive, sueriasevarkis selleavvtiedlreadies sassy eiic)Liii. rooma, daivei~reeelSatura'y eening recepios; iv.~ l0 i .~ , ii '"J', A; s sanit. stioss7te lreshlsssvii class clectiosn. cype lierntire er; saatatrvial gaaeso i grea o N. 2. Toedt iliiExprsecs..... 3?i. i ti . 5. (i. Witi'ii :>> it. 'Sll, Ilusilii'55 latagctv.ithiah-'ic expe e$to$275d e r wea inrvatelilasee Nao. TledAiria ciivrndse .;Sit.iii.. 1v h.iili i~iiii li,\vcdi. le sriter f orgoftous sirn tis nassie tag r NxwC'AeerTALOG75UE dse tfiprivite l- Nii IcwdeAcihoiiilit Iiii. '. '. 'i icce Sax 'saveIitv94a;14ixtst iiadvrt e\o c. i . Ito a nd Tols ivedo .a d _ .is. . t' .tx ite '9, ~Acai-tcit. lid a vioutlier ut gotd silifa sithv cvandstvc vcnottt P. Nii. liiiPre. ipit)iev . ...........i a utci 5'.tc'.av v, ii 'v.necessaril y lot' 7011lication. 'Iis Wlcvs tdn- oS e 'iitciS~ttat''ec' i' i. ~~, ..pv*'3xl; ine is iperative. \We wiii willinigly0 Stnitii i id6l l e tt Iti ttt'ii .l iiii cii v c 'oToledo oncitipvd, < cevi t r a ilic I'.IA ii1cx 3. ii iblih the letter, bu t'6li" oF inrV Tri s 11,703iadi1Itu 1 'iii' T EIi. 'lxii .5.lU"1. iist snakle lii idenity knowisoixiUsi i. FO R -_S =S1v 2i'TitZIi dtlyetc ~t iic i '5cci,,ic~c at ~t. ' '. ~I sive o ~ttxxliiTENNIS - SHOES,-IN - STOCK'I. Iicti.xctn. .tgI'It. kI c eiasc"t Cciiiix Icitit, .'a' 001111nsilileianings, thave be- , STE l)ENH'I'S, SAN\E fli l" 1'NTOI I MONI(? AN I) Ill' N' 51 x'I i W .., 'IcV 's+. rolicieniipiireid by list political fer- lix; Rc~svcic lnSltci''cii - . ' ,. v c ~ The namesi of all persona whose subscriptions are not paid on or be- f ore November 5th will be stricken from oar list. Thn Football Etuationt. Ih li cc11'ilenttiih'1)1(i170Dece thid1 Iin teilictrecv 'iiii.. 1111 hey ii ii (loi he 1n ii llc' to I 1icy j keeptliil l'o, a. ii 1Cicl i) cli>v i)( ii ('.1' 1 1 vvl str 'lii ha 1"s iil' t eI ii1tci ivy i cx 0 liofth cl' v ir o1 tuherstilccnt rrtlsr- mavy forii a U'. of Kc.Iomari (rage Club. Itre's to theirs 'liiwrU'nity Cixib iistenved t( tire last i'eonclay eveniing, lT'homtsas, of Chiitago, tin1-') It 'ixsivevidesitly a usodernsi oi ' loubtiiig Thsoms"' INTtERESTING3 INVESTIGA i Contin 'dctrom lir'xt Ii' lie - xcim i fr. t eI ag'1 _ lit xstio 'l 'o.'r1l(: 'flvl 1 ''5 en, and5 's Suff- success. -AT T'1ftE- a lee-I STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. by Dr. )onht. ' G're-ek. Lain?, Frensl(ch, emas n td lillColicexge 'toxt-Iii ci a Nowx stxanscc cit Seciviti-Ilanti. LAW AND E JOjIAL .BOOKS TION, )o(" of .I . . OeCC) LC)]'7li. vrcid 1111'b r r ~. 5soiati n I GR L OPELLjIIC A Oc iSL't15 on 1fot to fe'y~ e il}' atciv., is roo P be arconei i tlis astusiisafrons State Central Committee in IBuy youseeooss ast whlesalretpiicex p.soM.sCat44 Soueth State street. ('lass comnhg like an after-clap to a tlieg regard to transportation honse to from thes Natisusal Litbrsary Associatsinst Nicketlsall, Satturday evesnisng 8 ts succession of misfortunes, shsould vote. 243 Wabsh svenuee, Chisiags, .lit. Ad- l0.Mrss.Fosters reputatisis as ss disconrage ttiy lutterly. Ittis 27-2tSttvC)uix Pxsutse I~r dress the Associastion fecrtiarticl.5 teachser is tss seshestablished to iseeei esd-lIto emument. 195-t